P R O L O G U E • C A S T

————M A I N • C A S T————


chewy.1000 on Instagram as Sato Hana.
Name: Sato Hana
Year of birth: 2002
Strengths: Dancing, Rapping, Singing, Choreography, song writing, Sarcasm
"Why create expectations for someone just to watch it get ruined and hurt you more?"
"Who else would I be? Daniel Andrews?"
"Ew vegemite."
"I make you uncomfortable remember?"


Name: Lee Heeseung / Ethan Lee
Year of birth: 2001
Strengths: an all rounder
"You make me uncomfortable."
"I was wrong about you."
"I believe in you"


Name: Jay Park / Park Jongseong
Year of birth: 2002
Strengths: social butterfly, dance, performance, embarrassing himself, talented asf
"You know Jack shit about her, hyung."
"I promise."


Name: Yang Jungwon
Year of birth: 2004
Strengths: hidden ace, being naturally cute, accepting others
"I won't tell anyone, I promise."
"We trust you."


Name: Kim Sunoo
Year of birth: 2003
Strengths: vocal, being the cutest and sassiest mf out there
"I'm cuter."
"They're jealous."
"Do I think i'm the best looking here? Yes."


Name: Jake Sim / Sim Jaeyun
Year of birth: 2002
Strengths: picking up shit real fast, laughing, Ngl also an all rounder
"Daniel Andrews?"
"Ew.. vegemite."
"There once lived an Aussie boy."


Name: Park Sunghoon
Year of birth: 2002
Strengths: dance, visual, ice skating, spinning
"Are you nervous?"
"Why does everyone think we like each other?"
"You're talented Hana."


Name: Ni-Ki
Year of birth: 2005
Strengths: dance, performance, acting extra asf, pranks
"You know I didn't like you at first."
"I don't know what's happening."

————E X T R A S————

- I-LAND participants
- Hana's Family
- Producers from I-LAND
- more extras will be revealed as the story progresses on.

————P R O L O G U E————

Hana's POV

I felt my heart start to beat faster and faster as I approached the large and wide building. It looked like it came out of a movie.

I stood at the door and watched it move by itself, slightly surprising me as I walked in.

I could hear voices, a lot of them.

"Is there only 22?"

"Oh someone else is coming?"

I turn into a hall and walk straight through it, keeping my head down as my cap covered my face. I tucked my hair into my cap earlier as it was hot, but now my neck shivered from the air conditioned building.

"Oh he has nice style."

I look down at my black cargo pants and large black shirt with these random designs on it.

The small hallway soon opens up and I step onto a platform.

"I can't see his face is he handsome?"

"I can't see either he probably is."

I take a breath in before taking my cap off, letting my hair fall as I run my hands through it before looking up.

I hear some gasps as people see my face, finally looking properly at my body and whispering to their friends.

"What is a girl doing here?"

I walk over to the side between a guy with a pink shirt and a guy with a darker shirt, taking my bag and placing it by my feet.

When I look up I see a big number, and it goes from 12 to 13.




"What's happening?"

"Why is she here? To participate?"

"She can't be.. a contestant right?"

A sudden loud alarm goes off as the lights turn red, scaring half of the guys. Then the lights start flashing and a voice starts to talk.

"Dear 23 applicants, welcome."

"This is the stage of I-LAND. Called I-LAND only existed in our imaginations."

One part of a wall starts to open up, my eyes drifting over towards it.

"However, not all 23 of you may enter."

I look down at my bag, then at my wrist. I look at the bandaid and rip it open a bit, looking at the small words before covering it back up.

"The capacity of I-LAND is only 13 people."

I look back up at the screen, seeing the large number that displayed 13.

"The power to decide those 13 people is up to you. And every destiny in I-LAND is upon your hands as well."

I watch as everyone looks around confused, noticing some stares on me, others were glares.

"Now we're going to start the entry test, with the performances you've prepared."

Everyone was shocked. "Right now?" One asked, but no one had answers.

"The entry test will be assessed by yourselves. Only those with the majority of votes can go into the I-LAND. If there are more or less than 13 people after the test, there will be another test."

"It's a unit performance, but the votes will be done for each individual."

I watched as the units looked around at their teammates, their eyes widening.

"The order of performances is up to you."


wasn't gonna post so early but SOMEONE wanted me too so here.
