Chapter 12


My eyes slowly drifted open but then closed again. I tried and tried until I could finally keep them open. The sunlight was blinding me, so that's part of the reason why, but I was to weak to get up an close them.

My thoughts drifted to yesterday, more like yesterday night, how did I get home? What happened after the game? Why can't I remember anything about last night?

I clapped my hands and the lights came on. I grabbed my phone and turned on my morning playlist and it started playing through a Bluetooth speaker.

I pushed the blankets off of me and say on the edge of the bed. I don't understand why I'm so weak right now, I guess I just need a shower.

I got up from my bed and walked to the door to lock it before going to my bathroom and taking a shower.

I turned the water to where it was warm and then stripped out of my boxers. I tossed them into the hamper and stepped into the shower.

I turned on the overhead shower and let the water cascade over my body, letting the water relax my muscles.

I washed the styling wax out of my hair before washing my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I washed it all out and then washed my body before stepping out and drying off.

I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked up to the mirror. I was wiping all the condensation off the mirror when I noticed a weird bruise that was barely visible between my neck and shoulders. I ran my fingers over it and a tingling sensation ran all over my body causing a moan to escape my mouth.

I tilted my head to the side so I could get a better view at the mark, it consisted of little round marks in the shape of a bite mark. What the hell did I do last night to get this bruise?

I walked out of the bathroom and straight for my phone. I unlocked it and found Sams number and called it.

"Hey, Sam," I spoke once she picked up.

"What?" She spat into the phone.

"Someone's moody, anyway, what did I do last night after the game?" I asked her while walking to my underwear and sock drawer.

"I don't know, when I left, I left you with Sadie and Mario, why?" She asked in confusion.

"I woke up this morning and found a weird bruise on me," I replied as I slipped on some boxers.

"Oh, then you might want to call Mario or Sadie, they might know," she responded as I was walking to my closet.

"Ok, I guess I'll call Mario, later," I sighed before hanging up.

I walked into my closet and looked for some clothes to wear for today and also for my date.

I picked out some shorts, a blue t-shirt, and a dip dyed button up shirt for the date, then I got some shorts and a t-shirt to wear for now.

I hung the clothes I picked for my date on an empty spot and walked back out to my room. I changed into the clothes before calling Mario.

"Hello," he answered when he picked up.

"Hey, I was wondering what we did after the game last night?" I questioned as I sat on the window seat.

"Nothing really, after we walked off the feels Sadie and I left and last time I saw you, you were walking to your truck, why do you ask?" He responded.

"This morning after I took a shower, I looked in the mirror and found a weird bruise on me, and I just wanted to know if we did anything," I replied while looking out the window.

"Maybe you ran into something," he suggested and if that did happen, why don't I remember anything...

"That's probably what happened, I'll talk to you later," I responded while looking down at my truck.

"Later," he replied before hanging up.

I put down my phone and just stared out the window. Whatever this is, I have a feeling I can't tell my parents about it.

Mario's right, I probably just hit myself or something. I got up from the bay window seat and walked out of my room. The smell of bacon and croissants was like a slap to the face.

I walked down the stairs and then into the kitchen where I found my mom and dad sitting around the table.

"Good morning," they greeted as I grabbed a plate.

"Morning, what time did y'all get home?" I asked while loading up on food.

"We got home at eleven, we tried to wake you up so you could eat some of the stuff we brought home, but you were dead asleep," my mom replied grabbing a croissant.

"Yeah, I guess I was really tired," I responded as I sat across from her.

"I thought you were dead," my dad joked as he picked up his coffee.

"I'm alive, so it's fine," I smiled as I bit into a croissant.

"It didn't seem like it last night," he smirked as he stood from his seat.

"Anyway, what do you two have planned for today?" I asked while glaring at my dad.

"Nothing really, unless you want to go out and do something," my she shrugged while flipping through her phone.

"Actually, I have a date tonight, so I won't be here later in the day," I grinned trying to hold in my excitement.

"A date? With who?" My dad questioned as he leaned against the counter.

"Yes a date, and its with Eric Knight," I responded as I grabbed another croissant. Mom is a great cook.

"Wow, possible boyfriend?" My mom mused.

"I don't know, maybe," I shrugged. She had a good question, would Eric be my boyfriend later on?

"Ju-" my dad was cut off by my phone.

"It's Sam," I informed them as I got up and walked out to the patio.

"Hello," I answered as I walked over to the hammock.

"Hey, I'm home," she spoke.

"Good, can you come over?" I asked her as I laid back under the shade.

"Yeah, I'm just going to change," she replied.

"Ok, just come in through the side gate, I'm in the back," I informed her before hanging up.

I placed my hands behind my head and looked up at the sunlight coming through the tree leaves and branches.

I never noticed how strong the smell of the chlorine in the pool was, and the pine tree smell too, even though the forest is just beyond the fence.

The scent from the woods was soothing so I just closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


"What did you do!?" Mario exclaimed as he paced back and forth in my room.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him while staring up at him.

"Daniel called me this morning asking what happened after the game because when he got out of the shower he found a "weird bruise" on his body!" he exclaimed coming at a stop in front of me.

"Fine, I marked him. During the game I lost control of my wolf and I marked him, which caused him to pass out, I don't know why," I snapped as I jumped up from the bed.

"Did you ask your Dad why he would have passed out?" He questioned as he came up behind me.

"No," I responded simply.

"Then let's go ask him, now!" He commanded as he pulled me out of my bedroom.

"If he yells at me, its your fault," I grumbled as I followed behind him.

Since we were at the pack house we had to walk down a couple flights of stairs to get to my dads office. When we finally reached his office, Mario knocked on the door before going in.

"Uncle Matt, Eric needs to talk to you," he spoke as we walked in.

"What is it?" he asked once he put down the papers he was holding.

"I marked my mate." I started before I was cut off.

"That's great, he accepted you and now you've marked him, what did he say when you told him you were a werewolf?" He questioned as he rose.

"Well the thing is, I didn't tell him I was a werewolf. During the game last night I lost control of my wolf and he took over, Nate was there to hold me back from marking him, but before the night was over I marked my mate, and then he passed out in my arms. What do you think that happened?" I questioned as I rose from my seat to pace back and forth.

"He passed out?" my dad questioned with wide eyes.

"Yes," I confirmed as I stopped in one spot.

My dad went back behind his desk and sat down. Not a few moment later my dads beta came in through the door.

"What is it Alpha?" He questioned after he came to a stop in front of the desk.

"Bring the Pack Elder, immediately," he ordered as more people came in through the door. It was Nate, Sadie, my Mom, and some other pack members.

"What's going on? Mario texted us to meet y'all here," Sadie questioned when she and Nate got to where we were sitting.

"I told my dad what happened last night," I replied simply before taking a deep breath.

"What now?" Nate asked as he looked around.

"I don't know but he sent for the pack Elder," I responded looking up at him.

Nate and Sadie just looked at each other before looking back at me. A few minutes later my dads Beta, Nate's dad, walked in through the door along with the pack Elder.

"You needed my assistance Alpha," he spoke when he came to a stop next to me.

"Yes, my son marked his male human mate yesterday night, he informed me that he lost consciousness in his arms, what could have caused that?" He questioned crossing his arms on the desk.

"May I ask who this person and his family is?" He questioned looking in my direction.

"His name is Daniel Lopez, I don't know the name of his parents," I responded as I stood up.

"The only way this is possible is if Daniel had werewolf genes in his body that were dormant, and the Alpha bloodline bite has awoken those genes, which might explain why he lost consciousness, if I am correct, Daniel is a werewolf," he explained which left us all stunned.

"But, wouldn't I have been able to tell if he was a werewolf?" I questioned looking directly at the Elder.

"When werewolf genes are dormant, the person is as human as any other human in the world, not even the most powerful Elder can detect one," he responded as he stared at all of us.

"What possible explanations can explain why the werewolf genes went dormant?" My dad asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"The first one is that if one of his parents, parent was a werewolf and the werewolf gene skipped a generation and was passed down to him, the other is that if one of his parents is a werewolf but the werewolf gene wasn't the dominant gene," he spoke while staring out the window.

"How long is it before the werewolf gene takes over, and the full traits of a werewolf make themselves present?" My dad asked the question that was in my mind the entire time.

" It's hard to say, everyone is different, but they could show as of today, but they will start slowly," he informed us which made my heart rate quicken.

"What about his first transformation?" I questioned and I knew his answer was not going to be a pleasant one.

"His first transformation will take place the next full moon, and I hate to say, but it is going to be painful the first time," he answered and that made my heart drop, my mate being in pain.

"Is there anything I can do to make it less painful?" I asked hoping there was to subdue the pain.

"All you can do is be there and guide him through it," he responded looking directly at me.

"Can we please clear the room,? Except for my parents and you three" I pled, I can't think with all these people in the room.

"You are all excused," my dad spoke as he stood from his desk.

In a matter of seconds everyone left, except for my parents, Sadie Nate and Mario.

"What am I going to do? The mate I thought was human is actually turning out to be a werewolf, and when he first shifts it's going to be painful, and there's nothing I can do, and how do I explain to him that I'm the one who marked him which caused him to pass out and awaken his dormant wolf," I ranted as I pass back and forth.

"Breathe Eric, whenever you go out or hang out with him, calmly explain to him what your are and what's going on, and why it happened," my dad attempted to calm me down but it just made it worse. I forgot all about the date with today's events.

"Our date, it's tonight! So I have to explain it all to him tonight," I exclaimed, now I have to find a way to explain it to him tonight.

"Good, the faster you tell him the better," my dad spoke placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Wait, I have one question, is Daniel considered a rogue since he's never been a part of a pack?" Nate questioned which caused me to look at my dad.

"You couldn't have asked this question when the elder was here," Sadie deadpanned at Nate's late question.

"Well, if we can find out who his parents are and who his grandparents are we can figure if anyone in his family are werewolves," my dad replied. "And if there isn't, he can always join our pack," he added.

"You mean by the alpha bite, isn't it painful?" I questioned with wide eyes.

"Yes, it's painful but only for a second, it will go where the mating mark goes, but this one will fade unlike your mark," my dad confirmed causing my panic to subside.

"It's better than him being a rogue I guess," I sighed looking at Nate for bringing up that question.

"Tonight, during your date ask him about his family, and see if he has noticed anything different about himself," my dad spoke before leaving his office along with my mom.

"So Daniel's actually a werewolf, who would have ever thought of that," Sadie spoke as she came to stand next to me.

"Yeah, what time is it?" I asked as I searched my pockets for my phone.

"It's about to be nine, why?" He responded looking up from his phone.

"Because, I still need to get everything for the date ready," I replied as I pulled out my wallet.

"Sadie, you and Mario go out and buy some candles, string lights, a picnic basket, and a blanket," I told her before handing her my card. "Only those things," I added.

"Ok, let's go," she sighed before grabbing Mario and pulling him out of the office.

"What are we going to do?" Nate asked looking at me with a bored face expression.

"You my friend, is going to make sure the spot is clear, make sure there is no trash around the lake and that there is no trash anywhere," I responded to which I knew is not the response he wanted.

"What are you going to do?" He grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"I'm going to see what kind of food you take on a picnic date," I answered before walking out of the office.

"Have fun with that," he hollered before running off.

I just shook my head and walked to the kitchen where I found my mom sitting at the island.

"Mom, I need your help," I spoke as I sat next to her.

"With what?" She asked turning to face me.

"Ok, so the date is going to be a picnic date. what kind of food do you take on a picnic date?" I questioned as I rested my head on the counter.

"Fruit for sure, pizza, drinks, something sweet," she suggested as she rested her chin on her palm.

"Great, should I make the pizza or buy it?" I asked.

"Knowing your cooking, just order it and put it in the oven to keep it hot," she replied as she stood from her seat.

"Ok, I'm going to go to the store and buy the fruit and the other stuff," I spoke as I stood up as well. "Wait, I gave Sam my card, so she could buy some stuff for me," I grimaced before sitting back down.

"Here, just take mine," she spoke as she pulled it out of her phone case.

"Thanks, do you need anything?" I asked as I walked to the doorway leading to the living room.

"Nothing that I know of, I'll call you if I do," she answered before I walked out.

I walked into the living room and was greeted by a few pack members. I think the rest are out for a run or just decided to go into town.

I walked into the foyer and then out the front door. I was greeted by a few pack members as I walked to my truck. This is going to be a great day.


I was running through the woods but what was different was that I was actually a human but in a wolf body.

I was knocked off my feet when something pounced on me. I looked around and saw a black wolf stalking towards me. I was about to get up when the wolf placed a paw on my chest and stood there staring into my eyes.

I didn't see anything but curiosity and care. He leaned down and licked my muzzle.

"Daniel, wake up," I heard the wolf say.

"Daniel," It said again and I began to shake.

"Daniel!" someone yelled and I hit the ground.

I looked up from the ground and saw Sam with a hand on her hip.

"What were you dreaming about? You were chuckling and smiling when I came in.

"I was being licked to death by a wolf," I answered as I stood.

"A wolf?" She questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, don't judge," I glared before I sat on the hammock.

"I'm not, anyway, where is this weird bruise your talking about?" She asked before she sat next to me.

"It's on my thigh," I lied.

"Then what's that on your shoulder?" She questioned with pursed lips.

"I hit myself walking into my closet," I lied once again.

"You're to clumsy," she laughed before waking over to the pools edge.

"Shut up," I glared as I pretended to pick her into the pool.

"Jerk," she sneered before walking on to the patio.

"You know you love me," I smiled while hugging her.

"Yeah, sure, anyway are you ready for your date?" She asked before turning the stereo on low.

"Yeah, I already picked out my clothes I now I just have to wait till five before I start getting ready," I replied as I sat an a lounge chair.

"Do you know where he's taking you?" She asked.

"No, he said it's a surprise," I replied as I stood.

"Where are you going?" She questioned as I walked inside.

"To get something to drink, want something?" I asked as I stood at the doorway.

"Lemonade," she hollered as if I was inside

"I'm right here, you don't have to yell," I deadpanned. It's days like this that her inner blonde come out.

I walked to the kitchen and grabbed to chilled glasses along with two straws. I went to the fridge and retrieved the pitcher of lemonade, then poured the glasses full. I also grabbed a bowl full of strawberries from the fridge and a plate of croissants off the counter and put them on a tray along with the lemonade at carry outside.

"Didn't you just get done eating breakfast?" My mom questioned

before I could walk out of the kitchen.

"Yes, but this is snack food for Sam and I," I grinned before walking out.

I walked back out onto the patio and set the tray on top of the bar.

"You're such such a great friend, you brought me food," she praised as she walked towards me.

"Actually, I brought it mostly for my benefit, but sure, I'll take the praise," I smirked before flinching from the sting of her slap.

"Never mind then," she sneered before but in into a strawberry.

I grabbed a croissant then skipped through my music to find a good song. I stopped on What A Girl is by Dove Cameron and next thing I knew Sam jumped up to dance.

"What are you doing?" I shouted over the music.

"Dancing, come on," she hollered back as she waved me over.

I was hesitant at first but finally joined her. We danced around the yard and then around the pool. We lip synced the entire song and when it was over Count On Me by Bruno Mars came on, so we danced again.

We were dancing on the table by the poll when I lost my balance and fell into the water.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked looking down at me.

"Yes, just a little wet," I sighed as I climbed out and onto the sidewalk.

I stood and walked over to the bar. I opened up a cabinet door then grabbed a towel.

"Hey, I'm going to go change," I told her as I walked inside.

I jogged up to my room and walked into my bathroom. I stripped out of all my wet clothes and towels off before walking back into my room. I grabbed some spandex then slipped them on before walking to my closet and picking out another pair of shorts and Aéropostale tee. I styled my hair once again before walking out of my room.

When I walked outside I found Sam walking out of the pool house. "What were you doing?" I asked her.

"I was using the restroom, calm down," she sassed before closing the door.

"How did you get in there?" I asked remembering that the door was locked.

"You told me that your family hides the key inside that plant one day we were out here," she spoke as she tossed the key back into the plant.

"Oh," I spoke before I was dragged back to the patio. "Hey, what time is it anyway?" I asked before I sat down.

"It's almost eleven, why?" She asked.

"I don't have to start getting ready till five, and I have all this time to kill and I don't want to just be home all day, I need something to keep my mind off the time," I explained as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Let's go out then, we can go to Starbucks, then we can go bowling for a while, and if we still have time to kill we can watch a movie," she suggested as she stood from her chair.

"Let's go," I agreed before standing to join her.

"Let's just take my car," she smiled as she pulled out her keys from her purse.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going out with Sam, we'll be back later," I shouted into the house.

After getting a reply we walked out through the side gate and walked to Sam's car.

"I'm glad you got your car back, I missed riding around with the top down," I admitted as I slid into the passenger seat.

"Me too, even if my hair gets a little messy, I still love it," she responded before starting the car.

She put the top down before shifting out of park and we left. Luckily for us, the radio station decided to play good music today so we didn't have to bother with the aux cord.

"Should we go to Starbucks or would you rather go eat somewhere?" I asked as we passed a couple restaurants.

"It's barely eleven," she began. "And we snacked on croissants and strawberries, are you hungry already?"

"No, I'm just suggesting so we don't have to buy stuff at the movie," I lied, I was hungry, today out of all days I have a big appetite.

"Oh, what's wrong with popcorn and candy?" She asked. "Nothing, it's just we might want something different this time," I shrugged.

"You can never go wrong with sweets," she smiled before we turned into the Starbucks parking lot.


"Okay, we have a total of two hours to get all this ready, and for one of those hours I have to get ready and put the picnic stuff in my car, Sadie, you and Mario start wrapping trees with lights, but follow me first, Nate, you can throw those trash bags in my truck and then grab some candles and place them on this little section of the lake," I commanded.

"Ok, Mario, Sadie, since there is no direct road to this part of the lake, I want you to wrap every other tree with lights creating a path from this clearing to the picnic spot," I explained to them as I led them down the short path that led to my truck.

"Ok, so this will be a path you two will follow?" Sadie asked as she carried two bags full of lights.

"Yes, just give me the bags and I'll put lights at the base of the trees where I want them," I replied as I reached out for the bags.

"Easy enough," Mario said as he started the first tree.

After I had placed all the lights where I wanted them, there were twenty-five trees total that would be lighted.

"Candles are done," Nate spoke as he walked towards me.

"Ok, now just go help them with the trees I'm going to go set up the generator and all the extension cords," I spoke before walking off to my truck.

Me finding my mate has gone way differently than I would have ever thought it to. My mate is actually a werewolf, but he doesn't know it, I wonder how he will react when he finds out.

"We'll find out tonight when you tell him," my wolf spoke. "Oh, so now you speak after all the mess you created," I snapped.

"Hey, I can mark my mate if the time is appropriate," he barked back. "He needed assurance that we actually like him."

"I know but humans are different, they date first, then the relationship starts," I explained.

"Well he's not human so it's fine," he barked.

"Yeah but he still thinks he's human and he doesn't even know we exist," I hissed. "I'm going to wait awhile longer before I tell him," I added before shutting him out completely.

I gabbed the generator out of the truck bed and hid it behind a tree, I then grabbed the box of extension cords and started untangling them.

"This is going to take forever," I sighed before reaching into the box and grabbing a bundle.

"We're done with all the trees, what are you doing?," Sadie spoke as she appeared from the tree line.

"I'm trying to untangle these so I'll have a way to plug in the lights," I replied before I continued to mess with the jumbled up cords.

"Here, just leave it to us," she said before taking the cords out of my hands. "It's four forty-five, just go back to your house, finish getting the meal ready and then get ready for your date. Mario, Nate and I will finish up here," she added.

"Fine, just remember to set the timer to go on once the sunsets," I informed her before getting into my truck.

"I wont, don't worry, just go," she hollered before I drove off.

I drove down the dirt road till I reached the main road that led back to town. I turned left and drove back home which took me about ten minutes.

I got out of my truck after I grabbed the picnic basket I told Sam to get for me. I got to the front door before I was stopped by the sound of my phone. I answered it before going inside.

"Hey, everything is almost ready, we just have a few last trees to plug in and then set out the blanket, then we're done, what about you?" She asked.

"I just got home, but everything is ready, I just need to order the pizza," I replied as I walked into the kitchen.

"Ok, we will just finish up and be out of the way so you can have some alone time with your boyfriend." She spoke before hanging up.

"He's not my boyfriend yet." I deadpan de before dialing the pizza place.

I ordered a Hawaiian pizza and wings as I walked upstairs to get to my room.

I set my phone down to charge before stepping into my bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the date.

After I showered, I dried off with a towel and then loosely wrapped around my waist before l walked back to my room. I went to my closet and grabbed some kaki shorts and a collared shirt, then walked to my dresser and grabbed some underwear and socks.

By the time I changed, styled my hair, and put shoes on, it was five thirty. I went downstairs, packed the picnic basket with the fruit, drinks, and two mini cakes that my mom made.

I ran back up to my room, grabbed my phone, then I ran back down stairs to get the picnic basket. When everything was in my truck, it was already five forty-three, I shifted to drive and drove towards the pizza place.

I picked up the pizza and I had enough time to get to Daniels without being late.

I drove towards his house and made it at six on the dot. I stepped out and made sure my clothes were straight before making my way to the front porch.

I took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. I turned around to face the street as I waited for someone to answer the door.

"You must be Eric." A feminine spoke as I turned back to face the door.

"Yes, and you must be Mrs. Lopez, it's very nice to meet you." I greeted as I reached out to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you two, would you like to come in?" she asked as she stepped to the side.

"Yes, thank you." I smiled before walking in.

"Danny, Eric is here." she called up the stairs and not a moment later I heard a door slam.

"I'm here." He hollered from the very top of the staircase.

I watched as he walked down the stairs, obviously trying not to trip but failing miserably, I took in little details.

They way he was muscular but not to the point where they are noticeable. He had an average waist and he was tall, nice smile, tan skin, and a clear face, but all in all he was stunning.

"I'll be back later." He informed her before we walked out.

"You look great." I commented as we walked to my truck.

"Thanks, you look good too." He replied with a noticeable blush on his face.

I opened the passenger door for him to get in and then closed in before walking around to get in myself.

"S,o are you going to tell me where we are going yet?" He asked as I shifted to drive.

"I think you'll figure it out pretty soon." I responded as I looked at him.

"We'll see, can I put on some music?" He asked as if I would care.

"Go ahead." I replied before turning on to the road that leads out of town.

"I never got the chance to talk to you after the game yesterday, you were amazing out there." He spoke over the low volume music.

"Thanks, but I couldn't do it without the team." I shrugged before turning on to he dirt road.

"Are we going on a hike? He asked as he looked around at the forest.

"Not a hike." I said before parking next to the path they made.

"Lets go." I said before getting out of the truck.

I reached into the backseat and grabbed the picnic basket and the pizza. I walked to his side and opened the door while trying to balance both things on my other hand.

"Thanks, but I had it, here let me help you with that." He chuckled before reaching for the pizza box.

"It's a date, I need to be a gentleman." I smirked before pointing the way to the path.

"So we're havering a picnic, very romantic." He joked before following behind me.

"Only for you," I smirked as I looked back at him.

"I feel honored." He spoke before walking up beside me.

"You should, and this is where we will be having our picnic." I spoke as I walked towards the blanket.

"This place looks amazing," he spoke after looking around.

"It does doesn't it, come sit down," I agreed as I waved him over.

"So what did you bring to this picnic?" He asked after he plopped down beside me.

"I brought fruit, Hawaiian pizza, two mini cakes, and drinks," I replied while I took everything out of the basket.

"The fruit looks good," he spoke before grabbing a strawberry. "Tastes good too," I responded after I bit into a piece of pineapple.


We had finished half of the fruit before we started eating pizza. As we ate, we had a small conversation about our senior year and what our plans were after graduation.

It's weird that I am the one who gets to see this side of him. He just looks so relaxed and calm, he's usually quiet and alert.

"This is really good, your mom is a good baker." I commented after I took a bit of the chocolate cake.

"You should try her chocolate caramel cookies someday." he chuckled as we took another bite of his cake.

"Maybe some other day." I mused as I grabbed a strawberry from the bowl.

"So, you would say yes to another date?" He asked looking up at me.

"Let's see how the rest of today goes." I smiled when I saw him frown a bit. "Yes, I'll go on another date with you."

He looked up at me with a wide grin, how can a guy like this actually like me? Last time I fell for a guy, it didn't end so pretty.

"So what's next?" I asked him after I stood.

"I thought we would just walk around for a bit," he replied. He stood up and walked over to my side.

"So how did you find this place?" I asked as I looked at the reflection in the lake.

"I found it when I was out for a hike, not many people know about it," he replied.

"So you trust me knowing about this place?" I asked giving him a side glance.

"I can trust you," he responded looking at the lake.

"Fair enough," I shrugged. I looked around once more at all the trees that were surrounding the lake. "It's starting to get dark," I added

"Don't worry, I brought a lantern with me, its in the basket," he spoke before walking over to the blanket.

"Way to be prepared," I spoke before following behind him.

"I didn't know how long we would be out here," he replied as he switched on the lantern. "Come sit down."

I walked over to him and laid down on the blanket. "What's up?" I asked.

"I want to know more about you," he spoke before laying next to me.

"Ok, how about we just ask question back and forth," I suggested as I stated up at the sky.

"Sounds fair, me first," he replied. "What are you parents names?" He asked.

"My parents are Teresa and Andres Lopez, yours?" I responded.

"My parents are Matt and Lisa Knight," he replied. "Favorite color?"

"Blue, yours?" I asked. "It's silver," he replied.

"What's your favorite animal?" I asked. "Wolf, yours?" He responded.

"Wolf," I smiled.

"Biggest fear?" I asked

"Being rejected," he answered as he turned to look at me. "What's yours?" He asked.

"Having no one to talk to," I answered him.

"Woah..." I breathed out when trees lit up around me.

"Your telling me, I didn't know it would look this good," he spoke as he sat up.

"You did this?" I asked as I sat up.

"I had help," he replied as he looked around.

We had laid back down and just looked up at the stars while we asked each other questions. I honestly couldn't have had a better first date.

When the clock his eight, we packed everything up and Eric led me down a path that was lit with trees. It was neat, I would have never guessed Eric could be this romantic.

Once everything was in the truck, Eric hit a button that made all the lights turn off and left the forest dark.

On our way back to my house, I learned that Eric's middle name was Felix and he learned that I am extremely afraid of spiders.

We arrived at my house and Eric parked at the curb. I was about to speak when I felt Eric put his index finger gently on my chin and guided my mouth toward his. He kissed me for a few short seconds before pulling away and leaving me wanting more.

"Would you like to go on another date with me?" He asked in the sexiest tone ever.

"I would," I blushed as I looked into his eyes.

"Let me walk you to your door," he spoke before stepping out of the truck.

He walked around, opened my door, and walked me to the porch before saying goodnight and driving away.

This was honestly the best night in my life...
