chapter 9


I heard muffled voices around me. They sounded familiar. What happened? Where was I?

"She looks like a pig when she's sleeping." I heard someone say. "Shut up before she hears you, idiot!" someone else continued.

I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Daphne and Pansy looking down at me.

"She's awake!", Daphne said whilst caressing my cheek. Her bright blue eyes were staring at me.

"W-where am I? What happened." I said, groaning at the pounding pain in my head.

"You passed out when you were heading to the hospital wing. You're lucky Madame Pomfrey was fast enough to catch you, or else you would be in a long sleep right now." Pansy explained.

My thoughts flew to Malfoy, remembering what he said to me. I didn't want to cut Blaise out of my life because of some pathetic blonde boy with daddy issues. He's crazy to think that I would actually listen to him. Even though he might've drove me crazy, I wasn't going to admit that. After all, I knew I would be just a quick fuck to him, nothing more. That's why I decided that I would be playing along. I'd make him feel like he's the one being used. Finally, he would be feeling the way he's made other girls feel, including Pansy.

She told me about her affair with Draco. He told her that he was being serious with her, that she was the only girl he would please, but once he took her innocence from her, he never talked to her again.

How could someone be that heartless?

"Are you listening Aveline?" I was startled and looked at her in surprise. "Uhm.. You were saying tha-" I tried to say, but a scream interrupted me.

Astoria stormed into the room with a big grin on her face. "You will never guess who asked me to the Yule Ball!"

The Yule Ball. How could I forget about that.

"Neville?" Daphne laughed.

"Neville is actually nice." I defended him. Something I could absolutely not stand was people making fun of others.

"No silly, it was Malfoy!" she shrieked in joy.

Malfoy? As in Draco Malfoy?

I felt a twinge of jealousy and I stood out of the hospital bed. "Careful y/n." Pansy said whilst she threw my arm over her shoulders. We walked back to the Slytherin Dormitory in silence.


The next day flew by quickly. Draco didn't show up in any of our classes. He was probably shagging girls.

I still couldn't believe he asked Astoria to the ball. What was he trying to do? Does he really like her or is it one of his pathetic plans again?

My mind wandered to Draco when suddenly I ran into Blaise.

"Y/n! What are you doing here?" he asked as we stood in the Entrance Hall.

"I was just heading to our dormitory. Sorry, I didn't mean to- I'll go." I said, making my way to the stairs, but he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Is everything alright y/n? You seem stressed." He brought his hand to my cheek and started caressing it. How would Malfoy's hands feel?

Fuck. Why am I thinking about Draco right now?

I cursed myself for getting lost in my thoughts again. I looked up to Blaise. His face was dangerously close to mine, his hot breath against my forehead.

I closed my eyes and the image of two silver eyes staring at me appeared instead. I wanted him. I needed him to touch me, to have all the power over me. I wanted to feel his hands all over my body, roughly grabbing my hips and kissing my neck. He made me feel different.

As I opened my eyes again, I met Blaise's brown eyes instead. Disappointment filled my mind and without hesitation I crashed my lips onto his.

I needed to forget about Malfoy.

His hands went from my hips to my ass, grabbing it and giving it a light squeeze.

Our kiss became more rough and filled with lust. He pressed his tongue against my lower lip, asking for permission. I gladly opened my mouth and his tongue entered.

"Get your fucking hands off her, Zabini." I heard Draco say, his voice low and deep. I got goosebumps and threw myself out of his grip.

Malfoy took dangerous steps to us. I could feel his eyes burning on me.

"Get the fuck away Aveline." he roared, making me flinch.

I hurried to my dormitory with a pounding heart. He looked furious.

I just shared a kiss with Draco's best friend and having him walking in on us. I smirked to myself.

I did feel guilty for Blaise though, knowing Draco wouldn't let him get away without a few bruises.

Why was he so protective over me?


I nervously waited in the Astronomy Tower. I received a letter from a secret sender.

Astronomy tower 10 pm
don't be late.

Pansy suggested that it could be Blaise. I'm curious for what he's up to. Maybe he doesn't want to be friends anymore due his fight with Draco earlier today.

The day went by quick and it was 10, so I started making my way up to the tower.

A cold breeze passed and I got immensely cold. I put my arms around my tender body, hoping I could warm myself.

I heard slow footsteps behind me as I turned around.

There he stood, his tall frame and his platinum blonde hair, with his icy silver eyes staring at me.

He looked like a fallen angel, so beautiful and magical. He was handsome from the depth of his eyes to the rough expressions of his voice. At this moment I quite forgot the mask he wore for others. His usual cold glare was replaced with gentleness.

I couldn't help but blush.

He grinned at me while he held a bottle of expensive wine in the air.

Aveline wine.

He walked towards me and took a seat on the cold floor. I followed his actions.

No words were exchanged, we just sat in a comfortable and peaceful silence.

He opened the top of the bottle and took a long gulp. I watched how he placed it to his lips, his strong jawline flexing as he forced the liquid down his throat. I watched how he licked his lips after, sending me a wink and passing it to me.

Without any thoughts I did the same. There was a lot of tension going on between us.

We kept drinking until the both of us felt lightheaded.

I stared at his face, wanting to kiss his swollen lips.

I felt vulnerable.

He gently grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap. His touch made me freeze. He had so much power over me right now. Perhaps it was the alcohol, but a part of me knew that these strong feelings towards him were always there.

He was so gentle with me. I melted under his touch, letting his hands roam all over my body. He pulled me closer to him until there was no space between us, as he crashed our lips together.
