Chapter 12

Draco pov

I left the classroom, excitement surging through my body. She was delusional if she thought she could beat me in this pathetic game of hers. The Malfoys are a composed family, exhibitions great self control. Too bad the same thing couldn't be said about the Avelines. I don't beg. I wasn't raised to get on my knees for someone else, especially not someone like her. I continued walking to through the halls until I came in contact with something. Or should I say someone.

"Hello Malfoy," Astoria beamed up at me, her soft voice laced with lust.

"Astoria," I nodded at her. Truth be told, I didn't have feelings for Astoria. Don't get me wrong, she's smoking hot, but that's the only reason I asked her to the ball. We look good together, and I had a reputation to uphold.

"Do you want to meet me back at my dorm, we can hang out," she said slyly, never breaking eye contact with me.

"Not now, Greengrass," I huffed. Stupid girl couldn't take a fucking clue. I left her gaping in the hallway, as I pushed past her and continued on. I was nearing the entrance to my next class when I saw her. She was with him.

Y/N pov

I saw Draco round the corner and come into view. He looked up and immediately scowled. Perfect, I smirked. I waited until he was in earshot before I let out a soft giggle, placing my hand on Cedrics chest.

"I have a question for you," I said sweetly. This was out of character for me, but he didn't seem to notice. He looked down at me expectantly before I continued.

"Do you want to go the ball with me?" Both boys looked startled, though in very different ways. Dracos fists clenched at his sides, and Cedrics eyes widened in happiness.

"Of course I will, y/n." He grinned. This was going well. It didn't feel good to play with his feelings and lead him on like this, but I do care about him. If Draco continues being an undesirable dick, who knows what will happen with me and Cedrics relationship.

"Perfect, I cant wait to see how handsome you'll look," I said, feeling Draco eyes bare into the side of my head. I took his hand in mine as we began to enter the classroom, but not before I felt a cold hand grip my shoulder.

"Fuck off, Diggory," Draco sneered. "I have business to discuss with your whore of a girlfriend."

Cedric tensed at his words, but I sent him a look and he relaxed at once. "Okay, Y/N, but if you aren't back in 10 minutes I'm coming to get you." He said worriedly.

"She won't be," Malfoy leered.

He dragged me down the corridor until we reached at empty classroom. Once we were both inside and the door was locked, he shoved me against the wall.

I could feel his cold rings bearing into my flushed skin, making my core heat up with pleasure.

"What the fuck is wrong with me" I thought, as I began to feel a damp pool in my underwear. This is not the time nor place for this to happen. Especially when the cause of my wetness was a seething boy in front of me, who wouldn't hesitate to make my life hell.

"So you and Diggory, huh?" He sneered, pressing harder into my neck.

"Stop acting all high and mighty, Malfoy. If I recall correctly, you asked Astoria first," I said to him, beginning to squirm as it got harder to breath.

Malfoy grimaced, looking at a loss of words. I smirked upon seeing this, using his momentary hesitation to wriggle out of his grasp. He jolted up, staring right at me.

"Is this because of the fucking game, Aveline, because I swear-"

"No," I smiled up at him. "But if you want me to behave a bit nicer, maybe you could end the game"

He seemed to ponder over this idea, but quickly shook his head.

"Or, maybe you could be a decent human being instead of a slut." He yelled at me.

"Calm down, Malfoy. Unless you obliviated me, which I wouldn't put past you, I'm pretty sure you're the two-faced bitch here," I said calmly, staring at him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to class. I understand you spend all your time shagging girls, but some of us value learning."

And with that I spun on my heel and left the room, walking back to class.

I snuck in while Professor Snape had his back to the class and I took a seat next to Cedric. He sent me a concerned look, which I waved away.

"I'm fine." I muttered to him, hoping he wouldn't press me for more information. He nodded, but I could see he wasn't satisfied by the lack of detail I gave him.

I jumped as I heard a door slam, signaling the return of Draco. He made no effort to hide his tardiness and he loudly walked over to his table with the other slytherins. Professor Snape must have heard his grand entrance, but he didn't say a word about it. The moody professor was liked by all slytherins, except me. He's a greasy haired git, who always puts himself into other people's business.

After the class ended I jumped up, determined to leave before Malfoy could pull me away and try to fuck me. I muttered a hasty goodbye to Cedric and gathered my stuff. I left the room and sprinted up to my dorm, only stopping when I was sure Malfoy wasn't following me.

I sat on my bed, only to see a note sitting there.

meet me in the forbidden forest at 11 pm tonight

It didn't take a Ravenclaw to figure out who wrote the note, and my suspicions were confirmed when I smelled his cologne. I had no idea when or how he managed to deliver the note anyways, but it didn't matter. Besides, I wasn't going. I wanted to spend time on myself, not pathetic boys who call themselves men.

Daphne burst into the room, as I hurriedly shoved the note under my pillow.

"Did you hear about what happened after last period?" she asked, out of breath.

"No," I responded dully, just wanted time to treat myself how I deserve.

"It was Malfoy," she said excitedly. These words caught my attention, making me jump up in a hurry. "He beat Diggory, bad. He ended up in the hospital wing. Malfoy won't say why he did it though, and Diggory's still unconscious."

Fucking hell, why can't Malfoy exhibit some bit of self control. If he's impulsive enough to get in a fight like that, it can't be hard to bring him to his knees and beg for me.
