chapter 6

I don't want to care what people think about me, but how could I not start to worry when I'm about to go out drinking with Blaise and a bunch of Slytherins.

I haven't been at this school long but already I'm receiving a bad reputation.

I mean as if getting into the token 'bad' house wasn't enough crap to begin with. I've made a couple of enemies already, almost as if I was just plainly picking flowers from a garden. So little effort put into it, being hated from barely even breathing, if you're gonna hate me have a good reason to do so. I sit with a Ravenclaw, a very nice and beautiful girl might I add, that's not a good enough reason to hate me. And definitely not a reason to slut shame me.

That Malfoy boy.

Devoting his life to me, to make it just that little bit more shitty. He's got a whole gang, if you could even call them that, they're more like followers, either way he's gotten them to hate me, that's for sure. I hate that boy. With a burning passion. But I couldn't help but think about him as I placed a scarf around my neck emitting a series of flashbacks, a necklace moulded by his hands, ice-cold rings that became engraved on my throat, a tightening sensation around my neck which greeted me with.... pleasure? Not to mention earlier this morning. And so much more I can't go into.

I'm an Aveline and he's a Malfoy.

Not that that's the only thing standing in the way, he also happens to be a massive dick.

But aside from him, it gets worse. My life gets worse. As if my bogart hadn't ruined my chances of people thinking I'm mentally stable. MY MOTHER. My own very mother. I didn't need a shapeshifter to tell my whole class that I've got issues. I didn't need them to ever know, let alone in a class format. A bogart has no definite form as it takes the shape of that which is most feared by the person in front of it. It took shape of my mother. That should say something and it does. It speaks volumes. Things I wouldn't tell people I trusted, no matter how much.

Blaise knows this. He was there for it. This man I hardly know, knows my deepest darkest fear. And yet, he still wants to go out with me. He knows and doesn't care enough to stop that from asking me out. I smile at this thought. He notices the smile on my face as he brings me my jacket. It's not too cold out, I mean it's just September but it's different here than in France. France is quite warmer than England as a whole.

"Excited?" He asks me.

I look up at this tall boy to see an equally happy face staring back at me, "Yeah" I say breathing out.

"This must be your first time at Hogsmeade?" he asks me, helping put on my coat.

"Uh.. yeah" I say, I don't know how to make small talk with this guy I hardly like.

He smiles at me and I smile back, he opens the door gesturing for me to go first. "Shall we?"

I don't say anything, I just smile and walk.

As were walking down he begins starting up a conversation. To my surprise, he avoids my mother, nothing close to her comes up, nothing about the class, nothing at all. It's always the bare minimum that makes me happy. As I least expect it. I try to talk as much as I can with him. Getting to know him better. I don't need to be madly in love with him, or overtly find him hot and sexy for him to be a crush.... right? I mean isn't that what dating's about, not finding THE ONE but getting to know people, getting to know your type, etc. Feelings develop and grow. I can't force myself to like him, only fake it. But maybe if I get to know him, get close, I might start to like him like that.

We arrive and he takes my thin jacket off me to hang it up. I roll up my waistband on my black tennis skirt making it shorter than should be and I'm wearing a matching black long sleeve cropped top so my mid drift is showing, and well if I bend down my ass will be showing. Just how Draco doesn't like it. We make our way down toward the rest of the Slytherins. His hand in the small of my back leading me to the tables. As I approach Daphne greets me with a smile, "You came!" She exclaims in joy. I nod and smile in her direction, trying to pay little to no attention to the dull grey eyes x-raying my every move.

Blaise talks for a bit with his friend before leading me with his hands on waist, turning me around to our table. When he directs me to move forward like a puppet, the sudden movement causes the back of my skirt to fly up just a tad, earning some cheers and 'whoops' from the boys. I roll my eyes in disgust, I don't have the energy to hex them all out. Plus I revel in just the thought of the attention I'm gonna be getting from Draco from that stunt.

Ever since we sat at the table I've paid minimal attention to Draco who'd been staring me down for most of the night. Especially staring at Blaise's hand on my shoulder and his other caressing my thigh. To be honest I wasn't uncomfortable, I was having a great conversation with the Zabini boy. And although I don't like him, yet, he seems like such a great friend and guy to hang around. I was having quite a lot of fun. I wasn't heavily drunk although I had had a few drinks. I enjoyed his company and was starting to get to know him. Plus the major bonus of making that pompous arse Malfoy jealous and mad.

Due to the amount of drinks I had consumed I was in desperate need of the restroom. Out of the corner of my eye, the moment I stood up, I witnessed Draco rise from his seat and start walking towards me. As soon as I realised I darted towards the restroom, my skirt not even trying to cover my ass as I practically sprinted towards the girls restroom door.

As soon as I got to the restroom I did exactly what I came there to do.

It wasn't long until I heard the door open and Malfoy came in. I could tell it was him by the sound of his clickity clackity, probably Italian made handcrafted expensive shoes which made abnormally loud tapping sounds as he walked through the girls restroom.

"You can run from me Princess, but you can't hide." He said menacingly as he made his way down to the only closed stall.

"Fuck off and let me piss." I proclaimed banging on the side of the stall in annoyance.

He said nothing more. He just awkwardly left.

I did my business and as I washed my hands I sighed. I know he's waiting on the other side of that very door. I look down at my less-than modest skirt and unroll the waistband making it longer. The easiest trick in the book. Now if he tries to comment on my skirt length he'll look like a fool.

I sigh once more as I stand in front of the door and pull the knob of the dark oak framed barrier between me and him. He's right there in my face and grabs my wrists, leading me to the coat rack.

"You know were not supposed to hide together right? Its basic rules of the game"

He looked at me confused and annoyed before shaking off his expression. "I gave you basic rules to-." Malfoy said slowly.

I started walking backwards as he had little restraints on me as we were in basically a public setting. Noticing this immediately Draco aggressively pulled me towards him, quickly letting go and stopping when I raised my eyebrows at him before turned to look at a member of the public enjoying their evening. I continued to walk backwards facing him.

"You were saying" I say sarcastically, I don't want to hear the end of his sentence. Backing up hitting the bar.

"I gave you basic rules to follow Aveline" he said walking to the bar and standing next to me.

"Oh...those were rules" I say laughing and taking a shot.

He pulls me in by my waist aggravated trying not to bring too much attention towards us. Draco softly grazed my cheek as he paved his way to me ear, "You're my slut you hear me. Mine." He said slowly.

I can feel my whole body beginning to melt away. But with what dignity the right side of my brain was left with I joked "Nah I can't really hear you" I said pointing around us as if to say 'the bar is loud', I'm just messing with him. But he knows it and hates it. I take another shot.

"Will you stop-" he says baffled as I take another two shots.

"What?" I say innocently, "Okay mama's boy, what rules have I broken?" I continue pretending as if I am losing patience.

"Firstly, you're talking to Blaise, I told you to stay away." he says, his hands tracing my neck, making me gulp. I know that if we weren't in public he'd be crushing my windpipe right now. He would have started ages ago actually. "Secondly, your slutty skirt." He spits out going down to feel my thigh. I hold in a breath and disguise my failed attempt of hiding a moan as a cough. Draco feeling more fabric as he slowly moved his hand down my leg caused him to look down, only to find a non slutty skirt at a non slutty height. "What?" He mumbles.

I see this as a sign of weakness as he becomes confused within his thoughts, I sigh "I'm not drunk enough for your.... horny.. threats..." I say signalling for more drinks, it's true, if I wanted to get through this I would need to be more drunk then I already am.

I take more shots, taking away those placed in front of Draco. "Stop drinking" he almost yells, making me scared but somewhat internally turned on. "I'm not the one seeing things, am I?" I say leaving.

I make my way towards Blaise and the group, as elegantly as a baby giraffe learning to walk. Blaise seeing the state of drunk I'm in decides to take me home.

He grabs my jacket putting it on me as I giggle and turn pointlessly moving my arms and drunkenly make life harder for him to do basic things.

I don't know what the hell he's thinking getting involved with me, but he's willing to put up with my issues and drunkenness enough that he's walking my drunk ass home. I can't really figure out shapes and I keep stumbling as I walk. But he holds me and keeps me upright and steady. I can't help but giggle as I slip and he catches me in his surprisingly strong arms. He does it so carelessly, as if it's just walking a dog.

"oooOOOooo...hahah.... did I tell you, you you mhm yeah you-yo-yo-youuu"

"No you didn't y/n" Blaise says humouring my drunken rampage, "Tell me again what?"

"That I think you're kinda cute" He doesn't have time to react to my statement as I slip once more. Due to him being distracted by my words he ends up falling with me as I bring him down. I find him on top of me and I giggle some more. "Helooooooo" I say biting down on my bottom lip. Blaise attempts to get up and off of me but I pull him down. "No no no, I like you in this position"

Blaise's face goes red in embarrassment. "Y/n how many butterbeers have you had?"

"One... two... three... six... eight... wait no... five" I say pointing four fingers.

"Thats not enough to get you this drunk... not even a lightweight" he mumbled, "Either drugged or you had something stronger"

"Now that you mentioned it I did have like, one... nine... ten shots" I say giggling as he lifts me onto his back.

"That explains it" He said hoisting me and carrying me over his back.

We get back to the dorms and he places me carefully on the bed. I flop like the most elegant sea bass on top of the blankets.

"Wherea, wherees, weeee, wherr you going zanbanini"

"To get you some water" he says grabbing a cup, "get into you pjs"

"I dunnoo where is theyy?"

Blaise sighs and checks under the pillow and then goes through her draws, "Here" he chucks a comfy oversize shirt. "Put that on and- Y/N!"

"What?" I say staring at him deer eyed in my bra.

"Wait till I'm out of the room at least!" He says covering his eyes.

When he comes back I'm in the shirt under the covers. He places the water down and begins to leave.

"zannabananna" I say

"Yeah?" He says passionately leaning on the door frame.

"come here".

He reluctantly does, I grab his face bringing it to mine.

"NO. Y/n, I won't do that" Blaise says pushing away.

"Why won't you kiss me? Am I not pretty enough?" I wail.

"No, you're very pretty. You're also very drunk." He says apologetically. "Goodnight Y/n" He says, walking out and shutting the door.

As Blaise leaves y/n's room he runs into a random Slytherin boy in the dorms "NICE!" he says to Blaise. Just as Daphne comes around the corner. She gives him the horrified death stare.

"No, no Daph, I didn't- She just-" He tried to explain.

Without another word Daphne pushes him out of the way to get to y/n.

Daphne's anger turns into relief as she sees y/n half asleep in pjs. Daphne walks over to the bed and talks to a half awake y/n.

"Heyyy" Daph starts.

"Mhm" A half conscious body yelps.

"What's up with Blaise?" Daphne goes straight to the question

"he- no no.. kiss.... me....." Almost a sentence gets pushed out.

"He didn't kiss you?" She says excited.

"No, say I too .... glug glug glug" She does hand moments.

"He didn't take advantage of you" Daphne says relieved.

"Nuh uh" Y/n says highly disappointed causing Daphne to laugh.

"Now turn over, I'm not having you choking on your bile and dying" She says rolling her friend over.
