chapter 4

I woke up to the alarm ringing in my ear, I reached out and stopped it, but I refused to get up after that incident in class. Boy, was I glad it was a Saturday which meant I could just chill and watch movies all day without having to worry about anyone dis-



As someone starts banging on my door, I shout out "Go away y/n is not here right now." Daphne and Pansy then barged in. "Um who said you can come in?"

"We did, now y/n you will get your ass out of bed and put on the hottest thing you have because we are going to a party."

"A party! What do you mean it's only 9 am?"

"Girl, look at the time" I turn around, and to my absolute fucking shock it was 7 pm,


"You were asleep all day, but we didn't want to disturb you as we heard about what happened." I flushed pink thinking about how the word got around about what happened, but I quickly changed the subject, and I felt the urge to show up to that party and show everybody how hot I am and that I'm not just some girl with mommy issues. They'll see.

"Fine, I'll go." Daphne and Pansy shrieked and pulled me up looking for something for me to wear.

"Oh my, y/n this dress is absolutely amazing, you have to wear this," Daphne shouted pulling out a short tight red dress that had two straps across my shoulder and one across my chest.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that dress." That dress was one of the many sexy things I owned, and I can't wait to see how boys basically drool at the sight of me with it on.

Daphne pushed me into the bathroom to go put on the dress, and she told me to meet them in the common room.

Twenty minutes later after I got ready and put my makeup on and made sure I looked good, I walked down to the common room. When Daphne and Pansy saw me, their jaws dropped.

{You wear this}

"Y/N YOU LOOK STUNNING" Pansy squealed.

"Thanks Pans, you guys look hot too!"

"Oh we know," they both smiled. After that, we went to the Room of Requirement, as that's where the party was.

{Pansy wears this}

{Daphne wears this}

As we made our way there I could already hear the loud music and smell the metallic booze that was coming from the room. At this time the teachers could care less about what the students were up to, as long as no one died.

We walked in and I felt powerful as almost every guy in the room seemed to be looking at me. It was like they were lions, and I was their prey. Daphne and Pansy went to get drinks while I stood there waiting. Guys were winking at me from afar and going past me, eyeing me up and down, and then whistling. A few minutes after I arrived, I felt those scorching icy grey fucking lustful eyes looking at me.

I looked his way to see him smirking and looking me up and down, I scoffed and looked away, but as I looked back, he was gone. I looked around wondering where he disappeared off to until I felt hot breathing on my neck that gave me chills.

"Looking for me princess?" I turned around and met those icy grey eyes that could freeze time. I scoff,

"And why would I do that Malfoy?"

"I don't know Aveline pourquoi voudrais-tu?
[Why would you?]"

"Tu parles francais? [You speak french?]"

"Of course I do, everyone knows I studied French" he proudly remarked.

"Don't boast Draco, I don't even care"

"Mais n'ai-je pas l'air chaud y/n?"
[But don't I sound hot y/n?]

Chills went straight down my spine hearing him say my name.

"You don't, now if you will excuse me." I pushed past him and walked over to a seat and sat down.

Daphne and Pansy rushed over and asked what happened "Nothing just Malfoy being Malfoy," I said rolling my eyes. They shrugged and didn't say anything after, they just gave me my drink and sat down.

After a couple of drinks and talking to people, I felt a bit weird and wanted to dance. That's when a tall dark handsome man came up to me and introduced himself.

"Hey I'm Blaise, Blaise Zabini."

"Hi I'm Aveline, y/n Aveline"

"Nice to meet you y/n"

"You too," then out of nowhere I asked, "want to dance?" However, I guess he was intrigued by my idea as he grabbed my hand and started walking us towards where everyone else was dancing.

We went to the middle and started dancing to the music. Suddenly he twisted me around so my back was to his chest, moved his hands to my hips, and started moving my hips sideways which caused me to start grinding on him. That's when I could feel those stupid damn attractive eyes burning through my skull. I turned my head and saw Malfoy leaning up against the wall with his tongue grazing on the side of his cheek, not looking amused at all. I liked the sight of this, so I started grinding up on Blaise even more while smirking at Draco. If looks could kill I'd be dead. All of a sudden he started walking towards us, but he got stopped by Pansy. So, I quickly grabbed Blaise and took him out of the room.

"Why did you want to come out?" Blaise asked.

"Oh, I just needed some fresh air."

He nodded and found a bench, so we went and sat down. Then, we started talking about stuff, like why I transferred and he talked about his family. During this, I actually found myself enjoying his company a lot more than I would have expected, and I grew quite fond of him. That's when he randomly blurted out,

"y/n you looked really pretty today." I was kind of taken back at his forwardness, but I liked it.

"Thanks, Blaise!"

After he said that, he kinda just sat there and stared at me. I stared back, and he started to lean in I also started to lean in, but then someone, obviously, had to ruin it.

"Ah look what we have here, blood traitor talking to blood traitor."

"Oh shove off Malfoy." I snapped back. "Come on Blaise, let's go!" Malfoy then grabbed onto my wrist

"No y/n you'll be coming with me."

"Like hell Malfoy," Blaise spoke up,

"You know what, it's okay Blaise I need to go back anyway."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah it's fine I'll see you around" I nodded,

"Ok, see you." he walked away and Draco started dragging me away. "Draco get off!" he didn't listen and kept on dragging me until we were in an empty hall. Then, he pushed me up against the wall and put his hand around my neck.

"Now Aveline I'm going to tell you a couple of things and you're gonna listen," I could feel his rings being forced into my neck but it actually felt good, of course, I wasn't going to admit that.

"One you will stay away from Blaise, two you will not wear slutty clothes like," he looked down and groaned at the sight, "these dresses, and three you're mine and mine only...slut" he rasped out. "Correction, MY slut, got it?". I had absolutely no idea where this possessiveness came from, but I couldn't help feeling my panties dampening at his words.

"Ok first things first, one I'm not anyone's anyone. Two I can wear what I want, whenever I want, and wherever I want. Three, jealous Malfoy?" His lustful eyes then turned dark, and he started choking me harder.

"You wish Aveline." The way he talked to me gave me butterflies.

"Now, don't say stuff you will regret, you will listen to me," he came closer and whispered in my ear, and I felt tingling sensations down my spine, "you want me to fuck you".

I was shocked at his sudden words that made me feel certain things, but I held my moan in as he kept talking to me,

"Hein tu veux que je te touche comme ça?"
[Huh you want me to touch you like this?]

His fingers traced up the side of my body as I clamped my legs together to hide the wetness I was creating.

"Ou peut-être que tu veux que je fasse ça?"
[Or maybe you want me to do this?]

He slipped off the strap on my shoulder and slightly grazed his lips on my shoulder, up to my neck, and sucked there gently, leaving a mark. Then, his lips went up to my ear as I let out a whimper.

"Maybe another time," he smirked and walked off, which made me angry at how he teased me like that and left me feeling frustrated and confused about what had just happened.

After that, I told pansy and daphne I was leaving and made sure to cover up my mark that he gave me and went straight to my dorm and fell asleep but not before thinking about the events that had just happened.

What was Malfoy up to, and why did I like it? A part of me was hoping it would happen again, but another part of me remembered that he was a Malfoy and I was an Aveline, therefore, we had to stay away from each other. It was for our own good, so it wouldn't be that hard to do that.

