Chapter 6


"Danny, Sam, why don't you two just go out for pizza or something, sitting upside on the couch, while watching a movie on mute while you make up the dialogue, will not solve your problems." my mom commented while pushing pause on our movie.

"Mom, it's the most exciting thing we came up with" I replied as I straightened up.

"No, here's some money, go out and watch a movie and stuff your faces after, I can't stand the crazy dialogue you two come up with" she said as she handed us both a twenty dollar bill.

"Hey, let's go buy some "special brownies" with this" I said as I jumped up from the couch and pulling Sam up right after.

"Bye mom see you later" I said as I dragged Sam out of the house.

"so what do we do now?" Sam asked as we sat in my truck.

"I feel like some pizza, and bowling, what do you think?" I asked her.

"Pizza sounds good, bit we should have someone else to bowl with too" she replied.

"Yeah but who?" I turned looking at her.

"Well, we could invite Mario, he seems like a pretty cool guy" she replied as she looked back at me.

"Did you get his number?" I asked her.

"Well it was meant for you, but I forgot to give it to you, till now" she said as she pulled a torn piece of paper from her bag.

"Wait... why did he give you his number, to give to me?" I asked a little confused.

"Well, it's a site sign that he thinks your cute, come on don't you think he's cute too" she said with a flirt wink.

"Ok, I'll admit he is cute" I admired even thought I still think Eric is cuter, but I have to remember that Eric has had girlfriends in the past.

"So why don't you just give Mario a chance" she nudged my shoulder, all the while giving me a hopeful look.

"Ok, I'll invite him, give me the paper" I rooked my eyes as I got the paper from Sam. I dialed Mario's number in and pressed call.

The other line started ringing and eventually someone picked up.

"Hello" Someone said on the other line to which I guess it was Mario.

"Hi, is this Mario?" I replied as soon as he finished.

"Yes, who's this?" He asked in a humorous tone.

"It's Daniel" I replied with a chuckle.

"Ok, what can I do for you Daniel?" He asked with the same tone.

"Sam and I were wondering if you would like to go bowling?" I looked at Sam, and as usual she was just scrolling through twitter.

"Sounds fun, what time?" He asked

"Right now, at Main Event" I replied a little to excitedly.

"Ok, see you there" he said be fore hanging up.

"Well he said yes so, let's go so we can get an ally and a table, then go ahead and order two pizzas because we're crazy like that." I said as I put my truck in reverse.

"Ok, hurry up then, lets meet Mario there" she said as she turned up the music.


"Dad, I'm going out!" I yelled out as I descended the stairs.

"With who?" My dad Leo asked as he peaked his head out of the kitchen.

"With two people I met in my first class" I replied getting my coat and keys.

"Alright, your dad is working on a case, so he might be late tonight" he informed me before I left out the door.

As I was about to pull out of the driveway, Eric pulled in behind me, so I stepped out of my challenger.

"What are you doing?" I asked him leaning against the door.

"I was coming here to see of you wanted to hang out" he replied closing the door to his truck.

"I was just about to go hang out with some other people I met during school, why don't you come along"


"Ok, so we are paid for and ally one is ours. Now we just need to go order our food" I told Sam as I walked up to her.

"Ok, where's my shoes" she asked just looking at me hands.

"Go get them yourself, lazy" I gave her an "are you crazy look" as I sat down to change my shoes out.

"I'll remember this you little fairy" she said before turning to walk away. "Mario's here and he seems to have brought a guest" she added.

"What are you talking abo- I was stopped when I saw who it was. Out of all people he invited him... the guy I think likes me invited the guy I liked. This might not end well...

"Mario, Eric hey, glad you came" Sam said.

"Thanks for the invite" he chuckled.

I just sat there not saying a word just staring up at the both of them. I finally just stood up and smiled.

"I'm gonna go get some shoes" Sam said pointing towards the shoe counter.

"Ok, and I'll go order the pizza and drinks" I said a little two awkwardly...

"I'll go with you" Eric said with a smirk. That just made it weirder...

"Yeah, and I'll go with Sam and get our shoes" he said before they both walked off towards the shoe counter.

I started walking towards the food counter with Eric not for behind me. Someone kill me now...

"So, I saw your locker earlier..." he trailed off looking down at his feet.

"Who hasn't" I replied over my shoulder.

"That's true, do you know who did it?" He asked curiously.

"Yes I do, but I try not to care" I answered plain and simply.

"At least you know right" he said as we approached the counter.

The conversation stopped there as I ordered our food and drinks, Eric went ahead and ordered some wings along with some soft pretzels and cheese. I'm going to gain some pounds today.

When we made it back to the table, we found Sam and Mario setting up the game.

"Are we all set to start?" Sam asked picking up a pink ball.

"Yes, the food is ordered and will be here in eight minutes, lets start the
game" I replied and I picked up a blue and black ball.

Sam was up first, followed by Mario, me, and Eric at last. By the end of the first round the food had arrived and we all sat down.

"Why did you get so much food?" Mario asked as he bit into a piece of pizza.

"Well, I started off by ordering the two pizzas and the drinks. Then Eric her place another order for the pretzels and wings, so that why we have a lot of food" I replied as I bit into a soft pretzel with cheese on it.

"Don't judge me, I didn't eat lunch" Eric tried to defend himself as he took a long drink of his dr. pepper.

"I'm not going to lie, lunch really didn't look that good today, so I guess it's fine" I gave Eric a side glance before letting out a chuckle.

"So, what are we going to do after the game has finished" Eric asked getting up to bowl.

"I guess we could go into the arcade and mess around" I replied with a shrug.

"Sounds fun, but we should finish bowling first" Sam commented as she got up for her turn.

Between the four of us we ended up finishing off all the food, and since the drinks we unlimited we still had them. Then game ended up with Sam winning followed by a little dance.

So the four of us got up from the table and walked over to the the arcade room and we started walking around looking at all the games to try.

"Hey, who wants to try this photo booth with me" Mario asked as we walked by a new fancy booth.

"I'm going to go try the baske all game" Sam said as she walked away.

"And, I'm going back over to the zombie game" Eric said before walking in the opposite direction.

"I guess I'll try with you" I shrugged as I followed him in the booth.

Once we got the booth set up we started off with simple poses, and the last photo I got something I didn't expect.

Mario gave me a peck on the cheek...

"What was that for?" I I gave him a light push on the back as we walked out.

"Just to see your reaction" he answered as he handed me my copy of the pictures.

We spent another forty minutes inside the arcade and then we went and spent all our tickets in the prize room.

I walked out with a giant stuffed dog, Mario with a lava lamp, Sam with a few phone cases, and Eric with a mirror ball.


As we were leaving Main Event I saw something fall out of Mario's back pocket.

Isotopes as the kept walking along and picked up the paper. It was the pictures he took with Daniel.

I looked through the strip of pictures chuckling till I saw the last picture and it made my blood boil.

No one touches my mate but me...


I'm sorry that it has taken so long to update I feel terrible. I've been getting more and more expiration over the past few days so I might be updating continuously.
