Chapter 13



"So, how did it go?" Sam asked as we were curently swimming around in my pool. My parents decided to have a cook out, so they invited Sam and her parents to join us.

"It was very romantic, we had a picnic near a lake he found, then we talked as we looked up at the stars, but the part that was amazing was the way the forest lit up with lights that were wrapped around trees." I replied as I floated on top of the water.

"That must have been very romantic, I wish a guy would do that for me," she pouted before splashing water all over me.

"Maybe if you were nicer, someone would," I joked before I was submerged under water.

"I'm nice, I just haven't really been looking for a boyfriend." she retorted. I just stared at her with with a blank expression. "Yeah, ok." I smirked before reaching to the table on the side and grabbing my water.

"See, I knew you would agree," she smiled. I just stared at her before taking a long drink.

"Don't judge me, I can see it all over your face," she huffed which just caused me to bust out in a fit of laughter.

It's hard to imagine that Sam and I became this close in less than a year. It's funny, our friendship started over a failed science experiment.

We were chosen to be partners one day during chemistry, and the objective was to mix certain solutions which would then cause a rapid release of carbon dioxide.

I had added liquid soap when it wasn't even necessary and when Sam added the hydrogen peroxide, the mixture foamed up rapidly and shot out of the flask, which then ended with Sam and I covered in foam and for some odd reason it took some color out of my hair.

Ever since that crazy day, Sam and I have been inseparable. She even dyed my hair blue where it was discolored.

"What are you thinking about?" Sam shouted. "I've been asking you a question for the past five minutes.

"The first time we met and what is your question?" I asked with a smile.

"I asked if you were going to go on a second date with him?" She asked before sitting on the edge of the pool. "And I remember that day, we had to redo the experiment and then you came over to my house to hang out but I ended up dying your hair."

"We are, he asked me before he walked me to the door." I grinned before sitting next to her. "Yeah, I had blue hair for a week till I finally cut it."

"Awe, he walked you to the door, that's very romantic," she gushed. "I remember that, and then we decided to dye my tips pink, good thing it washed out within five days."

"Yours did, not mine, so I cut it," I deadpanned before shoving her back into the water.

"Hey jerk," she hollered before pulling me in with her. I will never forget Sam, because most likely she's going to be living in my backyard when I'm older.

"You two settle down," Sams mom hollered from the patio.

"Sorry mom," we apologized. "You better be," my mom joked before finishing what she was doing.

I turned my attention back to Sam before laughing. "You know I love you," I smiled before hugging her. "And I love you too," she sighed before hugging me back.

It's moments like these that I know Sam and I will always be best friends.


"Hey, you're here late," Sam spoke as I approached my locker.

"Yeah, I went out for a run this morning," I told her before opening my locker.

"You went out for a run," she questioned behind my locker door.

"Yes I went out for a run, I've been eating way too much lately, and it was cool and it smelt great outside so I thought I'd go out for a run in the woods," I confirmed. I can believe I never went for a run, the woods were so peaceful, quiet and overall the smell was just pleasing.

"Well, you did eat a steak, a chicken breast, a baked potato, a salad, corn, a piece of cake, and drank lots of lemonade and tea," she nodded. Her listing all that off makes me feel fat.

"Yeah, anyway, I think that's going to be an everyday thing, it gave me time to think about things," I told her before shutting my locker door.

"Wow, then maybe you and Eric could go on a running date," she joked before opening her locker door.

"We could," I agreed completely disregarding the humor in her statement.

"Anyway, have you talked to him any since the date?" She asked before closing the locker door.

"He called me yesterday before he went to sleep, he wanted to see how my day went and what I did," I said as we started walking to our first class. The bell hadn't rung yet but it was less hectic than when everyone is trying to get to class.

"Oh that's sweet, he's a whole lot better than that Carlos guy you told me you dated over the summer," she smiled as we turned the corner.

"Yeah, could you please not bring him up," I sighed as I looked down at the floor.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," she apologized before we walked into the classroom.

"It's fine," I spoke softly before resting my head on a desk.

"Are you okay?" I headed someone speak as they tapped me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied as I sat back up. It was Eric just sitting there in all his hotness giving me a playful grin.

"Good, I was wondering if you would like to go out to lunch with me?" He asked. Its funny how every time we talk, we look each other in the eyes.

"Just you and me?" I questioned.

"Unless you want to invite them," he said as he motioned to the four people who were currently laughing at Nate for getting slapped by Sadie.

"No, where do you have in mind?" I asked him as I turned away from the others.

"Something simple, like a burger place," he spoke.

"That's sounds good, where do I meet you?" I asked, mentally moaning at the sounds of burgers.

"Great, just meet me at my truck driver when the bell rings," he said before the teacher came in.

"Hey, guess who's back," Sam spoke behind me.

"Who?" I asked as I looked around.

"Amy, far left corner," she said pointing over to where she was sitting.

"Great, I wonder what her next move will be," I sneered before opening my book.

"Hey, she might be done after what you said last week," she suggested as she opened her book.

"No, if I know Amy, and I do, she won't be done till she gets the upper hand," I spoke before giving my full attention to the teacher.

"You never know, you might have finally defeated her," she spoke behind me.

"I hope so," I breathed.


"Sam could you take these to the yearbook classroom?" The school secretary asked as she handed me some folders.

"Sure," I replied before walking out of the office. I loved being an office aid, I don't have to worry about a fourth period class.

I walked down the halls till I found the yearbook class, I slipped in handed them the folders and walked back out.

I decided to go to my locker and grab my purse so I'd have it for lunch, but the buzzing of my phone stopped me. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen before answering.

"Sam, you better come see this," Mario spoke over the phone.

"What is it? Where are you?" I asked as I walked down the halls.

"I'm in the east wing, but just look at the walls ahead of you, I'm sure you'll see them," he replied before hanging up.

I brought my phone down and looked up at the walls, but they were just posters and fliers. One thing did catch my eye though, it looked like a conversation over texts, and the very top said Daniel...

I walked up closer and I saw what he was talking about, the fliers were conversations between Daniel and Amy.

I wish I could just have one night alone with Eric, I would do so many things with that guy.

Wow, I bet you would freak the poor guy out

You have no idea, I would do anything to get in bed with him, I bet you he's a great lay. ~Daniel

I think he would be too, but I have another guy in mind for me. ~Amy

I looked around at the walls and saw that these fliers were all over the walls. If Daniel sees these, it will be the end of Amy, and Daniel will be humiliated when the school sees them along with Eric...

I ran down the hall and started pulling off every copy I saw, even some club fliers by accident, but I really didn't care, I just wanted to get all the text fliers.

I ran down to the next hall and then the next, the weird part was that these weren't where Daniel would see them, and Amy wasn't alone in this scheme, she had multiple helpers.

Once I made sure the east wing of the school was clear I ran into Mario in the senior hallway.

"Was that all of them?" I asked him referring to the stack of papers in my hands.

"Yeah, every hall is cleared," he responded as he patted the fliers.

"And just in time," I sighed as the lunch bell rang.

"What do we do with these?" He asked referring to the fliers.

"Here, just take them to my car, he's my keys, just open the rear door and throw them in there," I spoke as I handed him the papers and my keys.

"Where's he going?" Daniel asked from behind me.

"He's taking something to my car for me, what are you doing?" I replied as we walked down the hall.

"I'm going out to lunch with Eric," he spoke,as he looked around.

"Wow, so I guess I'll be alone today," I pouted shoving him towards the wall.

"Yeah, but today, we are hanging out on Main Street, messing around in stores and eating at the cafes or ice cream shops, so don't be too sad," he smiled placing an arm on my shoulder.

"Ok, now run along, Eric is waiting on you," I smiled back as I shoved him forwards.

I pulled out my phone as I watched him walk away and pressed Sadie's contact before bring it to my ear.

"Hey Sadie, Eric and Daniel are going out for lunch so I thought you, Mario, and I could go out for lunch together," I spoke as I walked down the hall.

"Sounds great, let's go," she replied coming up beside me.

"Let's go," I repeated before we both walked out of the school and to my car.

"What are you doing?" I asked Mario as he stood there just looking at my car.

"This is your car?" He asked, still staring at the car.

"Yes, I had to work my butt off for it, this is how Danny and I got our cars," I replied as I walked to stand next to him.

"Can I drive it?" he asked with eyes full of excitement.

"Hey what are these?" Sadie asked grabbing a flier from the stack in Mario's hands.

"They are fliers that Amy posted all over the place, and sure why not, your driving us," I responded before walking to the passenger side.

"Wow, if Eric would've seen these, Daniel would be embarrassed," she spoke as she read what it said.

"No kidding, lets go eat," I agreed before getting in.


"Hey, glad you could make it," I smiled when I saw Daniel walking up.

"Yeah, I had to make time for you with my busy schedule that mainly consists of hanging out with Sam and school life, along with work life," he spoke leaning against the hood of the truck.

"I hope you can make time for me tomorrow night," I commented before mirroring his position.

"Now why would I do that?" He smirked as he leaned in.

"You will because tomorrow, I'm taking you to the movies, now come on, let's go eat," I replied before getting into the truck.

"What movie?" He asked as he slid into the passenger side.

"Whatever you want to watch," I replied before backing out of the parking spot.

"Ok, I'll clear my schedule," he spoke, giving me a side glance.

"Good," I said before turning into the first diner I saw.

"I heard this place is good," he said before we got out of the truck.

"Me too," I spoke as we walked to the entrance, "good thing it's not full," I added when we walked in.

"I'm sure they serve fast, there's always a bunch of people from school here at lunch," he spoke as we looked for a booth.

"Yeah, you're right," I agreed, once we sat down.

"You better get used to it," he smirked, leaning on the table.

"So you think we will be together forever?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"I-I mean, e-even if this doesn't work out, I'm s-sure we'll be friends," he stuttered looking everywhere else but at me.

"You never know, something tells me, we might be," I spoke just as a waitress came to our table.

She took our drink orders, then she handed us our menus before walking away. Once she came back we both ordered a burger and fries and she was off again, which left Daniel and I to talk.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him.

"Sure, what's up?" He responded looking at me intently.

"What happened between you and that Amy chick," I asked, hoping it wasn't to personal. " you don't have to answer, if you don't want to," I added.

"No, it's fine, Amy and I used to be best friends. I told her I was gay, she was thrilled and she was happy for me, after that I thought we had gotten as close as ever, but it went down hill from there, her boyfriend and I became friends and we just talked normally, he didn't know I was gay, and the day school let out for spring break, she sent me a text saying how could I have tried to get with her boyfriend, and then she called me a faggot saying she never trusted me after she found out, so after that we have been big time enemies," he spoke, wow this is a way different story than what Amy told Sadie's friends which told Sadie, which told me.

"Wow, I don't mean to be rude, but you do know Amy is saying a different story, right?" I responded, hoping not to sound like an ass.

"Yeah, she says she found me sleeping with the guy," he rolled his eyes, before looking outside.

"Yeah, sorry I didn't mean to be nosey," I said once again.

"It's ok, really," he assured me.

"Here's your order," the waitress spoke as she set down our plates.

I watched Daniel as he ate, I don't know why I ever thought I would never love him as my mate. He's just perfect, but that's the whole point of a mate, their the other half that completed you.

"What are you staring at?" He asked looking behind him.

"I'm looking at you," I smiled, causing him to blush but just smiled as he continued eat.

There's only one thing I wish I could change about my mates life, and it's his troubles with Amy. What more does she want, she's already exposed his sexuality to the school, and basically the town. That's one thing I will strive to fix.

As we ate, Daniel thought that I didn't know when he would stare at me, but I noticed and I just stared at him back. I could get used to this, I could even get used to calling him mine.

"We can call him ours, we marked him, so he's ours now," my wolf butted in.

"Yes we did, but he doesn't know that does he," I sneered.

"We could just tell him now," he spoke

"No," I deadpanned, my wolf is unreasonable.

By the time we finished and paid, it was about time to head back to school. We got in my truck and I could just fell him staring at me.

"Take a picture," I joked, staring back at him.

"Maybe another time," he smirked, before turning on the radio.

"Suit yourself," I shrugged, as I focused my attention back on the road.

"Hey do you have any gum or mints?" He asked, looking at me.

"Uh, I think there's some in the glove-compartment," I replied, point to the handle in front of him.

"Ok," he spoke. "I'm glad you're growing up, happy birthday from Nate," he said as if reading it off something.

"Where do you see that at?" I asked him looking at the road.

"On this," he smirked holding up a strip of condoms.

"Nate, I am going to hurt you, badly," I said right before turning into the school parking lot.

"You didn't know these were in here?" He asked holding them up once again.

"No, if I did, they wouldn't be in there," I said calmly as I parked in the same spot.

"Leave Nate alone, I think it's funny, he's just being..." he trailed off trying to come up with a word.

"He's just being Nate," I finished for him before getting out of the truck.

"There you go, he's just being Nate," he repeated. "and thanks for lunch," he added as we walked back into the school.

As we were walking to our lockers, everyone was just staring at us, and with some disgusted looks directed towards my mate. What the hell is going on now?

Daniel must have noticed because I could see he was tensed up, he's definitely not comfortable.

Walking up to our lockers, I found Nate looking around as if something bad was going to happen.

"What's going on?" I mind linked him.

"Just go to cafeteria," he responded stepping to the side.

"I'll be back in a few," I spoke before walking in the direction of the cafeteria.

Once I turned a corner, I started running towards the cafeteria, something must be terribly off.

When I got to the cafeteria door I pushed it open, the walls were covered in pictures of a text message conversation. As I got closer, I saw it was a conversation between Any and Daniel, this cannot be good. I tore it off the wall and read it.

I wish I could just have one night alone with Eric, I would do so many things with that guy.

Wow, I bet you would freak the poor guy out

You have no idea, I would do anything to get in bed with him, I bet you he's a great lay. ~Daniel

I think he would be too, but I have another guy in mind for me. ~Amy

As much as this is weird for me, it's surprising to know my mate had a thing for me long ago. I looked around me and thought about taking all these down, but it's to late, everyone who ate lunch here has already read them.

I ran back to my locker as fast as I could and I found Sam, Nate, Sadie, Daniel, and Mario talking and laughing. He must not know yet.

I walked over to them as if nothing was wrong. Daniel opened his locker and a sheet of paper fell out.

He picked it up and writhing seconds he was running off in the direction of the cafeteria. Sam picked up the paper and read what it said. "I hope you like what I did to the cafeteria, everyone will surely be surprised, Amy,"

With that we all took off to the cafeteria, we got there just as the door was closing. When we walked in, we found Daniel turning in a circle looking at all the walls, he walked to the wall and pulled off a piece of paper.

He shook his head before staring up at me and walking out the door. Sam pulled a piece of paper from the wall before storming out the door after him. Mario picked up the piece paper Daniel dropped and looked over it.

"Hey, look at this, the date says this conversation happened yesterday, it's a fake conversation," he pointed at the date above the messages.

"Either way, Sam looked like she was going to kill someone," Nate spoke looking at Mario.

"Let's go after her," Sadie spoke before running after her.

I picked up her scent and followed it to the commons area. She was walking up to Amy, with the paper firmly in her grip.

"What the hell is this?!," She yelled pushing Amy back.

"This can't be good," Mario breathed as we watched the scene unroll before us.

"Oh, you saw my fliers, how did Daniel like them?" she snickered, placing a hand on her hip.

"You bitch, why do you do this to him? What has he done to you?" Sam snapped, throwing the paper at Amy.

"That's none of your damn business," Amy barked back.

"You know what, I don't even care, just leave him the fuck alone!" She yelled before tackling her into the fountain.

"You fucking bitch!" Amy yelled trying to climb up only to get knocked back down by Sam.

"I'm sick and tired of you hurting Daniel, he might not be able to hit you, but I can," she sneered before pushing Amy straight in the face.

"My nose!" She screamed just as a couple teachers rushed in to pull them apart.

Sam got out willingly without being told or touched, while Amy was freaking out about her nose.

"Remind me NEVER to piss Sam off," Nate commented as we watched them get taken to the office.

"Great, how am I going to find Daniel now, Sam's in the office and I can't talk to her?" I groaned before walking out the doors.

I saw his truck was gone, so he can be anywhere by now. I got into my truck and drove to his house, but he wasn't there, I tried to think of anywhere else he would be, I haven't known him long enough to to know his favorite places. Then I remembered I took him to my spot, he could be there. I quickly got onto the highway till I reached the turning point of the picnic spot. Sure enough when I drove up the dirt road his truck was parked next to a tree wrapped in lights.

I got out of my truck and ran to the lake, where I found him sitting against a rock next to the lake.

"Thought I'd find you here," I spoke as I approached him.

"What, did you come to tell me how disgusting that is, and that you don't want to go on anymore dates with me," he responded as he stared at my reflection in the lake.

"Actually, I would have been faltered if that was a real conversation," I chuckled as I sat down next to him.

"What are you talking about?" he questioned turning to look at me, but his stare was empty and cold.

"Mario payed closer attention to the picture than any of us did, the conversation on that picture is fake, it was dated to have taken place yesterday, so the entire thing is faked," I explained as I brought out the picture I stuck in my pocket.

"That doesn't mean anyone else noticed that," he demurred, turning back to the lake. "Wait, it was fake! Let's go back, right now, I'm going to have a little chat with Amy," he shouted, jumping up from where he was once sitting and took the paper from my hands.

"Wait, there's-" I shouted but he cut me off.

"No, I will not wait, I'll see at school," he shouted back before he took off in a jog to his truck.

This is going to get worse...


"Why is she not picking up?" I groaned, as this was the tenth time calling her.

She better have a good excuse of why she is not answering my phone calls. I sped all the way back to school there is no way in hell that someone is ruining my reputation over a fake conversation.

Once I got to the school I stroked in through the front doors and was walking past the office when I saw Amy sitting on the chairs next to the windows.

I pushed the door open causing the secretary to jump from her seat.

"What the hell is your problem, you made a fake conversation just to ruin me, I wouldn't even do that, Amy I'm done with these childish games, if people hated me when you first told them I was gay, they sure are going to hate me now. I'm simply done because there's not anything else you can say or do to make it worse, people in the school think I'm just plain disgusting over what was on that message, I wouldn't even like me if I was someone else. You just simply couldn't get over the fact that people liked me better than they did you, so you had to change that and now you did. So if you have anything else planned, I'm done, I'm finished, I couldn't care less if you start anything else," I snapped, all the pent up anger I had for her, was now gone, I'm literally done with her foolishness...but I do wonder why she's all wet.

"Can you please dispose of this," I spoke giving the paper so the secretary before walking out of the office.

I walked to my locker and grabbed my books, then I walked to class as if nothing happened. A few minutes later Eric walked in looking around till his eyes landed on me. I could visibly see him relax at the sight of seeing me here.

"Mr. Knight, please take your seat," our teacher commanded looking up from her book.

"You're here," he whispered, once he sat next to me.

"Yeah," I smiled, turning my attention to him.

"Why did you take off?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"I had something to do, but its all done now, and to be honest, whenever I did talk to Amy about you, all I said was that you were cute," I admitted before blushing.

"You're cute too," he chuckled, making me grin.

"Where's Sam? I tried calling her but she wouldn't answer," I asked when I didn't see her around.

Nate, Sadie, and Mario looked at each other before looking directly at Eric. I turned to Eric and he just smiled nervously.

"She's in the office," he smiled before glaring at the other three.

"The only person I saw in the office, other than the secretary was Amy, and she had a bloody nose," I spoke, if she was in there I would have seen her, unless she was in the teachers lounge, conference room, or the principles office. "Please don't tell me she fought Amy," I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"It wasn't really a fight, Sam tackled Amy into the fountain, there was yelling, hair pulling, and then Sam socked Amy in the face, nothing to exciting," Nate spoke up for behind me.

"Well that explains why she was wet and her nose was swelling up, but now Sam won't be here the rest of the week," I chuckled at the thought of Sam being home bored without nothing to do.

"She will be missed," Nate commented resting his head on the desk.

"You make it sound as if she's dead," Sadie spoke giving Nate a confused look.

Sam I'm going to kick your ass now for leaving me, but I do have these four to keep me sane. The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, other than the disgusted look on the guys faces when I went in to change for athletics. Then there was that one guy who said I looked good and then winked at me before walking away. I REALLY hope that his doesn't become an everyday thing, I couldn't live with it.

I was about to pull out if the parking lot, when I remembered that Sam and I were going to hang out today. I grabbed my phone and sent her a quick text.

Can you still go out today? - Daniel

Yes, just text me when you are heading there. - Sam

Ok, just be ready. -Daniel

I didn't think she would get into trouble at home, her mom is a lot like my mom, they are both very relaxed and understanding, that's the reason I told my mom I was gay first before my dad. Well actually this is how it went.

I had talked to my mom about me being gay as she was making dinner and she was happy and accepting like I thought she would be. Anyway, we had sat down for dinner and it was just us three since Lola was gone to a friends house.

We were talking about random things when my mom brought up the subject about a new gay guy that started working at the store and out of no where my dad said,

"He finally told you?"

"Yes he did," my mom replied.

"Wait, how did y'all know?" I asked them, knowing I might be horrified by their response.

"You talk in your sleep," my dad chuckled, before they both started laughing.

"What did I say?" I asked, knowing my cheeks were turning red.

"You were moaning Taylor Lautner's named, one night when your dad went to your room to ask you something," my mom spoke trying not to laugh.

"I was fourteen ok, I was young," I spoke in my defense, I can't believe he heard that, I remember that dream quite well.

But that's how it went when I thought I was coming out to my parents, oh well made it easier on me.

When I got got home, I took a quick shower, and got ready to go before I texted Sam to meet me at the Starbucks on Main Street. I got back in my truck and drove down town, I found a parking spot next to the entrance of the shopping centre and got out.
I walked to Starbucks and ordered two drinks for Sam and I while I waited for her to show up. She texted saying that she was outside Starbucks so I met outside and handed her a drink.

"So what should we do first?" I asked her before taking a sip of my frapuccino.

"Let's go sit on a bench and talk," she said before walking to the nearest bench.

"So, what did the principle tell you?" I asked as we sat down.

"He just said that not to let it happen again and that all my work would be sent home for the duration of my suspension, typical stuff I guess," she spoke, before turning towards me.

"I hate that you got suspended, you should have just let me take care of it," I sighed, looking at the people passing by.

"I just got tired of it all, and she went way to far by faking a conversation between you two, she's lucky she didn't try to fight back," she explained turning back to the crowded sidewalk.

"So can you still go to the game this Friday?" I asked, totally confused on if suspended from school means that she's also suspended from school events.

"Yes, my suspension ends Friday after school, so I can go to the game, he was actually very nice about it," she replied, I'm not surprised, this is Sam's first time getting into serious trouble.

"Well that's good, but you will never guess what happened in Athletics," I began, which made Sam perk up with curiosity.

"What?" She asked sipping on her drink.

"You know ?" I asked her, knowing she most likely did.

"Yeah, tall tan with brown hair, what about him?" She asked looking at all the people walking in and out of a new store.

"When I was changing, he came up to me saying that I was looking good, winked, then walked away," I cringed as I told her exactly what happened.

"What the heck? What did you say?" She questioned looking at me curiously.

"I just said thanks I guess," I replied before drinking the rest of my frapuccino.

"How was everything else?" She asked, knowing that there were other things that went on.

"Beside the glares, disgusted looks, the whispering, and the name calling, it was great, Sadie and Mario stayed with me the rest of the day," I sighed, in all honesty, it sucks being the talk of the school, it's just not what you want to hear about yourself.

"I'm sorry, Mario called me saying that those pictures were in the hallways, and between the both of us we took them all down, we didn't think about the cafeteria, I should have known to check everywhere," she apologized, Sam knows as well as I do, that Amy is complicated when it comes to stuff like this.

"It's ok, if people didn't know after the party, they do now, I wanted to come out to the public on my own terms, not when Amy thought it was time for revenge," I smiled, I really could care less what anyone else thinks, as long as the people I am friends with know the truth.

"Either way, I'm here for you, and I'm sure the others are as well," she assured me, before hugging me, just when she was going to let go, I squeezed a bit tighter.

"Now, away from all this, lets go mess around," I laughed before pulling her up and dragging her to a random store.


"The werewolf in Daniel is becoming active, when I found him and told him that the conversation was fake, his eyes went from brown to a golden color for a few seconds. This is only week one out of four till the next full moon. It's only a matter of time before he starts going fangs and claws," I ranted as Nate, my parents, Mario and his dad's, were sitting in my dads office.

"It's fine, he can't shift to full wolf form or a cross between the two till after the full moon, but you have to talk to him about it a week or two prior to it," my dad spoke from his desk.

"So your mate was a human but at the same time he was a werewolf?" my uncle Derek asked making sure he understood what happened.

"Yeah, my mark awoke the werewolf genes and now, he's in transition for a human to a werewolf," I explained, sitting down and hoping my dad would say more about it it.

"Have you found out his parents names?" My dad asked, making everyone turn to look at me.

"Yes, his parents are Andrés and Teresa Lopez," I spoke and as soon as I did, my dads facial expression changed. "What is it? You know something," I asked.

"Andrés Lopez was the brother of Zach Lopez who was mated to one of our pack members, her names was Laura, he and Laura were attacked during a rogue attack, she passed first, all I remember is that Zach asked for my permission to leave his child with his brother, I granted it and it was the last time I saw him, the werewolf genes must have went dormant since the female werewolf genes are weaker than the males," he explained, as he stood in front of all of us.

"My mate's parents were killed by rogues and he doesn't even know about it," I related to no one but myself.

This is horrible and his current parents know about it, but I guess there's a good reason to why they haven't told him. I have to talk to his parents, I need to tell them what's going on...
