Chapter 1


I'm up and ready by seven, so I decided to go by and pick up Sam. I stopped outside her house and honked. A few minutes later she appeared and ran to my truck.

"Hey," I said as Sam got into my truck.

"Hey, asshole" she greeted once she got in.

"What did I do?" I gasped, how dare she great me in that manner.

"I was doing my hair, and you just had to rush me," she sneered before pulling out her phone.

"Ok, I'm sorry," I apologized with a hand on over heart.

"I still don't forgive you, maybe if you buy me an Starbucks I'll forgive you," she smiled, now this is the Sam I know.

"Okay, let's go to Starbucks," I spoke before turning up the music and rolling down the windows.

We pulled up to the town Starbucks and we went in. We placed our order and sat down on one of the tables.

"So are you ready for today?" I asked Sam as I stared out the window.

"Oh my gosh, yes I am, since the school got remodeled, they made new additions," she gushed with excitement.

"They did, like what?" I asked, I don't remember hearing about this.

"Well, they added a fountain to the main hall and that's where they relocated the lockers, I've heard its going to be pretty cool, but I don't understand why we had to start school on a Friday," she

I was about to reply but our order was called and we got up to get them. After we paid we walked out as Eric and his best friend Nate squeezed past us, and I noticed Eric had a funny look on his face...


Nate and I were walking up to the doors of a coffee shop with I was hit with the wonderful smell of pine trees, morning dew and a hint of vanilla, as we got closer to the door.

"Mate!" my wolf growled out, but before I could get out the door again she drove away with that other guy, I wonder if they're dating.

I knew I'd see her later, so I just went ahead into the store again.

"I think I found her" I said as I got to Nate

"Really, who is she?" he asked

"I don't know, she drove away before I could see her" I replied sitting at a table where her smell lingered.

"That's awesome; you'll just find her at school today again, so don't worry" Nate said after he got our drinks. "By the way, Happy Birthday" he said setting a brownie in front of me.

"Thanks" I said

"Your welcome, but lets get to school, I want to check something's out" Nate said

"Alright let's go" I said grabbing my stuff

About a block away from the school I got the scent from earlier again, and then I spotted a couple of seniors outside and then I saw the girl from earlier, she was standing next to the same guy again.

I drove up to the school and parked; Nate and I both got out and headed towards the front where I saw the girl. We got to the doors and I saw no one around.

"She was here" I told Nate

"She must have gone to class, the bell rang a few minutes ago" he said

"Let's go then" I said

We walked into the building, and I got my schedule from the office. Nate and I had the same classes for the first few hours. We found the class room and we walked in.


The bell for fourth period rung and it signaled that it was time for lunch. I walked out of class, along with Nate and a few other pack members. As we were walking I saw the girl from this morning running down the hall, and I could smell pine trees, dew, and vanilla.

"Sam, Give me my jacket!" came a guy yelling

"So her name is Sam" I thought to myself, and next thing I knew someone crashed into me, and I felt the spark.

The smell was even stronger, I opened my eyes and I looked down at the owner of the beautiful scent.

"Sorry, dude" he said as he got up and ran after the girl again.

So my mate is a guy... This isn't right... I'm an alpha; I need a female to continue the alpha blood line...

"Eric, what's wrong?" Nate asked

"Nothing, just got the air knocked out of me" I said playing it off

"Eric, can you come help me with my locker" Sadie one of my pack members asked

"Sure, we'll see you guys later" I said. Sadie and I walked to her locker and she opened it up.

"Wait I thought you needed help" I commented as I stood there.

"Well, I didn't" she said putting on some lip gloss.

"Then what do you want?" I asked as I stared at her.

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk" she spoke as she looked in the mirror.

"About what?" I asked leaning against a locker.

"About your mate" she smiled looking me in the eyes.

"I haven't found my mate yet" I lied as I looked away.

"Eric, I'm not stupid, I've seen that look you had plenty of other times" she spoke as she crossed her arms.

"I'm serious!" I exclaimed.

"I know, what I saw, and that guy is your mate, he's cute, you're cute, you two will look good together" She smiled before closing her locker.

"He's not my mate" I argued trying to convince her that I hadn't found my mate.

"Whatever, I know he's your mate, and I don't care" she said "and don't worry I wont tell anyone" she added.

"Thanks" I sighed in defeat.

"Your welcome now, let's goes catch up with the others" she smiled before dragging me away.


"What took you so long?" Sam asked sitting on the ledge of the new indoor fountain.

"I accidentally ran into Eric," I responded before sitting next to her

"Eric, Who?" she asked, turning to look at me.

"Eric Knight" I clarified looking back at her.

"Oh" she drawled out.

"So are we going to get lunch or not" I asked before standing up.

"Yes, I'm starving lets go to the new pizza place down the street" she suggested as she stood up as well.

"Me too, let's go" I agreed before walking out the door.

We left the school and walked down to the pizza place. We walked in and sat down at a table near a window.

"So have you talked to any of the new girls," she asked thinking that I was in the least bit interested in girls.

"Um... not yet, its barely the first day, I want to get to know how they are before I talk to them," I lied trying to avoid the subject.

"Well you better be quick about it before they're all gone," she smiled before picking up a menu.

"Shut up," I chuckled, picking up a menu.


Sam and I were in athletics along with all of the senior class. We were sitting on the bleachers looking down at the guys playing a bit of flag football.

I watched them throw the ball around to where it finally got to Eric, the star player. I watch as his muscled flexed as he through the ball. His perfectly tanned and toned skin, his perfect smile and his beautiful brown eyes that I could get lost in, and I swear I was drooling and I guess Sam noticed.

"Who are you drooling over?" she asked looking around at the people around us.

"No, one" I lied hoping she would drop the subject.

"Now, that's a total lie" she spoke putting me on the spot.

"Whatever" I shrugged it off, hoping she would drop the conversation.

"Just tell me, is it the blonde or the brunette?" she asked pointing down at the two girls below us

"Definitely the brunette" I said looking down at Eric.

"Ok, why don't you go talk to her" she looking at me.

"I can't" I replied with my mind fixed on Eric

"Why?" she asked looking at me with a blank expression.

"Because he's busy playing flag football" I said without thinking, my eyes widened at my stupidity.

"WHAT!" she gasped as she turned to look at me.

"I meant she's to busy watching them play football" I tried to save myself but it was to late...

"You're lying" she glared, how could I have been so stupid.

"No, I'm not" I spoke up with a blank expression.

"Daniel, I know you're lying, and plus this explains why you have never dated a single girl in the time I've known you" she said putting the pieces together.

"Ok, shut up" I said putting my hand over her mouth "Yes I'm gay, but you can't tell anyone" I glared at her and took my hand off her mouth

"Ok, I wont, but who are you drooling over?" she asked again.

"Eric" I said while looking down at him.

"Awe, that's so cute" she gushed as she looked down at him.

"Shut up" I snapped playfully.

"Why?" she pouted looking back at me.

"Because I don't want anyone else to find out" I replied as I looked off into the distance.

"Oh, so you're still a closet gay, who all knows?" she asked turning back to the game.

"You, my parents, and a couple other people" I responded as I stood up.

"Oh, well don't worry, I'll keep your dirty little secret," she mused, this girl is going to be the death of me.

"Yeah, now lets go," I spoke motioning to the people walking off into the locker rooms.


I caught my self looking off into the stands a couple times, and I always seemed to land on the same person... my mate. I still don't know how I was mated to a guy, I've never even thought about my mate being a guy, I'll give him one thing though, he does look sexy.

"Who are you staring at?" Nate asked coming up behind me

"Just those chicks" I said calmly before looking at him.

"Oh, well lets go" he spoke before we started walking off to the locker rooms

When we got inside I sat on a bench and started thinking about all this mate stuff, I've never heard of a gay wolf in our pack, but I have heard it from other packs. How would my pack react to it? I'm going to be an alpha and how am I going to continue the alpha bloodline, but I have an older sister; she could probably continue the blood line...

All my thoughts were cut off went I heard someone entering the locker room along with my mates' scent, I looked around and everyone was gone. It was just him and I left...

"MATE!" my wolf was growling out.

"No, I'm not going to be mated to a guy," I snapped at him.

"Well you are, so get over your fucking self," he growled.

"No I will not be mated to a guy," I growled back and slammed my locker door.

I left my mate stunned and walked off towards the school. Once I got to the school I walked in and went to my locker.

"You know we could have had our mate!" my wolf snarled out.

"Well I don't care, I'm not gay" I snapped hoping he'd shut up.

"Well, it turns out you are gay, so get over it," he growled back.

"Just shut the fuck up," I hissed slamming my locker shut.

"Dude what been up with all day today?" Nate asked with in his signature serious tone.

"None of your fucking business," I snapped at him for the first time in my life.

"You know what, fuck you I'm just trying to help," he snapped heifer walking away.

"Nate," I said walking after him.

"Just go," he said as he continued to walk away.

"You know what, if you really want to know what's up, I'm mated to a fucking guy, that's what's up," I snapped and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"You're what?" he asked turning around to face me.

"I'm mated to a guy," I breathed as I looked him in the eyes.


I walked to my locker and opened it up, and out fell a note...

Hey fag,

Remember me; well this school year is going to be different for you. Here's the thing, if you stay out of my way and keep to yourself, no one will find out your gay, and If you do cause me any trouble or anything of that sort I will tell everyone...

Hope you have a good school year.

"Oh great, this again" I dead panned before shutting my locker.


It was eleventh grade, three months before the end of school, my best friend Amy and I had a huge fight, because I found out that she had sex with one of my cousins, and I got really pissed because she kept it from me. Then something else happened and she hated me over it, and ever since then we've had this feud.

(End of Flashback)

"This is really going to piss me off, once it starts I will end it for good this time," I thought to myself.

"What's with the angry face?" Sam asked leaning on the lockers.

"This," I said handing her the note

She took the note and within a couple of seconds she crumpled it and through it in the fountain.

"Well this year you got me to help you" she said with a smirk.

"Oh my god, I'm doomed," I joked in mock horror.

"Shut up jerk," she said with a chuckle.

"Ok, so this is where the fun begins... class presidents will be chosen today, and I happen to know whose being nominated so far," Sam said with an evil smile

"Oh, no," I said already know who the person is, and her plan.

"Oh yes, one of Amy's friends is going to nominate her and then her entire group is going to vote for her. So this is where you come in, I will nominate you, and most of our class really doesn't like Amy. So, that means you have it in the bag," Sam said rubbing her hands together like an evil villain.


"Alright seniors, at this time you will be voting for your class president, so do we have any nominations?" our sponsor Mrs. Drew asked

"I nominate Amy," said one of Amy's group members

"Ok Amy, come on up here," Mrs. Drew said motioning her to come forward.

Amy got up from her seat and walked up to the front of the class room.

"Do we have anymore nominations?" she asked once again.

"I nominate Daniel," Sam smiled knowing she's putting Amy on edge.

I instantly saw Amy's face expression change.

"Ok, Daniel come and join Amy at the front please," Mrs. Drew spoke, motioning me to go up to the front as well.

"Ok, you two go outside and wait till I call you back in," she said ushering us out the door.

Amy and I both walked out and once the door was shut once again the arguing started.

"What do you think your doing?" she hissed while crossing her arms.

"Um winning class president" I said "What about you?" I added to my enjoyment.

"Don't act stupid fag, just because your friend nominated you, doesn't mean you're going to win," she hissed walking towards me, which caused me to walks backwards.

"I'm not acting stupid, I just want to win, and put you in your spot," I spoke walking towards her, causing her to back up.

"Oh Danny," she sighed as she shook her head.

"Don't ever fucking call me that again," I yelled at her.

"I wonder what everyone will do when they find out your gay," she spoke. "They may even have a reelection," she added.

"You wouldn't dare," I snapped at her.

"Try me," she dared with a smile.

I was about so say something but Mrs. Drew called us back into the classroom.

I walked ahead of Amy and got to the door before, and then I slammed it shut.

"You won," Sam said with a smile.

"What do you mean I lost," Amy screamed causing everyone to stare at her.

"You only got five votes," Mrs. Drew spoke.

"Oh, congratulations Danny," Amy said with a smile.

"Don't call me that slut," I said loudly.

"If you want I can say it now," she smiled, knowing she has leverage over me.

"You wouldn't," I spat walking to her.

"More like, not yet," she smiled and with that being said she and her group walked out of class.

"Well that was entertaining," Sam spoke after they left.


"What do you think that was all about," Sadie asked me once that Amy chick walked out.

"I don't know, but I think its something to do with him," I replied, looking down at my mate.

"Your mate?" she asked.

"Yes, my mate, I might not want him but he is my mate" I agreed, and its true, he's my mate, I'll love him, eventually.

"Oh so you'll accept it but you don't want to mate with him?" she deadpanned, before turning to look at me.

"I accept it, but just a few hours ago, I thought I was mated to a chick, now I'm mated to a guy, those two are different things," I said watching him talk with his friends

"Well you should give him a chance, you never know you might actually like him," she said before walking over to him.


"Hey Daniel, congrats," I smiled.

"Thanks Sadie," he spoke, as he turned to look at me.

"Your welcome, by the way I was wondering if you and Sam would like to come to a surprise party for Eric?" I asked, this way I can get Eric to talk to him.

"Sure, that would be fun," he replied giving Sam a side glance.

"Ok, so here put in your phone number and I'll text you the details later," I said handing him my phone.

"Ok, here you go," he smiled handing my phone back.

This is where my plan starts, I will get Eric to talk to Daniel somehow and that way he will see that he has an attraction to him.


"I can't believe we got invited to the first party of the year" I said walking into my closet as Sam laid on my bed

"You act like it's a big deal, just because it's Eric's party doesn't mean anything" she dead panned while playing with a slinky.

"It's not because of that, it's because I'm moving up on the social scale, last year I only talked to Amy and her group and no one ever invited her to a party so we didn't get invited either, but this year I think it will be different for you and I" I explained picking out a pair of pants

"Ok, how exactly?" she asked.

"Well I'm the class president, I make the decisions that are best for our class, so I drop all of Amy's ideas, and go for other peoples instead, and with you by my side we will make this the best school year yet" I said setting out a Hollister shirt.

"Great, the power is going to your head" she joked before I throwing a pillow at me.

"Don't worry, I won't forget your name," I replied before throwing it back.

"So what do you think I should wear to the party?" she asked looking through her phone.

"Who are you again?" I asked looking at her closely.

"Shut the fuck up," she shouted.

"Um, do you still have the dress that you wore to your cousins sweet sixteen?" I asked being up the conversation again

"The sparky blue high-low dress," she asked looking at her phone.

"Yes," I replied.

"Yeah that will work and then I can just wear a gold necklace and some high heels," she said looking at he phone.

"Are you sure about the high heels?" I asked, I hope she knows she'll be standing for a while.

"What do you mean?" She replied, looking up at me.

"Well we're going to be there for a while and we are totally going to be dancing, so just wear some flats instead," I explained looking back at her.

"That's true, I wonder how I ever got dressed before I met you?" She asked jokingly, but it's true, not really.

"I wonder the same thing every day," I said seriously.

"Shut up, dork," she said throwing a pillow at me.

"We have about three hours until the party, what should we do," I asked looking down at my phone.

"Let's go for a swim," she suggested looking out my window.

"Sure," I agreed going into my closet.

I grabbed my swimming trunks and a bikini Lola picked out for Sam.

"Here this wouldn't fit me, you try it on," I said casually.

"You tried wearing a bikini?" she asked with her mouth practically on the floor.

"Of course, how else am I going to get I'm just kidding Lola picked it out for you last time she went to the mall," I spoke looking straight at her.

"Good, because this bikini doesn't go with your skin tone," she joked

"Blue with my tanned skin, looks great" I said

"Who cares let's just change" she finally said
going to my bathroom

"Fine, I'll just change in the closet" I said

"Good, then maybe you'll come out of the closet" she joked

"Whatever, just go change" I said walking into my closet and start changing

I got my blue and lime green short, and got my bro-tank, and my Ray-Ban sun glasses. I slipped on my sandals and walked out.

"Look who came out of the closet" Sam joked and with that joke I got my sandal and through it at her, then took off running towards the balcony

"Get back here, you little fairy" she yelled running after me.

I got to the balcony and sat on the ledge. "Get any closer, and I'll jump" I said starting to stand on the ledge.

She took one more step, so I jumped....... Into the pool of course.

"Cannon ball!" I yelled before I hit the water.

"You jerk, you didn't let me hit you first!" Sam yelled and jumped in after me.

"That's the point" I smirked, swimming around her.

"I thought you I was going to through a party at your funeral" she said with an evil smile

"I always wanted to have a happy funeral, and not a sad one" I said

"Whatever" Sam said

"Well I'm going to work on my tan for a while" I smiled, getting out of the pool.

"I better join you then" she grinned, as she climbed out of the pool.

"Why?" I asked, looking at her.

"I losing my tan, that's why" she deadpanned, coming up next to me.

"Then go get a spray tan, like any other white girl that drinks Starbucks " I joked, putting my sunglasses on.

"That sounds like so much work" she groaned laying down in a lounge chair next to me.

"I swear your lazy" I sneered before yelling for my sister.

"What do you want?" she asked, coming out from inside the house.

"Play some music please" I plead, frowning with puppy dog eyes.

"The stereo is only about twenty
feet way" she shouted,

"So" I said lifting my glasses a bit

"Now who's lazy?" Sam asked

"Not me" I replied

"Yeah you" she said

"Who cares, just please turn on my music" I said

"Whatever" Lola said taking my phone

"So what should we do tomorrow?" I asked Sam

"Be lazy" she said

"We already did that yesterday" I said

"Well lets do it again, it was fun" she said with a smile

"How about we go to the mall, and check out some guys" I said

"That's even better" she said

"And plus they got a new store it's called Rue Guy, and I want to check it out" I said

"Man you really are gay" she joked

"Shut up" I said


Nathan and I have been at the mall for an hour and a half, and we've been to all the stores that sell guy clothes. so far I have enough clothes to last me two months straight.

"So do you have enough clothes" Nathan asked

"I've had enough clothes five stores ago" I dead panned

"That's great, you want to get a bite to eat?" he asked

"Sure, lets go to the burger place down the street" I said

"That sounds good" he said

We started walking towards the main entrance.

"Ok so is this your birthday present to me?" I asked him

"Yeah it is" he said

"Good" I said setting the bags in the back seat of his truck

"But don't worry there's more" he said with a grin

"I'm going to be broke" I said looking at my wallet after I sat in the passenger seat

"Don't worry, it's not going to be more shopping, and I paid for half of that stuff" he said in his defense

"Whatever, lets just go eat" I said

"Fine" he said

Nathan put the truck on drive and we left the mall. once we got the the burger place Nathan parked the truck and we both entered.

We walked towards a booth at the back and sat down, at least a minute later a waiter came to us.

"So what can I get for you?" he asked

"A cherri-limeade" I said

"And I'll have the same thing" Nathan said

"Ok I'll be back with your drinks in a few minutes" he said

"He's gay" Nathan said once he was back at the counter

"How can you tell?" I asked

"We'll for one he was checking both of us out, and then you could smell his arousal" Nathan said

"Oh" I said setting down my menu

"Speaking of gay, have you even said one word to your mate?" he asked

"No, not really, and I don't plan on it anytime soon" I said

"You're gonna have to soon" he said

"Why? there's no reason to" I said

" Well the full moon is coming up next week" he said taking a sip of his limeade

"And?" I said looking at the menu

"You're going to want your mate more than ever, and your wolf will do everything he can to get him" he said

"Are you ready to order?" the waiter asked

We both ordered and once he left our conversation continued

"I can control my wolf, I'm an alpha" I replied

"Not even the strongest werewolf can control his wolf" he said

"Then I'll be the first because I don't want to mate with a guy" I said

"Its going to happen eventually" he said

"How do you know?" I asked

"You can't become an alpha unless your mate is standing by your side, alphas are weak when their mates are not by their side" he said leaning
closer to me

"Your dad became alpha once he found his mate" he said

"This is not possible" I said with an irritated tone

"Let's save this conversation for another time" I said after a minute of silence


"Take me home" Sam said getting out of the pool

"What for?" I asked swimming around

"There's at least an hour and a half till the party, and I need to take another shower and I need to do my hair" she said drying off

"Ok, well let's go" I said getting out and grabbing a towel

We hopped in my truck and I drove Sam home, then I swung through Starbucks and got myself a double shot energy iced coffee. Then I was on my way back home.

"Wow, you're in a hurry" my mom said

"Well I have a bit more than an hour to get ready for a party" I said running up the stairs

I ran up the stairs and then walked to my room. I closed my door and walked to my bathroom.

I took a quick shower, but I made sure that I don't smell like chlorine. I finished my shower and then walked back into my room. I dried myself off and went into my walk in closet,to change into the clothes I picked out.

I walked back into my bathroom and re-styled my hair and gave myself one last look in the full length mirror.

I put on some cologne and walked down the stairs and into the living room. I checked the time and I saw that I had a few minutes to kill so, I went into the kitchen to get something to drink.

I walked back into the living room and said bye to my mom as I left out the door.

I got in my truck and made my
way towards Sam's house. I drove up just as her mom was leaving.

"Hey Daniel" she said

"Hi, Sarah" I replied

"What are you up to?" She asked

"Just here to see if Sam is ready for the party" I said "what about you?" I asked

"Just going to run some errands" she said opening her car door

"Oh, well have fun" I said

"Thanks Daniel and Sam should be ready by now, so just go in" she said before getting in her car.

I walked towards the front door and then walked in. I snuck up the stairs and then down the hall way till I found Sam's room.

I peaked in and I saw her dancing around, singing into a hairbrush. I got my phone and started recording her. She's going to hate me for this.

"SAM!" I Yelled and she jumped till she hit the ceiling

"You scared me jerk" she said throwing the hair brush at me.

"Sorry, I thought it would be funny scare you" I said trying not to laugh

"Well, I almost died, would you be laughing then" I said

"After I call the ambulance" I replied with a smirk.

"Jerk" she said going back to doing her hair

"How much longer" I asked sitting at her desk

"And done" she said putting one last thingy in her hair

Before we left out the door, Sam grabbed her purse and her phone so we could leave towards the party.


"Where are we going now" I asked him after we were back in his truck just driving around

"We are going to Sadie's to hang out, she said her family was having a cook out" he said turning right

"Ok, finally I am going to be able to relax" I said with relief

"Oh shut up" he replied

We drove up one last street and arrived on her street.

"There sure are a lot if cars outside her house" I commented

" She said there was a birthday party at one of her neighbors house" he said parking the truck

"Oh, it must be a really big family" I said looking around the street.

Once we got to the door, we walked in and made our way towards the patio.

"SURPRISE" everyone I knew yelled out as the lights came on.

I looked around the backyard when I was hit with a familiar sent, and I immediately pulled Sadie and Nathan back into the house.

"Who invited him?" I asked in a harsh tone.

"Don't look at me" Nathan said

"I did" Sadie said once I looked at her

"Why?" I asked

"Because you need to give him a chance" Sadie said getting out of my grasp

"Why?" I argued

"Because.....I said so" she argued back

"That's a good enough reason for me" Nathan said

"No it's not" I argued

"It kind of is because Sadie gets pretty scary" he said with a shrug

"Thank you Nathan" Sadie said.

"Fine I will give him one chance, and you two can't bother me during the time I'm with him" I told them both sternly

"Whatever, I didn't want to see you fuck that poor guy anyways" Joked Nathan

"I. Am. Not. Going. That. Far" I said kinda irritated

"Ok, man I was just kidding" Nathan said giving me a slap on the back

"Can we get back to the party now" Sadie said

"Sure lets go" I said

Thee three of us walked back out onto the patio, where of course we found people drinking and dancing.


"So which one if us gets to get drunk?" I asked Sam

"You got drunk last time" she said with her arms crossed

"Ok, you can get drunk this time" I said with defeat.

The we both started laughing because we never drunk a beer in our lives.

"Let's got get something to drink" she said pulling me to the coolers

I went to the snack table and got myself a cupcake. Hopefully I don't look fat in front of all these cute guys.

Not a moment later and Sam showed up with two cokes

"Here" she said handing me a coke

"Thanks" I said taking the coke.

"So, any cute guys around here?" she asked

"A few" I said looking around at all the people dancing

"Let's go dance" Sam said putting down her coke and we went on to join the rest of people

We were all dancing, having fun when a girl I couldn't figure out who it was got a microphone and said

"Hey everyone I just wanted to wish Eric a happy birthday" then I knew who it was....Amy.....

Then everyone started cheering and screaming.

"And we can't forget to say congratulations to the class president" she said with an evil smirk as everyone started cheering again and then she added "the senior class faggot" and then walked off the stage with a grin and everyone was just as silent as can be.

I could feel everyone staring at me.....

So that's how it's going to be, ok so two people can play this game.

I started walking towards the stage but Sam tried stopping me but she couldn't and everyone made a little path for me to get through.

I got onto the stage and grabbed a microphone.

"I guess this is confession time, huh Amy" I said with a smile

"Well, I don't know if any of y'all remember the assembly we had about AIDS and HIV" I started

"Shall I continue Amy?" I teased

"Anyways, the cause of that assembly was because, darling little Amy here, was caught having sex in the gym supply room" I said with an evil smirk and everyone stayed silent

"Sorry not sorry and Happy Birthday Eric" I added before walking off stage

I walked back towards Sam and then she pulled me to the side

"Do you know what you just got yourself into?" she hissed

"Don't remind me" I said getting a coke


"What just happened?" Sadie asked both Nathan and I

" I have no idea" I replied

"All I know it that your mate is gay" Nathan said

"That means you'll actually have a chance" Nathan said

"I would've had a chance even if he was straight" I said

"Oh someone's very confident" said Sadie

"Just look at me" I said striking a pose

"And that ass" Nathan said as he slapped it

"Watch it gay boy" I said graving his arm

"Look who's talking" he smirked pointing at me while pointing at my mate

"Go talk to him" Sadie said while pushing me towards his direction

"Why?" I said turning around

"This would be a good time to do it" she said

"How do you know" I dead panned

"He was just outted" she said

"His friend is there with him though" I said

"Don't be a wuss, you're an alpha, now go" she said pushing me once again


"How bad do you think it's going to be now that you're out?" Sam asked me

"Let's see I'll get my ass kicked and everything else that comes with coming out of the closet" I replied a little harsh

" Don't worry I have your back" she said as if she could save me from a situation

"No offense but you couldn't save me from a situation" I deadpanned before sitting on a lawn chair.

"Ok, maybe you need at least one beer, I'll be right back" she said walking off towards the coolers

I watched as everyone kept dancing and having a good time. Well at least Amy left. This way I'll have a better time.

"Here" Sam said as she sat down next to me

"Thanks" I said just before Sam's phone started ringing

"Ok..."she said ending the call

"What's up?" I asked

"My dad's brother is in the hospital, so they are going to pick me up here at the party" she said with a bored expression

"Ok, well I'll see you later" I said giving her a hug

"Wait your going to stay here?" She asked all confused like

"Yeah, so what if I'm outed I'll be fine, I promise" I replied walking her through the house to the front door

"Ok, but call me when you get home, if you not drunk, and I'll tell Lola to call me just in case" she said before walking to the side walk.

"Ok, bye" I said

After Sam drove off with her dad, I walked back to the back yard where the party was still going, this is going to be fun.



I was standing next to the snack table watching my mate from a distance, and I could clearly see he was buzzed.

It's now or never. I thought to myself

I started walking over to where my mate was standing. Once I got close enough I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

MATE!!! my wolf cried out

This is not the time, just be glad I'm even giving him a chance. I snapped

You wouldn't have a choice once the full moon came around. He snapped back.

I finally just ignored my wolf and to my mate.

"Don't you think you've had enough" I said with a chuckle

"I think so" he said kinda slurred

"How about I take you home" I suggested

"Ok" he said with a bit of a slur

"Can I ask you something?" he asked as we were walking to his truck

"Sure" I replied

"Why are you being so nice to me?" he asked

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at him

"You're the sexy school jock, and I'm the gay guy" he explained

"So, you expected me to be a homophobe?" I asked with a confused face "wait did you just call me sexy?" I added

"Yes, well no I just kinda expected you to be, and I guess I did" he replied with a blush at the end

"Trust me I couldn't be even if I tried" I said under my breath

"What?" he asked

"So where's you truck at?" I asked in reply

"Right over there" he said pointing to a cherry red Ford truck

We walked over to it and he handed me the keys. I unlocked it an got in, and let me tell you, it looked nice on the inside.

"Now can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Go ahead" he said buckling up

"What the hell happened back at the party?" I asked turning on the ignition

"How much time do you have?" he asked

"How ever much I takes" I replied

He started telling me about how they were best friends before and then that they started fighting one day, but he doesn't render what happened exactly, and it took about five minutes for him to tell me everything. Then I remembered I don't know where he lives...

"Quick question, where do you live exactly?" I asked

"205 Alpha dr" he replied, wasn't that ironic

Since I kind of knew where I could find his street, I started heading in that direction. I drove down the blocks till I found his house. I parked in the drive way and we both got out of the truck. I walked him to his door step and he leaned against the door.

"How are you getting home?" he asked me

"Nathan lives on this street, I'll just crash there tonight" I replied leaning against a pilar

"Ok, well goodnight" he said and right before he went inside he gave me a peck on the cheek......
