Chapter 26


It's quite a peculiar feeling.

When what you've planned out in your head, so detailed and descriptive goes to complete and utter shit.

For some reason I managed to convince myself for so long that I actually thought that if I fucked her I'd stop thinking about her.

But I haven't, my hunger only grows for her. That much is evident from what happened just a few moments ago in the classroom. She's a fucking tease. And she's going to pay for that dearly.

This girl is going to ruin me. But I don't want out just yet, I'm having way too much fun..

I long to taste her once more, to feels her around me, to hear her begging for me. I thought once we got it over and done with I'd be able to think straight again but I can barely focus when her moans of pleasure intrude their way into my subconscious at the most inopportune times.

I can't block her out, she clouds my daydreams and submerges into my deepest dreams. Dreams I would never speak of, dreams where I perform unspeakable acts. It's impossible to not think about her daily, especially not when she surrounds herself with other boys. Boys that could hurt her and take her from me. I won't let that happen.

So many of our issues could be fixed with a simple conversation. But I could never tell her how I feel. I mean, I almost did once. I told her I care about her. She seemed surprised, too surprised. Had I been subtle? I surely didn't think I was that discrete. But then again neither is Y/n, I know she cares about me, at least to a degree.

We both wanted each other in that moment, and we finally had each other. That should be it. That should be it! Why does there have to be more.

What is wrong with me, I'm a Malfoy and she's a filthy Aveline. I begged for her. Something I swore I'd never do. Although Y/n very obviously lost the bet. I still longed for her... I still do even now, that shows weakness. And in my family, a weakness means you're vulnerable. She endangers me, I cannot show any form of compassion or care anymore, that would mean that not only am I weak but it would mean there is more between us. And to top that off, I can't afford to let myself get invested into anything, especially no matter how I feel. I am prepared to lose everything in an instant. And this girl will not change that.

She means nothing to me. She's a dirty slut. But yet I love watching her pretty little face twist in pleasure as I thrust into her. Just thinking about it... I want to make sure she can't stand. I want to hear her scream my name. I want to watch chills go down through her body as I whisper in her ear. I want to tie her up and watch her squirm underneath me, helpless, marked in my scratches and love bites.

I want her to be all mine, above all else.


I can't think about him, I scared Astoria earlier yelling at her, currently anything that reminds me of him I'm trying to avoid. But Astoria is my friend and I don't want her to hate me more than she already probably does. I mean her date was with me for most of the Ball. Everything near me reminds me of him. His scent is engrained into my nostrils. Luckily I can get his stench off me as we have another party, although smoke and alcohol stinks, I'd rather have to wash that off my dresses than his perfume.

It feels like we have a party every other day. Not that I'm complaining or anything, I will take literally any distraction at this moment. Although I do doubt the other houses have as many, Snape is quite lenient and as long as we don't annoy him he's pretty chill about literally everything. Every teacher has their ups and downs.

Another great thing I love about our almost constant parties is that Draco always gets jealous when I talk to guys there, as soon as I walk in with my outfit, he's already undressing me with his eyes. I wonder what he's thinking in those moments...

Hold on a second. What am I even saying. Draco isn't even coming to the party, Theo said he's skipping so he doesn't run into me. As much as I love having Theo as my little double agent, it hurts knowing he's avoiding me.

It's hard to stay confident and stern when I just want to be turned into his own personal little play toy. And it's always just the slightest things that make my legs become weak, the growl in his tone in the way he says my name when he's mad at me for one. Even just imagining it now, I try not to dwell on these thoughts for too long. Instead I get ready for the party. Putting on one of my custom dresses, a deep blue, scantily cut, thin spaghetti straps, with the words daddy's angel embroidered onto the hem.


As I leave my room and walk barely a few steps before I see Draco, sitting on the common room couch. We make eye contact for a second, then my eyes move to his hands, clenched into fists.

I continue walking and ignore him, but I hear him get up and trail behind me. I pick up my pace, walking faster, what is his plan? I'm almost out but I feel two hands on my waist causing me to stop in my steps, his hands pull me into his room. I don't need to look up to know who it is, his rings press into my hips tightly as he turns me to face him.

He looks so angry but at the same time when he looks at me like that I can see hunger in his eyes, as they scan me for far too long. His eyes come back up to meet mine and he goes back to being angry as a thought overcomes his mind.

"You're not going out like that"

"Excuse you?" I say in disbelief. What's he gonna do?

"You're. Not. Going," He says taking a step towards me with each word, "Out. Like. That." His face is dangerously close to my face. We can't do this, not now.

I stand my ground, "And why not?" I'm not being dominated by this ferret.

Not again.

"Don't play dumb with me Y/n," He says placing his arm against the wall, trapping me. "What the hell is this." He points to the words embroidered.

daddy's angel

"What" I say innocently shrugging my shoulders.

"I don't think I've ever called you an angel." He says sneering.

"And I don't think I've ever called you daddy" I say smiling evilly. "Any other 'problems' with my dress" I ask tilting my head as I watch his eyes scour my body.

"It's too short, you might as just be naked if you're gonna walk around in that" He hisses.

"If you want me naked Draco, all you have to do is ask." I say biting on my lower lip.

"I-" He says moving his hand to the back of his head.

"No, that simply won't work 'use your words' darling" I quote him.

"I want you naked. Now"

"That's no way to speak to a Lady"

"I will have what I want. Slut." He growls into my ear. "Don't test me."

"Mmh, what's the magic word?" I say unbothered, trying to hide the fact that my legs were becoming weak.

"S'il te plait chéri" [Please darling] He smirks up at me before moving his hands up from my waist signalling for me to jump and I don't. Draco looks at me with confusion and frustration.

I giggle, "Look at you all powerless and obeying my every command"

His anger builds until he says "Very brave words from the girl who moaned my name not too long ago."

I become silent.

"Remember?" He asks, lifting my chin. I turn my head away angry but he brings me back to face him.

I'm beginning to regret everything that lead up to that. There's no going back. No matter what I do, he can always hang that over my head. And who would ever believe me when I say he begged for me too.

As much as I enjoyed having him, I never actually did have him. He always seemed prepared to run. He always changed his mind so fast, it hurt. I hate to admit it. Cause admitting that it hurts is admitting that I care. As much as I loved being his, I was only his for those moments. He'd throw me away in a second, I just know it. And as much as I loved being submissive, I hate this feeling of having no power.

"Silent are we? I can fix that.." He says bringing his hand down to my thigh.

I feel my chest rise as I take a large amount of air. I turn my head away. I can't do this. But I have to, I have to be strong.

"Stop it Draco, you're- you're being delusional.." I want so badly to just kiss him.

"We both know you love being my little slut." He says whispering into my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"As if!" I exclaim.

"Oh really, that's not what you said last night.." He says undressing me with his eyes.

I just roll my eyes.

"Oh, please—fuck, I just—, fuck Draco". He mimics me making his voice high pitched.

"I do not sound like that, for the record." I say trying to fight him on anything else but he just keeps mimicking me moaning.

"Oh it feels so good. So good draco. I need—I need—" He keeps going

I have no patience for him anymore, I had to. So I did.

I slapped him.

To my surprise he doesn't look mad at all, although his cheek is becoming red he doesn't bring a hand back up to feel it. Instead he brings his eyes to mine as his tongue grazes his teeth, "ooOOoo, someone's feisty" He says chuckling.

He smirks as he sees my frustrated face, I try not to be riled up by this. But I need to hit him back. "And what about your ass," I say lifting my eyebrows swiftly, "please let me fuck you. I need— I need—" I mick him and stop instantly as I watch him tense up.

"Keep that up and I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk tonight." He says choking me. His cold rings making indents in the sides of my neck.

I feel my heart beating faster by the second "No." I try to say confidently his grip tightening, pressing harder into the sides, "you keep that up and I'll have someone else's head in between my legs tonight."

His throat suddenly becomes tense as he swallows a large gulp and drops me immediately. His arm swimming to his sides.

"And just like that I've got you at my beck and call." I say proud. "You'd do anything just to fuck me." I say smiling.

"And you'd do anything to get some dick. You worthless slut." He spits out at me.

That hurt. I won't admit it. I try to not let it show how much it did. But I can't help but look dumfounded. This comment takes me aback. What is his problem? I know he's definitely been with other girls, but anytime he hears me mention anyone other than him he's all up in arms like I've broken his leg or something. I won't lie, when he was with Astoria it hurt me. But it only hurt because some stupid part of my brain actually thought that this stupid boy actually cares. He did care about me and he even said that he did but that was purely situational I mean anyone would care if that happened to someone.

"Why? Jealous Malfoy?" I say trying to get back to my pervious confident demeanor.

"I'm not jealous, pfft." He scoffs.

"Liar. Just make up your mind Malfoy. You don't want me to be with anyone else but you don't want me either?" I say annoyed.

"I'd say I'm..... territorial." He says blocking out my question trying to build up his image again, "Jealous is when you want something that's not yours."

"That's precisely what you are! You're jealous, admit it!"

"Territorial is protecting what's already yours." He keeps going on his tangent, ignoring me yelling at him.

"Yours? I thought we've gone over this before. Wait back up, protecting me? Protecting me from WHAT? Guys who would treat me right? Guys I could actually love? Guys who don't claim me as theirs and guys who aren't complete and utter assholes?"

"Oh please. Love? You think you'd find love here of all places, a highschool?" He says laughing.

"I've done it once I can do it before" I snap back.

"You're too young as if you'd ever felt love before." He says deflecting.

"I know how love feels Malfoy. I might not get any from my mother, but I've felt it" I say sternly.

"Your ex boyfriend." He says accusingly.

"What does that have to do with anyth-" I say beginning to feel hot, not in the good way.

"Did you love you love him?" He corrects himself.

"Stop trying to change the subject" I say annoyed.

"Answer the motherfucking question" He yells pushing my shoulders into the wall.

"What's it to you!" I yell back at him.

"Does your heart or does your heart not belong to him?" I hear his voice break.

"Draco, if I say what you want me to say you're gonna be jealous again"

"I was right" He says taking his hands away.

"Yeah so what, I've been in love. But I've broken up with him. I'm single, I'm free, I'm available." How many more adjectives do I need to use before he gets the hint.

"Okay, okay, I get it. Have fun at the party." He says angrily, "But put something else on." He walks and sits down on the edge of his bed grumpily.

I begin to take off my dress right in front of him.

I watch his eyes go wide. "What are you doing?"

"Getting changed, like you said" I say pausing.

"Into what?" He says knowing the answer but still asking anyway.

I smile now standing in front of him in my underwear. "Better?"

"Much" He says smirking before getting up from his sitting position to try and kiss me but I just head for the door, and begin to open it.

"Where are you going." He says sprinting to the door to close it.

"The party of course" I say.

"You're ridiculous." He huffs. "Alright, you've called my bluff now get dressed"

"Into that dress?" I ask.

"Yes yes fine!" He says yelling at me.

"Okay then." I open the door a little. And he panics.

"Y/N" He yells.

"What? I'm not leaving. You are"

"What-" He asks confused as I push him out. "Y/n, let me in" He says hitting the door.

"Nuh uh, I'm getting dressed." I say charming the door closed.

He gives up and leaves.


I take off my bra and place it underneath his sheets. I rip off embroidered words from my dress and place them in there.

I then put my dress back on, pulling my hair forward to try and cover the fact I wasn't wearing bra.

I sigh and make my way back to my room, I don't see him again. I don't think he went back to the room yet.

I change into a different custom skimpy dress, I'd say this one is worse anyway.

As I make my way to the party I feel a little upset that he's not going to be there.
