Chapter 2


"Wait, wait, wait, you pecked his cheek..." Sam said over the phone

"Yeah, I don't know why though, I guess in my mind I thought about it like a date, I don't know" I said leaning against our porch pilar

"How did he react?" she asked

"He didn't, I guess he was either shocked, or he really didn't care and thought that it was a little thank you peck" I replied

"What if he liked it?" Sam asked and I could tell from we tone that she raised her eyebrows.

"Eric?, the straightest guy in school" I replied

"You never know" she said

"Whatever, so how's your uncle?" I asked sitting on the porch swing

"He's fine, just a broken arm, and some bruises" she replied

"That good, at least it wasn't a bit more serious" I said

"Yeah, well I better go, I'll see you later in the day" she said

"Alright, bye" I said before she hung up.

I walked inside and saw Lola sitting on the stairs listening to music.

"Hey, you want to go watch a movie later?" I asked her after pulling an ear bud out.

"Sure what movie?" she replied putting down her iPod.

"I don't know, find out what movies are playing today" I said walking towards the kitchen.

"Hey mom" I said before opening the fridge.

"Hey, what are you up to today?" she asked

"Nothing really, I was planning to go watch a movie, would you like to come with?" I replied after closing the fridge.

"Sure, oh your father said he would be in late so, he won't be here for dinner" she said

"Ok, well I guess it can just be us three and maybe Sam" I said checking my phone.

"Okay so, I thought we could watch Blended" Lola said while sitting on a bar stool.

"What time is the first showing?" I asked her

"Right now, it just started but, there's another showing at 5:30" she replied

"Okay, that sounds good to me" my mom said

"Okay I'll text Sam, and see what time she's going to be back in home" I said walking off into the living room.

I pulled out my phone and went to my messaging list and found Sam's contact.

~ Hey Sam what time are you getting home.

~ Somewhere around five, why?

~ I was wondering if you like to go watch a movie with my mom, Lola, and I

~ Sure what time?

~ Just come to my house before 5:30

~ Kay I'll be there

~ Alright see you later

I put my phone back into my pocket and walked into the kitchen.

"She said she would go" I informed them

"Great" my mom said

"I'm going to Starbucks" I said getting my keys.

"Can you pick me up a chai latte?" my mom asked me

"Sure, do you want anything?" I asked Lola

"The regular iced mocha" she replied

"You know what, just come with me" I said

"Alright" she said getting up from the stool

"Be back later mom" I said

Lola and I got in my truck and we drove off towards Starbucks.


"So what happened last night?" Sadie asked

"Nothing, I just took him home" I replied picking up some bottles

"Oh, yes that's really believable" Nathan joked

"Fine, I took him to the back of the lake and we fucked like rabbits" I joked before sitting on one of the many lawn chairs

"Gross" Sadie remarked

"How did it feel?" Nathan asked and then Sadie and I gave him a "what the fuck?" look

"What, I want to know just incase I get a guy as a mate" he defended himself

"Anyways, we didn't do that, I just drove him home and we talked for a bit, and then before he went inside he gave me a peck on the cheek" I replied while watching Nathan trying to kill a spider.

"How did you react?" she asked

"How was I supposed to react, I just stood there, until he went inside" I replied.

"You didn't say anything?" she asked setting her trash bag aside.

"No, what was I supposed to say?" I replied scooting to the edge of my seat.

"You were supposed to grab his hand, and bring him close to you, then press your lips against his" Nathan said pulling me up and showing me with actual physical movements.

"Dude, way to close" I said pushing him away.

"Sorry, your just so sexy" he said biting his lip and placing his hand on my chest then tracing his finger down to my stomach.

"Ok?" Sadie said awkwardly.

"Anyways, I got an idea" Nathan said siting back down.

"What?" Sadie and I both said in unison

"Ok, since last night, you both kind of bonded in a friend kind if way, what if you hang out with him some, then maybe you'll start getting an attraction towards him" he explained

"I hate to admit it but that's not a bad idea" Sadie replied

"Ok, and I have to admit that he wasn't as bad as I thought he would be" I admitted

"What do you mean?" Sadie asked

"Well I expected him to be the typical gay guy, that sounds girly and talks about fashion" I replied

"Well you don't talk about fashion" Nathan said

"Shut up, I didn't know I was gay till yesterday" I said

"Both of you quit" Sadie snapped

"Ok mother" I replied

"Anyways, you should call him up and hang out at your place" Sadie said

"I don't have his number" I said

"I do" Sadie said

"How do you have his number?" I asked her

"I talked to him for a bit after his friend Sam left, and I told him he should text me some day, and that's how I have it" she said

"What is it? I asked her.

"It's 575-390-1500" she said naming off the number

"Ok" I said after saving it and then I pressed call

It's started ringing and just about when I was going to end the call he answered.

"Hello?" he answered in a question like manor.

"Hey Daniel, it's Eric" I answered

"Oh hey, whats up" he replied

"I was wondering if you would like to hang out at my place later today?" I asked

"Uh sure, that would be great" he replied kind of unsure

"Cool, I'll pick you up" I said

"What time?" he asked

"Um how about five?" I suggested

"Yeah, that would be great" he replied

"Alright see you later" I said with a bit of a seductive tone, but I don't know why

"Ok" he replied before he hung up.


"There has been a change of plans" I said after hanging up

"Why, who was it?" Sam asked

"Eric, he asked if I wanted to hang out later" I replied with a sorry like grin

"Now what?" Lola asked

"Y'all could still go, and watch that chick flick, The Fault In Our Stars" I replied

"Sounds better than blended" my mom said

"I heard its sad" Sam added

" And the next showing starts in fifteen minutes" Lola said

"Then let's get into my car" my mom said getting her keys.

The three of them walked out the door and then they took off. I waked up stairs and into my room.

I was about to lay back on my bed when I heard a knock at the door. I went to the window and looked down at the street, and it was Eric.

I then rushed to my mirror and checked my hair and then put more deodorant on and then a little cologne.

After I made sure I looked good I rushed down stairs and into the living room to let Eric in.

"Hey" he said leaning against the door frame.

"Hey, come in" I said holding the door open.

"Thanks, and nice place you got here" he said as he walked in.

"Thanks, my dads a lawyer and he had this house built when I was little" I said

"Oh, my dad's a lawyer too, but he inherited our house from his father" he said looking around the room.

"That's cool" I replied

"So are you ready to go?"he asked

"Yeah, just let me get my phone" I said as I walked up to my room.

I grabbed my phone of the charger and then I slid down the stair railing.

"Ready?" Eric asked with a chuckle

"Ready" I replied

After we walked out the door I closed it behind us. We then walked to his truck and I got in the passenger side.

"Are you hungry?" he asked

"Yeah I could eat" I replied

"How does Taco Bell sound?" he asked

"That's sounds really good" I replied looking at him

"I hope you'd say that" he said with a chuckle

"Let me guess, you were craving it?" I asked

"Maybe..." he replied

"So whats your go to food at Taco Bell?" I asked him

"The Doritos locos tacos and a chicken quesadilla with guacamole on the side" he replied

"Wow..." I gawked at him

"Oh yeah, whats yours?" he asked

"Well, the Doritos locos tacos and a flat chicken quesadilla with guacamole on the side, a small bowl of supreme nachos, and medium Dr. Pepper, because I'm classy" I replied with a grin

"Are you serious?" he asked looking at me

"No, just the first three" I replied

"Good, because no one ever eats more than me" he replied pulling into a Taco Bell parking lot.

We walked into the building and ordered our food, and he paid for both.

"You didn't have to do that" I said as we walked towards a booth.

"I invited you to hang out, so I paid" he said once we sat done

"Ok, so are you ready for the game this Friday?" I asked him

"Of course, the team has worked hard all summer and we are all ready for the season" he replied all excited like.

"Great, can't wait to see the team go to state" I said


After we ate, we arrived at Eric's house where we found, Nathan playing Eric's Xbox.

"Hey" Nathan said when he saw us

"Hey" Eric and I replied

"Well who's first?" Nathan asked

"Me" Eric replied

"Here then" Nathan said tossing a remote towards Eric

"How about a round of zombies?"Nathan suggested

"Sounds good to me" Eric replied


"I totally kicked your ass" Eric said after about twenty minutes of game play.

"Who cares" Nathan said with a glare.

"I do" Eric said while hugging Nathan

"I guess I'm next" I said getting up from the bed.

"Your going up against me" Eric said within evil smile

I grabbed the remote from Nathan's lap.

"Game on" I said with a smile


After about thirty minutes, the game finally ended.

"How did you..." He said before it cut him off

"How did I win?" I asked his question

"Yes" he said with a confused look

"Well, I was studying your gaming habits while you were playing against Nathan, and I came up with a few ways to get through certain obstacles" I replied

"Haha, he beat you" Nathan said as he teased Eric.

"Shut up" Eric said throwing a pillow at him.

"Well I would love to stay and chat but, I have to go" Nathan said getting up from the bed.

"Alright, catch you later man" Eric said as after fist bumping.

"Later" I said with a hand gesture.

"Rematch?" Eric suggested right after Nathan closed the door.

"Sure, but let's take a break" I said as I set down the remote.

"Alright, want anything to drink?" he asked.

"Sure, I'll take a powerade" I replied.

"I'll be right back" he said as he walked out the door.

Getting a closer look around his room, it seems that he loves wolves. I went over to his dresses and I picked up a necklace. It was of a wolf silhouette, an there was a blue crystal where it's eye should be. I set it back down and went over by the window that had a view of the forest.

"Amazing, isn't it" Eric said as he came up behind me.

"Yeah, especially under a full moon" I replied

"Yeah" he replied

"So, ready for another round?" I asked turning around

"Let's do it" he replied

I went over to the TV and pulled up a beanbag.

"Ready to lose?" I asked him.

"No, are you?" He asked.

"Just start the game" I said hitting his shoulder.


Twenty minutes into the game I messed up and died and for the last minute Eric has been bragging about it.

"I bet you I'm stronger too" he bragged.

"I don't know about that, I go to the gym pretty often" I said lifting my shirt sleeve.

"Those small arms" he said squinting.

"Whatever, step up" I said challenging him.

"Ok, I will" he said getting up in my face.

"First one to get pinned down, loses" I said

"Alright, go!" he said throwing me on the bed.

He tried jumping on top of me, but I rolled into the floor. I then got up on hopped on Eric's back before he could get up, and I held him there, until he rolled onto the floor and took me with him.

"Give up yet?" he asked looking me straight in the eyes as he held my arms behind my back.

"Nope" I said rolling and getting him under me.

"Do you?" I asked.

"No" he replied


I had him under me and he was squirming to get free. He looked good there, squirming, his sexy eyes fixed on mine, his plump lips ready to be kissed,the only thing that was missing, is him moaning and screaming out my name.

"MARK HIM!" my wolf growled and I knew if I didn't stop know it wouldn't end very well.

I got off him and sat against my bed frame trying to get my wolf under control.

"What are you doing?, he's our mate" my wolf growled

"He's not ready" I snapped and that surprisingly shut him up.

"I won" I said after he sat next to me.

"Who?" He asked

"Cares" he added before I could say anything.

"Ass" I muttered.

"I heard that" he said shoving me to the side.

"Good" I replied shoving him back.

"Well I would love to stay and beat your sorry butt, but it's getting late" he said standing up.

"Do you want to stay for dinner" I asked him standing up as well.

"No, thank you" he replied with his cute signature smile.

"Alright, then let's take you home" I said grabbing my keys.



"Ok, spill it" Sam said after dragging me to my room.

"There's nothing to spill, we just did guy stuff, Nathan came over and we played video games, then he left. Then after another round video games, Eric challenged me so then we wrestled and here I am now. Nothing extreme happened" I explained to her.

"Sounds like you had fun" she said.

"I did, he treats me like he would any other guy" I said sitting at my desk.

"Maybe because he doesn't care" Sam said as if the answer was obvious.

"That's true" I replied

"Well I better go, it's getting late and I'm going to miss pretty little liars" Sam said getting her keys.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I have her a hug.

