Chapter 9

(Daniel new hairstyle and also what Daniel looks like and what Eric looks like)

/Tell me what you think/


"I know, you're worried that you won't find her." My dad said simply.

"No, I already found my mate, about two weeks ago really." I corrected him.

"Why didn't you say anything?" My mom asked as she came to sit next to me.

"Hold on, I'm getting there, I didn't say anything because he's a human" I said before looking down at my lap.

"It's fine that she's a human, many of our kind are mated to humans" my dad replied,so I guess he didn't here me say HE.

"No, Dad I said HE is a human" I corrected him waiting for his reply.

"That's why you haven't told us, because he's a male, what is wrong with him being a male?" He asked puzzled as to why there would be a problem.

My head snapped up and I just looked at him with confusion. "Your not mad?" I asked him.

"Now why would I be mad?" He asked learning up against his desk.

"Because I can't produce an heir to be the next alpha." I replied looking down at my lap as my Dad come over to sit on the other side of me.

"Eric, your still young, it's going to be awhile before you take over for alpha, don't worry about having an heir just yet." My Dad said as he rubbed my shoulder.

"So you don't care, that he's a male" I asked once again.

"No, besides, your Mom and I knew you'd end up with a male mate." My dad said as he slapped me on the back before getting up.

"I mean I guess." I said as I was left there alone. So wait they don't care, the fuck was I worried about, but wait, how will the pack respond? With that in my mind I ran after my parents.

"Wait, I'm glad you accepted it, but what about the pack, what will they say or think? I can't have the pack disgusted by me," I ranted as I walked behind my parents.

"Then we'll see about it. Hunter!," my dad called out.

"Yes, alpha?" My Dads beta questions as he walked into the kitchen.

"Please have the meeting room ready for the whole pack to come by seven." My Dad advise him.

"I'll get people on it right away." He replied before walking towards the kitchen.

"I'll be back by seven" I informed my parents before walking back outside to my truck.

I pulled out my phone and sent Nate a quick text to be ready because I'm picking him up.

I grabbed my car keys from my pocket and went out to my truck so I could go get Nate and maybe Sadie if she's home. I turned the ignition on and took off towards town.

Once I had picked Nate up, we swung by and picked Sadie up. I then drove us back to the pack house.

We said hi to everyone as we came in and then disappeared upstairs to my room that I had here at the pack house. When we got to my room, we found Mario sitting on the window seat.

"Sorry, I thought you wouldn't mind if I came in here." Mario apologized when he turned to look at me.

"It's fine I was hoping you would be here at the pack house" I responded letting Sadie and Nate inside.

"What for?" He asked looking back at me.

"Listen up and you'll know." I responded causing him to sit looking straight at me, I paused for a moment before I continued.

"I told my parents about Daniel." I informed them once they were somewhere comfortable.

"What did they say?" Sadie asked with a hopeful tone in her voice.

"They accepted it and they are happy for me, he's holding a pack meeting here in about an hour to tell the pack, I just don't know how they will react to it" I replied as I sat at the edge of the bed.

"It doesn't matter how they will react, as long as you accept him, you'll be fine." Sadie said as she came to side beside me.

"And don't forget, we're here for you." Mario added sitting on the other side of me.

"I know, it's just I'll be leading this pack later in the year, I want their full respect" I added staring at the three of them.

"Don't worry the pack will accept it, what you do have to worry about is how your going to ask him on a date." Sadie said standing in front of me.

"She's right you know, since all the pack is going to know about your mating, it's about time you ask him on a date." Mario agreed looking through his phones contact list.

"There's one problem with asking him out. I have never spent anytime with him alone other than when we hung out about what a week ago, maybe more" I said as I fell back on the bed. "There's also that tiny detail we are all forgetting about." I added looking up at the ceiling.

"And what's that?" Sadie asked completely confused.

"The one thing that affects all male wolves who have found their mate, the full moon this Friday, also known as game day" I sat up to see them biting their lip worriedly.

"Then you will have to stay away from him for the next few days and then after Saturday you can ask him out." Sadie declared as she placed her hands on her hip.

"Hey we have about an hour to kill, how about we go out and eat Taco Bell." Nate suggested and stood to join Sadie.

"Sure, why not" I shrugged as I stood up.

"I could eat." Mario replied standing up as well.

We walked down stairs and saw that more pack members had arrived. Everyone's conversation was topically the same, the were all wondering what the meeting was about, but I wasn't really surprised they usually know the day before if we are having a meeting. Also I'm sure they won't mind hearing the latest news about their next alpha.

"Everyone sure is anxious for the meeting." Nate commented as we got into my truck.

"Well yeah, the alpha never calls a meeting in such short notice." Sadie piped in as I drove back into town for the second time today.

"Also my Dad usually holds pack meetings on Saturday, not during the week." I added to Sadie's statement.

"I'm going to be honest, it's going to be different not having a pack luna." Mario said as he looked at me through the rear view window.

"Yeah, but I like the sound of Alphas Eric and Daniel Knight." I confessed staring back at him.

"Then this is why you need to ask him on a date." Sadie repeated referring to our conversation back at the pack house.

"I promise that I will ask him the next time I lay me eyes on him." I assured her before turning into Taco Bell.

"We'll see about that." Sadie replied as she opened the truck door.

Once we got out of the truck, we walked to the restaurant doors and walked up to the counter. We ordered our food and went to sit down at a table and wait for it to be ready.

"You know, once the pack knows, there's nothing stopping you from going after your mate." Nate said before taking a sip from his drink.

Sadie and Mario were saying something back but all I could think about was that beautiful scent that could only come from my mate. It was the smell of the pine mixed with the smell of dew in the morning with a hint of vanilla. It was intoxicating.

"MATE" I growled out as I look up to see my mate walking in through the doors.

"Eric calm your wolf, you'll scare him away." Sadie whispered from across the table.

"I claim what's mine." I growled out.


"Lunch detention wasn't that bad" I commented as we sat in my game room in the basement.

"Well yeah since your boyfriend brought you Taco Bell" Sam cooed with a smirk.

"He's not my boyfriend, I wish he was but I don't know if he's gay or not, I need a way to find out" I corrected her.

"I can help you with that" Sam sang looking at me with a devious expression.

"How?" I asked a little curious to what she's thinking.

"Bring your credit card, phone, and truck keys and let's go to the mall" Sam beamed with a smirk a she walked out of my room.

"What for?" I asked, remembering last time we went to the mall.

"We are going to make you sexy self look even sexier." She replied a she waited for me at the bottom of the stairs.

"How is this going to work?" I asked as I wondered how in the world getting a make over is going to get me any closer to Eric.

"Don't question me, let's just go, and we are going into the stores, I say we should." She said with a playful glare as she pulled me out the door.

It's funny, I've never really had an attraction towards Eric. I mean I've noticed he's sexy and all, but who hasn't. He just has that authoritative look to him.

"What are you waiting for?" Sam asked as she snapped her fingers.

"Sorry, I just lost my train of thought" I replied as I put my truck out of park.

The ride to the mall was painful. I had to listen to Sam sing Heros all the way there, she was way off key.

"We're here" I yelled as I shut off the truck, making her singing quit.

I pulled down the mirror and checked if my ears were bleeding.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked giving me a puzzled look.

"I'm just making sure my ears aren't bleeding" I joke as I pushed up the mirror.

"Shut up, don't make fun of me because you can't sing" she said with a glare that caused me to stare he in the eyes.

"I can sing, I just don't sing in front of anyone." I replied before closing the truck door.

"Whatever" She said before she came to my side.

We walked in through try mall entrance and as soon as we did Sam pulled me into Rue Guy.

"Okay, follow me this way." Sam said as she walk towards a guy clothing a mannequin.

"Hey, Cash" she said poking the guy on the shoulder.

"Hey cuz, what can I do for you?" Cash asked turning to look at us.

"You remember Daniel right." She said with a smile.

"Yeah, why?" He questioned lifting an eyebrow.

"Well, you gay, and he's gay, I need your help to make him look even sexier and cute ad attractive, help me find clothes to make that happen." She said as she placed a hand on her hip.

"Well, he doesn't look like he needs help with all that, but let's see what we can find." He said edits we followed him to the jean area.

"Here, you will try these on, but let's go get a shirt that will go with it." he said after he through a pair of white skinny jeans at me. Ok I'm gay and all but I do not wear skinny jeans.

"Why skinny jeans" I asked as we followed him to the shirts.

"That will make you bubble but stand out and make it look bigger, the guys will be attracted to it." He replied before throwing a cherry red shirt at me.

"Go try those on, while Sam and I look for more stuff." He said as he pushed me to the fitting rooms.

I walked in the directing he pushed me to and walked into an empty room. I stripped down to my boxers and slipped the pants on and then the shirt. The pants were a little difficult to put on but I got them on, while the shirt stuck to me like a second skin.

I walked out to where they had there mirrors. I steeped up on the platform and looked at myself.

"Wow, I look hot" I said to myself as I looked at my butt.

"Good now change back and let's check out." Sam said before walking out into the store again.

I quickly changed back and met we at the check out counter. In all we bought six shirts and eight different pairs of jeans along with some sun glasses and a belt.

"Now let's go get you a new hair cut." She said before pulling me to a hair cutting place.

Since it was mostly empty they took me in right away. Sam followed me to the chair and looked at me from the mirror.

"How would you like it cut?" The girl asked putting a cover over my body.

"He needs something that says 'I'm sporty but I'm also sort of a bad boy' you have full control." Sam said before stepping back and letting the girl get to work.

After about ten minutes the girl that I now know is named Britt, turned me around and I looked into the mirror, and damn I look better than I ever have before, I'll have Eric drooling.

"You look great!" Sam said as I waled back to the entrance.

We then paid and walked out, as we were walking Sam stopped and gave me a bag.

"Here go change into this." She said pushing me towards the restrooms.

When I walked in, I went to a handicapped stall and locked it once I was inside. I looked into the bag and it had a light blue skin tight shirt and the white skinny jeans. I put them both on and then slipped the other clothes into the bag and walked out to the sink mirrors. I look great...

After checking myself out and having a guy whistle at me, I awkwardly walked out and found Sam sitting on a bench. When she looked up her mouth fell open.

"There is no way any gay guy will resist you." She said gawking at my new appearance.

"I hate to say it, but your right." I agreed with her.

"Here, put these on too." She said handing me the sunglasses.

"I'm getting hungry" I said putting on the sunglasses.

"Me too, where should we eat?" She asked as we walked towards the mall entrance.

"Let's go to Taco Bell." I suggested looking at her.

"It never gets old does it." She said shaking her head at me.

"No it doesn't." I said as we walked out the mall doors.

After we got into my truck I drove us to Taco Bell in record time. Luckily I wasn't pulled over but never have been so it's all chill.

Once we were in the parking lot we got out and walked to the doors talking about my new look.

"Hey guess who's here?" Sam smiled as she looked over at a table.

It was Eric, Sadie, Mario, and Nate, so this means it's time to see if this makeover worked.

"Let's see if this will work how you say it will." I smiled as we walked in.

We ordered our food and as we were walking to find a table, someone called our names.

"Daniel, Sam, why don't you come site with us." Sadie called us over with the wave of we hand.

"Thanks." I replied as we pulled a seat out to site down.

Since it was the only other available seat I ended up sitting next to Eric, thanks to Sam taking the seat next to Sadie.

" You look different." Eric commented as he looked me up and down, causing me to blush.

"Thanks, I thought I'd try something new." I chuckled as I took off my sunglasses.

"Well you look like a male model." he responded earning another blush from me.

"Order 304 and 305 are ready." Some guy called out.

"I'll get them" I said as I got up from my seat.

"I'll help you." Eric said before getting up also.

When we got to the counter we still had to wait since they forgot Nate's tacos.

I was looking around when Eric asked, "Will you go on a date with me this Saturday?" Then there was a pause, "and before you start thinking that it's because of the way you look, I've been wanting to ask you for awhile, there was just something I had to take care of first." He added as he took my hand in his.

I looked down at my hand in his and he squeezed it gently.

"What do you say?" He asked as he looked me in the eyes and I looked into his. I could see hope in his eyes as he waited for me to answer.

"Yes, I'll go out with you." I responded as I watched him smile.

"Thanks, you won't regret it." He chuckled as he brought my hand up to his lips.

He kissed the back of my hand before gently putting it down, earning another blush from me.

We haven't even gone on the date yet and he already has me blushing hard enough to the point I might melt.

"Let's go." Eric whispered in my ear after he picked up the tray with the food.

When we got back to the table, Sam gave me a knowing look that said I had some explaining to do. I just rolled my eyes and sat back down next to Eric as he started to pass the food around.

"How long do you two have to serve lunch detention for?" Mario asked before he bit into his burrito.

"I think it was till Friday, the good thing is that any has it till next Friday." I responded as I started eating my food.

The rest of our meal was filled with casual conversations between the guys and I, while Sam and Sadie had their own little girl talk, I'm glad she's not talking to me about girl stuff, a guy defend can only take so much.

After all the food was gone, it was about six forty, and Eric said they had to go, so Sam and I decided to leave as well.

Before going home, I dropped Sam off at her place and then made my way towards my house.

When I arrived at my house, I noticed my Dad was home. I wonder what they will think about my new look. I personally thought I was going to hate it but now I like it, it makes me feel sexier.

I parked in the driveway, I got all the bags and locked my truck, I couldn't risk anyone stealing it. I made my way up to the doored and walked in to find my parents and Lola in the living room watching some movie.

My Mom looked up at me and her eyes went wide. Which then caused my Dad and then Lola to look up at me.

"Do I look that bad?" I asked as I dropped all the bags on the floor.

"No, it's just you look different." My Dad responded while searching the back of his neck.

"You look like a gay model." Lola laugh causing her to choke on the water she was drinking.

"Well since everyone knows I'm gay, I guess it will work." I replied as I picked up the bags again.

"Everyone knows?" My Mom gasped as she sat up.

"Yeah, I kind of won class president over Amy so she told the school I was gay." I shrugged as I walked up stairs to my room.

This has been an interesting day and one of the best, I got asked out by Eric Knight...


We made it back to the pack house just as everyone started going into the meeting room.

I lost Sadie, Nate, and Mario within the crowd, but before I could look for them I got pulled aside by my Dad saying that I would be onstage with him. I followed him to the back entrance that leads to the stage and walked up the stage with him, where I then found Nate, Sadie, and Mario standing at the very front.

My Dad stood at the podium and spoke into the microphone.

"I called this pack meeting to talk about a recent discovery," my Dad began as everyone quieted down, " my son Eric has found his mate. His mate is human and also male, anyone who doesn't agree can leave the pack in exile." He continued after the room was silent.

Nate, Sadie, and Mario started clapping not a moment later everyone began clapping, but there were those few people who just stood there, which were mostly guys. I really don't care what anyone thinks, as long as I have my family, friends, and my mate by my side...
