Early chapter :) like 3 days early, next update supposed to be Monday pls, but anyways

Hope you guys like it.

Authors POV

The 7 participants sat there on their chairs, trying to calm themselves down from crying. Most of them held hands as they waited, Hana sitting by herself, out of place.

She felt herself having to slowly put her walls back up, even though she only let them go less than half way down.

She suddenly felt pathetic.

'I say I'm independent but can't do shit If I don't have someone I trust. Pathetic.' She thought to herself.

She didn't see the glances Sunghoon gave her, or the sympathetic look Jungwon left her. She definitely never saw the subtle glare Geonu shot at her.

'She doesn't belong here.'


Hana stared the floor as her face slowly turned into an emotionless expression.

Her gaze only left the floor when the gate started to move, looking up as it turned towards them. She stood up like the rest and put on a smile.

Just like the good bye, the hello greeted her the same.

They each hugged one another as Hana stayed at the back and smiled, waving at them warmly.

At a sudden sound Hana turns to her left, watching as the spot beside her that used to be someone else was replaced by a new ilander.

She felt guilty.

She felt a weird drop in her stomach, not feeling comfortable with how her name was there and others weren't.

'It's a survival show you should be happy.'

At her own thoughts her eyes drift over to a certain someone with an odd looking leopard print beanie.

'You make me uncomfortable.'

She squeezes her eyes shut and tilts her head down.

'You don't deserve to be here.'


Instead of being startled, instead of flinching in surprise and holding her chest in shock, instead of spewing out a sentence that never made sense about Jesus or a seagull stealing crackers, she stayed still.

She opened her eyes and stared down at the shorter boy. "Noona are you okay?" He asks suddenly.

She forces a smile and nod. "Of course I am." She smiles, ruffling the boys hair. "See look at you now, you've worked hard down there haven't you?"

He nods his head with a smile. "It was fun though! But I'm really happy I'm here."

She stares down at his large smile, the way he tilted his head and slightly chuckled. "I am too."

Soon enough the new contestants put their nameplate on the empty chairs as they all sat, seeing the screen above them change.

"We're going to reveal the second test to determine your shared fate."

The words Teamwork were displayed on the screen.

'Well we're going to shit.' Hana thought.

She slightly flinched when Fire started to play, her eyes widening when looking up at the screen. Parts 1 and 2 had their own centre duo dance break and at that point, she really wanted those parts.

"I want part 2.." Hana mumbles, catching the attention of Jungwon.

"The cooperative dance performance is crucial to this test."

"This is also based on joint responsibility, and the average of the individual scores will become the team score."

"The result will determine the number of members that will be sent to the GROUND."

'Anything less than six this time.. please.' Hana pleads in her mind.

"Everyone must receive a high score to keep more people in I-LAND."

'Oh don't tell me someone's gonna say focus on yourself and get a high score and ignore the teamwork part this time.'  Hana thinks to herself.

"You, yourselves, will determine who gets to stay in I-LAND."

Hana nearly laughs out loud sarcastically. 'I'm fucked.'

Then they proceeded to say there will be no ground performance if no I-LAND contestants are eliminated.

'Not gonna lie that's sad as fuck'

"The I-LANDER with the highest individual score for this test will receive an elimination exemption card."

It suddenly got more competitive.

"This can be used on any I-LANDER including yourself. In case you use the elimination exemption card, the next elimination candidate will be will be eliminated."

"Please decide on your parts now. The parts may change at any time."

Hana's POV

6 days.

Ahahah fuck.

"Since part 1 is the centre, so someone who'll lead the team well should do it."

"The amount of pressure on part one is no joke." Geonu adds after Seon's words. "What we experienced with it is if part one doesn't then more than half the score gets chopped off."

I looked at the grounders who were surprised.

"First of all, I'd like to recommend Heeseung for part one."

"I agree with them."

Everyone nods along with Seon and Geonu's statements.

"Is there anyone who'd like to volunteer for part one?"

No one put their hand up.

"I don't think there's anyone." Seon chuckles. "Then Heeseung will be the centre this time."

I clap my hands and nearly mutter the words 'yeah don't change him out for no reason again this time' but I keep silent.

"I want to do part two." K puts his hand up. "I also wanted to recommend you, do you all agree on K taking part two?"

I wanted to do it too.

My leg slightly bounces up and down as I have the urge to put my hand up, but I don't.

"Yes.." most of them say as I nod, putting my head down. "Wait."

I keep my head down as my heal taps on the floor, waiting for the next parts.

"Didn't Hana want to do part 2?"

My head whips up at Jungwon with wide eyes. "I heard you say you wanted to do it.." he says shyly as I stare at him.


"Do you want to do part 2?" Seon asks me and I just sit there with wide eyes. "Well.. yeah but I think K fits the role better."

"You're not gonna try for the spot?" Heeseung suddenly interrogates me, catching most of us off guard. "Uh.. no I thin-."

"I like part two but I want the part fairly, why don't we have a vote." K suddenly speaks up, Hana's heart nearly leaping out of her chest in surprise.

She slowly looks at Jungwon and he smiles shyly.

"No no it's really fine I changed opini-."

"C'mon guys, let's vote." Seon smiles, clapping his hands.

Hana nearly voluntarily runs towards the egg just to smash her head against it.

Why, why are we even..

"We all saw the first test. With dance and vocal, especially who you think would be a good part for the dance break, vote based on that."

I see some of them discuss to themselves and I look at Jungwon. "Why do this no ones gonna choose me." I whisper yell to him.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know it's me who'd choose me? I wouldn't even choose me!" I whisper yell again, not realising some people heard.

"Why wouldn't you choose you."

"This is about teamwork Jungwon."


Before I could explain, Seon tells us to close our eyes.

"Who votes for K?"

It stays silent.

"Who votes for Hana?"

It's silent again.

"Hana gets the part."

I think my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

I hear most of them start to laugh at my reaction and move on.

Jungwon gets part 3, Geonu with part 4 and K gets part 5, moving on from there.

I felt a weird feeling in my stomach, guessing that ut was due to pressure and expectations of my part. Or I ate something weird and am now being an over dramatic bitch.

But anyways.

Swipe as this is a double update :))
