I feel like being nice

So here again

I'm amazing aren't i?

Posting 3 days in a row and eventually 4 tomorrow

"Why is the atmosphere like this?"

Everyone glances at K. They were all sitting together to talk.

"We're wondering if we should change the centre or not." Seon speaks up, some of the participants glancing at Ni-Ki.

"It's a big risk for all of us." Youngbin comments. "It's a big issue that our centre can't sing well, and it's not that he can't sing well, but he can't sing at all."

'Damn Seon what did Ni-Ki ever do to you?' Hana thought.

Some of them silently agreed. "We really don't have time to debate right now.." Jungwon mentions in the silence.

"I personally think Heeseung Hyung has to do it." He adds, causing some eyes to glance up.

They continue to talk about switching parts but Hana feels her head starting to hurt again. She squeezes her eyes shut before pinching the bridge of her nose.

"What if Hana does part one?"

Hana's head whips up and she looks at Seon. "Huh."

"I mean, you seem very experienced and you learn the parts really fast. And you're a good singer."

She makes a weird slightly confused and slightly shocked face while glancing around the room. "It won't work."


"Right now our team is everyone and then me on the side. Which is expected and normal due to obvious reasons. Having me as part 1 won't do the team any good. It requires you guys to feel comfortable around me enough to trust me, do you guys feel that?"

Jay looks at Hana like of course he does, but when he looks around the room he see's a couple heads down. Jungwon looks at Hana, trusting her but knowing the others fully didn't.

"Why did you take the blame for us by the way?"

They all look at Heeseung with wide eyes. "Think what you want to think Heeseung. For pity, for praise, for the team, for myself, for attention." She says the last part with a slight scoff and mocking tone. "I haven't grown the ability to care what your thoughts are about me so I won't say anything. I hope you guys can understand that at least."

They stay silent.

"Now don't overthink a stupid thought such as me being centre or why I did whatever, we have to choose between Ni-Ki and Heeseung for centre and don't have time for anything else."


Hana's POV (sorry for fast POV changes)

Night before the test

"Thank you so much."

I take the meal a staff gave me and turned around, my eyes widening when I see Heeseung. "Free made meals too." He silently laughs to himself annoyed.

I ignore him and go to the kitchen bench. I eat my fish on top of some rice with some kimchi and cauliflower.

It wasn't much as it was a small portion, but it was enough for me to be more than half full. "Why not ask for a bigger portion? Does your benefits not reach that far?"

I ignore Heeseung's comment and wash the bento box it was in and hand it back to the staff. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. We'll restock the fridge with fish for you." She smiles and I smile wider. "Oh my wait really?"

She nods.

"Thank you so much for understanding."

She nods and we part ways. My smile leaves when I see Heeseung's face. "I feel like ramyun." Jay says as he walks to the kitchen.

Shit now I'm craving ramyun.

I walk to the kitchen and take some blue berries and strawberries, putting them in a small bowl before sitting down and eating some.

I watch the dance practice we recorded while doing so, watching it over and over again.

Authors POV

"Do you want some Heeseung hyung? Hana?"

Hana looks up at Jay and shakes her head. "Uh yes please." Heeseung smiles. Jay makes some for the two of them as Hana gets too caught up in watching the practice to eat her fruits.

Soon enough Jay sits beside Hana and Heeseung across from them. "Are you sure you don't want some?" Jay asks as he puts his chopsticks into the bowl.

Hana looks at the bowl and has the biggest urge to eat it but shakes her head. "She already ate anyways." Heeseung buts in. "Oh what'd you eat?"


"Fish? We have fish here?" Jay says, staring slightly at the ceiling as he started thinking. "No we don't but the staff gave me some and said they'd stock it in the fridge."

Jay nods and slurps his noodles. "What'd you have it with? Cauliflower again?"

She nods. "And kimchi."

"Ooh nice."

Hana eats some of her berries but she really craved the noodles Jay was slowly eating. "Yo is that ramyun?"

Jake comes in and once he says that, more people come in. "I'm gonna make some now." He announces and they start asking if he can make some for most of them.



She looks at Jay. "I know you want some just take a bite at least." Jay says, taking some noodles with his chopsticks and holding it up. "No no it's yours."

"And? I want you to have some?"

They don't realise the on lookers.

"I can't, but thank you."

"Oh c'mon one bite won't make a big difference. Yeah they say 'avoid' but it won't kill you."

"Why can't she have ramyun?" K asks suddenly. The two look at him before looking at each other. "Uh a diet i'm on." Hana says and Jay nods.

Hana then looks at Jay and rolls her eyes playfully when she see's him hold it up. "You're really persistent."

"Yeah I am I won't eat this until you have a bite."

"What's up with them two?" Sunghoon whispers to Jake. "I don't know sometimes they act like a couple."

The two of them look at each other and cringe.

"Why are you all staring like you guys don't share ramyun every other day." Jungwon slightly laughs as he walks in. "Oh hyung when the water is boiled put a packet for me." He smiles at Jake.

"It's going cold so hurry up."

Jay feeds her the noodles as if she was a baby and the two slightly laugh. Hana chews on it and instantly smiles. "See you're happy now!"

She covers her mouth and rolls her eyes playfully again. "Thank you mother."

"You're welcome son." He pats her head.

"Mother? Son?"

The two laugh at Daniel's comment. Heeseung looks at the two slightly.. annoyed but ignores it and puts on a small smile when turning to the others.


Morning of the test

Hana's POV

I put on my small mic connected to my shirt as I finish getting ready, rubbing my eyes as I walk out of the room.

I go to the kitchen and take a spoon that I saw Jay had put in the freezer the night before, placing them on my eyes and face to reduce puffy ness.

"Everyone it's time to wake up." I hear Jay's voice and footsteps.

"Why are you.. sleeping naked."

I smile as I hear those words, keeping the spoon on my eyes before moving to my cheek bones and jaw.

After I'm done I put the spoon away and walk to the item room, frowning as I see completely different clothes. "Oh well I guess this is for today's performance." I mumble to myself, walking into the room.

I look at the girls section and see the clothes they've prepared for me.

Oh wow, how nice.

Clearly sarcasm.

I look at black, white and blue sport bras. Black jeans and cargo pants. A cropped white mesh top, and I cropped flannel.

"Why... why is the flannel cut. Why is everything cut?" I silently sigh and look at my options.

They two top options show my midriff.

I turn to the side and count how many tops there had for the boys, and I counted 12. "I can't steal theres." I sigh and look back at mine.


I turn to the left and see Seon pointing at the room. I see Youngbin too and I smile before going back to pick out my clothes.

"I guess I can do this.."

I take the black cargo pants, black sports bra and the cropped flannel. I go to the accessories and grab a blue bandana.

I walk out of the room as Jay comes in with Youngbin and Seon. He says a small hello by smiling and raising his brows and I do the same.

I walk to my room and see Sunghoon and Heeseung waking up. "Where'd you get those clothes?" Sunghoon suddenly asks.

"There's new outfits in the items room for today's performance."

I place the clothes on my bed before leaving the room again to go to morning practice.

Authors POV

4 hours left until the test.

Hana stared at her outfit.

The cargo pants stopped at the dip of her waist with her soft hours glass figure due to her own workouts, her small thin sports bra with barely any support was peaking out from her buttoned up cropped flannel. She sighed at the flannel.

"Okay but it's cropped all the way to half way up my bra?"

She stared at her appearance once more before leaving the bathroom, ignoring the red lines on her upper abdomen. She places her arms around her stomach in a natural way as she walks out of the room, walking towards the makeup room.

She looks around and see's no one so she takes her makeup and starts to cover up the lines, pressing some powder over it and making it look more natural.

She then walks over to the kitchen. She takes a glass and chugs down some water.

"Woah woah calm down before you choke or something."

As soon as Jay says that she starts to cough, patting her chest as the liquid went down the wrong way. "Dude told you." He says, patting her back lightly.

"Why'd you dress like that? You said you didn't like showing your.." he gestures to his own chest and stomach area. "Too much."

"I'm here to become an idol that's kinda impossible Jay. But thank you for remembering, I'll have to find a way to be comfortable with it. And also every single thing in that room is cropped." She slightly laughs at the end.

Only during this week she had realised how much Jay had known and remembered about her. She realised he was probably the second or maybe even closest friend she had here in Korea.

"Are you guys like bestfriends or something? It amazes me how close you guys seem and I know Jay really well but I didn't know he knew you." Sunghoon says when appearing from the pantry.

"Oh yeah we acted like strangers around everyone."

"Yeah I remember but why?" Sunghoon asks after Jay's response. "You know how rumours are made out of thin air bro." Jay scoffs and Hana nods with a sad smile, putting her arms back over her stomach naturally.

Jay glances at her arms but doesn't say anything.

He knew she preferred dancing in clothing that made her comfortable, whether it was in a bra and shorts or hoodies and sweats, but he also knew that If it was around others, she'd choose the latter.

He knew all this why?

He's a curious and stubborn man.

Soon enough Hana finds herself looking at Daniel and Jungwon playing with a camera and it's angles.

Little kids.

It did make her smile though.


After they practice, Hana leaves to find a staff. "Oh there you are." One of them smiles. They put a mic head set around her but keep the mic pack off. She glanced at Heeseung as a staff was putting his mic on too. 

"Here's a call again by the way."

I turn to another staff and smile, taking the call. "Mum?"

"Hana, how are you?"

"I'm good.. why are you calling?"

"Uhm, wait what are you doing?"

"I'm getting ready to go onto stage."

"Oh.. oh uh.. your brother he.."

"He what? What happened?"

At this point, Jake had come into the space for his own mic pack and heard the call. The two of them watched as her eyes started to drift into space, her lips parting as she held a breath.

"He'll be fine right?"

At those words Jake became concerned. Soon after without mother word Hana hangs up the phone and passes it to the staff. "Thank you.." she says quietly, bowing her head slightly.

She leaves the space while running her fingers through her hair, walking towards the medical room when sensing another headache.

"Hello Doctor."

"Another headache?"

She nods shyly. "Use this now until you going onto stage." He passes her an already warmed up heat pack. "I watched the cameras and saw you rub your head multiple times."

She nods and sits down, leaning back as the hot pack rests on the back of her neck. "You know it's getting quite concerning."

"It's just stress."

Before she knows it, he wraps a device around her arm. She sighs when realising what it was. "Why are you checking my blood pressure sir?" She asks when feeling it squeeze her arm.


She feels the device loosen up and she turns towards him. "It's quite high.. maybe.."

She raises a brow. "Yeah stress and everything." He smiles and she nods. "Anyways thank you but I'm going to go and mark through the dance a couple more times. I'll return this before I go."

The doctor smiles and nods, watching the girl leave.

"It can't be because of that.. right?"


Because of what???????

