F O U R T Y • E I G H T


idk for how long since I have SO MANY SACS bruh I've had like 3 sacs/validation tasks/ tests each week and it's only week four of school.

Lol I wrote this ages ago and now I have even more sac's and tests and I had one today but skipped school because I'm sick and also have one on Thursday and one next week lol

Lol it's the "next week" and I stayed home again because I was sick again ffs and now it's 11PM I have a sac tomorrow but instead of studying I'm writing (hopefully it's posted today)

Anyways even if I'm sick I took this chance to FINALLY UPDATE YALL 


The way I really just want to get to AFTER ILAND BECASUE I have a lot planned for it (not sure if I can execute it well) but I just wanna get thereeeee so so very sorry if some of these rounds feel rushed

"The fifth survivor, this I-LANDER has been praised for many talents and has swayed the world with their kindness."

Hana internally cringes as she then hears her own voice, ignoring what she had recorded on the screen. Talking about her goal, her life, what she wants to do with it and where she thinks she stands.

She hated listening to her own voice and hoped it would quickly end.

"Hana nearly faced GROUND but was saved, brought back and showing her talents and determination to stay in ILAND."

She had walked out into the middle of the stage as they introduce her more, the girl focusing more on her own thoughts and not tripping over than listening to what countries she ranked first in.

She looked up at the 5 judges, using all her power not to glance at those around her.

"When I first met Hana, I saw a lot in her. Her potential, her talent, her undying need to keep working hard, she was already a model trainee in my eyes when we first met and she's improved even more. I always loved how hard she has worked for her dream even after being told whatever she wanted wasn't possible, I hope to see you continue with that strength in part two." Bang Sihyuk smiles at the girl.

"Yes I will, thank you." She speaks into the mic, walking over to her stand next to Jay as her image appeared on the screen behind.

It went by faster than Hana thought it would, her body automatically following everyone as they walked to the gate.

"Out of the 13 candidates who may move on to part 2, these 7 ILANDERS have finished entering. The 7 ILANDERS you see before you have been chosen by the ILANDER's and producers and survived part 1 of ILAND."

Hana felt weird being in that unusual giant egg gate, feeling a sense of déjà vu and slight fear for what was to come.

And like that, all 7 contestants smiled and hugged each other, making their way out of the gate and facing the big screen.

"Now out of the 16 GROUNDERs, only 6 people who were selected by the global vote will take the remaining 6 seats and join Part 2."

'I did not miss this.' Hana thinks to herself, half wishing this show was at least a bit less traumatising.

They all watched as the 16 GROUNDERs entered the stage, her eye set on one as her stomach dropped. She knew he would be there, but it still scared her.

'What if he makes it to part 2?'

'Will I relive everything again?' She thought, her heart beating faster while trying to hide her fear.

"I feel kinda scared watching a guy I kicked in the neck not so long ago.." jungwon mumbles and the 6 of them head it clearly and start to laugh.

"Now we only have an additional 6 survivors to announce as a global choice to join part 2 of ILAND. All 16 have been working hard with the goal of debuting in 2020, but according to the results of the global voting, only 6 will remain here,"

"and 10 will have to leave."

Hana looked around at the nervous ILANDERS around her, even if they were safe for now, it was still nerve racking.

"We'll begin the revealing of the first survivor to make it into ILAND part 2."

"The first survivor received 2,090,201 votes, ranking 3rd out of the 16 participants."

Everyone's eyes had widened as well as their jaws dropping in shock. The amount of votes was way more than they had expected, and it was only 3rd place.

"This participant who placed 3rd, performed in the representative unit test as a representative."

Hana looked around. 'Geonu? Ni-Ki? Sunoo? Daniel?? Nicholas?? Jaeho?' She thought to herself, not sure which out of all possibilities.

They all discussed who it would be but Hana stayed silent, thinking to herself.

"We will announce the first survivor."

"The first survivor, who raked third place in the global vote."


Hana immediately smiled, as well as those around her, clapping for the boy even if he couldn't see. "2 million votes.. woah."

As Ni-Ki was told to go to the gate, it slightly shocked the 7. "They're coming one by one?"

They looked back and fourth from the screen, waiting for the boy. As they finally saw him, screams, cheers, jumps and hugs were spread all around, congratulating the boy they had missed.

But the sudden happiness was cut off by the slight deafening sound of the host starting to move onto the next contestant.

(Tbh I'm so lazy rn ima just write names, scores, whatever place and some will have how they entered through the gate but I won't write every single word and thing that happened since y'all already know that).

"2,532,915 votes, ranking 2nd out of 16 participants. Daniel."

"The third survivor moving onto iland received 2,648,265 votes, placing 1st. Kim Sunoo."

Hana was the first to greet him, jumping up and down while hugging him in efforts to stop his crying. "Yah I knew you would come back. Said it first round."


"You think I have fun lying?" Hana raises a brow, the boy letting out a laugh.

"4th place with 1,916,736 votes. Lee Geonu."

"And your favourite friend is back." Geonu smiles at Hana, a Jay scoffing from the other side. "I'm her bestie."


"Oh my god who's next." Hana cut the both of them off with a smile, staring at the screen as they both laughed at themselves while joking.

"5th place with 1,703,579 votes, Ta-ki."

Hana smiled widely, blinking a bit as a weird sudden burst of tears threatened to spill. "Yah what on earth." She mumbles to herself, slightly slapping herself before looking around at the faces, seeing K and Niki's face light up in excitement.

Soon enough the girl watched the eldest pick him up in a hug, being extremely happy to have him back in iland.

"Yah see, I told you that you'll be back didn't I?" Hana smiles at Taki, the boy nodding. "You always say that and I always come back so I'm glad."

"The last stop, placing 6th with 1,094,601 votes.."

Hana just watched and slightly got annoyed as the host announced they'll call three up and the rest are for sure not going into iland.

'Oh so you're going to give 2 contestants false hope how amazing.'

"The first potential candidate, Nicholas. The second candidate, Kyungmin. The third candidate, Hanbin."

Hana cringed, looking at the faces behind the three.

"The first to leave ILAND placing 7th place, Nicholas."

"We will now announce the last survivor, 6th place, Hanbin."

(Sorry i DONT wanna write them crying and all that because then I'll cry myself)

Heeseung looked over to Hana, watching the girl with a concentrated expression. His eyes trailed to her hand, watching as her thumb tapped the tip of each of her fingers gently, going back and fourth.

He chuckled. It caught her attention.

"Hm? What's up?" Hana looks at the boy, looking around. "You know I used to get slightly annoyed when you did that hand thing?"

Hana looks down. "This? Didn't you teach me this?" She says, looking at her thumb that tapped each finger before stopping herself and looking up at Heeseung.

"Yeah that's why. I told you to do that to help you concentrate and think. And you know.. how at first you didn't recognise me I truly thought you just didn't want to remember but you remembered my hand thing so it was kinda off putting."

Hana raises a brow at the boy before laughing. "Wait really?"

He nods. "Yeah my dumb head was like 'wow she pretends not to know me now she does what I taught her right in front of me? But after a while I realised 'oh she really doesn't recognise me..' so I let it go."

"Well dude you covered up like you were in the bubonic plague man what did you expect of me? You've grown quiet a bit. You did look familiar but I just didn't make the connection at first."

"Congratulations to the 12 ILANDERs who have made it to part 2 of ILAND."

"Oh fuck that scared me." Hana mumbles, Heeseung holding back a laugh while they all cheer. a sudden noise and flags with numbers shown on the screen scared all of them, the girl holding back from cursing again. Hana looked at the numbers 1-13 on the screen.

"Maybe its our parts..?" sunghoon says as they had asked what the numbers meant. "The chairs have numbers on them too though.." Hana mumbles, looking back at the chairs. "Maybe... a ranking?" she says, everyone looking straight at her. "That.. would make sense.." Geonu mumbles, looking back at the screen.

"In ILAND part 2, a debut unit will be decided, out of 4 total tests, the 1st and 3rd tests will be decided by the producers choice, whereas the 2nd and 4th test will be decided by the global viewers voting."

'the last test is global voting... do i even have the chance to debut? Do people around the world even want me in the group?'

"Only the 7 participants who survive all the tests will be debuting as idols in 2020. But..."

Everyones eyes widened, looking around the room.

"Part 2 is no longer a shared destiny, but a complete individual competition. According to the test results, the ranking from 1 to 13 will be announced. The ILANDER who fails to recieve the choice of the producers and the global fans will be eliminated."

"So slowly.. one by one.. we'll be eliminated." Hana mumbles, the contestants who heard feeling their stomachs slowly dropped. "Its not like you're going to ground with others anymore.. you're leaving for good.. by yourself.." She mumbles, not realising she said it out loud. "Hey.. stop thinking about that." Jay bumps her shoulder, the girl only realising she wasnt talking in her head.

(at this point im gonna summarise whats being said)

"Holding a higher rank will reap more benefits."

"Those ranking from 1st-7th will get badges that symbolise their position as part of the debut unit. These will change depending on the results of each test.


They all looked at what was being mentioned, their eyes fixiated on one certain badge.

"Now, we will announce your ranking according to the first global voting."

"The ILANDER who ranked 13th place in the global vote, with 376,509 votes, Hanbin."

They watched the boy take his name plate and walk to the chair, the large number 13 marked on it.

"The ILANDER who ranked 12th place in the global vote, with 644,331 votes, Lee Geonu."

11th- Ta-ki

10th - Ni-ki

"The ILANDER who ranked 9th place in the global vote, Jake."

It was an understatement to say all were simply just suprised. Most had expected that a contestant who had survived the final 7 would at least be top 7, not 9th place.

When Jungwon was placed as 8th, they were shocked even more. They watched the boy silently, soon seeing him sit on the 8th place chair.

7th - Jay

6th- K

5th- Sunghoon

4th- Lee Heeseung

At this point, Hana's heart had dropped. She felt a certain type of shock and she couldnt tell if this was real or not. She'd expected the boy to get at least 1st or 2nd, she also didnt expect to get a higher score than most all of the final 6.

"We will be announcing 2nd place. The ilander who ranks 2nd, Daniel."

They all looked at the youngest in slight shock, glancing to the boy and the girl who couldnt figure out their place. As the boy went to get his badge, Hana looked at Sunoo with a wide smile. "How does it feel to be 1st?" she whispered, watching the boy hold back a smile. "You're probably first." He smiles, the girl shaking her head. "lets make a bet then. If you're first you get to share your extra benefits with me." She jokes but the boy takes it seriously. "Same to you."

"I was joking.." she chuckles. "You have it all to yourself." she chuckles, the boy shaking his head. "Nope the deal is already made. Make sure to share with me." he says, the girl sighing but smiling at the same time.

"Now the first place ILANDER will be revealed. With 1,087,503 votes..."

"Kim Sunoo."

The boy looked at the girl in shock. She saw him smile but use his hands to stop, trying to keep a straight face on. "3rd place ILANDER, Sato Hana. Please take your badges and put your nameplates on your chairs."

The atmosphere was tense. She could tell Daniel and Sunoo felt a pressure and tried their hardest to now show their happiness. Hana also felt off by the intimidated stares directed at the two, feeling a weird conflict inside of her.

'even though they're my closer friends.. they should be happy for the two.. right?'

She could understand the contestants confusion and disappointment, but she didn't comment on them. With that mentality she sat down on her chair between Heeseung and Daniel, looking up at the screen.

"Now, the first test of Part 2 will be revealed. This test will be about testing your ability as a global idol. The 13 ILANDERs will perform in 3 units. The unit with the highest total score will be safe from elimination."

"If the lowest ranking ILANDER is among the first placing unit, the next rank ILANDER will be eliminated."

(This is where I cry)

"With this test. The producers will be selecting 1 person to eliminate. Now the songs for the first test will be revealed."

Slowly, jungwon read out the letters on the screen.


(Im using real names my dudes)

Cheers surrounded the room as the contestants started to get excited by the idea of performing a bts song again.

Then a sudden screen appeared of the living space upstairs.. yet familiar voices were heard in the background.

Hana who spaced out half way flinched at the sudden yells from beside her, looking up at the screen to see BTS.

"They... were... in... iland..."

Hana's eyes widen in shock.

To say at every word they said the contestants screamed.

Hana was half listening to their words and half panicking inside.

"I called dibs on that blue bed." Taehyung laughs, Daniel immediately raising his hand and saying that he also dibs it.

"We're so honoured that the first test is called the BTS test, which consists of 3 of our songs. For your best performances, we'll point out the main points of the three songs."

The screaming hasn't stopped since the 7 boys appeared on the screen.

"The first song is..."

Jay then had shushed everyone since he wanted to listen and couldn't hear a word they were saying due to the screams.


Yeah they couldn't stop their shouts of excitement.

"The important point is singing with that desperation of keeping love from falling apart. When we sang it I went for a husky voice on purpose." Jungkook explains to his members.

"To make it more desperate?"

"C'mon, sing it for us."

Jungkook slightly chuckles. "This is a bit embarrassing.."

Straight after all 7 of their voices mixed as they turned around to look away from the boy.

And the moment Jungkook sung all the contestants fell in love and awe from his voice.

"Okay that was the vocal point and now for the dance, it's important to dance powerfully, in contrast to the songs lyrical mood." Hoseok explains, and the second he stood in the middle and danced while Jungkook sang, screams were heard again.

"And there's one more point. There's a part where you grab your neck and do a sexy wave.."

"Please show us!" Jungkook was very enthusiastic when Hoseok stepped in the middle straight away.

No need to explain why the screams were heard again.

"These were the main points.. now the second song is DNA."

You can imagine the claps and screams heard again when Jimin sung his line.

"Why don't you sing the intro V?"

Do I need to explain what happened? I think we can all guess.

From dancing in the middle to showing the point dance, the contestants clapped and cheered at everything.

While most of the members were talking, Taehyung smiled while singing "DNA." And to say their hearts simply fluttered was again an understatement.

"He's so handsome.." the contestants commented, Hana silent and still in slight shock. "Are you okay there?" Heeseung chuckled, the girl turning towards him slowly and shaking her head. "Are you?" She asks, the boy also shaking his head with a laugh.

"The next song is fake love."

"Dibs. If I have a choice dibs." Hana speaks out for the first time, looking up at the screen with the biggest smile.

"It's harder than you'd expect.." Jungkook mentions.

Once again, in awe of Jimin dancing a part of the chorus.

Jimin had then showed a move where he acted as a puppet with its strings being cut off, dropping to the ground.

While in slight shock Jay starts to laugh. "Hana didn't you do that once by accident?" He laughs, the girl glaring at the boy. "Shh.. that really hurt that day."

"Before the first test, there will be a mini mission that will greatly impact the test."

Straight after, the gate starts to move and Hana yelps in shock. "Mary- I'm not continuing that." She cuts herself off, the contestants bursting into laughter.

Hana's eyes immediately widened when the gate fully opened, seeing two familiar faces. Son Sungdeuk and Bae Yoonjung.

Hana turned her head one day and sucked her lips in, trying her best to control herself before turning towards the two. Everyone quickly stood up and bowed while saying hello, Son Sungdeuk immediately telling them to sit back down and be comfortable.

"Hello, I'm Bae Yoonjung. Nice to meet you."

Hana could sense some of the contestants slight fear, and she couldn't blame them. She was slightly terrified as well. "Wow.. even the gate to enter this place is Unique." She comments while looking around.

"If you're getting trained here then you must do even better.." she looks at the contestants, Hana holding back a laugh from her friends faces that were slightly scared.

"Are they always this quiet?"

"They're usually not like this but today.." Sungdeuk looks around, Hana still holding back her laugh.

"They must not be happy to see me. Smile guys." Yoonjung chuckles, most contestants forcing a smile or laugh in awkwardness or nervousness while Hana finally lets out a smile.

"They seem to be scared of you.."

"I'm not scary guys, I'm really nice once you get to know me. Just relax, I'm not here to scold you."

Hana once again closed her eyes and sucked in her lips. "Yah Hana."

She immediately looked up at the choreographer. "At least make it less obvious that you're laughing at my presence here."

Hana couldn't hold it anymore and burst into laughter, the contestants around her becoming confused.

"I'm sorry miss."

"Miss? Yah.. you must not be happy I'm here."

Hana immediately shook her head with a smile. "Tell them then. I'm not scary right?"

Hana looks around and sucks her lips in again. "Well..."

Yoonjung takes a couple quick steps towards Hana and acts as though she'll smack her with the clipboard but laughs, looking around at the contestants. "Don't believe her. All she says are lies."

"Miss that's a bit mean."

"Yah you told me you were practicing one night and I found out you were having lunch with this boy." She suddenly points to Jay, the boy looking at the woman in shock as Hana bursts into laughter again.

"Unnie you're the one that told me to take a friend and act like a couple at that restaurant to get couple discounts."

Yoonjung pauses. "Oh right I did say that... but still!"

The contestants were still confused, as well as Son Sungdeuk. "Do.. you two know each other."

"Yeah I saw her dancing once and I heard she's choreographed random pieces so I took her in and trained her myself. Dance, freestyle, better choreography, understanding the song and feel."

"Wow.." they all looked at Hana. "Which is why I have high expectations for her, and all of you."

"Unnie you said you weren't scary."

"Hana I have to be scary sometimes it's part of the job." She jokes, playfully rolling her eyes at the younger.

"Anyways..." Sungdeuk laughs, watching the two slowly end their bickering.

"Now.. the mini mission for the BTS test is a dance battle between ILANDER's."


Hana stood there, watching everyone try and practice before the dance battle. She didn't know what to do as she didn't know how the songs would be like. "Just study the beat as quick as you can and do whatever." She tells herself, starting to stretch instead of freestyling.

"What moves will you do noona?"

Hana looked at Taki and shrugged her shoulders. "No clue, just whatever comes out of my brain at that time and second." She chuckles, the boy smiling at her. "You're so cool."

Hana starts to laugh and stands up properly, ruffling the boys hair. "You are too. You're one of the best freestyle dancers I know, I'm telling you, you'll either win this or be very close to winning."

"Ahh you're just making me feel better."

Hana raises a brow. "Do I look like a liar to you?"



Taki starts to laugh as Hana stumbles back, holding her chest as she feigned heart break. Suddenly while acting, a voice came in and stopped them, slightly scaring Hana.

"We'll start now so let's go."


"BTS test mission, dance battle. I'll go over the details. One ILANDER comes out on a first come, first serve basis and a one-on-one battle will begin."

"The top three winners will get to choose which BTS song to perform to, as well as his or her team members. So everyone will have to try their best."

Everyone listened to both Yoonjung and Sungdeuk, thinking of ways to somehow win.

"So who here feels confident in dancing?"

Hana just stood there watching others, hearing them talk about wanting Jungwon and Heeseung to go against each other.

"Keep in mind for one round there will be three going up against each other." Sungdeuk says, the members remembering the odd number of contestants.

"So c'mon, who wants to go first?"

Hana's hand is raised in the air, but not by her own will.

She turns to the side with wide eyes at a smiling Jay, his hand holding her wrist as he puts his hand up and quickly lets go.


"Y-yah." Hana looks at Jay in shock. He just shrugs and walks into the middle, using his hand to gesture for Hana to follow him.

"No thank you."

He walks back to her and drags her in. "I'll pay you $10 if you win."

"Okay let's goooo."

They laughed at how easily persuaded Hana was. "I'm gonna win that $10." She says, Jay knowing how competitive she was sometimes just for the pure fun of it.

"But i also wanna do it against someone else, and that's Ni-Ki."

Hana's eyes widened and looked at the two. "You tryna kill me? Both of you?"

"Woooo we're starting off with our trio!!"

Hana wanted to run away.

Hana stood there with a smile as she watched the two dance, slightly intimidated by the both of them even if she was the eldest.

The music changed again and it was Hana's cue to start.

'Oh lord someone above help me.'

She tried to memorise the beat as the contestants were hyping her, soon finally starting to dance.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Imagine only the backing track no lyrics, also imagine it more.. freestyle like..?? Also I love bada Lee her choreographies are sooooo good. Favourite choreographer out there)

By the time she finished she was right in front of Niki and Jay in her "intimidation" stare before giving them that smile, the boys behind who could see it giggling between themselves like highschool boys seeing their crushes.

Soon enough they all continued to battle, Hana looking to the side as someone taps her shoulder.

"Have I ever told you how attractive you are, especially when dancing?"

Hana's jaw suddenly dropped at sunghoon's comment, not expecting him to ever say that. The boy using his fingers to lift up her jaw before smirking. "Don't get too flustered or I might just assume my feelings aren't unrequited." He winks before going into the middle.

She looked around in shock to see if anyone saw what just happened, seeing no one concentrating on her until she turns around completely to see a Geonu standing there with a dropped jaw.

"D-did he just confess-."


viewers only: "Now we'll announce that 7 members are expected to debut, but we will have a certain marker up. If a contestant's score is a certain fixated amount of votes close enough to 7th place debut member, an 8th member may also debut. As we will focus on the 7, do you think the scores will be close enough for an 8th member? Will our new group consist of 7 or 8? Stay tuned to find out."

I'm sorry that after such a long time I give y'all the most boring chapter of our lives.

Okay I'm so tired rn bye bye
