Chapter 5


I arrived at my uncles houses, and I was glad to see that someone was home.

I parked behind their truck in the driveway. I got out of my truck and rung the door bell.

"I got it" I heard what seemed to be Leo, before someone finally opened the door.

"Eric?, what are you doing here?, I thought you were in school.

"I was but I had to come talk to you guys" I said as Derek showed up at the door.

"About?" Derek asked as they stepped aside to let me in.

"Well, it's something I couldn't talk to my dad about, and I would really like it if you didn't tell him, ANYTHING I'm about to tell you" I said with all the seriousness in the world.

They lead the way into the living room and I sat in a sofa across from them.

"Ok, so what did you need to talk to us about?" Derek asked as he wrapped his arm around Leo's shoulder.

"My mate" I replied slowly.

"That's it?, you couldn't talk to your dad about your mate?" he asked scooting towards the edge of the seat.

"No, sit back, my mate is a male..." I trailed off.

"So my mate is a male too" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah but, he's also a werewolf, so you had the chance to reproduce. My mate is a human male and I can't reproduce with him, and if I can't reproduce, I can't continue the alpha blood line, and if I can't continue the alpha blood line, who will be the next alpha" I had to take a deep breath after that little rant.

"Ok, but are you sure you shouldn't be talking about this with your dad?" Leo asked

"I talked to him about it, in a way" I looked to the ground.

"What kind of way?" Derek rested his elbows on his knees.

"Well, I asked him if it was possible for there to be two males in mating, then he thought I was stupid because you two were together, but then I asked if it was possible for an alpha to have a male mate, he said it happened before and the mate was sent away to another pack, but what would they do with a human, I don't want any harm to come to him" I ran my hand through my hair.

"Huh, what was the chance of that, my nephew has a male mate too" Derek said rubbing his chin.

"Do you not see my problem?" I have a male human mate, that means I can't have a son to pass the pack to..." I said way to quickly, because the just looked at me funny.

"I said, do..." but Derek cut me off before I could continue.

"We heard you, it's just I really believe you should talk to your dad instead" Leo said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

"What if I do, and he harms him?" I asked looking off into the distance.

"You need to be there to protect him?" Derek replied standing next to me.

"Go up against my own dad?" I asked shocked that he would say that.

"Would you do anything to protect your mate?" He asked before walking out of the room.


First period had gone by slowly, and now I was here sitting with Sam in chemistry. The lesson was boring, and we were all pretty my just whispering to each other.

It wasn't surprising that I was the topic if everyone's conversation. I tried my best to ignore the glares, stares of disgust from guys, and all that crap, but honestly it's pretty hard, when you can hear everyone mentioning your name at least once.

Sam must have noticed my discomfort "just ignore them" she whispered.

"You know it's kind of hard to do that when your the topic of their conversations" I dead panned.

"Well-" she was cut off by the sound of the bell.

"Let's just go" I said gathering up my books.

I got up from the desk, and walked towards the door with Sam right behind me.

As were were walking down the halls, all the guys just moved as far away from me as they could. I don't understand what it is with guys and gay people, sure we like guys but that doesn't mean we're cock whores that go after everyone. It pisses me off.

"I don't understand why everyone cares that in gay now, while half if these people were at the party and they gave me high fives, whenever I walked by them" I stared around the hall, meeting some peoples stares.

"That's because they were drunk, and out of it, reality hit them fast" Sam replied before turning towards the hall that lead to our lockers.

"Well, I wish reality would show them that being gay isn't bad" I got out before slamming into Sam's back.

"What's wrong?" I asked trying to figure what she was staring at.

Then that's when I saw it... I dropped my books and I heard papers hit the floor.

FAG, was painted on my locker with bright pink paint. Then FAG HAG, was painted on Sam's locker in the same color.

I balled my hands into fists and I punched my locker. I slammed the door open, making pictures and papers that I had stuck to the door, fall to my feet. I grabbed my accounting book and a pen, then slammed the door shut, before walking off to my next class.

I ignored all the stares everyone was giving me and just focussed on getting to the computer lab.

I'm going to be strong, and not care what people are saying about me or what they're going to say about me.

I turned and went into the door if the computer lab and I sat at the back. I didn't have this class with Sam, and apparently Mario either.

This is going to be a long hour....


I drove back to school thinking of what my uncle Derek asked me.

"Would you do anything to protect your mate?" Rang through my head as I was walking to the school entrance.

That made me ask myself, would I do anything to protect Daniel?

That's all I thought about as I walked down the hallways to get to my locker.

Once there, I grabbed my civics book, and walked to class.

Civics was the worst class in the school, it's so boring and terrible, did I say boring? Anyways the only thing that kept me from falling asleep was Nate, and his crazy self.

"Your late Mr. Mathews" Mrs. Briggs deadpanned.

"Sorry, it won't happen again" I said as I walked to my seat.

"You said that the last time" she said emotionlessly.

I sat down, and rested my head on the desk.

"Where did you disappear to?" Nate asked after tapping me on the shoulder.

"I went to talk to someone" I replied not bothering to lift my head up.

"Who?" he continued.

"Does it really matter" I turned to look at him.

"Yes" he simply responded.

"Fine, I was at my uncles house?" I didn't understand why he wanted to know so bad.

"Doing?" he asked clearly not satisfied that I answered the first question.

"I talked to them about my mating, happy now" I turned back and stared at the white board.

"I don't understand why you're so touchy on the subject. It's clear you like him, because if you didn't, you wouldn't care what happens to him, so what's the deal?" He snapped at me, even if it was a whisper, I knew he was beyond pissed.

"You want the truth, I'm going to be your future alpha, there has never and I mean never been a gay alpha, in any pack we're associated with, and I don't want to be the first, and to tell you the truth, I'm scared. Is that the answer your looking for, are you happy now!" I snapped back and I turned to see him shocked.

"Would you two boys like to share your conversation with the class?" the teacher asked us.

"Uh, Nate here was just asking me, if he would make a good bottom" I lied which earned a lot of laughs and giggles.

"Right Nate" I turned to look at him and he just turned red, either because anger or embarrassment.

"Well, are you done talking?" Mrs. Briggs asked with her arms crossed.

"I think so" I replied as winked at Nate before turning back around.

This is going to be a long day...


"Sam what do you want to do later today?" I asked as we searched for a table to sit at.

"I don't know really know, we don't have to work today, what if we go out and watch a movie." She suggested as we sat down.

"I don't know whats playing tonight?" I asked.

"I don't know." She replied.

And that show the rest of our day went, try to figure out what to do later today...


Sorry for the short update. I promise that the next chapter will be better, also sorry for the long wait.
