Chapter 11

Okay, so Danric won over Ericiel and so from now on the whole world will ship Danric. They will have the urge to bow down whenever they hear or see it. It would be amazing if we could get #DANRIC to trend on Instagram. That's a great idea, go on Instagram and post a picture of a cute gay couple and tile it #Danric, I will personally go like and follow anyone who does.

Anyway, thank you so much to everyone who is reading Mated To An Alpha. This book has 13K+ reads. I am so thankful to have amazing readers and now Danric shippers...I hope.


Thursday had gone by like a breeze. There was no Amy in sight and no one did anything to make fun of the gay guy. So now today is Friday, which means I go on my date with Eric tomorrow.

"Hurry up," I heard Lola banging on the bathroom door. Little did she know that I was already awake and ready for school and that I was in my room.

I opened up the door and saw her leaning against the bathroom door, in her sweats and looking as ratchet as ever.

"What are you waiting on?" I asked her as I walked past to get to the stairs.

"Waiting on you..." she trailed off as she saw I was not in the bathroom.

"You do know I have my own bathroom connected to my room, right?" I questioned her for my amusement.

"Don't judge me, I'm half asleep ok," she groaned as she turned around to face the door.

"And you should have just checked the doorknob," I added as I descended the stairs.

"Shut up," she muttered as she slammed the door.

I walked from the living and into the kitchen where I found my Dad reading the news paper, and my Mom making waffles.

"You dress more and more gay everyday," my Mom shook her head and I just looked at her with my jaw touching the ground.

"Dad, did you hear what she told me!" I exclaimed as I turned to look at him.

"I don't blame her, your starting to wear skinny jeans, I never expected you to, and well the tight shirts are normal, but honey we can't help that our son is to gay to function," my Dad smirked as he looked up from his paper.

"Really, you let him watch Mean Girls," I deadpanned as I turned to look at her.

"It's not my fault he came in when Lola and I were watching it, and plus Lola didn't let him change the channel so he had to sit through it," she tried to defend herself as she poured the batter for another waffle.

"So, what is up with all the skinny jeans lately?" My dad asked as I sat down to eat some food.

"Sam took me out and bought me all kinds of clothes as well as some skinny jeans, but I think I'm going to stop wearing them," I explained as I poured me a glass of orange juice.

"Speaking of Sam, she's right here," Lola announced as she was going through some mail.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Lopez," she greeted as she came to sit by me.

"Hey Sam, would you like some breakfast?" My mom asked her as she put some waffles on a plate.

"That would be wonderful," Sam replied as she poured herself some juice.

"Ok, so when you're around my parents you act all sophisticated, but when we are alone you have no issue being crazy," I chucked as I glanced over at Sam.

"I'm showing your parents that I'm a great influence on you," she replied setting a napkin on her lap.

"Kiss up," I murmured as I took a drink of my juice.

"Heard that," she mumbled as she began eating.

"So do you think anything will change today after what happened yesterday?" Sam questioned before taking a bite of a strawberry.

"It might, but you never know and speaking of change I'll be right back," I responded as I put my plate in the sink and went up stairs.

"When I got to my room I closed the door and went into my closet. I scanned through all my jeans and shorts looking for something to wear instead of my skinny jeans. I grabbed some black jeans and went back into my room as I slipped off the jeans I wore and and slid on the regular black jeans. I went over to my mirror, "Why did I ever start wearing skinny jeans? I look better in these," I questioned myself for my stupidity for listening to Sam.

I walked out of my room and then back into the kitchen where I found everyone eating and talking.

"Now that looks better," my dad commented as he drab some of his coffee.

"Thank god your wearing regular jeans again, the skinny jeans made you look like one of those girly gay guys," Lola confessed as she turned to after she saw me.

"You're right, he did look gayer than before," Sam admitted as she hit up to put her plate in the sink.

"Then why did you make me buy the skinny jeans?" I questioned as I got another glass of juice.

"I didn't think you would actually buy them," she admitted as she leaned against the counter.

"Okay, so now you can return them," my dad pointed out as he got up from the table.

"We better head off," I announced as I looked at my phone.

I grabbed Sam by her arm and pulled her out the door.

"I really hate you," I said as we were sitting in my truck.

"Why?" She gasped as I shift into drive.

"Because, I bought all those skinny jeans when I looked just fine in my regular everyday jeans," I groaned as I made my way towards the school.

"I'm sorry, but you said you would never be one of those gay guys that act like a girl and wear skinny jeans, so I thought you wouldn't actually buy them," she defended herself while putting on some makeup stuff.

"Fine, whatever," I responded trying to get over the subject.

"So, are you excited for tomorrow?" She asked as she turned down the volume on the radio

"I actually am, I just hope I don't act awkwardly," I responded as I turned in to the school parking lot.

"I'm still worried about you though," she confessed before getting out the truck.

"Ok, but I'm telling you it's not going to be the same," I assured her as I locked the door.

"I still have my doubts, but let's not worry about that, anyway today is the last day of lunch detention," she added before changing the subject.

"I know, Eric was acting weird yesterday, but I guess it was because of the game today," I responded as we walked up the school steps.

"Yeah, speaking of the game, do you want to come watch it tonight?" She questioned looking at me.

"Sure," I responded as we walked past the fountain. I watched as the lights in the fountain made the water glow.

"Great, be sure to where something black and silver," she advised as she failed to notice I was already wearing black and silver. Sometimes she acts like a stereotypical blonde at times.

"Sam, take a closer look at me," I deadpanned as I came to a stop in the middle of the hallway.

She turned to look at me and looked at my shirt. "If you say something about this, I will kick your ass," she glared at me before turning around.

"I'm not, it would be an insult to blondes everywhere," I replied casually before running for my life.

"I'm going to get you!" She shouted as she tried to hold on to her purse.

I ran towards our lockers,where I hope to see Sadie, so she can distract Sam with her girl talk.

"Sadie, distract her," I commanded as I hid behind Nate.

"How are you scared of her?" Nate asked as he looked at Sam.

"She's evil, she kicks puppies," I exaggerated peaking from behind him.

"It's not my fault your scared of me,"" she shrugged as I looked at her.

"Anyway, where's Eric?" I asked them. Nate and Sadie just looked at each other and then to me.

"He's running late, coach wanted to go over some last minute game plans," Nate responded as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh, anyway, are y'all ready for the game tonight?" I shrugged as I opened my locker.

"You're the only person I have ever seen that has lights in their locker," Sadie commented as she opened the door up wider.

"That's because I don't like things being ordinary," I responded as I tapped a light bulb filled with lights.

"Yeah, I think everyone has noticed," Sam commented which earned her a dirty look.

"Let's just go to class," Nate broke in before closing his locker door.

Sam and I grabbed our books and started walking to class. Nate and Sadie walked behind as they looked around searching for someone.

When we walked into the classroom everyone was either talking or trying to stay awake.

We walked towards our usual seat and sat down. I wonder how long it's going to take before Eric comes to class, I hope it won't take to long.


I woke up in the morning to find that my eyes were glowing a steady silver, so I decided to just wear sunglasses for the day. Then I got a message from coach saying that he wanted to go over some last minute game plans and to be at the gym around eight, which also meant he excused me and another couple people from school for a couple periods. This is going to take awhile.

When we were finally released to go back to class, it was third period.

"Finding it difficult to hold me back?" My wolf asked as I was walking to class.

"No, just because my eyes are glowing, doesn't mean anything," I deadpanned as I walked through the halls.

"Let's see how well you can handle me when the moon rises," my wolf smirked before finally shutting up.

"He thinks he can control me, yeah right," I scoffed before walking into class.

When I stepped through the door, my mates scent hit me like a ton of bricks. It made my wolf go crazy, but yet I still managed to hold him back, over confident wolf.

I went over and laid the coaches note on top of the teachers desk, then went back and sat next to everyone.

"Why are you wearing sun glasses?" San questioned as she stared at me.

"I went to the eye doctor yesterday with a mild pain in my eyes, and they said to wear these so keep a much light from hitting my eyes as possible," I lied hoping that she fell for it.

"Oh, well that must suck, are you going to be able to play in the game tonight?" She replied with another question.

"Yeah, the sun won't be up and my helmet will block some of the stadium light so it won't be bad," I smirked knowing she fell for it.

"Oh, well I can't wait to see the team win tonight," she responded before turning back to face the white board.

"Are you still willing on go on that date tomorrow?" I asked Daniel as I turned to look at him.

"Yeah, are you going to tell me where we are going?" He responded with a question.

"No," I smirked as he pouted.

"Fine, just a hint?" He tried again, but I think I can at least answer this one.

"I'm taking you somewhere special," I smiled as he thought about what I just said.

It was finally lunch time and since it was a game day the principle decided to let us out today, I invited Sam and Daniel to the pizza place with us.

"What kind of topping do y'all want?" Nate asked as we were waiting on our server to bring us our drinks.

"It doesn't really matter, pizza is pizza." I commented as I put down the menu.

"Ok then, we will get Hawaiian BBQ, meat lovers, pepperoni, and buffalo chicken," Sadie informed us as the server came over to us.

"Ok" we all agreed as he set the drinks down.

Sadie placed the order for our pizzas and we kept talking as we waited. Sadie and Sam talked about movies that wanted to see, Mario and Daniel talked about their classes and upcoming events, which left Nate and I to talk about tonight's game plans.

"Honestly I don't see how you are doing so well holding your wolf back," Nate commented as he leaned on the table.

"It's not that hard, but my eyes won't change back," I replied as I lowered my sunglasses enough for him to see them.

"Oh, other than that, you don't seem phased," he responded leaning back against his chair.

"Yeah, anyway, tomorrow is the date, and I still have to get everything set up, so I guess I have to get up early tomorrow morning," I sighed as I massaged my temples.

"Why don't you just get someone else to set it up for you?" He asked as he took out his phone.

"Because the place is secret and it's only going to be for my mate and I," I responded as I turned to stare at my adorable mate.

"If it's the cliff that overlooks that city, it's not that secret of a place, I always found you there when you I would go out for a run," he replied with a cheeky smile.

"Does anyone else know about the place?" I cocked an eyebrow as I waited for his answer.

"Sadie and that's it, no one else but us two," he replied as he crossed his arms on the table.

"Okay, so I could probably get Sadie to help me, along with you," I smiled when his he scowled.

"Why?" He groaned as he rested his forehead against the cold table top.

"Because, Sadie can't do it all alone," I smirked knowing he was not going to enjoy it. "Besides it won't be to much, just stringing some lights, setting out candles, and other stuff," I added hoping to make him hate it less.

"Wow, I never knew you were a real romantic," he teased as he placed a hand to his heart.

"I try," I winked as I turned to look at him.

"Food's coming," Mario announced as he made way for the pizza trays.

"What would we do without you?" I deadpanned as I rolled my eyes.

"You would live in a world of total cluelessness," he smiled with a tilt of his head.

"Uh huh, okay," I smirked before paying full attention to my stomach.

After we finished lunch, we had a huge argument over who pays for lunch, and let's just say I won. We had just gotten through the schools main entrance when the bell rang.

"Get to class!" Mr. Smith barked out after he walked at of the office.

"The bell just rang," Daniel comment just above a whisper.

"He pisses me off," Daniel burst out once we were far from earshot.

"Calm down," Sam scolded him while pulling his ear.

"Ouch, okay I will just let go," he cried out as he held onto her wrist.

"You two have an interesting friendship," Nate chuckled as he looked back at them.

"Yeah, we do," Daniel smiled as he rubbed his earlobe.

I just chuckled and kept walking to class.


The rest of school was a bore, I either had Sam, Eric, or Mario for the remaining three periods. Don't get me wrong they were fun, but the class was just so boring that I couldn't stay awake, and when it wasn't the class it was because we couldn't talk. Anyway school is finally over and they cheerleaders are holding a pep rally, so Sam, Sadie, Mario, and I decided to go. Eric and Nate had to go since it was for the football team, so they had to sit with the team.

As always, the cheerleaders start off with their main cheer before the wolf mascot runs out ahead of the team. I always love pep rallies, everyone is so hyped up and ready to cheer the team on at any given moment.

The pep rally was over within an hour and now Sam and I are lazily walking back towards my truck. All in all the pep rally was great and exciting, I can't wait till the next one.

"Ok, so what time am I picking you up?" I asked her as we approached the front of the school.

"You don't have to, my car is out of the shop and after the game my parents want to go see their new nephew on my dads side so I can't hang out after," she replied as she walked around to the passenger side.

"Ok, when will you be back?" I questioned her hoping she will be back early tomorrow.

"Before noon tomorrow, why?" she responded much to my liking.

"Because I at least want to hang out with you tomorrow before my date," I finished before putting my truck in drive.

"Speaking of your date, what are you going to wear?" She smiled as she turned to look at me.

"A t-shirt with an open button up shirt over with its sleeve up and the cargo shorts and my boat shoes," I old her as I marked a signal to turn towards her street.

"Ah, sophisticated but yet casual," she commented in an English accent.

I just turned to her and flipped her off before playing Fancy on the radio.

"That hurt here," she pouted with a hand over her heart.

"Good, it's what you get for being a bitch, now get out!" I shouted as I pulled to an abrupt stop.

"I was kidding, I'm sorry, don't be like that," she apologized looking really hurt.

"I'm serious, we are outside your house, so get out," I clarified as I motioned out the window to show her we were here.

"Oh, I'll see you later then," she hollered as she got out of the truck.

"Someone please help this girl," I breathed before driving off towards my house.

When I it home I found that myDad was home along with y Mom and Lola. , But they were getting ready for something, I wonder what?

"Where are y'all going?" I asked my mom as she was putting her earrings on.

"Your father and I are going on a date, and Lola is going over to Amanda's because they are going camping this weekend," she informed me she looked at my reflecting on the mirror.

"So, I'm alone for the night?" I questioned as I sat into couch.

"Not really, your father and I will be back later tonight," she clarified before turning to look at me.

"Oh, but aren't y'all leaving a bit early? it's only 4:33," I notified her as I looked down at my phone.

"If the restaurant was in town yes, but the one we are going to is in the next town over, an your father isn't even ready yet," she assured me, before walking up the stairs.

Speaking of 4:33, the game isn't till 6 o'clock, so I have about an hour and a half to kill.

I got up off the couch and ascended the stairs to retrieve my sketch pad from my room. As I was walking to my door, I stopped to stare at a struggling Lola who was attempting to zip up a backpack.

"Need help?" I asked her as I walked in.

"Just a little, I can't get it closed," she sighed as she stalked aside.

"First of all, how long are y'all going camping for?" I asked her after I sat on the edge of her bed

"We are leaving at 5 later today, setting up camp as staying tonight and tomorrow night and then coming back at noon Sunday," she spoke as if she was reading it off a sheet of paper.

"Wow, you're going to have a long weekend," I mused before zipping the bag close with ease.

"Show off," she muttered as I turned to walk out.

"You're welcome," I shouted from the hallway.

I walked into my room and picked up the sketch pad from my desk along with a couple pencils and an eraser.

As I descended the stairs Mom was getting ready to take Lola to Amanda's house so they could go on that camping trip. I continue to make my way to the patio in the back but not before grabbing some of my lemon-cucumber water, and putting music on the stereo to listen to.

I kicked back in a lounge chair and began to draw. As I was drawing I began to think about tomorrow's date, if it works out will Eric and I actually have a real relationship and if we do, will we be secretive about it or will we be public? What if I actually don't like the way he acts, what am I thinking? Eric seems like a great guy, funny, good looking, caring. Wow I sound like a girl...and I don't like it...

"Daniel, we're leaving!" My Dad called out which brought me out of my internal ranting.

"Ok, I'll see you when you get back," I hollered back as I looked down at my drawing.

It was a sketch of two guys cuddling in bed, they looked so happy and relaxed.

I took out my phone and checked the time, it was 5:14 so, I still have about 46 minutes to eat and get ready to go, but I might leaver earlier to get good seats or to meet up with the others.

I stood and stretched before making my way to shut off the stereo and go inside to find myself something to eat. I slid open the door and walked straight to the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and freezer at the same time to see what I could make to eat. I scanned both sides and settled for a mini frozen pizza. I turned on the oven and sat at the bar and turned on the small kitchen tv.

I was flipping through the channels when a 50 Shade of Grey movie trailer popped up.

"It would be way more interesting to me if the girl was switched out with a guy, this way I would actually want to watch it," I spoke to no one but myself, but come on, it would seriously be better.

I pressed the guide button on the remote and it showed that Divergent was on the next channel so I clicked on it. Divergent is actually a great movie, I thought I would hate it because it was just a ripped off version of the Hunger Games, but when I actually watched it, I took a liking to it.

The beeping of the stove brought my full attention back to my growling stomach. I walked over to the oven, popped the pizza on a pan and stuck it in the oven for 18 minutes like it said.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed the pitcher with my lemon-cucumber water and filled my glass again. Sam makes fun of me because some of the things I do are really white and then I'm really Latin, so it's apparently hilarious somehow.

I closed the fridge door and then walks back to my seat at the bar and waited for my food to be ready.

As I waited I kept working on the drawing, I shaded it where needed and put some little details here and there. It was really a good drawing, most of the time my paintings are better than my drawings.

The timer on the oven finally went off and I went to get my food. It's already 5:32 so I have 28 minutes to eat and clean my face and restyle my hair if it needs it.

I'm excited for the game, it's the first game and it's against our school rivals, the Eagles, so it's a big deal.

I finished eating and put my plate in the sink. I opened up the fridge and grabbed a Dr. Pepper then made my way up to my room.

I went to my mirror to see if I needed to put more gel in my hair and I didn't but I went ahead and walked into my bathroom to wash my face then brushed my teeth.

When I was done I checked my face and clothes to make sure I didn't drop any toothpaste or if I had any left. As j was getting ready to leave the bathroom my phone started ringing.

I reached into my pocket and it was Mario.

"Hello?" I answered before exiting the bathroom.

"Hey, Sadie and I are picking up some drinks, what do you want?" He asked but I nearly heard him over the background noise.

"Uh, just get me a cherry-limeade with extra cherries inside the cup," I responded as I put a little cologne on.

"Okay, and you better be there when we get there, it's already 5:51," he warned as if I were always late to things.

"I'm on my way, calm down," I lied as I walked down the stairs.

"Okay, see you there," he replied before he hung up.

I slipped my phone into my poker and made sure everything was closed or locked before I finally grabbed my keys and headed for my truck.

I got in my truck, pulled out of the driveway, and made my way towards the school.

When I got to the school, I found Sam barely getting out of her car. I honked before pulling up in the parking spot next to her.

"Did they call you for a drink order?" She asked me as I walked up to her.

"Yeah, I think we should go ahead and pay for them," I responded as we walked up to the ticket booth.

"Sounds good to me," Sam agreed as we got to the window.

"Two students?" The lady asked as she stared at us.

"Yes, and also we are going to go ahead and pay for some friends, their names are Sadie and Mario," I responded as I pulled out my wallet.

"Okay, that's going to be $12," she replied giving us our tickets.

"I'll just let them know to tell you who they are," I informed her as I gave her the money.

"Let's go find a spot while I call them," I told her as I pulled out my phone.

"Okay, where should we sit?" she asked as we walked to the stands.

"Low enough where we can still tell who's who," I replied as I pressed Mario's contact.

"Hey Mario," I said into the phone when he answered.

"What up?" He responded as Sam and I waled up the ramp leading to the seats.

"Where are y'all at?" I asked him looking around for a good spot.

"We just parked, why?" He responded as I heard a car door close.

"Sam and I already paid for y'all, just tell the ticket lady your name and she'll give you your tickets," I told him as Sam called me over to the spot she found.

"Okay, thanks, have you found a spot?" He asked just as I sat down.

"Yeah, we are in the very center of the stands, you'll see us," I responded before hanging up.

A few moments later Sadie and Mario emerged from the crowd of people looking for a good spot to sit at. I waved at then so they could see us, but it still took then awhile to spot us.

When they finally did see us, the walked over to us with Mario holding drinks and Sadie carrying a bag of stuff.

"Hey guys," Sadie smiled before sitting down. "We brought drinks and candy," she added as she held up the bag.

"So, when does the game start?" I asked them and I took my drink from Mario.

"The time is counting down and it only has about three minutes so it won't be too long, " Mario replied as he looked at the scoreboard.

"Good, I'm excited, this is going to be a great game," I responded before taking a sip of my drink.

"Rival games always are," Mario agreed as he reached for some candy.

"I wonder how long it will be before a fright breaks out on the field," Sadie commented as the cheerleaders started cheering for the team.

"And here then come now, make some noise for our very own Wolves," the announcer called out before the cannon went off and the player ran onto the field.

The four of use rose up and yelled along with the rest of the crowd.

Since we were on the receiving side of the kick the team was able to make a touchdown after a couple plays and I couple already tell that this game is going to be interesting.


The game ended at around nine and it was a fight till the finish. We won by four touchdowns and everyone was excited because we have beat them ten years in a role, so it's a big deal.

When the final buzzer went off, the four of us decided to go down onto the field with everyone else and congratulate the team.

On the way down we threw away trash before going down the stairs onto the track an then onto the field.

"There they are," Mario said as he pointed towards the left side of the field. We walked in their direction but before we got there Eric walked off into the locker rooms.

"I would love to stay and chat but I got to go, but great job out there Nate," Sam spoke up after she looked up from her phone, and giving Nate a hug before she left.

"Where is she going?" Sadie asked as we tuned out attention back to Nate.

"Her and her parents are going to visit family," I responded trying to see if Eric was coming back.

"Hey, where did Eric go?" I asked Nate when I saw he wasn't coming back.

"He was getting a headache so he went the some painkillers," he responded as he held his helmet to the side.

"Oh, well congrats on the win, it was a really exciting game to watch," I smiled before slapping him on the back.

"It was," Sadie and Mario agreed.

"Well, I'm gonna go shower, I'm really sweaty," Nate said before walking off to the locker rooms.

"I guess it's time for us to leave also," Mario commented as we watched everyone starting to leave the field.

"Yeah, before they turn the sprinklers on," I added seeing as we were some of the few people left on the field.

"Yeah, let's go," Sadie spoke before breaking into a fast walk.

Mario and I tried not to laugh as we followed Sadie to the entrance. I hope she didn't actually believe that they would turn the sprinklers on with people on the field...

Right before we got to the gate we heard screaming and laughter, we looked back and the sprinklers were on while people were running off the field.

"We made it off just in time," Sam commented as she ran her fingers through her hairs

"I honestly didn't think they would turn on the sprinklers with people on the field," I admitted as we turned back around.

"Well they did and it wasn't us that got wet, so it's fine," Sadie smiled before flipping her hair back and walking away.

"She is such a diva," I commented as we watched her walk away.

"Tell me about it," he breathed crossing his arms.

"Well, I'll see you later," I spoke before walking off.

"Later," he replied before walking towards Sadie.

I was walking towards my truck when I passed by Eric's truck. I wanted to talk him but he left early so I walked back over to his truck, opened tailgate and sat down.

With the moon being full it looks really big. Also with the way the clouds were scattered and the moon being bright it would be a great picture to sketch or paint.

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of so I would have it for later.


I still can't believe that Nate threatened to tell the alpha if I went anywhere close to my mate.

If he was in my shoes he would understand how much I need to feel my mate under me, moaning my name, and feel myself inside him, claiming him as mine.

I was walking out of the locker room when my mates intoxicating scent caught my attention.

Nate's I going to be awhile since he's showering so it won't hurt to say hi.

I followed his scent all the way to my truck, when I got there I found him taking a picture of the moon.

"Hey beautiful," I smiled before joining him on the tailgate.

"Hey Eric," he responded while blushing.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I turned to stare at him.

"I wanted to talk to you after the game but you had gone in early, so I thought I would catch you before I left," he replied looking up at the moon.

"Oh, well good thing you waited here for me, I really wanted to talk to you too," I smiled, scooting closer towards him.

"What did you want to talk about," he asked while looking at me.

"You go first," I responded before laying my hand on his.

"I just wanted to know if you were sure about our date, I don't want to get my hopes up and then have them crushed," he sighed looking away from me.

Him even thinking of that brought a pang of hurt to my heart. Why would he have ever thought of that?

"Listen, when I asked you on that date I was being sincere, don't ever think that I just wanted to try something new, I truly have feelings for you, and never think differently," I promised him as I held his hand in mine.

I lifted my other hand up to his chin and turned his head to meet mine. I brought my lips up to his and when they touched it was like a sensation I had never felt before.

The kiss went from caring to lustful in a matter of seconds. I pushed him down onto the truck bed, I kissed his lips one last time before I trailed kisses down to his neck. I felt my canines elongate as I reached the space where his kneel and shoulder met. When my teeth finally sunk into his skin, I was in an orgasmic high.

My mate moaned before he went limp in my grasp. I pulled away and licked at the wound to heel it, and just like that, Daniel was officially mine.

"Eric, what are you doing?" I heard Nate holler from beside the truck.

"I think I just marked him," I groaned while rubbing my temples.

"Is he unconscious?" He asked while trying to check his pulse.

"I guess he passed out after I marked him," I responded putting his head on my lap.

"We have to get him home," he addressed as he rubbed his forehead.

"What about his truck?" I asked him looking over where his truck was at.

"Check his pocket for his keys, you will drive him in his truck to his house, take him inside and put him I bed. I'll follow you there and then it's all good, he's home and safe," Nate explained with a whole bunch of hand gestures.

I looked through his pockets and found his keys, then I pulled them out and gave them to Nate.

"Unlock he truck and open the passenger door so I can take him home," I commanded as I gathered Daniel in my arms.

I followed Nate to Daniels truck, when he opened the passenger door I sat him in there and buckled him up. I closed the door and reached into my pockets for my keys.

"Here, follow me," I told him as I tossed my keys at him. He tossed Daniels keys at me and then I went around to the drivers side.

I got in, started the truck and made my way to his house. When we got there to my luck there were no lights on, Nate opened the front door and I carried Daniel up to his room, that I found by finding the room where his scent was the strongest. I laid him on his bed and sent Nate out before I stripped him down to his boxers, and may I say that he has a nice body.

I left his keys on the side table before leaving his room and closing his door. Nate and I walked out of his house and closed the door behind us.

The entire time it took me to take Nate home and for me to get home, all I thought about was how I let my wolf take over and mark Daniel, I was so weak...and why did he pass out?
