Hana's POV / Authors POV

( I keep switching without realising so im sorry. Hana's POV will display itself when she's more aware of what she's thinking and whats happening in her POV obviously and Authors POV comes in randomly when its showing other things.)

The next day

Heeseung has memorised the chorus choreography and he was teaching it to others. I watched from the back as Jake continuously sighed and couldn't memorise it.

Maybe I should help him..

Before I could do much they stopped practicing and he left to the break room with Youngbin. I left the room too and practiced my own parts that I had to dance too.


I watched from the mirror as they randomly danced in a circle for a break. I stay sitting down during the whole thing, not wanting to join as the thought of it made me feel awkward and uncomfortable.

Soon enough Heeseung teaches the choreography and I see something off.

He's instructing the step is to the side but its forward.

Multiple people bring it up and I find myself zoning out. I look down at the time and realise its around lunch time. I leave the room silently by myself and walk upstairs.

"She no longer needs me.." I silently sing to myself.

"Who no longer needs you?"

"Holy coconut shreds on my lamingtons." 

I look back at Jungwon. He bursts into laughter. "You always get shocked, and you always say weird things too." he comments, walking past me and to the kitchen. I watch a Jake stand there near the stairs and freeze. "Lamingtons?? Who said lamingtons?" He looks around, meeting eye contact with me as I raise a brow.

"I must be hearing things.." he mumbles before walking towards the rooms.

I turn and watch Jungwon go into the pantry and I look at the spreads that were still on the table since the morning. I start to pack them away as I was already on my way to the pantry but a voice stops me. "Hey Hana."

I turn around and hum in response to Jay. "Why did you tell everyone you made the crepes for yourself?" he suddenly asks when he see's no one around. "Why are you asking?" I question, making sure the lids are screwed shut on the jars.

(Sorry POV change)

"I'm curious. You made eggs for yourself already then when I said I craved crepes as well as everyone else, you went out of your way to make them."

She didn't know what to say.

"I'm just wondering why you said they were leftovers from your breakfast rather than the truth."

She stands there awkwardly. "Why would I need to tell them the truth?"

"Don't you want like credit or to be thanked for it?"

"Why would I? I don't need the validation of a couple guys." she plays it off with a chuckle, walking towards the walk in pantry. "Or is it because each time you did something kind for a guy back in the company you were rumoured that you just wanted their attention or liked them?"

She stops in her tracks at his words.

"You know we won't make up rumours about you like those other guys at the company right?"

She doesn't answer, yet keeps walking. She turns and stops once again in her tracks when she see's a wide eyed Jungwon. They stood there staring at each other for a couple seconds.

She finds herself suddenly forcing a smile before walking past him. She puts the 4 jars back in its spot and glances at Jungwon as he walks out of the room. "Oh.. Jungwon."

Hana hears Jay's voice and freezes. "I didn't hear anything." Jungwon quickly says. "Wait Jungwon.."

"Okay I heard the rumours at the company too. It makes sense, and I feel bad. But you can't force her to blindly believe a group of guys when others have failed to show their respect for a girl. And it doesn't help that when I found out what others did about the voting thing, I saw her eyes open for a second. Still after hearing that she was kind but I don't think she can trust them or even us right now."

The two were shocked by the youngers words. "I'm going to rest for a bit I'm not that hungry."

Hana hears his footsteps slowly walk away. She takes a breath and forces a smile again, walking out of the pantry. "Hana.."

"I'm going to the bathroom." She smiles, quickly escaping the situation.

As she walks past a room, she hears people talking in Japanese. "We're currently following Heeseung's version."

"Yeah he changed it this way because its difficult."

She listens as they talk about how the choreography now has a Heeseung vibe to it and how he has his own colour.

People aren't comfortable with his way.


Next day.

We're practicing and I walk towards Jake subtly. "You're sighing a lot is there something wrong?" I ask him, loud enough for only us to hear. "Oh.. its just a bit difficult to memorise the steps." he says and I nod. "I saw you marking it, I think you just need a bit more confidence in what you remember. It seems as though you're afraid that you did it wrong so you stop and change it."

He looks at me and stands still for a second. "Oh wait really?"

I nod.

"Do you want to mark it together?"

He nods and we slowly go through it together, and I find a small smile forming on his lips the more we practice it.

Soon enough I found myself sitting on the side as each person danced by themselves in front of Ni-Ki and Heeseung. I looked around and saw how uneasy some of them were.

An Evaluation.

That's what they must of felt like.

"Okay Jake."

He glances back at me and I smile, giving him a thumbs up. He stands up to dance and he did it way more confidently and better than before. Heeseung then vocalises Ni-Ki's thoughts on how Jake did the best. As Jake walks to the front he glances at me and smiles, so I return the gesture.

I look up as Youngbin stands up and walks to the middle. After his dance he's basically told that he can do it but just needs more confidence, and I notice the uneasiness in his expression that he tries to hide.


I stand up and look at all of them as the music starts around the middle of the second verse. Since I'm the last one they're all in front of me watching.

Instead of waiting for the chorus, I start dancing my part that happens during Junwgon's part. I look at myself in the mirror while doing so and shift to the part where I normally sing, then going into the chorus.

I can see some of them look at Heeseung when I reach the part where most of them stopped dancing, but I continue till the very end of the chorus before the bridge. I stop dancing and look at Ni-Ki and Heeseung, glancing at the others who had slightly wider eyes.

"You've memorised more of the choreography." Heeseung states the obvious and I nod. "Good.. you did good." is all he says and Ni-Ki nods. I nod and most of them stand up.

"Lets have a break now."

LOLLL yeah anyways this is boring again, chapter 7 is a bit 👀 and chapter 8 is a bit "Heeseung-." So like actually don't expect much because it gets more heated heated around the fire test.

See what I did there.

It wasn't even intentional ignore it BYE
