chapter 32


I slowly got up and tried to leave without making any noise. I couldn't get over the fact that I had slept with Cedric and I must say that this was probably one of the worst sleeps I've ever had. Whenever I closed my eyes, the image of Draco's hands covered with blood flashed right infront of my eyes. Had I really been the reason why he was so angry? Why would he possibly get angry over the fact that I had kissed Cedric Diggory. Correction, he kissed me.

I made my way to the Slytherin dormitory, still wearing the dress from last night and with make-up all over my face. I would say that this wasn't a pleasant way to face Daphne, Pansy and Astoria, but I hadn't have the time to freshen myself up.

Lost in my thoughts, I suddenly ran into a hard, tall body. Shit. I could already smell his cologne mixed with a light smell of alcohol.


"Why the fuck is your hair so messy, and why do you smell of sex," he breathed out and I could've sworn that I saw his jaw clenching. I rolled my eyes, clearly not in the mood to have this conversation with Draco, but he harshly grabbed my upper arm and yanked me back to him. "I asked you a fucking question."

"Oh, I don't know, I was just putting on some perfume that smells like sex," I answered sarcastically and tried to release my wrist from his grip.

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes, Aveline. You slept with him, didn't you? Should've seen this coming, pathetic slut."

"Excuse me?," I let out a sharp laugh, "you out of all people shouldn't be judging me, considering the fact that at least half of the school had opened their legs for you. Must be hard to be a man whore, huh."

He harshly grabbed my waist and slid his other hand to my throat, squeezing it as I let out a gasp. "You really have no limit, do you? With that big talking mouth of yours. Can't you shut the fuck up for once?"

He released his grip and slowly undid his tie. My eyes widened as I realised what he was about to do. He quickly turned me around and wrapped his tie around my head, specifically on my mouth. I let out a muffled sound and looked back at him. I was feeling so angry with him but I couldn't help to feel my panties dampening as he looked darkly into my eyes.

"You like that, huh?", he said as he slowly brought his hand to my ass, squeezing it and harshly slapping it. I let out a muffled moan and arched my back.

"I'm going to fuck you, here and now. I don't give a fuck if anyone walks in." My heart started beating faster and I gulped. Somehow having sex in a public place made me feel excited. "They can all watch how good I'm taking you. They can see who the fuck you belong to."

I wondered if Draco would ever do this if he wasn't slightly drunk, but I wasn't complaining. This was way better than how Cedric had fucked me. If you could even call it a fuck; it was more him pleasing himself by using me. The thought of it nearly made me gag and I regretted the fact that I ever let him go that far. He would never be as good as Draco. No one would. But obviously I wasn't going to tell him that.

I felt his hands pull my dress up, revealing my panties and he let out a low groan. My face was pressed against the wall and my back was arched, ready for him to fuck me like a slut.

He then ripped them off and soon after that I felt him entering me. He didn't give me any time to get used to his size as he started fucking me hard and fast, wrapping one hand around my throat and pulled my head back so it was resting on his shoulder, and his other hand reaching down to my clit.

The feeling of his fingers working on my clit and his dick moving fast inside of me was so overwhelming and I let out a scream. I could already feel the familiar knot building up and my eyes rolled back in pleasure. He then undid his tie and quickly shoved his fingers in my mouth, to keep me from moaning out loud.

"God, you're so fucking tight," he groaned in my ear and rubbed faster on my clit. "Cum for me, princess."

I let out a gasp as I felt myself clenching around his dick. Quickly after that he came in me and slowed down his speed. He pulled out and watched how his cum was dripping down.

Luckily everyone was still sleeping, so no one saw us having this intimate moment. Even though I would've find it exciting a few minutes ago, now I was not so sure. It would be pretty awkward to face that person again.

"Can you walk?"

I scoffed, "Of course I can wa-"

He laughed and watched how I looked up at him from the ground. I fell straight on my knees. How. Fucking. Embarrassing.

"Come here love, I'll carry you."

He carried me all the way to his room and gently placed me on his bed. He muttered a few spells to clean everything up and then slowly pulled off my dress. Before I knew it he was carrying me again, this
time to his bathroom. "You can take a shower, I have something to do but I'll be right back."

I was already dried up and dressed into one of his shirts when he came back. His hands were covered in blood again and I raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me you beat Cedric up."

"I didn't, although that wouldn't be a very bad idea."

"So where did you go then and why are your hands bloody?" He ignored my question and cleaned it off with a spell.

"There's a new student at Hogwarts. One you might know. Does the name Xander Richardson sound familiar to you?"

I let out a shocked gasp and looked at him with wide eyes.

"X-Xander? Xander my ex?"

Draco clenched his jaw and stared at the wall. Could he be the one that Draco beat up? I mean there had to be a reason why his hands were covered in blood.

He walked to his small fridge and took a bottle of wine out of it. He then gulped down all the liquid in once and I was surprised that he hadn't gagged. It wouldn't take much time for him to become drunk.

But why?

I just silently watched him as he plopped onto the bed next to me and laid his head on his pillow. He closed his eyes and I watched how he started relaxing. I didn't notice how tense he had been all this time. Maybe that's why he's been drinking so much lately.

My thoughts wandered to Xander. What the hell is he doing here?
