chapter 42

Y/n Pov:

"She drugged me. Killed my father and left me for dead" he laughs evilly knowing that my relationship is fleeting by the second. "Oh and did I forget to mention she framed me for his murder"

Draco stands there quietly, processing all of this. I can see he looks angry and upset. I wonder if I have already lost him...

"Not Mr Tough Guy now, are you?" he gloats

"Shut up Richardson" we both say simultaneously and I want to laugh but I know I can't.

"Well am I wrong?" He chuckles deeply, "he's precious idea of you has gone. You're a murderer y/n and you always will be. You're also a liar"

"Then why did you blackmail me to kiss me?!" I yell at him, "if I'm such a horrible person why don't you just not associate yourself with me. You can't have anyone else as your girlfriend okay? I don't want to be yours."

"But I can't blackmail other girls as much as I can with you, I don't meet many who will have a threesome. I don't meet many that are so broken that they'll throw themselves at me for love. Love which i give you. No one else will love you but me." Xander's old tricks don't work as much as they used to.

"That's where you're wrong. I am loved" I say confidently, looking towards Draco. But I am left only disappointed by him avoiding my eye o arch.

"Pft" Xander scoffs, "I'm always right, aren't I? Stop kidding yourself." He says walking towards me.

"He will never love you like I did, and you will never love him how you love me" Xander says, hitting a nerve.

I punch him.

I punch him hard, I've wanted to for a while. I keep punching him and I don't stop. He is wrong. Maybe Draco doesn't love me anymore but I'm not unlovable. Because even if he doesn't love m elbow he did before.

To my surprise I feel Draco's hands on my waist, he pulls me away from Xander. But he pulls me out of the way to punch Xander himself.

I move Draco to the side so I can get more punches in.

The both of us punch simultaneously. 

Both of our knuckles red, some covered in his blood.

After a minute of silence Draco walks out of the room and I attempt to grab his hand but he shakes it off.

"Draco.." I try. I have to try, I can't give up on him.

"Oh come on Y/n you know I'm right." Xander laughs.

"You're right. I'll never love Draco the way I loved you but I don't need to, cause I never really loved you did I" I begin to walk out but he gets up and takes my arm and pulls me back.

"Where are you going Y/n?" He asks angrily.

"Where am I going? I'm going after him!" I yell exasperated and panicking.

"No you're not. You're my girlfriend, you stay with me." He says slowly, letting go of his right grip on my wrist. "Unless you want me to tell everyone else."

"You slimy git." I put my wand to his throat.

His smirk only grows "You know there are so many people here to tell, it's a big school" he whispers the last part.

That's when I realised it, "You were never going to let me live we're you?" I say tightening my grip on the wand, turning it and poking it deeper into his throat. All of a sudden I take my want away. "Well I don't care, tell anyone you want." He looks surprised as I walk away.

"What?" He questions.

"The most important thing in my life is gone already, I have nothing to lose."


Theo Pov:

I'm just going about my day normally as I find a crying Y/n bump into me again.

"Hey Y/n? You good?" I say hugging her.

"What has Draco done this time." I roll my eyes.

"He told me he loves me" She says, but she doesn't look happy.


"Yay?!" I ask, "that's a good thing right...?"

"Yeah but I've messed it all up!" She cries harder into my shoulder.

"Surely... not." I say out of breath as I try to transport her to a more quiet location.

Once we're in the dorm I sit her down on a chair and I bring another towards hers.

"Walk me through it" I lean back in my chair knowing this might take a while.

"Well Xander blackmailed me into being his girlfriend for a week"

"Uh huh." I nod.

"Then Draco saw us kissing so naturally he was jealous.."

"So he beat Xander up" I finished her sentence.

"No actually he didn't."

"Oh wow that's new"

"Well he did beat up Xander a couple minutes ago but that one was long overdue and deserved." She rambles on but I just want her to get to the point to be honest. That fast I hear the problem the fast I can fix it.

Well I mean I hope I can fix it. That whole Owlery thing went up in flames but they did say the L word so I don't know, I think I am definitely pushing them in the right direction.

"that's some progress at least" I sigh. "continue," I motion with my hand for her to keep going.

"So I went after him and I tried to break it off with him, which obviously didn't work because he told me he loves me" I can see this makes her tears form, but I'm not sure how this is a problem just yet.

"And what did you say?" I ask curiously.

"Well I didn't say anything at first but then we had sex and it just felt right so I said it back-" she says quickly but I cut her off

"HOLD UP" I say trying to get my head around this.

She repeats "we had sex and then-"

"No not that, I don't need to hear that" I say covering my ears.

"I told him I love him too..." she looks at the ground.

"We should be celebrating!!" I say standing up, "come on this is awesome!"

What on earth could be wrong.

"I don't think he loves me anymore..." she says crying.

"Oh my god, how dumb is Draco and how insecure are you y/n? Did he flirt with another girl?" I'm sorry, what? This happened within a couple hours? How is she unsure.. and what has Draco done?

"Draco hasn't done anything wrong this time, I have."

What is wrong with these two!! HONESTLY.

"What did you do then?" I say done with this bullshit.

"I lied to him, again"

"What did he find out about?" Look I love y/n I really do but sometimes she's just very dumb. She has told me so many things because she trusts me but she hasn't told Draco anything. Which of course makes him mad.

She sighs. "Something I haven't even told you"

I can't help but gasp.

"Okay on a scale of one to ten, how bad was this lie to him?"

"Ten." She says without hesitation.

"Is it a ten or do you think it's a ten because you're upset right now?"

"It's a ten." She says angrily.

Okay I'm starting to see a problem here. It's a reoccurring one.... Communication.

"You know, you can't just keep keeping things from him, he doesn't like it. You both have trust issues, I thought you'd understand what it's like for him" I say. I empathise with y/n, I do. But she does think quite irrationally when emotional, I mean it's human but she's more irrational than most, Draco is the same.

"I know but I don't know how to get him to trust me again.." she sighs.

"Easy, Tell him the truth." I say running out of patience.

"He won't talk to me and even if I tell him everything he won't believe me"

"But he will belive this...accio!"

Y/n Pov:

A vile of some sort flies through the air to his hand.


"Here" Theo passes it to me, "he will have to believe you if you take this in front of him."

"Oh my god Theo! You're a genius!" I say hugging him.

"I know" he says jokingly.

"But...he'd never talk to me" I begin.

"But he'll talk to me." Theo says smirking. He has some sort of plan.

Theo pov:

A couple minutes later we were all gathered in someone's room. Astoria, Daphne, Blaise and Pansy were going to help me.

"So we're locking them in a room together?" Daphne says, questionigly.

"Yes. The question is just where and when and how."I say, "any ideas."

Blaise chimes in, "well you can defiantly get Draco to go somewhere, what if we find a classroom and say Snape is asking for him or something?"

"Yes that's sounds good, so a room in the dungeons?" I look around of a sign of agreement.

"Can't we just lock them in the dungeon?" Pansy asks.

"No Pansy. We're not locking them in the dungeon. Firstly I'm not getting in trouble for that and secondly it's not that private."

"Yeah but it's great for locking people up.." Pansy tries to push this again.

"Absolutely not."

"We should do it either during a lunch break or after school." Astoria says, "I don't know about you guys but personally I don't want to waste my lunch locking those two up."

"Okay okay" the others nod in agreement.

"So that means we have a time and relatively a place." Blaise says, "how do we get Draco to stay"

Pansy chimes in once more "we lock them up"

"Well obviously, but how are we going to get the door closed and spell it if he sees y/n and tries to get out immediately." Blaise says thinking of many possibilities and outcomes from this plan.

"We'll have y/n go in after then?" Astoria says. "I'll bring her there with Daph!"

"Alright then, Blaise and Pansy. Would you like to lock them in then?"

"Gladly" Pansy smirks

"Today after class. I'll bring Draco, you two bring Y/n and the serum, and you two lock the doors. Got it?"

They all nod in agreement.


Y/n Pov:

It's the day of Theo's plan and Daph and Astoria lead me to the dungeons. I'm not sure what's happening exactly but I trust Theo.

I find Draco in a room by himself and he looks quite confused. I walk in and the door shuts behind me, locking.

Draco turns towards me or rather the sound of the door closing.

"What are you doing here. And why is the door closed" he says angrily.

"Well-" he doesn't let me finish, instead he walks up to the door and tries to open it.

"Damn it! THEO! What did you do!"

"It's for your own good" he says from the other side of the door.

He keeps banging at the door.

"Let me out" he yells.

"What's the password"

"I hate you Theo"

"Mhmmm close but still not the password"

"Fuck." He hits it one more time.

"That's not the password either." He says chuckling

Draco takes out his wand and tries to spell it open but it doesn't work.


"Fine, the password is communication"

"Communication. Now let me out" he says still angry.

"Oh no, you seem to misunderstood. In order to get out. You two have to communicate." He laughs.

Draco turns around to face me again.

"What is this" he asks me, looking quite mad, but more confused as I hold out a vile of Veritaserum. "Truth potion? Is that the only way you're gonna tell me the truth. Unwillingly."

"No." I say sternly. "I tell you the truth. I just don't tell you everything, most things. Well actually a lot of things" I ramble ons

"Well that's the problem isn't it- at least that's what Theo says. Our 'communication skills are shit' " he uses is fingers to make air quotes.

"Look you can ask me anything and I'll tell you, this is only here so you know I'm telling you the whole truth, the full truth and nothing but the truth. It's what I owe you. And I would like for you to trust me again" who am I kidding I'd like for him to love me again, I really want to know that he still loves me, if he still does that is.

"Okay then" he says sitting down, this might take a while so we both sit down. "Let's start at the beginning, shall we" he says raising his eyebrows, "What happened in Paris?"

I swallow a lump in my throat before starting. "We we're coming back from a holiday trip. One that we weren't allowed to go on"

"Why weren't you allowed" he asks interrupting.

"His father had forbid him from going, that's when he started to dislike me. Said that I was the reason his son has been going out of control, that he doesn't listen anymore." I say trying to explain some backstory before getting into the nitty gritty although I know he just wants to hear it quick and get it over with. But just telling him about the murder without the intention is only going to make me look worse. It was self defense!

"What does that have to do with anything" he sounds impatient but he isn't going anywhere and we're locked in here.

"Let me finish" I continue on, "His father had cut him off from the will and labelled the muggle credit card as missing- we did have some cash left but not much."

"What did you even do on holidays then?" He asks now realising that if he's getting a story he might get invested a bit.

"We'll actually that's when we had the threesome" I say trying not to talk about it. I try my hardest to fight the truth serum. Draco sees this and luckily doesn't continue asking questions. I know taking about my sexual past makes him mad and personally I'm not too comfortable talking about it either.

"Okay moving on, what happened when you got home"

"We didn't" I begin, "he found us at one of the train station layovers from the airport to Paris. He saw us in the windows and ran on to the door of the train. We didn't actually see him tho. It was dark out and not many people were there at this time."

"So you killed him on the train?"

"Yes" I say swallowing a lump, I'd much rather talk about the little details around it happening then talk about it directly.

"He knocked my wand out of my hand and began attacking me- yelling at me- I could tell he was drunk. Drunk and very very angry. Xander tried to stop him, I managed to reach a knife-"

"Knife?" Draco cuts me off.

"Yeah, a butter knife. We had some croissants..."

"You stabbed him with a butter knife?" Draco asks very curiously, his eyebrows raising.

"No. You see a butter knife isn't really sharp so I rather sliced. I made a bunch of gashes along his arms and legs. Enough for some bleeding but the alcohol kept him from feeling much pain so I kept sawing at him until- Xander-" i take a deep breath, although the truth serum is doing most of the talking it's still hard for me to talk about. I take my time for a breaths "Xander hit him over the head with something glass, which took attention away from me. I went for my wand immediately. I don't know what happened but I froze, my head hurt and I couldn't think of anything. The only spell that came to mind was accio, I summoned a big knife and stabbed him, many many times."

You know too many times to be labeled an accident.

"So what happened after that" Draco questions. I really don't want to continue but I have no choice.

"We sat back down at our seats, I finished my croissant and we panicked. Xander was quite mad at me in the beginning-"

Draco raises his eyebrows at me. "He was more mad that he couldn't think of a defense. Stabbing someone multiple times to death isn't counted as Self-Defense, you know it's a bit iffy."

To my surprise Draco just nods, he still doesn't seem to care that I killed someone, even with the details. I know he's waiting for the rest. So I continue on recounting the events of that night in Paris. "The train doors were closed and we locked them, thank god for spells we could hide a lot more from the muggles but not the wizard cops."

"Y/n stop avoiding, you know what I want to know. Tell me" he sounds angry now.

"Alright, I'll hurry up. Xander and I were talking for a while about what to do, he said he'd take the blame and I still had many drugs left from our trip so I put them in his drink. I thought it would be easier to defend the actions if we had substance abuse from both. So I thought it would be easier to get out of juvie"

Draco looks at me angrily. "Xander is fine okay? He's going to a prestigious school and he's blackmailing me to be his girlfriend. He's just fine. He forgave me back then, or at least that's what I thought but now he's using it as leverage because he wants to be with me. But I don't want him, I only want you" I ramble in desperation.

"Why did you drug him" Draco says.

"I just said, it would be easier to-"

"No." Draco looks and points down to my hand. "I know you're hiding something, you squeezed your hand like when you tried not to talk about the threesome" he watches me tense up. "So what is it, what else is there you're not telling me."

I open my mouth to speak but he interrupts me once more. "You know it was your idea, let me ask you questions and you tell me the truth. But you can't even do that, can you?" He taunts me, annoyed and angry.

"Yes, I did it without his consent, I drugged him. I also did it because he'd get a drug charge, he'd have to go into rehab. Meaning I could get out of the relationship. Don't get me wrong I did love him once but I wanted out and I was afraid that I couldn't, I didn't know what to do. I saw an out and I took it." I say strongly.

Draco looks a bit happier but also concerned. "What did he do to you that made you want out." I could tell that Draco was asking for himself.

"Draco i'd never drug you in order to leave you if that's what you're worried about... in-fact I feel safer around you, happier around you." I attempt to reassure him, I know the truth will make him feel better.

"Don't get me wrong you annoy the living hell out of me and you do hurt me, but you've never done anything like Xander has. And I highly doubt you will, Xander needed rehab, maybe not for drugs but for how he treated me. He thought what he did was okay and that was the scariest thing about him. I see remorse in your eyes, I see mercy, I see love. You.. you cared when Pucy tried to-" I can't continue talking, I squeezed my hand to try and stop the serum.

"Okay, no need to talk about that" Draco says touching my hand. "Look" he says sighing, "I don't know what he's done, but I know I've done bad too." He straits my clenched hand "I don't need to forgive you for stuff you haven't done to me, that's not my place. I can empathise with you on many level and I just need... i need you to be open and honest with me. Not with every single thing, but a lot." He stops strolling my hand and starts walking, pacing slowly around the small room.

"Y/n. I still have a few questions left"

"Okay, you can ask me anything, I promise." I let go of my hand, I trust him. It's been a long time since I trusted someone but I trust him. There are things I'd rather not talk about but I will be more honest.

"Do you regret anything you've done?" He asks pausing.

"I regret nothing I have done. Because it lead me to you." I say firmly.

He smiles at that answer. "You don't regret me at all?"

"Not one bit. As much as we fight we keep coming back to each other, I've never had stability or vulnerability and neither have you. I feel like-" I try to squeeze me fingers but it doesn't work, "I feel like we could really be something, that's if you're willing too.."

Draco Pov:

"Of course y/n, I'm willing."

I watch her smile at me, I love her smile. Everything about her I love. I love how she makes me feel.

"Okay then" I walk towards the door, I knock on it a few times until I hear someone.

"Yeah?" Theo says. "You guys had make up sex yet or what?" He says laughing.

"Nah, we're gonna need some more serum" Draco yells.

"Jesus, how many secrets do you have?" Theo says looking through the peephole.


"Alright alright here," he spells it into the room, no way in hell he'd let us have a chance to escape.

"How many more questions, how many till you trust me." She says desperately.

I walk towards her, I can see lost hope in her eyes. It turns to confusion as I take the vile to my lips, I drink it while looking at her. She smirks a little.

"Is it a secret time sesh?" She asks, laughing a bit.

"No." I answer truthfully, "you're being honest with me, I'd like to be honest with you." She lights up at this. "I do still have a few questions but I know you'll have so for me, I also want an excuse to talk about my feelings and blame it on something." I can see her smile widen as I try to stop myself from talking.

"Okay.. do I ask the questions now?" She says quite happily, licking her lips.

"No both of us" she nods and starts . "Tell me about your father"

"You know him he's- hes-" I seem to lose the words.

"I know he hurt you.. and I know you don't talk about him much." She says trying to get me to talk.

My will isn't stronger than the position so I give in. "He did hurt me yes, I swore to myself that I'd never become like him, that's one of my biggest fears."

"What is your biggest fear.." she asks me quietly.

"Losing you." I say confidently

"Is that why you beat guys up? You're afraid someone's going to take me from you. She says very annoyed.

"Look at me, I'm not a good boyfriend, there's men out there who treat you better than I can and you know that. You went out with Cedric, slut." I regret saying it, she looks.. she looks angry.

"Have you ever tried? Will you ever try?" She asks with desperation and hope, hanging like earrings on her face.

"I have been trying, you know how many times I haven't beaten people up. I mean how many have I actually beaten up??" She opens her mouth to answer "that was rhetorical.."

"Why do you beat them up, why are you mad at them rather than at me for 'leaving'" she says thinking hard and deep.

"I don't kid myself, I know you're going to them, and they'd have you in a heartbeat. Look at yourself y/n you're absolutely beautiful. But I don't know what I'd do without you.."

"Okay what about beating up Blaise?" She asks me quite aggressively..

"Which time?" I ask sincerely but it only makes her more mad.

"When you didn't even know me!" She almost yells.

"Okay I will admit, it takes some time to love your snooty ass" I smirk. "I honestly don't know, okay? I've never been good with processing emotions regularly, I was never taught anything else so why shouldn't I? When I saw I'd hurt you, I never wanted to again, I hated that feeling. The same feeling I felt when my father-"

"It's okay, but from now on, get my permission to beat people up first." I say laughing a bit.

"Fine" I huff and she laughs. "Okay, now tell me about your mother."

"Really? What about her?" Y/n asks curiously.

"Well I would like to know why you're so scared of her, what your story is with her. I assume a lot but I don't actually know. She was your bogart" I want to know about the woman that hurt her.

"Yeah... my mother abused me... which you'd know... she used the cruciatus curse on me.. an unforgivable curse."

"I'm so sorry that happened" maybe I should have asked, she doesn't like to talk about it.

"It happened many a time, she liked physically hurting me more, it got more anger out"

"Why was she angry" I ask trying to get a clearer picture.

"She'd say it's because I walked in with muddy shoes or I didn't get home quick enough but after a while I knew that wasn't it. My dad was always away at work, I love him to pieces but he was never there. My parents are basically separated but didn't get a divorce for financial reasons. I was forced to stay with my mum, I was a burden to her. I was the reason he marriage failed"

"You're not though-" I reassure her.

"I know I'm not but she made me feel like I was. I- I felt. I'd actually rather stop"

"Come on, you can recount events but not the feelings?" I say not trying to push too hard but she did say she'd

"I felt like there was something wrong with me, I felt like I didn't deserve anything- I mistook Xander as love because any attention I got was good attention compared to my mother. Anything nice I didn't deserve" she says, holding back tears.

"You deserve so much Y/n, so much more than I can give you." I can't help but think about it, so I say it.

"Do you love me?" I say immediately. "Rather do you still love me? Did you ever love me? Was Xander right? Do you not love me as much as you love him?" I watch her face for an indications for something, "Did you love me or is that also a lie."

"Slow your roll" Y/n says, putting her hair to the side.

She takes a deep breath before continuing. "No. That isn't a lie. I love you. Of course I love you. I really do. I mean it, I do. And as for Xander he was right, I will never love you the way I love you..."

"I knew it" I say angrily but before I can yell at her she continues..

"Because I never really loved him, I don't think so. Don't get me wrong he was great a lot of the time, but I said I love you back then because I thought I did, I thought I should do. I did think I loved him. I really did but I never realised how much I never loved him till I felt how love was meant to feel. The love I share for you, Draco"

"Wait-" I begin

"I love you, okay? And I only know how much I love you because of how wrong I was about Xander. I know how love is supposed to feel now. It feels like you and me. I know it's crazy, I know I sound crazy and I wish I could stop talking but it's how I feel. And I'm terrified to tell you because I don't know if you feel the same-" she starts crying a bit.

I immediately go up to her and hug her.

"That's it. Those are all my secrets. I lay nothing but naked in front of you. I give you my vulnerability in exchange for your time and consideration." She sniffles, "but I'd really like to know if you still love me-"

"I love you too Y/n" she sighs into my shoulder, "I love you more than you know. I've never felt this way before about anyone and that scares me... Our love is unconventional but it's ours." I feel her become calm under my body's grasp on hers.

I don't like feeling vulnerable and neither does she, we both know this about each other yet we're able to overcome our walls built by the other, I feel as though maybe our walls have become one.

"I want to kiss you" I say.

"I want to kiss you too" y/n says leaning in.

And so we kiss. I grab her face in my hands and move them down her arms, feeling every inch, every curve, every beautiful bump of her body. I want to explore her once again and get lost in her eyes, I want to fuck her hard and hear her beg for me. I want to love her with every I ch of my being.

And I don't want her to leave me....

All of a sudden we hear cheers from outside. "Oh my god they did it!" I hear Pansy yell. "Who would have though" Theo laughs.

Y/n chuckles a bit which turns into a bigger laugh, I love her laugh.

I don't know what came over me next but it just felt right in the moment. "Just one more question..."

"Mhm" She laid her head into the crook of my shoulder and I just said it.

"Will you... marry me?"
