chapter 16

TW!: mentions of abuse!


His hands. They reminded me of her.

I quickly ran back to my room and collapsed on the floor as soon as I shut the door, trying to calm myself down. My sobs were loud and painful as I tried to stand up. My heart was aching whilst memories of her went through my mind. I tried to stop the memories, pulling harshly on my hair.

"Mom, let me out please! I'm hungry." I cried out. She locked me up in the broom closet. My 12 year old self was starving, I had been here for 36 hours straight.

"You're a fat, dirty whore, who needs to lose some weight! You should be thanking me for helping, you ungrateful pig. You ruined my life!" I heard her shouting.

My heart broke at her words. I tried to cover my ears up to stop me from hearing those painful words. My own mother, my own flesh and blood, whom I loved dearly, was breaking my innocent heart in million pieces.

She opened the closet and yanked me out, pulling my hair as I screamed out from pain.

"You worthless slut."

She wrapped her hand around my neck and strangled me until I was gasping for air.

I managed to get myself off the floor, my legs trembling as I walked to our shared mirror in the corner of the room.

I looked at myself in disgust, noticing the huge red mark his hands left while he was choking me. Though it wasn't the first time, this time was different. I didn't feel comfortable or teased, I felt scared. For a moment I thought it was her again, strangling me and spatting those fucking words at me.

Worthless slut.

I looked myself in the eyes, remembering how pure and innocent I used to be.

She ruined me.

I loved her, I loved her so much and all she did was hurt me. And the reason? I still don't know and I probably never will.

Funny isn't it? How your own mother, the woman that carried you for 9 months, gave birth, raised you, could turn into such a monster.

My mother was beautiful, but oh so evil.

People often see me as that privileged, spoiled girl, but I'm far from it. I've always tried to live for others, trying to satisfy others wishes, but now I've realised that it's gonna be me and only me at the end of the day.

I hated her for making me hate myself whenever I failed to stay strong, whenever my tears poured as rain, drowning me in sorrow. An air of melancholy surrounded me. I felt remorseful for myself, looking at nothing but a broken girl that tried to cover up her fractured soul with a mask that showed nothing more but happiness. I refused to let my walls down, afraid someone else is gonna break me again, someone like her.

I hated myself to allow the rivers of tears stroming down my face, caused by some simple boy. But I knew he wasn't just a boy, whether I liked it or not, he would always follow me, his spirit glued to my body. He would always appear in my thoughts. But I was just some worthless slut in his eyes, some girl that he's just using for his entertainment. I wanted it to stop, the voice in my head, the memories and this heavy, awful feeling in my chest.

I found a bottle of Aveline wine. Perfect.

I popped open the expensive bottle and brought it to my lips.


Furiously I stamped to my room. Who does she think she is? Talking to me like she's some sort of famous witch. Although her family was rather famous in the Wizardly world, I just saw her as some little pathetic girl that liked to play games.

I tried to convince myself that I hated her, she's the first girl that's ever had an attitude with me and I'm not having it.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I heard loud stamping followed with a bang, as if someone had fallen. I walked curiously to the Slytherin's common room, only to see Y/N on the ground with traces of mascara left on her precious cheeks.

Merlin's beard, what had happened?

I rushed to her and took her face in my hands. Her lips were red and swollen, looking so fucking kissable.

"Y/N? What the fuck are you doing on the fucking floor and- is that alcohol I smell? Seriously Y/N? Do I look like Madam Pomfrey to you? I can't believe you, and why the hell is- have you been crying Y/N?" I babbled, unaware of the slight worry being heard in my voice.

She looked at me with her eyes being unfocused. I gently grabbed her by her waist and helped her to get up. She still was very dizzy due the alcohol now rushing through her veins. How much had she been drinking?

I noticed that she was having trouble walking, so I carried her in bridal style to my room. Since my parents were awfully rich, I've got my own room. My aesthetic was definitely a mix between green and black. I guess you could say that I'm a true Slytherin.

I softly put her down on my bed, her hair now being spread on my green blanket. She was the first girl that's ever come to my room, although I tried not to think about it too much. After all, she was supposed to be a simple fuck, right?


"Hmm?" I softly responded, now noticing her dried up tears that were rolling down her cheeks before. I knew she had been crying and I wondered why. I didn't let the thought of me being the reason infuriate me.

She didn't say anything. We just sat in silence. Now and then I would catch her staring at me. Suddenly, a crazy idea came to my mind and I smirked to myself.

Now that she's drunk, I will definitely have her begging and end up winning.

I moved closer to her, wrapping my hands around her waist as I pulled her towards me, feeling her soft skin against mine.

Her skirt went up a little higher, exposing the skin of her upper legs and her red lacy panties. I felt my pants getting tighter as I took a good look at her, wanting to mark her as mine. Already imagining the marks I'd leave on her, I grabbed a handful of her ass, making her moan softly.

I smirked to myself, satisfied. I leaned down to her and brought my lips to her ear whispering lowly into her ear: "You're such a good girl for me."

Slowly I traced my hands up to her chest, grabbing her left breast and harshly squeezing it as she bit her lip, holding back a moan.

"I want to fucking hear you."

I slowly brought my hands to her neck, but as soon as my hand got there she started shaking.

"D-Draco, stop." she said, her bottom lip quivering.

I looked at her neck and noticed the big, red mark that I had left there. A shot of guilt went through me, realising something that I promised myself I would never do.

I hurt her.

I hurt her and it made me feel sick. I promised myself that I would never lay a hand on a girl, caused by the traumatic experience I had back when I still lived at the Malfoy manor.

"Lucius, stop! You can't keep doing this in front of our son!", my mother cried out as she pulled him away from the unknown woman laying on their bed.

I was way too young to understand what was happening, but I knew that something was wrong. It felt wrong to see my father sharing a bed with another woman.

My father let out a loud laugh, sending shivers down my spine. My heart was racing rapidly and my hands became sweaty.

I couldn't process what was happening, everything went so fast. In the blink of an eye, Lucius' hand was wrapped around Narcissa's throat. She was gasping for air and her face became painfully red.

"Stop it, dad!"

"Oh come on Draco, don't be such a fucking pussy.", he roared as he let her go, taking slow steps to me.

"This, my dearest son, is how you truly treat a woman."

I blinked a few times, trying to hide my watery eyes as I stormed out of my room, leaving the reason my heart has been becoming softer behind me.
