T H I R T Y • S E V E N

Stayed up till 4am for yall to have this update so be thankful 🥴

Anyways, HOPE YOU LIKE IT???

It's a bit rushed and all over the place so sorry.

Also Fear by seventeen is sTUCK in my head so that's what influenced part of this chapter. Bye now

"Hey guys."

Hana took the phone and recoded herself as she just sat down on the floor. She was currently in the dance practice room and staff reminded her to take some videos.

She kept playing with her hair at one point, trying to find a nice part.

"Eh I don't care anymore."

She then takes the phone and holds it up. "What should I do.."

She was humming a song, looking around the practice room then suddenly got an idea. "Here let me give you a fear cover."

She props the phone up where the camera previously was when recording their dance practice video earlier that day, tilting it from side to side until it was straight.

"Okay here."

She goes to the speaker and connects an iPad to it, playing the end of the song and going to the middle. "Let's see if I can do it in one go."

She had on some sweatpants and a cropped fitted top on. She quickly ran to the front and got a cap and placed it on, not wanting her hair to go everywhere.

The song finished and she got ready, hearing it repeat again.

And just like that, Seventeen's song 'Fear' came on, the girl going straight into the choreography.

With the song playing, it attracted some of the contestants, luring them to the practice room. They watched from the window outside, not even surprised by the girl's talent anymore as it was expected.

When it reached the end, she changed her expression and ran to the phone cutely. "Did I do it right?" She takes the phone and holds it, moving to the speaker.

"Cute." Sunghoon mumbles before walking away, catching the attention of Jungwon. He sucks his lips in and holds back a smile, following the other contestants who left, leaving the girl alone.

"I have no clue what else to show you guys." Hana chuckles, playing with her hair again as she thinks. "Should I tell you guys a secret?" She smirks before laughing. "Nah nah I won't."

"Are you talking to yourself?"

She looks at Jay. "Should I tell you guys a secret?" He mimics her words and she rolls her eyes, poking her tongue into her cheek and subtly chuckling. "Hm, maybe I should tell you a secret. You know, Jay-."

A hand wrapped around her mouth and she laughs, pushing him off and running away. "BYE BYE!!!! ILL TELL YOU LATER!"

And just like that she rushed to the staff, handed them the phone and ran away.


"Jungwon I think I actually like you doing this part, it suits you better."

Hana, Heeseung and Jungwon were in the small practice room, taking a break. Heeseung and Jungwon were teaching each other their parts, Hana just watching and helping them out in any way she could.

"What about me?" Heeseung asks, slightly joking. "Well.."

Jungwon starts to laugh as Heeseung acts offended. "I'm joking I'm joking." She chuckles, leaning back onto the wall. "You two fit your new parts, I think this is better."

After the midpoint evaluation, it took a bit of time for jungwon to let go of his part, but sooner or later he did and it was for the better.

As the producers were deciding 3 people to eliminate, they decided to listen to them, as their judgement is key.

"Okay let's try with the others."

2 hours later, they all stood together exhausted from their practice, taking a water break while having come conversations, all of them huddled onto one side of the room.

"Seon hyung, tell us what you said before."

Everyone looks towards Seon. "The ghost?"

'He said what now.'

"Ayy, it's not a ghost." K says, others looking around the room.

"Just tell us."

Seon then pointed to the glass wall towards the other side of the room. "If you look over there, you can see the reflection of the pillar. Someone was standing in front of it."

Hana raised a brow, looking at where he pointed at.

EJ walked over to the pillar, Seon looking directly at him. "Ah there, that's the spot!"

Suddenly EJ screamed and ran over to everyone, causing everyone else to yelp and flinch. "Please stop that." Jake held his heart and leaned onto Heeseung, Hana finding the situation funny.

She looked over at Jay, knowing he was well afraid of ghosts.

She couldn't lie she was too, but she tried to act tough.

She slowly walked back when no one noticed her as they stared at the spot, putting her hand on the switch.

She turned it off and they all screamed, running towards the door. She runs away to not get crashed into and starts to laugh, rolling around the floor. "You guys.." she stops as she laughs, the lights turning back on.

"Were so.. scared." She keeps laughing, remembering their screams. "You're not funny."

She just claps her hands and sits up. "No but I also saw something there, it was just like.. staring at us but I thought I was just tired."

They all froze.

"Or was that my dream..?" She grins, acting as though she was thinking. "She..."

Jay just let out a frustrated sigh as she giggled. "Jay do you want to sleep together? Let's stick together today." Jake suddenly says, Jay agreeing.

Suddenly, they all changed their sleeping arrangements.

And that's when it all started.

Scene one:

Jay walked over to the kitchen to get something, slightly scared. Hana watched from the open walk in pantry, smirking as he suddenly jumped back and walked back towards everyone.

She moved back as Sunghoon walked passed her, meeting Jay.

"I'm scared.." he mumbled, Sunghoon suddenly laughing. "Did you get scared walking there by yourself?"

Hana just chuckled, shaking her head.

Scene two:

Jay suddenly screamed as Jake and Sunghoon turned off the light in the washroom, leaving Jay alone and running away.

Jay was then seen running out of the room, Hana bursting into laughter just watching the scene.

Scene three:

Jungwon was in the blue room with Seon and EJ, getting some of his stuff that he left there earlier.

Jungwon and Seon then looked at each other then back at the light switch, smirking at each other. EJ, who stood on the other side of the room let out a short scared yell as Jungwon suddenly turned the lights off, him and Seon running into the bathroom and closing the door.

"Stop that please!! Stop!!!"

Scene four:

Hana sat on the couch and watched  Jake and Sunghoon, slightly starting to feel scared when no one was around them, a weird silence surrounding her.

"I need to take a shower. Walk me to my room and I'll walk you to yours."

"Aye you cant even go to your room by yourself?" Sunghoon responds to Jake, the Aussie boy scoffing in response. "Fine, go by yourself." Jake pushes him towards his room.

"Fine, go. I can go by myself." Sungahoon shrugs, turning towards his room.

"Then go."

"You should go by yourself too."

"Fine I'll go by myself."


Hana just watched with a smile, bursting into laughter as Jake suddenly turned around. "Ah no I can't go by myself."

Hana stood up and walked towards him. "Jake do you want me to walk you?" She laughs, Sunghoon looking at the two and laughing.

"Yes that would be amazing. Bye then sunghoon." He poked his tongue out, taking Hana's wrist lightly and gently pushing her in front of him.

"You go first."

She does as told but half way there she suddenly stops.


"Jake.. do you see that?"

With that one sentence, the boy let her of her wrist and ran away. "SUNGHOON-AH!!!"

She starts to laugh again and falls to the floor. "IM JOKING IM JOKING!"

He quickly runs back. "I only came back because I couldn't see sunghoon." He quickly comments before slightly slapping the girl.

"You gotta stop joking like that." He whines, holding the girl's arm. "You're like my little brother."

"That's a compliment to me."

Hana shook her head and walked into their shared room, watching the boy walk into the bathroom. "Bye I'm going now!"

(Yk just realised they all showered in that one other room- like there are these booths someplace else that the camera doesn't show, it only shows that sink and washing machine part. Well.. a bit too late to change it now.. aha..)

He quickly shut the door.

She chuckled then left, going to the kitchen to make some tea to fall asleep.

Scene five:

"Hey Sunghoon you want to shower together in one booth?"

Hana's eyes widened as she just looked at Jay. "What are you talking about!" Sunghoon laughs, looking at Jay as if he were crazy. "Wait what did you say?"

"Jake do you want to shower together?" Jay responds to the Aussie boy. "What??"

"We're both guys so it's okay."


"Good night."

Hana found herself in the green room, glancing over at Sunghoon on one bed, Jungwon and Heeseung on another.

She then turned around to face Jay. "You really need me to sleep here?"

"Sunghoon won't."

"Yeah Hana come sleep here and leave him alone so he's scared." Sunghoon suddenly comments, patting the space beside him.

She sits up but Jay pulls her back down. "Stop bullying me." He grumbles, everyone laughing at him.

The girl lays back and turns her back towards Jay, closing her eyes and trying to sleep when Heeseung turns the lights off, Jay soon scoots closer to her and basically spoons her from the back.



"Did you really just make me a small spoon."

"What?!" Sunghoon sits up, looking at the two. Jungwon puts the lamp on and they all look at the two. "It's cold."

"Am I your heater?"

"No but you are warm."

She tries to pick his hands off but he doesn't budge. "Bro."

"Stop acting like we haven't slept like this before.. shh."

Her eyes suddenly widen, as well as everyone elses. "Before you misunderstand, this was around the time we slept in trainee rooms and ghost stories went around. Goodnight."

She pulls the blanket over the two of them and tries to get comfortable in his arms, not wanting to see anyone's faces.

"Oh so you just always cuddle with guys huh."

She opened her eyes and looked at Heeseung as she laid there. "Excuse me that one time was you saying Riki pushed you towards me, I never tried to cuddle with you."

"Oh really you never told me to get off though."

"That's because I could hear my mothers footsteps and if she knew I was awake she would-."

Jay suddenly pulls her back down. "Shhh.. I wanna sleep. You guys can flirt another time." He cuddles back into her, Jungwon and Sunghoon laughing in disbelief.

"Hyung, just admit she's very warm and like a teddy bear and get on with your day. We both know it was you wanting to hug her."

The older states in disbelief at Jay's words, everyone widening their eyes in shock. "He's on fire today isn't be." Sunghoon chuckles, Heeseung turning the lamp off.

"Let's be quiet now and sleep."

"You're turning red."

"You want me to kick you out of my bed jungwon?"

"Goodnight hyung.."

Hana smiled as her eyes closed, finally getting comfortable and falling asleep.


Next day

Hana just sat there awkwardly.

She had taken a small nap after practicing, and woke up to her room filled with all the contestants, three boys sitting on her bed.



And Heeseung.

Everyone just stared.

"Hana do you still hang out with Jisung?"

She looks up at Youngbin. "I see people asking about it on Twitter and it made me curious."

Hana sits there and thinks. "Hm.. I think the last time I hung out with him was.. late last year... during the Christmas season before I flew back home."

"Oh so you're still in touch."

"To be honest it's like we'll have a conversation whenever we're both free? Which is fine even when we stopped talking for months when we talked again it was the same." She shrugs.

"I would be dying if I talked to the park jisung."

"I mean if you were friends with him since childhood it wouldn't seem that strange since it's a normal thing for you. It's like a family member suddenly gaining fame."  K responds to kyungmin, everyone nodding along.

"Makes sense."

They move topics and Hana goes on her phone, scrolling through Twitter.

"Oh my god."

Jay who sat beside her looks down at her phone, not even phased. "What?" Sunghoon sits up on his elbows as he currently laid on his stomach, facing the girl.

"Don't worry." Jay chuckles, the girl widening her eyes.

"Look. Literally look at her oh my god how could I forget about this Yves??? Bye watching the performance again."

She slides out and goes onto YouTube, clicking on loona's sorry sorry cover.

"Is she talking about yves again?" Jungwon asks, Jay nodding. "As she should."

"Yes as I should." She agree's with Geonu, hearing a small chuckle from him.

She scrolls through Twitter and suddenly see's her face. Clicking on the post, she see's an edit of her.

She looks at the mini vlog and cover she recorded yesterday, the video being posted that night, she was slightly amazed how there were already edits of it.

"Wow people find you being annoyed at me attractive." Jay comments, the girl lightly elbowing him.

"Oh my lord Hana's fear cover reminds me I'm gay." Sunghoon reads out, the room being filled with laughters. "Can I see?"

Hana passes the phone to Heeseung, hearing Doja Cat's song, 'Candy', specifically the prechorus.

(The part that goes "And it's such a typical thing, runnin' over a billion men, ooh. Runnin' through a difficult place, you gon' meet a billion hands, ooh" )

He smiles as he reads the chorus, slightly chuckling.

"I'm a gay man.. well at least I thought I was before this video."

Hana covers her face and hides back a smile. "Hana got people questioning the ur sexuality Damn." Geonu laughs, all of them laughing along too.

"No but watch this not even be a long episode because of all the things we talk about. Literally what can they use for content." Jungwon comments, the others agreeing with smiles and laughs.

"I think I gotta do a fear cover and post it to get edits." Jake gives the phone back to Hana after they all watched it. "You guys know you have.. plenty of edits of yourselves right..." Hana tells them and they all just stare at her.

"Wait really?" Heeseung asks, Hana's jaw slightly dropping.

"Oh lord just go on Twitter and search up your names."

And like that, they all started to watch their own edits.




"Oh?" Hana repeats in a question, watching everyone's eyes land on her. "Your hair.. is nice." Sunghoon comments before turning to Jay, as if Jay had a conversation ready for him.

"You sure it's just her hair Sunghoon?"

Jake raises a brow at the boy, Sunghoon scoffing in response. "First of all, I said Oh because I was wondering if she could even dance in that."

They all looked at her outfit again. "Yeah I thought that too." Hana mumbles, looking down at what the stylists dressed her in.

(Unbutton the first button so she doesn't choke-)

Her medium length hair was straight with styled curtain bangs, a small wing and a dark red velvet lip.

"Hmm.. it's weird seeing you in clothes like this." Jay suddenly commented, earning weird looks from the others. "Definitely not your style."

They let out a breath.

"Yeah I wouldn't wear this. I'd wear each individual item, but not this together." She adds on, Jay nodding in agreement. "Why not?" Jaebeom asks, curious.

Hana just shrugs. "Maybe in the future but now I feel very.." she just chuckles. "I've seen so many people confidently pull this off but I feel like I'm in some mafia typa thing, it feels very.."

Jay suddenly starts to laugh. "Because of that movie isn't it!"

Hana slowly closes her eyes and holds back a smile, nodding. "Yes.." she mumbles, looking down at her outfit. "What movie?" Jungwon asks.

"This one really.. bad.. movie... this girl went around to kill people right. But before doing that she'd tie her victims with those belt thingy's she's wearing and she'd-."

He stopped talking.

"Jungwon you're too young."

The younger suddenly shivers in disgust as well as some others, Jake laughing so hard he might've stopped breathing. "The way you always stop and say that when it's inappropriate!" He laughs again, Hana just shaking her head.

"What's the movie?" Heeseung suddenly asks, earning wide eyes from K beside him. "Hey buddy.. calm down."

The room is filled with laughters and a red Heeseung. "I was just curious! I wasn't gonna watch it.." he mumbles, looking away from everyone.

(Not an actual movie I made it up- but I did see a movie where a- nevermind)

They soon got to practicing, their nerves bubbling up more and more.

All of the contestants kept looking at Jungwon and Heeseung specifically, watching the result of their part change that happened half way through the week.

They just hoped it was for the best.

(Lol literally couldn't be bothered writing the midpoint evaluation scene as you probably noticed before- sorry dudes-)


There it was, Hana had just done her one line in the song and it's now moved to the chorus, her nerves rising as she hoped it was enough.

Soon enough, she had gone to the ground for their ending pose, leaning back onto Heeseung. When the boy saw how he was a bit too far from her, he shifted his hands quickly and the girl leaned back, the boy's arm holding her waist.

She toon in a sharp breath, feeling the boy pull her back towards him.

It all went so quick the camera didn't notice it, but Jake who kneeled behind the two definitely did.

They all stayed still before seeing the red light on the camera turn off, meaning they stopped recording.

For some, the performance was a ticket to the next round, for others, it was a goodbye forever.

Hana looked back at Heeseung as his grip around her waist tightened, the two making eye contact.

It lasted for longest 2 seconds, even though it felt like hours. As she looked away and watched other contestants stand up, she didn't notice his eyes.

She didn't notice him look at her lips, swallowing down his saliva as a weird sensation grew in his stomach.

'I don't.. like her right?'


Kinda a filler chapter

