chapter 28


I slowly opened my eyes, noticing a tall figure holding me from behind. My mind flew back to the previous night, trying to remember what exactly had happened.

I felt a pair of hands holding me tightly, one hand on my waist and the other one cupping my breast. I let out a sigh of relief when I recognized Draco's rings. I was more than happy to wake up in his arms instead of someone else's. I shouldn't be though, considering the fact that he's still an absolute prick.

I tried to release myself from his possessive grip when all of the sudden his eyes fluttered open. "What the hell do you think you're doing," he said as he pulled me back into his embrace and softly kissed the back of my shoulder. I felt butterflies roaming around my belly and the heat rising to my cheeks. It was rather embarrassing, really.

He quickly let me go after that and got up. I tried to follow his actions but instead, I felt a sharp pain going through my head. I winced at the pain and he noticed. "Wait here darling, I'll bring you a hangover cure."

I rolled my eyes at him as he left the room. I looked around his room and I noticed a few pictures hanging onto his wall. How have I only noticed now? I tried to get up again carefully and slowly made my way to his green velvet wall.

A couple was standing in it with a blond-haired baby in their arms. It had to be Draco Malfoy. I croaked a smile as I looked at the innocent baby. Who would've known he'd turn out to be so handsome. Whilst I was looking at the other few pictures, I soon noticed a small photograph, almost hidden behind the other big ones. Now the same couple, who had to be Draco's parents, stood next to another familiar couple. My eyes went wide when I realized that I knew these people. My parents. They used to be friends with the Malfoy's and I never knew.

"Enjoying yourself?" I quickly turned around, embarrassed by the fact that he just caught me staring at his photographs.

"I didn't know you had these on your wall. I must say that baby Draco is way more appealing than you now." I couldn't help but snicker as he playfully rolled his eyes.

"Here, drink up. You'll feel better. Do you remember anything? I can tell you that you were definitely enjoying yourself, and by that, I mean that you were trying to get into my pants again. I know I'm irresistible Aveline."

"You're full of shit Malfoy", I said and poured the liquid down my throat. I grimaced at the taste and he let out a laugh.

"Fuck me Dracoo, I want you to fuck me right noww", he mimicked me and I looked at him in an annoying way. "I've never said any of that idiot."

"Hmm well you sure did, I know how bad you want me but you need to control yourself," he said as he sent me a wink.

"Well you're not in between my legs now are you 'sex god'." He raised his eyebrows at me and took dangerous steps towards me.

"Do you want me to be?" he teased as he grabbed me by my waist and pulled me close to him. I could feel the heat of his body onto my skin as my breath became unsteady.

He sent me a cocky grin and pushed me onto the bed, making sure I didn't hit my head. My heart fluttered at the small act and I was about to tease him when he suddenly wrapped his hands around my throat and looked into my eyes.

"I need you to answer, do you want me to be in between your legs?" I nodded but soon regretted it when he squeezed my throat tighter. "Yes or no?"

"Yes," I whispered out and he passionately latched his lips onto mine, sending a wave of euphoria through my whole body.

I could feel my panties dampen and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. He placed his body between my legs and started kissing down my jawline. I could feel his dick rubbing against my clothed pussy and I softly moaned in his ear. He took this opportunity to shove his fingers into my mouth as he watched me suck on them.

"You're such a good girl for me aren't you, hm? Sucking on my fingers like the fucking slut you are." I moaned at his words and he brought his fingers from my mouth to my pussy. He roughly placed my panties to the side and entered two fingers inside of me.

I tried to contain my moans as he pumped his fingers in and out of me. The pleasure was overwhelming and he harshly grabbed my jaw, making me look up to him.

"Suck", he said as he brought his fingers back to my mouth, letting me taste myself. I rolled my eyes at him and then felt his hand slapping me. It wasn't painful, but hard enough to make me obey.

He quickly unclasped my bra and threw it on the other side of the room. His mouth latched on my hard nipples and he brought his other hand to play with my other breast.

The feeling became too overwhelming and I let out the words that I never thought would leave my mouth.

"Please Draco", I moaned and I could feel him
smirking against my nipple. "Touch me please, I want- I need you t-"

He cut me off by attaching his mouth to my throbbing clit. "You were saying?"

I bucked my hips forward, craving more and more of his touch. He flicked his tongue around my clit and harshly slapped my thigh. "Fucking answer me."

"I need you to touch me Draco, please." He smirked at my words and buried his head between my legs, eating my pussy like it was his breakfast.

I felt the familiar feeling building up and gently pulled on his hair. I was embarrassed at the fact that he'd made me cum this fast, it hasn't even been a full minute. He, in fact, didn't think too much about it as he kept working his tongue on my clit. I knew that no one else could ever make me feel the way he did and at the thought of that I came, slamming my hands on my mouth to prevent the loud noises coming out of it.

"Mm I could do this all day, you taste so fucking good," he said sexily as he licked his lips. I turned us over and made my way to his throbbing dick when he suddenly stopped me. "Don't worry about that."

I was baffled and got up to change into my dress that I was wearing the night before. I looked like a mess. I was about to leave when his low voice stopped me. "Aren't you going to wear your bra?" I shook my head and confidently winked at him. "Keep it and think of me."

As soon as I left his room I got disgusting stares from everyone. I rolled my eyes as I walked back to my room. The word 'slag' and 'whore' were tossed around but I didn't pay much attention to it.

I entered our room and saw that everyone was still sleeping, except for Astoria. She was putting on some make-up and when her gaze shifted to me, she gave me a weird look but didn't say anything. Great.

Sighing, I grabbed my belongings and went into the bathroom. The thought of Draco eating me out soon came into my mind and I couldn't help but feel my pussy throbbing at the thought. Why didn't he let me touch him? Maybe I turned him off, or maybe he already has someone else to fulfill his dirty needs. Insecurities flew through me and I quickly got into the shower, trying to wash these awful thoughts away.
