Chapter 8


I woke up to the sun streams coming from between the curtains hitting me straight in the face, I turned to see what time it was on my alarm clock.

Fuck my life, it was six thirty, I got up with one final yawn before heading into my en suite, ad looked in the mirror.

"I'm glad no one ever sees us like this" I said to my reflection.

I did my daily routine and then walked out and into my walk in closet, hmm it's a Tuesday, what should I wear?

I pulled out a neon blue Hollister shirt and some cargo shorts, along with my Sparies.

"Man, I need more clothes" I said looking around at my partially empty closet.

After I was done getting ready, I walked downstairs where I saw it was about seven. I walked into the kitchen and got stuff out to make a smoothie.

While my smoothie was blending, I turned the tv on to Frozen, my favorite movie in the whole world. If I was a girl with blonde hair, I would wear Elsa's dress to prom.

A gay guy can dream can't he. I poured my smoothie into my Starbucks cup and headed out to pick Sam up.

I was on the final turn to get to Sams neighborhood when this asshole almost slammed into the back of my truck, which made me slam on the horn and yell, and flip the person off.

"God damn" I yelled before talking off towards Sams house again.

I pulled into her driveway and honked three times before I saw Sam stick her head out her window and flipped me off, before she disappeared again and later appeared through the front door.

"Hey you asshole a text would have been nice" she yelled as she got into the truck.

"Don't yell at me, I almost got ran into by an asshole who ran a stop sign" I snapped back playfully.

"Oh, that's cool" she said before buckling up and connecting her phone to play Style by Taylor Swift.

I just glared at her before pulling out of her driveway and heading towards school.

"Hey, you should stop at Starbucks" she said when the Starbucks sign came to view.

"I'm not going to stop, we are going through the drive thru" I said as I marked my turn signal.

"Fine, are you getting anything?" She asked as she looked down at my smoothie.

"Are you stupid? Yes im going to get something." I said giving her the funniest look as if she didn't know me already.

"Just asking, you finished this weird green drink" she shrugged referring to my smoothie.

"It's like you don't even know me anymore" I sighed giving her a depressed side glance.

"Shut up and let's order our drinks" she said giving me a slight shove on my shoulder.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?" A female voice came from the intercom.

"Hi, can I get a caramel iced coffee with a pump of white chocolate" Sam yelled out the window.

"Ok, anything else" she asked.

"And can I get a white chocolate coffee with caramel and chocolate" I told her my order.

"Anything else?" She asked once again.

"That will be it" I replied looking over at Sam as she put mascara on.

"Ok, that will be seven dollars and thirty cents" she replied before the intercom went off.

"Thanks for paying" Sam said with a big grin on her face.

"I hate you" I scoffed before driving up to the window.

"Love you too" she replied hugging me.

"Your lucky I brought my gold card with me" I smiled pulling it out of my wallet.

"I still can't believe they picked you over me," she pouted as she sat back down.

We got our drinks and then we took off towards school again. Since Starbucks was only three blocks away from the school, so we got there in a couple of minutes we also got the best parking spot in the entire parking lot.

Looking at the school, it just seems like nothing exciting is going to happen, and other way I know that is because it's a Tuesday.

"Let's go get Tuesday over with" I said as we got out of my truck.

"Don't forget we have to work at four today," Sam reminded me as we walked.

"I won't," I replied as we walked up the school steps.

We walked through the main doors and then into the commons area with all the lockers and the school fountain. This was my favorite place in the whole school.

"Don't you just love the fountain" I commented as we walked by it.

"Then why don't you swim in it faggot," someone yelled as I was pushed into it. I tried to stop myself but I just lost my balance and fell over the edge and into the water.

The first thought that came to my mind was... my phone it's in my pocket...second thought was, I looked so good today.

"Someone got a little wet by just one touch from a guy" I heard someone say, and when I looked up, I wasn't shocked to see that is was Amy, and her little squad of thots.

"At least a guy will touch me unlike your skank ass" I said with a smile and tilting my head to the side.

"Trust me, if it wasn't for me, you would be a nobody in his place" Amy said with a little smirk and flip in her hair back.

"Don't worry, the only way people know me is because I was the best friend of the school slut, sorry not sorry" I said before sending the biggest splash her way, and it soaked her to my enjoyment, while Sam came out behind her and dumped her coffee over he head.

"You fucking bitch" Amy said as she turned around.

"Quit acting like a damn drama queen already, everybody knows you're a fake" Sam said as she crossed her arms.

I got what was left of my coffee and threw it her way, which got all over her. Then I splashed her with more water.

"You five, to my office" I heard come from our principal, Mr. Smith "and you get out of the fountain" he added pointing at me.

I don't know why, but I just noticed I was sitting in the water the entire time. I simply got up and stepped out of the water and gave Sam a high five before following Amy and her thot squad to Mr. Smiths office.

"What do you think he will say?" I asked Sam as we walked behind Amy.

"I don't think that we can get suspended over something like that" Sam replied as we walked into the school office.

"That's true" I replied before Mr. Smith spoke up.

"Girls, I'll be talking to you three first" he said as he pointed the way to his office, "as for you two, sit there and wait for me to call you," he added before walking to his office.

"I wonder what he is going to tell them" Sam commented as we sat down.

"I don't know but, I'm wondering if they're going to let us change" I replied peeling my shirt off my stomach.

"Is this really how your going to start this year again?" Tiffany the school secretary asked me, her as I bonded last year during all the times I've been called to the principals office.

"It wasn't my fault Tiff, she told someone to push me into the fountain," I tried to defend myself.

"I believe you, but what caused this to happen?" She asked while gesturing to my clothes.

"Well, she said if I got in her way, that she would make my life miserable, then stupid here nominated me to be class president and I won over her so, that's what caused this, and she also told everyone I was gay" I replied before taking breath.

"And how is everyone taking the fashionable Daniel be outed?" She asked lifting an eyebrow.

"I haven't had much trouble" I replied with a shrug "but then again, it's nearly been a week or so" I added.

"Well I'm glad your out and about, now you can find a cute guy to date" Tiffany said with a wink.

"Maybe, eventually, I wouldn't want Sam here to get jealous" I replied nudging her side with my elbow.

"Me, jealous of you, your funny," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"You and Sam both" Tiffany said as the phone started ringing.

"Yeah, we should" Sam replied before letting out a small giggle.


"See what you do" I commented as we walked the stairs of the school entrance.

"It's not my fault you got a flat" Nate glared as we walked thought the doors.

"Well you did say, "it would suck if we got a flat and we were late to class", so it is your fault" I replied walking to the office.

As we approached the office I saw Daniel through the floor to ceiling windows. I pushed through the door and I was hit by the sweet scent of rain and pine.

"What happened to you?" I asked Daniel as Nate got our excuse for being late.

"Amy, is what happened" he replied coldly.

"She pelted you with water balloons?" I questioned trying to figure out how exactly he got at wet.

"No, she told someone to push me into the fountain" he dead panned which made me confused, was he serious or not, but I guess he caught my confusion. "I'm serious" he added.

"Who pushed you in?" I questioned trying not to let my wolf take over.

"I don't know, but he's on the football team, why?" he replied with a curious tone.

"Because, no one messes with my mate" I sneered before I left the office with my mind and wolf thinking the same thing, whoever it was is going to pay...


After Eric left, the same sentence was playing over and over in my head, "No one messes with my mate", I mean, I don't think he has an Australian background. Does he?

No, what am I saying, he's full Hispanic, or he might be learning the Australian language or slang.

"Mr. Lopez" I was brought out of my thoughts by Mr. Smith. "To my office, I've been calling you for the past minute" he said before retreating towards his office with me following behind him.

"Will you two explain to me, why you were in the fountain, and the three girls were soaked with coffee and water?" He asked clasping his hands together and resting them on his desk.

"I think if you watched the commons area footage, you would understand everything" I said without a care in the world.

"Very well then" he said before picking up the office phone.


"A week of lunch detention!" I ranted as we sat in chemistry class, with Mario, Eric, and Sam sitting with me.

"It's not that bad" Eric said with a shrug, I still can't get over the whole mate word he said.

"How do you know, have you had it before?" I asked narrowing my eyes and poking his chest, I don't know but I felt some weird tingles in me finger.

"No" he replied with a cheesy smile, "by the way, is that suppose to be bubbling like that?" He asked pointing towards our experiment.

"I don't think so, the peroxide should have kept it stable" she said reading the instructions.

"Peroxide, I added the sulfate" Mario said looking at the beaker labeled sulfate.

"Well just as the peroxide" I suggested, as when he did it just bubble onto the table.

"Smooth" Sam said rubbing her temples.

"Anyways, so what is bad about lunch detention, you eat at the cafeteria anyways, what would be so different?" Mario said with a shrug.

"Well, we have to eat whatever they give us, and knowing the principle, he's going to give us crappy stuff" I answered his ridiculous question.

"The food in the cafeteria isn't that bad, there's pizza, salads, burgers, tacos" Eric started Liston all the food they serve.

"Well yeah but the give us the stuff that doesn't look edible and people wouldn't pick it up in the lunch line" I said scrunching up my nose as I think about the nasty looking food.

"Lunch is next, so you two will be having fun, and you forgot the best part" Eric said with a smirk.

"Whats that?" I asked as I tried to remember if I missed anything.

"Amy, is going to be in the same room as the both of you." He said pointing at Sam and I.

"They're stupid if they think an argument won't happen while we're locked inside the same room together, even worse, I could murder her" I said while trying to keep calm and not yell.

"Good luck" Eric smirked as the lunch bell rang.

"Fuck me" I said loud enough for the class to hear.

"I wish I could" I heard someone mumble but I don't know who from.

"Come on, let's go" Sam said looping her arm around mine and dragging me to the detention room.

"If she's in there, there will be another argument, and this one won't end very well." I warned her before walking in with her.

"You have to be in here too" I heard Amy sneered as we walked in.

"No shit Sherlock, this is the only detention room in the school" I deadpanned as I leaned against the wall.

"I don't want to be in the same room as a faggot" she said with a glare that I cod beat any day.

"Well you hung out with this fag since the day you moved here, stupid ass" I replied with a laugh.

"Don't remind me" She sneered as she through an eraser me way.

I picked up a dry erase marker from the desk and through it her way, hitting her straight on the forehead.

"I wish I would have told him I kick you ass instead" she yelled before throwing a pen at me.

"I wish I could kick your ass right know" I yelled back before throwing another marker at her.

"I'm glad you can't because I wouldn't want to get touch by your infected ass" she snapped back throwing a notebook.

"You better be glad because you would be dead by the time I'm done with you" I snapped throwing the notebook back at her.

"In your faggot dreams" she laughed before getting hit in the back of her head with the notebook.

"Let's go, before you kill her" Eric said peeking into the room and smiling.

"Bye whore" I said before dragging Sam out with me.

"Thanks for saving us" I said looking at Nate, Eric, Sadie, and Mario. Man that is a lot of new friends.

"Yeah, I saw what happened this morning" Sadie said with the shake of her head.

"We went out and got toco bell for us and you two" Mario said handing us a bag full of food.

"Thanks guys" I said inhaling the scent of the wonderful food.

"It was Eric's idea" Mario said pointing at a very happy Eric.

"Thanks Eric" I said looking him in the eyes.

"No problem, I just remembered you liked Taco Bell" he shrugged looking straight at me.

"Well, good thing you came when you did, I almost killed her" I said with the shake of my head.

"We better get back in there before the principal comes" Sam said looking down the hall.

"How about you go to the office instead" Mario suggested as he looked into the room.

"Good idea" I said before Sam and I started walking off towards the school office.


"What do you think you were doing, you could have gotten in to trouble if he would have hit his head against the pipes" I snapped at Nick, the guy that pushed my mate into the damn fountain.

"I wish he would have, that way a faggot wouldn't be walking around our damn school" he said with a chuckle.

"He's not a down faggot, he is just like any other human in this school" I snapped slamming him agains the gym lockers.

"I don't see why you fucking care, he's just a damn human" he snapped back as he tried to get out of my grasp. He am idiot if he thinks he can get out of the alphas grasp.

"I care because that so called faggot is my damn mate, so think twice before you say anything about your future alpha, and if you don't like it, you can leave the pack." I snapped back leaving him stunned as I walked off.

I done hiding that he's my mate, if that's the way my pack members are going to treat him, then they better know that I'm going to be the one to protect him.

I got in my truck and sped off towards the pack house where I knew my parents were doing something to help the pack.

Since the pack house is a bit more secluded from the town, I had to drive to the side of town covered with the woods and drive down a road that no sees unless you know it's there.

Once I reach the road I turn and drive the extra mile till I reach the pack house.

It's pretty nice out here, my parents and I used to live here but we moved into town when I first shifted into my wolf. So many people stayed here till they decided the needed a home for their own family, but the pack house now is mostly filled with teens that graduated and are going to college the next city over. Our town is mostly populated with werewolves, but there is a big chunk of humans that make it up too.

Once I reach the house I see my parents truck parked outside. I park next to then and step out of my truck and head for the front door. The three story building still looks as good as ever.

Once I walk in, I'm greeted by everyone in the living room but I done stop but for a few seconds before I continue walking off towards my dads office.

"Mom, Dad" I called out as I approached the office door.

"We're in here." My Dad called out.

I walked in the door and saw then working away on pack business. I closed the door behind me and sat at in a chair across from them.

"Why did you close the door?" My mom asked setting down some papers.

"I need to talk to y'all about something. something I should have told y'all when it happened.

"What about?" My Dad asked placing all his attention on me.

"About my mate...
