How Fuzzy got stitch(es)😏

Explained with spideychelle and some irondad!
Everyone is an adult and Spideychelle is married. Also Netty is not in this oneshot because their visiting Ned's family this time for the holiday! Also this entire thing is written in no ones pov.

On with my stupidity!

No one's POV

Peter and Michelle were having a great day, they had managed to get and decorate their tree and decorate the inside of their house. Peter's parker luck must have taken a holiday break because for the last couple of weeks everything had been going smoothly. Heres the thing, Parker luck NEVER takes a holiday, it just waits until the right (well for Peter considerably WRONG) time.

So lets see how Parker luck screwed up Peter's life this time!

Heres some popcorn 🍿


Peter was on the roof hanging up christmas lights on the edges. Now the roof was considerably icy so he was trying to be extra careful. Well if we all know Peter..... him being careful is usually some shitty attempt to hold on with one hand.

So he was hanging the lights up when he managed to slip, trying to catch himself last minute he launch forward to grab something, anything to stop him from falling. It didn't work. His leg managed to snag onto the gutter and he fell onto the roof above the garage.

For a few seconds he seemed perfectly fine, he heard footsteps coming towards the window that was right next to him.

"Peter! Are you okay? I heard a loud thump." Michelle, his wife asked concerned.

"Uh yeah im fin- AHHHH UNHOLY SHIT!" Peter yelled, cluching his leg with his hands.

Michelle jumped back considerably due to shock. Peter pulled himself into the room falling to the floor. Michelle look from where he came and saw blood pooling around his leg, blood covered the windowsill and some of the wall. She looked back over to Peter to see him drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Hey! Hey, stay awake. Im gonna call Tony. Dont fall asleep." Michelle ran to her phone and dialed Tony's number.

"Hello?" A cheery female voice answered.

"Pepper? Is Tony with you? I need him to come to Peter and I's house RIGHT NOW!" She panted.

"Hes on his way, whats wrong?" Pepper asked worriedly.

"I'll explain when we get there. Tell Tony to hurry!" Michelle's voice wavered slightly, tears dripped down her face as she put pressure on the wound.

A few moments later, She saw a car park outside of the house. "Michelle? Peter?" Tony yelled, running up the stairs.

"In the library!" Michelle yelled, wrapping more towels and adding more pressure to Peter's leg.

"Geez kid, what happened?" Tony asked, helping her bring him to the car.

"He fell off the roof." She said crawling into the backseat to keep pressure to his leg.

"Seems like a Peter thing to do." Tony stated, driving quickly towards the Tower.

*Once at the tower and getting Peter's leg fixed an whatnot*

"What happened?" Peter groaned, arm covering his eyes from the bright fluorescent lights.

"You fell off the roof and cut your leg so badly you passed out and had to get 20 something stitches." Tony explained, setting a hand on Peter's non-injured leg.

"Huh....guess Parker Luck decided to strike just before the holidays." Peter joked, everyone chuckled.

"I guess so." Michelle laughed, kissing Peter on the head.


So yeah thats how that happened.

Also heres my girlfriend's reaction to me telling her. 😂

I mean, I was fine-ish after. 😅

(Also I got permission to show you these messages. I would never show you without permission unless its for my own safety.)

But yeah also Christmas oneshot will be out on Christmas. Eve just so you know. Also is this shit? Yeah. Its a story, i had no creative way to tell this other then what happened 😂
