Chapter 3


"I hate Sundays, their just wanna be Saturdays" I whined as Sam and I were waiting for out drinks at Starbucks.

"Whatever, lets just enjoy it," she smiled, as we grabbed our drinks.

"Well, since we're here, do you want to shop around the mall?" I asked her, hoping she would just say yes.

"Sure, I have nothing else to do" she spoke, getting up from the stool.

We walked out off Starbucks and started walking around looking for stores that interested us.

I saw a sign for Hot Topic on the second level and Sam and I looked for an escalator right away. we walked into the store and we looked for some posters and cardboard cut-outs.

I bought some posters and Sam bought a couple of shirts and some glow in the dark hair stuff.

"We should go to Spencer's" Sam said as we passed it.

"Ok, whatever" I said and we walked in.

I started looking at all the party lights and Sam walked to the back of the store. By the time I was ready to check out Sam had already paid.

"Well that was quick" I deadpanned.

"I didn't buy a lot" she scoffed.

"Whatever, where to next?" I asked her.

"How about Hollister?" she suggested.

"Sure, I need more shirts anyways" I replied walking off to the store.


"So son, have you had any luck on finding your mate?" my father asked me as we sat in his office going over some pack bussiness.

"No, I think it will be awhile before I find her" I replied with a total lie.

"I remember when I turned eighteen, it took me two months before I finally found your mother" he said leaning back in his desk chair.

"What happens of I never find my mate?" I asked him.

"Well, we would have to look for someone who is also mateless" he said leaning onto his desk.

"I heard from a pack member that a pack across the country had a same-sex mating, is that possible?" I asked him a little worried of what his answer might be.

"It's possible, male omegas or even make humans get mated to dominate males" he said.

"So-" I started but I was cut off.

"But the only time something like that matters is when an alpha gets mated to a male" he added and that's what worried me.

"What happens, when that happens?" I asked him.

"Well, the mate is sent away to another pack, and the alpha gets a new mate, so they can continue the alpha blood line" my dad said crossing his arms.

"Oh" was my only response. In my case what would happen to Daniel.

"Now, what has you so interested in the topic?" he questioned me.

"It just seems so interesting to me that the wolf spirits would pair two males" I lied hoping he would believe me.

"It's possible, just think about your uncle, and his mate" he responded.

"Well dad, I'm going to meet up with Nathan and go on a run" I said getting up from the chair.

I left his office and headed down the hall to the main room of the pack house.

"You ready?" Nathan asked as I came into the living room.

"Let's go, we need to talk" I said before leading the way out the door.

We walked out to the tree line and we stripped down.

"First one to the lake gets a blow job" I sad before shifting and taking off towards the lake.

I dashed through the trees each one looking like a blur as I passed by. I nearly missed the giant fur ball that jumped over the top of me and got in the lead by five feet. There was a fallen tree up ahead, and while Nathan went under I jumped over and got in the lead by a couple of feet before we reached the lake tree line.

"Get over here and blow me" I grinned pointing down at my junk.

"I always knew you were gay" Nathan said sitting next to me.

"Only for you, and apparently my mate" I said looking off into the distance.

"So, what did you need to talk about?" he asked me.

"I was talking to my dad, and apparently if anyone was ever to know that I had a male mate, he would be sent away, but since he's a human I don't know what they would do with him" I said running my hands through my hair.

"To be honest with you, I don't know what to tell you" he replied putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Usually I would've kicked your ass for touching me while were both naked but I know what your trying to do" I deadpanned but in all honesty I don't really mind, Nathan is like my brother so I'm fine with it.

"That's why I'm here for you" he replied with a chuckle.

"I know, but I wonder how my dad would respond to me being mated with a guy, he seemed ok with other gay matings, just like his brother, but how would he react with his own son having a male mate" I said.

"Worst of all, what would happen to Daniel" I added before leaning on his shoulder.

"I don't know, but if you do get together, we are going to have to keep it a secret" he replied patting my back.

Even though I'm older than Nathan, he treats me like a little brother. It doesn't really bother me though, I've always wanted an older brother and Nathan's the closest thing I got.


"Where should we go now?" I asked Sam as we sat on a bench with our bags all around us.

"I'm done, I don't want to shop for a while now" she replied leaning back.

"How come?" I asked her hoping for the right answer.

"We've gone to fifteen different stores, I'm done for a month or two" she replied and bingo that's the winning answer.

"Ok, let's go" I said jumping up from the bench.

I grabbed all my bags and some of Sams bags, and walked towards the entrance we came through.

"What just happened?" she asked after running to catch up with me.

"Well, I just bought my way out of shopping for a couple months" I replied with a smirk.

"Whatever" he said bumping into me.

We walked to my truck and put everything into the back seat.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked he once we were in the truck and buckled in.

She turned and looked me straight in the eyes. "Taco twelve pack" she said as she nodded her he's slowly.

"Exactly" I said as I nodded my head like her.

I pulled out if the parking space and made my way towards the Taco Bell drive thru.

"Hi my name is Shanaynay, what can I get you today?" the order taking person said through the intercom.

"Can I get three Doritos locos taco Twelve packs" I replied.

"Ok that will be, twenty-two dollars and eighty-two cents, drive up to the next window" she said with a ghetto accent or whatever you call it.

"She sounds, friendly" Sam commented.

We drove up to the window, and a chick that looked nothing like what I was expecting handed us our order.

After we had driven off Sam I and just looked at each other and we laughed.

"Did you see her make up?" Sam asked laughing but no sound came out.

"Yeah and did you see that eyebrow?" I asked her trying to control the wheel.

"Don't even start" she said busting out laughing once again.

"Whatever, let's just get to my house so we can eat, I'm starving" I said as I drove towards my house.


"So what did you two but today?" my mom asked as she bit into a taco.

"Let's just say, I got out of having to go shopping with Sam for while" I said with a chuckle as I looked at Sam who was currently showing some love to a taco.

"How much did you spend?" my mom dead panned.

"A months allowance and about one hundred out of the money I saved from work" I replied with a taco filled grin.

"And you bought all of that?" she asked as if we can't afford all the stuff I have.

"Yes mom, dad bought you a four hundred dollar dress for your birthday, and your judging my two hundred fifty dollars worth of "clothes and party lights" I scoffed playfully.

"You win this round buddy boy" my mom said eyeing me closely.

"Speaking of work, our shift starts in an hour" I told Sam before I opened up another taco.

"Let's just enjoy our tacos and we will worry about it after we finish taoff our tacos" she said pointing to ethe five in front of herself and I.

"Your uniform is inside the hall closet, it just brought it back from the cleaners" my mom said as she walked off into the kitchen.

Sam and I finished eating, and then she left so she could get ready for work. I walked to the hall closet and grabbed my uniform.

"Let's see I have forty-five minutes to get ready" I said but I was mainly talking to myself.

I dashed up the stairs and into my room, and them into the adjoining bathroom.


"Mom, I'm going to work" I yelled before walking out the door.

I got into my truck and right after I close my door, my phone rang. It was a message from Sam.



{ Hey, come pick me up. }

{ Okay }


I replied before I put some music on and took off toward her house.

I pulled up at Sams house and stopped a the curb.

I rolled down my windows and then honked.

"Get in loser" I said once she stepped out if the house.

"If we don't hurry we are going to be late" she said as she buckled in.

"Fine, lets go" I said before driving off.

I drove along until, I got to a stop light. I saw Amy next to me and I guess she didn't notice me. I turned down the music and yelled.

"Hey, gross disgusting ass whore" and before she could say anything back, I rolled up my windows and turned up my music.

"Do you know what you just did?" kooSam asked me with an 'are you stupid tone'.

"I don't care, she already told people I was gay, how much worse could I get?" I replied with a shrug of my shoulders before taking off once again.

I took one more turn and I arrived at Howl the fancy restaurant that is proudly owned by Sam's uncle.

I parked at the back and we both slipped into the employee lounge and we timed in.

"Which area are you waiting on tonight?" I asked her.

"Area seven, what about you?" she replied.

"I have area eight, so we are both towards the back" I said with a smile.

"Hey guys" Sam's uncle said as he walked out from his office.

"Hey, uncle Zach" Sam replied.

"Ok, so Lacy is out sick tonight, so I need you two, to both serve the patio seating also" he said handing us both not pads and pens.



"Tell me, why are we going out again?" I asked my dad clearly showing that I didn't want to go.

"The co-owner of my business Mr. Rogers, thought we should go out and celebrate for the good year we've been having" he replied fixing his tie.

"Wait, Brent Rodgers, as in father if Amy Rodgers?" I asked him but I already knew the answer

"Yes, is there something I should know?" he asked me curiously.

"No, it's just I really don't like her" I replied looking up at the ceiling.

"Oh well, wolf up and just deal with her for one night" my dad smirked.

"Fine but we better be eating somewhere good" I said getting up from my parents bed.

"We're eating at Howl tonight" my dad said as I walked out of his room.

I walked into my room to make sure my formal attire was in check. I fixed my tie and made my way down the stairs.

"Is everyone ready to go?" my father asked as he descended down the stairs.

"We were just waiting on you honey" my mom said placing her hands on her hips.

"Let's go then" my father said as he grabbed the keys to his truck.

We walked out into the driveway and got into the truck.

"Brent said he would meet us there at the restaurant, and I made reservations before I left the office" dad said as we made our way towards Howl.

Honestly, I've only ever went to Howl at least four times in my life, and it's okay but I really don't like the big fancy places. With both my parents being rich, everyone thinks that I have the newest things, and always go to fancy places. Mostly whenever my parents suggest we go out and eat to a high class place, I decline and invite Nathan to go eat at Taco Bell, or even just a burger place.

"Remember what I told you" my dad reminded me as we pulled into the vale parking area.

We walked into the small lobby of the restaurant, and we were greeted by a petite blond who looked to be in college.

"Hi, do you have a reservation?" he asked my dad.

"Yes, a reservation for Matt Knight" my dad replied.

"Ok here it is, table for six, your table is by our patio area, is that alright for you?" she asked.

"Yes, that will be fine" my dad replied.

The chick grabbed our menus and as we were leaving the area, Amy and her parents walked in through the door.

"Hey Eric" Amy said looping her arm with mine, which caused me just to roll my eyes.

"Hi Amy" I replied with obvious irritation.

"Aww don't be like that" she replied as she pulled me towards our table.

"Whatever just go through the motions and act like you can stand her prissiness" I thought to myself as we sat at our table.

"So Eric, how's football been treating you?" Brent, Amy's dad, asked me as we waited for our waiter.

"It's going great, our first game is this Friday actually" I replied as I picked up the menu.


"I got to go, my area is starting to fill up" I said as I grabbed a pen and walked out if the employee lounge.

I walked through the paths of the tables looking around at the couples or families as the filled the tables. I turned to my left and watch Sam as she took orders from a table of five.

I walked to my first table and took drink orders from a group of four. I smiled as I left to get their drinks from the beverage area. I took then their drinks and went to my next table.

"Hi my name is Daniel, and I will be serving you today, can I take your drink orders" I said as I looked up from my notepad.

My jaw almost dropped when I looked around the table. I saw Eric and his parents, and another couple that seemed to be the same age as Eric's parents, but the biggest shock didn't hit me till the last person dropped their menu. It was Amy, and when she saw me, she got a devilish grin.

"Can I get a glass of wine?" Eric's dad ordered.

"Just go ahead and make it four" Amy's dad added.

"I'll take a strawberry lemonade" Eric said with a smile that could make you go blind.

"What about you?" I asked Amy...trying to keep a friendly smile.

"Can I get a cucumber water, with cucumber and lemon slices on the side" she replied with a glare that said a lot...this night is going to be the death of me.

"I'll be right back with your drinks, please look through the menu, and when I get back, I'll take your meal orders" I said with a smile before I walked off.

As I walked to the beverage area Sam was heading the same way. When I got to the counter, I gave Rob the orders so he could get them for me.

"You'll never guess who is sitting in my area" I told Sam as I leaned against the counter.

"Eric" she said with a knowing smile.

"Yes, but along with him, is the whore, also known as Amy" I said with the stupidest smile I could muster.

"Are you serious?" she exclaimed as if I told her Channing Tatum was in the restaurant.

"Yes, and I know that it's going to be hell for the next hour or so" I replied with a frown.

"Good luck" she said after my drink orders came up.

I got the tray and walked back towards my area.

"Here you go" I said as I started placing the glasses in front of each one.

"This cucumber tastes sour" I heard Amy complain spitting it into a napkin...classy, might I add.

"We get fresh produce delivered everyday, but if you insist, I will bring you another one" I replied with a smile.

"Oh no Daniel, it's fine, it's probably just from the mint gum she was chewing earlier" her mom said with a wave of her hand.

"Okay, so may I take your orders?" I asked them getting my pen ready to jot down the order.

"May we have, a couple more minutes?" Eric's mom asked with a smile, as she looked up from her menu.

"As you wish, I'll be back in a few" I replied before stepping away t serve another table.

I went back to the table from earlier and took their orders and went to the kitchen to drop of their order.

I made my way towards Eric's table and I approached them with a smile.

"Are you ready to order?" I asked them with my hands behind my back.

They all gave me their orders and I thought it was going to get easier...until I got to dear Amy.

"Um, I still don't know what to get?" she said as she looked at her menu.

"Amy, I thought you had already decided" her dad said with a questioning glance.

"I did, but I changed mind" she replied with her signature fake apologetic tone.

"Well, hurry up, we don't want to keep Daniel waiting" Eric said earning a glare from Amy.

"Ok fine, I'll take the fettuccine Alfredo" she said closing her menu tossing it my way.

"I'll be right back with more drinks" I replied with a smile.

When they all said "thank you" I walked away making sure to pass by Amy.

"Good choice...whore" I said as I passed her which made her choke on her drink.

I walked back to the beverage area and got refills for everyone, along with six glasses of water.

"How's it going?" Sam asked me

"Good, who knew that smiling at Amy would make her cringe" I replied with a chuckle.

"If you smile enough, you might just kill her" Sam said waving her eyebrows.

"That would be the day" I replied, causing Rob raise an eyebrow as he set the drinks in front if me.

"Thanks Rob" I told him before I walked off.

I walked in the direction if my area and noticed that my table from earlier were done with their meal. I went and passed the drinks around at Eric's table and then walked back to my previous table.

I picked up their plates and took then to the kitchen. I washed my hands of and then I pick up the plates for Eric's table and took then their way. Set the tray with the food on a table next to theirs and passed their door around.

"Could I treat you to anything else" I asked them with the tray to my side.

"Could we get some rolls?" Eric asked looking my way.

"Sure, anything else?" I asked once again.

"That will be all Daniel, thank you" Eric's dad replied.

"I'll be right back with your rolls" I said before walking off.

I walked to the kitchen to get the rolls and I also got the ticket for my other table.

I dropped the ticket of at the table and bid them goodbye. I then walked to Eric's table and dropped their rolls off.


I watched as he walked away. I loved the way you could see his bubble butt in those jeans.

Is it wrong for me to stare at him so openly, like a wolf stocking his prey......

What am I talking about he's my mate, I have the right, right?

This night has gone pretty good, except for the constant whining from my wolf, saying that I should grab out mate and mark him as ours. Then there's the constant glares that Amy keeps giving Daniel, which is getting real annoying.

"Well this has been a great meal?" my dad said setting his fork and knife down.

"It definitely has" Amy's mom replied in agreement.

"Well, whose up for dessert?" Amy's dad asked crossing his arms.

"Sounds, wonderful to me" my mom replied.

"Well, I guess we're getting dessert" my dad said with a chuckle.

Just as the conversation died down, Daniel showed up.

"Would you be interested in anything else?" he asked with his genuine smile that I never got tired of seeing.

"What dessert would you recommend?" my dad asked him.

"Well our pastry chefs have made several croquembouche cakes for today, and they all serve about six people" he replied never breaking contact with my dad.

"That sounds wonderful" my mom said clasping her hands together.

"It does indeed, we'll just have six orders of croquembouche" Amy's mom replied.

"Anything else?" he asked writing the order on the notepad.

"We'll take six glasses of lemon water" Amy's dad replied.

"I'll bring everything shortly" he replied with a smile before walking off to the kitchen.

"Excuse me, but I'll be right back" I said before getting up for my seat.

I walked towards the back of the restaurant where the restrooms were located. I found the men's room as entered. I did my business and washed my hands.

I walked out and passed by the beverage area, and just by luck I overheard Daniel's conversation.

"Do you know how weird it is to serve your crushes family, but at the same time serve your enemies family?" he asked someone, well at least now I know he has a crush on me.

"No, but I bet your having a blast" the person replied to I which know knew it was his friend Sam.

"It's weird, I look at Eric and he has a sexy grin on his face, but then I look at Amy and she has a glare on her face, I swear if looks could kill, I'd be dead when she first saw me" he said with a chuckle at the end.

"Just deal with it a while longer, and you'll be fine" Sam replied.

"Fine" Daniel said before he left.

I ducked behind a plant and let him go ahead of me. After a minute I started walking back towards my seat.

As I approached I saw Daniel picking up the empty plates and then placing the desserts in front of everyone.

As he was waking away, he tripped over what appeared to be Amy's leg.

I ran forwards and caught him before he hit the ground. I looked down at him to see him looking up at me. I could feel the sparks emitting from where I was holding him.

It took me a lot to not kiss him then and there. I stood him up and smirked at him.

"Thanks, I guess I can be a little clumsy at times" he said with a chuckle.

"No problem, everyone trips when someone sticks their foot out" I replied glaring at Amy.

"Well I better go, I have tables to attend" he replied before he walked off.

I straightened up my jacket and sat back down. I looked up at my parents and they both trying not to laughing knowing that I was talking to Amy

"You idiot, why didn't you mark him" my wolf growled.

"Well, I don't know, maybe because this isn't the time" I hissed back.

"Whatever, you won't have this much control of me, later in the week" he replied

"Just shut up" I shouted before taking a drink of my water.

I looked around the table, and everyone had gone back to eating.


Before we left, my parents and Amy's left a thirty dollar tip, but ten I added a twenty because he had to put up with Amy, so it made it a fifty dollar tip.

Since Amy's dad invited us out to dinner he paid for our meals and we left Howl.

The drive home was silent, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

Once we got home, I went upstairs and changed into a t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts.


Howl had closed for the night and Sam and I were on the patio enjoying our meal.

"It's was like something you'd see in a movie, I almost laughed, but then I looked up and my eyes met his, it was just us two, everyone else was gone" I told Sam, but one thing I couldn't get over is that his eyes went to a quick yellow tone and back, I'm starting to think I imagined it.

"I don't know about you, but let's finish eating and go home because I'm tired" she said before drinking some lemonade.
