chapter 20

TW: Mentions of Sexual Assault, Rape and Trauma

I woke up in a fit. My body fighting with my brain, flinging itself from side to side. My memories flooded with that guy. I couldn't move. I- I couldn't do anything. I felt empty. I felt violated and I was reliving it. But as I woke up I screamed. Not because of the nightmare. But just to reassure myself that I could. That I can scream and very loudly.

Unfortunately this did wake up Daphne but not Astoria who is a deep sleeper and plus there are walls too. Daphne came in rushing to make sure I was okay.

"Y/N. Are you okay?" She says sitting down at the end of my bed.

"Yeah... I just- had a nightmare." I say trying to swallow back tears.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks reaching out a hand to me.

As much as I don't want to bother her with my problems I know it will make me feel better to open up to someone. So I tell her. Keeping out a lot of details, she doesn't need to know about Draco and any of the gruesome details, if anything im sparing her from her imagination. Opening up is weird. I've finally told someone and I feel relieved but at the same time I haven't told her everything. I watch her face intently, as her expression changes from worried to sympathetic.

To my surprise she doesn't say anything and just hugs me.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you." She whispers, "It's not your fault, you didn't deserve any of that" She loosens her grip but I bring her back into the hug and she stays with me.

I've stopped crying now and we've come out of the hug.

"Do you want something to eat?" She asks me.

"Yeah," I nod "But breakfast doesn't start till 7."

"Yeah, but if enough students are awake and hungry- I mean, they'll have to." She looks at me and I smile "Don't worry, I'll wake them. That way they're mad at me and not you."

"You're the best Daph." I hug her one more time.

"Ugh, I know!" She says before sashaying out on her way to wake up Astoria.

In just a few minutes Daph had managed to wake up a bunch of students. All grumpy and annoyed.

"What the fuck Daphne." A tired Theo yawns.

"Okay okay, you can be mad at me. Or you can get waffles!" She says shrugging.

I don't know how but this somehow worked. And we all made our way to the Great Hall.

"Told you I'd make it happen." Daph says passing me a plate full of waffles and croissants.

"Hang on a second this was all for Y/n?" Theo asks confused sitting down next to me.

Daph shoots me a look, basically saying "Does he know?"

I look back at her shaking my head, "No"

Daphne look to me again then points her eyes at him, "Can I tell him?"

"What in the world are you two doing?" Theo asks baffled.

We both stop to look at him before going back to talking with only our eyes.

Astoria joins in with the looks, "What are you telling him?"

Daph looks at me again, "Can she know?"

"What is this magic?" Theo asks.

"It's not magic, it's girl talk." Astoria explains badly.

"Lies. You're not saying anything." Theo says more confused then ever.

"Yeah sure."

"Both of them."

"Yeah." I nod.

"Can someone tell me what's going on?" Theo asks, feeling extra left out.

"Y/n woke up with a traumatic nightmare, so I did this for her." Daph explains

"What happened?" He turns to me, "In your nightmare."

"She relived getting sexually assaulted." Daphne says quietly so that no one else can overhear.

Theo looks in shock "Was it him?" he turns to me immediately.

I know he's referring to Draco, "No, it wasn't..."

At this moment Adrian Pucey walks in.

The guy.

"Him?" Theo says noticing me become uncomfortable as soon as he walked past.

I don't say another word.

"When was this?" He asks.

"Dude stop drilling her with questions." Astoria says hitting his arm.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you Y/n, let me know if there's anything I can do." She says apologetically to me.

"Sorry, but I have one last question. Did he get a fit punishment?"

"I- Actually you're the only people who know.."

"You need to report it." Theo says firmly.

"No, no I don't want it to blow up into something big." God knows I've had enough experiences with rumours and drama in my lifetime.

"If not for yourself, but for the next girl," Daph says, "You can help someone else and make him pay for his crimes."

"Okay, I'll do it." I say confident. Daphne is right, I could prevent this from happening to someone else.

"We'll be here for you, if you need ." Theo says.

We eat and go about our day as usual, although I can tell they are walking eggshells around me. Although I do appreciate it, it does get a bit annoying.

I go by myself to report what happened to my head of house.

Unfortunately that is Snape.

That was one of the most awkward experiences ever.

Crying in front of Snape is not something I ever want to do.

He says he's going to get back to me.

Not the result I wanted but I can wait a few hours, right?

I don't get a word back for a while. I go to Professor Snape myself a day later.

"You said you'd get back to me about his punishment." I say after a class.

"Ah.. yes.. Miss Y/l/n." He says.

"So?" I ask impatient.

"There will be no punishment."

"What." My heart drops into my feet.

"Well aside from you losing 50 points for your house because of your lies."

"Lies?" What is he talking about?

"After you talked to me, I had a chat with with Mr Pucey and his friend. He has an alibi, and his friend to vouch. You said yourself that you were the only one there, hm." He says making me leave.

I find myself crying in the corridor. That bastard lied. And his friend. Disgusting. Both of them. I can't believe this happened.

As if my day couldn't go any worse Draco comes by.

"Holy shit." Draco says his eyes wide in shock, "Are you.. okay?" he says concerned.

"No. No I'm not Draco. I almost got raped and now I'm loosing house points because I don't have any evidence." I say trying to laugh.

"I was a witness, surely that's enough evidence. You and me vs him."

"Actually I didn't mention you- I thought my word would be enough. Plus your word means nothing now since he has an alibi." I say trying to walk away but he pulls me in.

"Alibi?" He asks stroking my hair.

"Can we not talk about this here."

"Okay fine." He takes me by the waist and leads me.


I grabbed her by the waist and started walking her to my room so we could talk. As I was leading her through the common room we got a lot of glares and stares but the group we were passing still kept chatting. "Ah the slut with her next victim, careful, she might call assault" one of them calls out.

"Pardon?" I say freezing in my footsteps and turning towards him disgusted. I feel y/n tug at my robe lightly, I look back to her. Her eyes say it all, to make it extra clear she mouths,

'don't do it'

But I can't help myself. If she won't stand up for herself I will. What that guy did to her is unspeakable and he got away with it. That's horrid enough to begin with but now she has to face these assholes as well. It's just not right.

"What? It's true ain't it." He says scoffing as he stands up.

"Say that again, I dare you" I walk towards him.
Y/n's grip on me tightens. She held my arm trying to pull me back lightly.

He laughs dragging his thumb across his jaw "You heard me," he says cockily, "You might just have an allegation if you sleep with that slut," he turns to look at her while he says the last words. I can see the tears forming in her eyes as she looks up at me.

I want to kill him, I want to hurt him worse than he ever hurt her. She doesn't deserve any of this.

Y/n sees my hands clenched in fists, she sighs and looks at the guy in anger "Do it," she says softly. Without hesitation I grab this guy by the neck and start strangling him. Everyone who was laughing before is silent now. I don't stop, I just keep punching him watching him bleed. It gives me satisfaction knowing that he's hurt.
Knowing that Y/n is safe. I won't let anyone hurt her. Not again.

"Enough Draco." Y/n says trying to hide her smile. I slow my punches as she places her hand on my shoulder. I give him one last punch before I stand up, "If anyone says another ill word about Y/n, you'll answer to me."

I lead her back to my room.

"You didn't have to do that." she says looking at the ground.

"Hang on a second, you asked me to." I say annoyed turning to face her after closing the door.

"Do you really need my permission to go and beat up someone? Come on Draco."

"Fine! You're right I would have beat him up anyway, what's it to you. And yes I did have to do that he was insulting you."

"And you don't insult me?" Y/n says scoffing.

"Not around the fact that you got sexually assaulted, no." I place my hand on her shoulder.

"Stop pretending like you care," she says shrugging my hand off her shoulder.

"I do! I do care." I raise my voice at her

"Why!" She yells

"Because.." I trail off into thought.

How could I tell her all the horrid things my dad had done. How could I tell her that inside I'm afraid I'll be just like him. This was my way of proving to not only her but to myself that I'm not him. How could I tell her, without her feeling pity towards me. How could I tell her without her feelings about me changing. How could I tell her unspeakable things I've seen. How?

"Because what?!" She yells even angrier that it's taking me so long. "You don't have a reason do you? Huh!"


Silence was crystallising the room by the second blanketing it in its translucent and empty colours. The slightest breath would cause a volcano to erupt. But as fast as the silence was made. It was broken.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Y/n says softly breaking the tension that once hung like a loose tooth.

"How could you know, no one knows." I say, calming myself down.

"I know that you... hate me, but for some reason also want me.. but if you ever need someone to talk to.. you have friends-"

"As if I'd tell them."

"Why not?"

"Their opinion of me would change, I mean look at you, you're being nice to me-" I get cut off as she slaps me across the face, my head turned to the other direction now, I feel my cheek with my hand warm with a forming temporary red mark of her hand "What the hell was that?"

"You asked me to." She says with a devilish smile. As much as I am mad I'm also very much turned on. I just want to rip off her shirt and mark her as my own. But I know that I can't, it would show weakness. And I am not weak. Besides, the situation really doesn't feel like the right time.

I roll my eyes at her, "Fine, be like that then."

"As if! You're the bipolar one. One moment you're mad and insulting me and the next you have your fingers inside me and crave my touch. Make up your mind."

"Fine. I'm being nice to you because of the situation, yes that is true. And I will help you."

"I don't want your help Malfoy."

"I'm a witness." I say.

She sighs, she knows I'm right. "And what are you gonna do with that, he had an alibi."

"A fake one, shouldn't be hard to break."

"Great." She says sarcastically, "While you do that I'm going to take a nap". Y/n walks to the door.

"Are you sure you want to go back out there? You can stay here you know." I offer, she doesn't say another word she simply just crashes onto my bed and hugs her knees. I want to lie with her, to hug her, to help her heal, to hide her from this cruel world. But I can't show any more weakness than I already have. She will be the one to beg, then we can finally get it over with and I can stop thinking about her.

A few minutes pass and Theo knocks on the door.

"Hey, Professor Snape is looking for you. He seems very mad, so be cautious."

"What?" I ask annoyed.

"It's about you beating up that guy. You do know you can't just always go around attacking people, right?" Theo genuinely asks.

"Yes I know, but he hurt her." He says looking to Y/n. "If she brought me with her to report that asshole then this wouldn't have happened" Draco says defending himself.

"Wait what? You know?" Theo asks shocked.

"Of course I know, I was there. Now that asshole is getting away with to cause Professor Snape doesn't believe her." I say disgusted.

"Make sure to tell Snape about that when you see him, now go before he kills you." Theo says rushing me out.

"Okay okay, let me just grab this and then I'll go. Look after her while I'm gone." I say putting a vile of Truth Serum in my pocket.

"Sure mate, now go." He says practically pushing me out the door.

Professor Snape will have to believe me, you can't lie under Veritaserum. Unfortunately, teachers can't use it on students, but since I'm doing it to myself then it should be fine.
