
Making people evil in this book breaks my heart like. IM SORRY BUT I NEED TO MAKE SOME OF THEM MEAN OR THIS BOOK WILL BE BORING ASF.


I promised my friend maryam that if she sent a voice message of her BEAUTIFUL AND CHARMING voice to the group chat, I'll post a chapter.

So here :))

Hana had glanced at the new ILANDERs.

"I've memorised it so do you want any help? Feedback? Or nothing?"

They all glance at her, not sure if they should accept of not. "Yes please." Sunoo smiles and Taki nods, so Jaebeom, Taeyong, EJ and Yoonwoo listen it.

Slowly from the start, Hana starts to teach them the main parts, going over every detail for the next 45 minutes. "Have you guys learnt your parts yet?"

They all shake their heads. "I'm not sure why but im used to people teaching me choreographies, so learning it myself seems harder." Yoonwon comments, most of them nodding along.

"That's okay, you'll get better. Just keep practicing this part." She smiles, walking over to the ipad. She leaves the room and goes into the break room, watching the performance again and again.

The boys soon had left the room for lunch, wondering where the girl went. "Maybe she has her benefits back." Geonu jokes and Jaebeom laughs at the joke. Yoonwon and Taeyong smile at the joke, finding it funny but feeling slightly guilty.

All the mean while Sunoo refrained from rolling his eyes, a confused looking Taki beside him. Most of the previous Ilanders didn't hear Geonu's comment, except for Heeseung.

"Where's Hana?" K asks, everyone shrugging and looking around. "Maybe practicing again?"

They pay no attention to it and make their own food.

An hour later they had gone back to the room to practice. "Noona where were you at lunch?" Jungwon asks, the girl smiling. "Uh practicing something." She responds before walking over to the new ilanders.

"Guys let's go to the other practice room."

They looked confused.


"Just c'mon."

The other ilanders stared as Hana led them out of the room. "What do you think she's doing?" Seon asks, most of them shrugging in response.

"Do you guys want me to teach you your parts?" Hana suddenly says as they enter the small training room upstairs.

They all looked at her confused. "I learnt your parts." She adds. "Wait what?"

"You said you're used to people teaching you the choreography, so I'll teach you guys your parts." She smiles widely, trying her best to put aside every other problem she faced.

"Wait really?"

She nods.

"Now, let's start."

Slowly, as each part went, she'd teach Jaebeom, Taeyong, Yoonwon, EJ, Sunoo and Taki their parts, and helped them put it all together.

For around 2-3 hours they would practice and go around every detail again and again.

"YAHH FINALLY!" Sunoo yells, falling to the floor with everyone else as they were exhausted. Hana smiled at them and clapped her hands. "Now all we need to do is practice with everyone and sync up the parts."

They nodded at Hana's words, glancing at her as she went straight to practicing her parts. "You have to do that part with Heeseung hyung right?"

Hana nods in response to EJ's question. "Have you two practiced it yet?" Jaebeom asks, watching the girl go over it. "Yeah we did yesterday."

"Does it look weird?" She suddenly turns around and they all shake their head. "Okay I'm trusting you and not Heeseung on this one." She chuckles, slowly marking it again.

"Did he say it looked weird?"

"Everything I do he finds weird." She mumbles, falling onto the floor and laying on her back.

Her stomach suddenly grumbles and she turns to the boys with wide eyes, everyone bursting into laughter. "You should've eaten lunch earlier." Sunoo laughs, the girl sitting up and shrugging. "I'll just wait till dinner."

She looks around the room for a second before leaning back on the floor, placing her hands beside her face and kicking her feet in the air in a way that her body would fly up and she'd land on her feet.

"Now let's go practice all together." She smiles while clapping her hands.


For the rest of the day until around 8pm, they had practiced all together, syncing up the parts while also singing them.

You could say they were dying of exhaustion by the end.

"We've prepared dinner." A staff comes in with a smile. "Yoo!!!"

Most of them ran out of the room, only a few laughing from behind. "Ah Hana, can we talk to you first." She smiles and Hana nods.

Seon, Geonu, K, Jaebeom, Yoonwon and Taeyong glance at the girl before walking past the staff and up the stairs.

"We just need you to talk in front of a camera and what not." The staff says and Hana nods with a smile.

She fixes her hair and puts it back into a neat ponytail as they walk to the recording room. She sits on the chair and they start to ask her questions.

They first of ask about when she got part 2 and she laughs. "I was so shocked Jungwon heard me. I was also shocked I got chosen my heart nearly jumped out of my chest in shock."

They ask more questions about random things before they get to the last few.

"You gave up your eating time to memorise the other contestants choreography, why?"

She didn't expect this question.

"Uhm, well I saw that they were lost a little, maybe because they were still adjusting. They told me that choreography is normally taught to them so I took my time to learn it and teach them. It was fun so it was okay. I saw they looked happier and laughed more so it made me happy too? I also felt a bit more like a team so I don't regret it."

The staff smiled at her, happy that she was finally fitting in.

It soon ends and she skips towards the stairs, slowly walking up the steps to scare them.

"She's not back yet."

"I guess it's her benefits again for real."

She freezes, her smile slowly dropping.

She crouches down and looks over to the boys surrounding the table and filling up their plates. "We never had these menu's before she took a liking to it. She's also probably on a phone call with her family." One laughs, but she couldn't tell who's voice it was as they were turned away from her.

"I can't believe that they just let her here. It's so unfair for us, does she even deserve to be here?" Jaebeom asks and some of them laugh.

"Guys can you stop talking about her that way." Sunghoon comments, looking at the boys. "I think you've all misunderstood her a lot." Jungwon adds in.

"I personally don't think whatever benefits you guys are talking about even affect if she gets eliminated or not, so we shouldn't worry." K speaks up, some of them stopping to look up at him.

"How do you know that hyung?" Yoonwon asks, Taeyong nodding along. "She has benefits, who knows if she also has them in the votings." Seon finally adds.

"Can we focus on eating please?" Sunoo asks, the rest quieting down.

By this time, the girl had seated herself on the step, feeling a weird tightening in her chest and stomach. She slowly moves down the stairs before walking back up with loud steps, placing a smile on.

"Oh there you are noona." Taki smiles, the girl nodding. "What were you doing?" Geonu asks her, sitting down in a spot. "Oh just talking to a staff." She nods before looking over at the food, not feeling hungry.

"Come and eat." K says in Japanese, the girl slowly shaking her head. "Ah you guys take my portion, I'm not hungry."

Sunoo frowns. "You were hungry earlier though." He says with a small and natural pout. "Ah I guess my hunger went away with all that practicing. I'm going to go shower."

They all slowly nod, going back to eating their food as Sunghoon watched her walk away. The words of his close friend rung in his head.

"I know you care about Hana, I already know you'll watch out for her. But please just pay that little more attention to her, try and see if the actual emotions she's displaying are her real ones."

The way Jay knows her so much
