F I F T Y • N I N E

Fuck guys

I'm so sorry I completely forgot everything abt this book and all my notes are about after iland so


"I'll run to you."

Hana falls to her knees, Heeseung beside her as the two of them harmonise on the bridge. Heeseung sings the lower harmony for the first part, and switches to the main on the second part as Hana sings the opposite.

(This is only like that first half of the bridge)

The dance practice soon finishes and Hana falls to the ground, completely exhausted.

"I absolutely hate this song."

Jay side eyes her, knowing why but not saying a thing.

"Why I kinda like it?" Sunoo says while sitting down beside her. "I don't know I've just never liked it." Hana pouts while looking up at Sunoo, sitting up and placing her head on his shoulder.

"Okay let's run through it one more time." K comments, some of the contestants groaning.

"Sunoo take me away from this place!"

She hugs him and continues to groan, the boy laughing at her.

Heeseung side eyes the two, to where Sunghoon side eyes him and starts laughing.

"Oh right, guys I have a suggestion for Heeha's duo."

Everyone looks at Sunghoon in confusion, Hana raising a brow at the name. "Hee-what?" Ni-ki comments, looking at Daniel yet he just shrugs.

"I never knew I'd see the day where Sunghoonie hyung says Heeha." Jungwon comments, shaking his head in disbelief.

"It's even worse because you made such bad ship names."

"Excuse me Jake hyung, you made those."

"Did I?"

"I don't know I don't remember."

Jay just shakes his head at the two and puts an arm on Sunghoon's shoulder, gesturing for him to continue. Heeseung looks between Sunghoon and Hana, confused on why he'd use such a name after the last time he saw them together in the makeup room.

(Im gonna call their shared mirror/beauty/sink/washing room their makeup room yep okay bye)

"Instead of the two just on their knees beside each other, I think Hana should fall first, facing Hyung as he walks towards her. And when And on his part he can fall in front of her, and then the two can sing to each other."

Jay raised a brow at Sunghoon.

"You wanna make it romantic?"

"Wouldn't that make the performance better?"

Heeseung never said a word, not sure exactly on what to say.

"Well we have to get it approved first." K mentions, the other contestants nodding.

"We'll try first and see if it's even worth asking for."


"Why are we playing this again?"

"Just for the sake of it! Look at all the memories this game has!"

"Jake, I don't ever wanna play hide and seek ever again god forbid I somehow get pushed into another-."

"Shhhh shhhh." Jake pushes Hana away, turning around to start counting.

"Why is he always the seeker?" She mumbles, running up the stairs to find somewhere to hide.

"No one will hide in here again.. right?" She mumbles, opening the door to the bathroom. She carefully and slowly opens the curtain to see....

no one.

She lets out a sigh of relief and steps in, closing the curtain and sitting down, knowing she'll be bored for a while as Jake might purposely avoid this hiding area.

But soon enough the door opens and the curtain is drawn, a tall pale man scaring her.

"Oh sunghoon-."

The curtain is drawn back and he immediately leaves the bathroom.

"Okay..." Hana mumbles, not knowing if she did something wrong or he just didn't like the hiding place.

Sunghoon, who had just left the girl in the bathroom, goes to hide behind the bed closest to the wall hoping Jake doesn't walk around the whole room and just glances instead.

While sitting on the floor, he looks over to Heeseung who had just entered the room, planning to hide behind the main door.

"Psst, hyung!"

Heeseung looks at Sunghoon who's whisper shouting from behind the bed. "Go in the bathroom, Jake's gonna slam that door right onto your face!"

Heeseung smiles softly and nods, going into the bathroom, hesitantly.

Hana's eyes widen when hearing the door open, soon seeing Heeseung open the curtain.



Hana stands up, about to leave yet she hears Jake's voice.

She quickly grabs Heeseung's hand, pulling him into the shower and closing the curtain.

"How the fuck did we-."

Hana puts a hand over Heeseung's mouth, turning her head away from him and trying to listen to Jake's voice.

"Ain't no way in hell im walking in that bathroom."

She bites her lip softly to hold back her smile, hearing Jake's thick Aussie accent behind the door.

She finally looks back at Heeseung, realising her hand was still on his mouth and quickly removed it. "Sorry." She mumbles, taking a step back.

"N-no uh.. you're good." He mumbles, looking away which was just looking straight into the boring plain white curtain.

"I thought you wouldn't come in here so I..."

Heeseung looks down at Hana, raising a brow at her words.

"I can leave if you want."

"No, that's not what I meant.." she mumbles, looking down at her feet awkwardly.


The two flinch from Jake's voice, hearing Sunghoon start whining. "Who hides behind a bed bro."

"I couldn't be bothered actually trying." Sunghoon says, the two leaving the room.

Heeseung frowns before looking down at Hana. "Did Sunghoon see you go into the bathroom?" Heeseung questions Hana, studying her expression.

"Uhm he did come in here and see me.. but he left without saying anything."

Heeseung frowns even more.

"Sunghoon's the one who told me to hide in here."

Hana looks up at Heeseung with a frown, not sure why Sunghoon would do that.

'Aren't they.. dating.. why would he tell me to come here?' Heeseung thinks to himself, looking down at a now red Hana.

"You okay? Your cheeks are pink." Heeseung questions, genuinely worried. He places his hand on her cheek then her forehead. "Your forehead is fine... are you just hot?" He asks, to where the girl quickly nods while brushing off his hand.

'Sunghoon you little bitch.' She thinks to herself, avoiding Heeseung's eyes.

"So... how are you and Sunghoon."

Hana frowns, finally making eye contact with the boy after an awkward silence. "Huh?"

"You know..."

"No I don't, I'm a bit confused."

"You know... with him liking you.. and you back to him and stuff..."

At this point Heeseung didn't even know what he was saying.

"I don't like sunghoon?"


"Who told you that? I mean I really do love and care about him, but as a friend." Hana frowns, now seeing the man before her turn a similar shade to her a couple seconds ago.

"Oh.. I just.. don't worry."

Hana didn't want to pressure him into saying anything, and she herself felt a bit too awkward to say anything else anyways, so she left him be.


"Why could I not find you two again!"

Jungwon side eyes Jake, yet with a smile, looking back at Heeseung and Hana who had 'won' hide and seek. "Next time I need to hide in a bathroom." Niki mumbles, Daniel pushing him jokingly as the two giggle.

"Next time, count me out because I'm never playing this stupid game again. Jake you can't seek for shit." Hana comments, walking over to the pantry for snacks.

"Hey! I'm just a bit traumatised!"

Jungwon bites his lip to hide his smile, looking at Heeseung who was red as a tomato. "Hyung are you feeling hot? You've been red this whole time."

Jungwon wasn't going to comment on it, but of course Jay had to. Sunoo giggles beside the older boy, looking at the other's expression.

"I.. I was seeing how long I could... I could hold a plank while waiting for Jake. Turns out it's pretty hard because Jake can't seek for shit."

"Hey! I-."

While Jake fluffles over being offended (yes fluffes, I made a new word), jungwon looks over to Hana who had just walked out of the pantry, spacing out pretty hard while now chugging a glass of water.

"Hana you good?"

The girl looks at Sunghoon, nodding slowly before shaking her head. "I... you set me up."

The boy shyly smiles. "Why what happened, did you get so shy being so close to him." He whispers to her, the girl pushing him away. "You- god I'm... I'm leaving."

She quickly walks past him then past everyone and goes straight to her room, flopping onto her bed and screaming into her pillow.



"Gawd damn the tension is crazy."

Jake shoves daniel's shoulder while laughing, everyone giggling as Heeseung and Hana look away from each other.

"Ay but doesn't it add to the performance?" Sunghoon asks, everyone but the two nodding along as they watch a recording of their practice on the iPads.

Jake kept giggling as he kept repeating Hana and Heeseung's duet part, Hana groaning and stealing the iPad from him. "I'm gonna ship you back to Australia if you don't stop."

"Ooh I'm so scared."

Hana raises a brow at Jake, to where he awkwardly chuckles. "Sorry ma'am."


"Yah Hana leave the poor man alone, you can't blame him for having eyes." K puts an arm around Hana's shoulder, the girl bewildered that he joined in the banter, because he never comments on it.

"Wow, everyone's against me today."

"Hey stop bulling my bestfriend guys." Jay huffs, pushing K's arm off her shoulder and replacing it with his. "It's a hard life being able to rizz up everyone you meet. I know from personal experience-."

Hana pushes Jay off her, shaking her head while the rest of the contestants laugh.

(Ik rizz probably wasn't a word back then but who tf cares, I'm not gonna go back to 2020 slang of wtv it was idk and I oop I don't remember)



Jay, who was sitting on the balcony alone, stargazing, looks at Hana, watching her step outside and close the door behind her.

"What's up?"

The girl just shrugs and takes a seat beside him, leaning back into the outdoor couch.

"Is it Seon?"

Hana frowns at Jay, before shaking her head. "No I've been avoiding him. And he's been avoiding me."

Jay just scoffs, shaking his head and leaning back into his seat. "I can't believe they let that fucker back here."

Luckily, the rehearsals for the last into the iland performance only lasted around an hour or two, because they had practiced separately beforehand.

"Jay you know I told them to."

"Yeah I know, you're so..." he grumbles, looking away from her.

"I just don't want viewers to question anything. I don't want to have anything link back to what's happened and have to talk about it again."

Jay looks over to Hana, sighing softly before nodding. "If it's not Seon, then what's wrong?"

Hana starts to turn red.

"I swear to god, if you tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, i'm ending our friendship."

"Oh god damn okay what is it?"


(Back to hide and seek)

"Oh.. I just.. don't worry."

Hana looks up at the boy, studying his expression. She gets so lost in thought, she leans back a bit and loses her balance.

"Oh shi-."

As she stumbles back, Heeseung quickly leans forwards and snakes an arm around her waist to her back, pulling her towards him. Hana's arm quickly grips his shoulder for stability, the two's bodies practically pressed against each other.

The now sudden position causes the both to look at each other with wide eyes, feeling both of their hearts pound against their chest.

For some reason, all reasoning, all thinking, anything keeping Sato Hana sane, had left the window. Because a second later, she lifted her head up,

and kissed him.


Short chapter. Also haven't read through it so....

Also guys I truly can't not be fucked writing about BTS coming and all that episode but It does happen in this book... I uh just didn't show you! Yep I'm lazy asf bruh but it'll be mentioned like it happened (whenever that is...)

If for some reason yall really wanted to see it I can write a chapter abt it yall js have to tell me if u want it or not, it'll be a short flashback chapter
