T W E N T Y • O N E

Ha finally updated-

Hope you guys don't cry 😁😁

"I-LANDER's, Standby."

The lights started flashing red, the nerves of the contestants settling in.

"If members of I-LAND are eliminated, the position will be filled by members from the GROUND."

"Let the test of mutual destiny begin."

The song started, and all their nerves were put to use to perform the song.

Things went smoothly.

Hana would use her charm and expressions on her parts, if it was smirking, winking, running her fingers through or hair or whatever. Anything that would fit the vibe.

And it went on, but Hana slowly grew anxious as her small duet with Heeseung grew closer. But what surprised how was how half way through, Heeseung seemed comfortable.

He seemed like he didn't hate her for once.

It made her smile.

Sooner than she realised, the song had ended and they were all standing still in their ending positions.


They all sat on their seats, waiting for the scores.

While words of encouragement were being spread around, Hana sat there silently, not hearing the words as her mind was occupied on something else.

"The teamwork test will be announced now."

Hana's eyes finally left the ground as she looked up, having a bored expression.

Someone glanced at her for a second before looking back at the screen. As well as K.

While they saw hidden confidence and found the girl to be uninterested,

K found the underlying emotions of Anxiousness, worry, the feeling of being lost and confused.

Their views clashed.

"First, the elimination table."

96-100 - 0 people eliminated
91-95 - 1 person eliminated
86-90 - 2 people eliminated
81-85 - 3 people eliminated
76-80 - 4 people eliminated
71-75 - 5 people eliminated
70 less - 6 people eliminated

"The average of the individuals score is the teams score, and that score will determine the number of disqualified members."

"You yourselves will decide whom to eliminate."

Hana stared at the screen, trying to focus on the scores that were about to be revealed as the pain in her abdomen slowly made a spike.

Team scores.














Highest score, 88.

Lowest score, 62

Team score, 80.

4 participants will be eliminated.


"Now we'll announce the top 6 I-LANDER's."

With 71 was Kim Sunoo.

Taki with 75.

Park Sunghoon scored 80.

82 with Sato Hana.

Her eyes widened at the board.

Second place with 83 was Lee Heeseung,

First place in 88 was K.

"The exemption card can be used on any of the four people who are chosen to be eliminated."

The cheerful atmosphere turned serious.

"However, in the case you use the elimination exemption card, the next elimination candidate will be eliminated."

"Voting for member eliminations will begin in 2 hours."


"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Sunghoon walked over to Hana's bed, sitting on the edge with his feat still planted on the ground. The girl laid there, her eyes drifting to his gaze.


Sunghoon had noticed the smile on her lips when they had watched the GROUND performance earlier, especially at Jay's part.

"Do you.. like someone by the way?"

She frowns before raising her brow. "Why?"

"No reason.. just answer it please."

Hana shakes her head. "Romantically? No not at the moment." She answers and he nods, her eyebrows furrowing at his expression. "What are you thinking about?" Hana asks the boy, sitting up properly.

"Nothing.. there was just this girl Jay mentioned once. She was around your height he said, and had the same talents that I see in you. I thought the two of you were.. a thing before." He shrugs, putting his hands on the bed behind him, supporting his upper body.

"Oh.. no. I do miss him though. But we see each other as friends." She slightly laughs. "And I know who you're talking about. He told me about her too, but I also know her personally and we do have similarities I guess. So I won't blame you."

Sunghoon nods.

"To be honest I miss Jay too."

The two stay silent for a couple more seconds.

"He knows how to make sure one is comfortable and happy." She comments, the boy nodding with a small smile. "I lost.. a lot of courage and confidence when practicing our entry performance. He helped me a lot."

The two smile at their own memories of their dear friend, feeling a bit lost without him there with them.

"As sad as it is that we have to lose 4 people, I really hope Jay comes back."

The corners of Hana's lips curve up the slightest bit, agreeing with Sunghoon's statement. "Me too."


"Just vote her out."

"Hyung.. isn't that a bit.."

"A bit what?"

"A bit too far."

The older stared at a small group of the ILANDER's. "Nah i'm telling you, she won't be voted out. You know her benefits will stop it."

"And what if it doesn't?"

The older chuckles. "It will.. trust me. We did it first round and she wasn't even eliminated."

The boys stayed quiet and looked at each other.

"Look, you'll see. Even if every single contestant votes her out, she'll never leave ILAND, we can't let someone like her compete."

"Yeah bu-."

"Don't you want to debut?"

They were shut down, they didn't say anything. "Exactly. Now just do as I say and you'll see her true colours for yourself."


"Have you thought about it?"

Hana glances at Sunghoon from her bed before looking at K. She watches the oldest look at himself in the mirror as Sunghoon stays deep in thought.

She thinks about Sunghoon's words.

"I'm not sure it I should consider someone's skills, their charm or their personality." Sunghoon thinks out loud, his words causing me to nod along in agreement.

It goes silent as K walks to the chair to take his shoes and socks off. "But if Ta-ki gets picked to go, then I don't know."

"Whether or not you'd use the exemption card?"

K hums in response. "I learned so much from him."

Hana stares at K with a small smile. "What about you Hana, what do you think you're gonna vote based on?" Sunghoon asks, the girl shrugging.

She sits up and starts to pack up some of her stuff. "I.. there are specific people who are honestly really talented and deserve to be here, but they're also the people who make me the most uncomfortable. Once again I have to question weather I vote based on what's best for the team, or what I feel like is best for me personally."

"You mean certain people who keep saying.."

The girl nods at Sunghoon's statement. "Which do you think you'd go for?" K asks the girl, watching as she placed some of her remaining stuff into a large back.

"I went for the team last time, but I still don't know if that was a good choice or not."


"Hana noona!"

Hana turns around towards the kitchen bench, drinking her glass of water as she looked down at Taki. She soon puts the cup down and smiles at the boy.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

The girl raises a brow. "I really wanted to get to know you more and get closer with you, but I felt scared."

The girl raises a brow. "Scared? Am I scary?" She laughs but the boy smiles while shaking his head. "No.. but others are a bit scary when it comes to you.."

She understood what he meant.

"Are you still scared?" She asks the boy, seeing him quickly shake his head. "Nope. That's why I'm talking now." He laughs, the girl replicating his actions. "It's a shame though. I might get eliminated so I won't get closer with you." Taki mumbles, the girl frowning.

"If it's anyone it's me. And don't worry, I'll make it back." She smiles, the boy slowly nodding.

"Well we better both survive then, because I'm a bit impatient." He laughs, Hana throwing her head back and chuckling at the boy. "You're so cute oh my." She comments, the boys ears turning red.

"But don't worry Taki, you were amazing. I'll make sure you're not eliminated." She smiles, the boy nodding.

"Well, I'll see you after eliminations."

The girl simply smiled at his words and nodded.

"Let's both make it to the next round."


Eliminated Participants selected.


Please choose one more participant.

Hana stares at the screen, once again torn between perspectives. "Team.. or me."

"Or both.."

After the information from Taki today, she's realised a certain person has made more than just her uncomfortable. But, that person had a lot of potential and talent. With one last sigh, she pressed a name.

Eliminated Participants selected.

Would you like to submit?

Yes / No



"We will now announce the 4 people to be eliminated."

They all sat on their seats as they stared at the screen, the number 4 appearing.

"The first eliminated participant received 12 votes."

Everyone but themselves had voted them out.

"Kim Yoonwon."

Hana was too scared to even glance at his face.

"The second eliminated participant received 10 votes."

"Kim Taeyong."

Once again, even if she hadn't voted the boy out, she couldn't look at their faces.

"The third eliminated participant received 8 votes.. Kim Sunoo."

This time, the girl glanced over at the participant in shock once again. She had always seen so much talent in Sunoo, and still wasn't even sure why he was voted out again.

"The last participant received 5 votes."

"Sato Hana."

The girl looked down at her bag. To say that certain people were shocked was an understatement. The ones who were shocked weren't the ones who saw her talent, but rather the ones that thought due to benefits, the girl would be saved.

Multiple contestants glanced at a certain person before looking back at the girl.

"Kim Yoonwon, Kim Taeyong, Kim Sunoo and Sato Hana. Those are the four eliminated members."

The four took their bags and stood up, not knowing what to do. Hana heard Jaebeom's sobs, as well as other farewells, but she couldn't bring herself to look up at anyone. Even if she had prepared for this, actually going through it didn't feel any better.


She forced a smile before turning around. "Why are you crying?" she chuckles quietly, watching Sunghoon stand in front of her. He didn't reply as he only stepped forward to wrap his arms around her in a warm embrace. The girl's ear was pressed against his chest and she could hear his heartbeat, as well as his cries.

No words were exchanged between the two, they didn't know what exactly to say.

The eliminated participants soon all lined up as they waited.

"Now all that is left is the first place ILANDER's decision."

"First place ILANDER K, will you use your exemption card."

Hana looked up at Taki. Even if he didn't notice her stare, the girl smiled anyways.

'He's safe, thats what K wanted. I'm happy.'


"The exemption card.. I will use the card."

Hana's eyes widened. 'But what if Taki gets eliminated?' she thinks to herself, holding herself back from telling the older boy to shut up and take back his words or say sike.

"For whom will you use the exemption card?"

"The one i'm going to use the exemption card on is..."

'Take it back K, you can't risk it. Take it back.'

"Sato Hana."

The girls eyes closed. She felt her eyes sting and her nose tingle. She never knew a phrase that should give her happiness, gave her so much sadness and guilt.

"Then the next elimination candidate will automatically be sent to GROUND."

"The next candidate received 5 votes."

Hana stared at the floor before squeezing her eyes shut once again.

"Taki will be eliminated."

Hana's eyes had started to sting once more. Everything was drowned out, the only thing that she could hear was K's cry.

'K just take it back please.. please."

She couldn't look at anyones face. She couldn't bring herself to do so. She bites her bottom lip as her heart clenches, her mind replaying the events from earlier today.

"I really wanted to get to know you more and get closer with you,"

"Well we better both survive then,"

"Well, I'll see you after eliminations."

"Let's both make it to the next round."

"I'll make sure you're not eliminated."

With that, something in her switched. As the 5 walls she had built to protect herself, the 5th wall broken down by others, she never knew a single person could break down the 4th.

Her heart was left vulnerable, and she didn't know how to handle it.


but hello I haven't read through and edited so sorry if there are any mistakes




