They Coming For Us

Layla was up early getting dressed she mustered up enough courage to go speak with T and see if she would give her a job.

She could barely fit any of the clothes she had at Stitch place the shirt was tight on her poking belly 

Layla rubbed her stomach speaking to her son, deep down she knew it was going to be a boy.

Stitch coming out the bathroom 

Stitch: Where you headed 

Layla: I am going to talk with T I need a job 

Stitch: You know I can take care of you 

Layla: I know you can but I also don't want to be sitting around doing nothing you know I like working

Stitch: You still need to take it easy and be on the look out ain't no telling if that bitch Dalia try to retaliate 

Layla: You think she gone try to hit T again 

Stitch: For sure they both want blood and they ain't gone stop until one of them is laying 6ft in the ground 

Layla: Well we all know who is going to come out winning. That bitch Dalia was a little slow 

Stitch: Just be careful do you need me to drive you 

Layla: No I am good I am not handicap 

Stitch: That's one thing I didn't miss is yo smart ass mouth 

Layla: You know you missed me 

Layla kissed Stitch and headed out the door 

Stitch was actually happy that Layla was back so he could keep and eye on her and his child himself verses her being all the way in Cuba. Since she has been back he has actually been able to get a good nights sleep.

T had Layla meet her at the one of their regular restaurants  even though she was giving her another shot she wasn't bringing her to the warehouse she didn't have time for Layla to be fucking up shit again 

T sat in the back where she had full access to see who was entering and leaving the restaurant just in case anyone tried anything. Little did they know the people behind the bar, the waitress and the people in the kitchen all worked for T. T had a couple of establishments all over New York that no one knew she owned. T was sitting pretty she had money coming in from left and right.

Layla walked in and took a deep breath 

You got this girl calm your nerves 

Voice Shaking Hey T 

Fatima: Hey have a seat 

Layla: First I wanted to say thank you for giving me and my baby rubbing her stomach a second chance. I know you are not a person of second chances so I promise I won't fuck this up and I am clean 

Fatima: Glad your clean and congrats on the baby 

Layla: Thank you 

So I am not sure what all Zac told you but I would like to see if I can work at the grocery store 

Fatima: I can see if there is a need at the grocery store 

So do I need to be worried about something you may have told Dalia 

Layla: No definitely not I didn't tell her shit 

Fatima: So what did she want to know 

Layla: How you ran your business where all your spots were, she was trying to take you out 

Fatima: You think she gone succeed next time 

Layla: Is this a trick question 

Fatima: Nope 

Layla: Hell fucking no that lady missing some brain cells 

Fatima: You can head over to the grocery store Tim should be expecting you 

Layla: So you knew this entire time you were going to let me work there 

Fatima: Just needed to make sure you didn't run your mouth like you did to your Therapist Mercedes. It's unfortunate that she had an accident and is no longer with us.

Next time you have a problem I better be the first person you tell or you and the person you tell will be dead 

Am I clear 

Layla: Perfectly clear 

Thanks again 

Layla waited until she walked out to smile 

New Crew 

Killas was a new young crew trying to make a name for themselves in these New York Streets. even though they were still new they had a a nice amount of young soldiers ready to ride out and kill to get what's theirs.

Monet was the leader and Cash ranked next in line 

Cash: Man did you hear Dom and Kev went missing 

Monet: Yeah that's tough I tried to warn them dumb niggas 

Cash: Man their parents are fucked up 

Monet: Well they can stop looking because they ain't about to be found not if Zac got to them 

Cash: Zac the biggest drug dealer in New York 

Monet: Yup 

Cash: And they dumb ass didn't know who the fuck he was and what he's capable of 

Monet: I tried to warn them but they were too greedy 

Cash: Shit that's crazy okay listen I got this new shit that's been taking over the streets. We need to break this shit down and make a version of our own 

Cash pulled the bag of pills from his pocket filled with Sweet 

Cash: Man I am telling you who ever made this shit making bank 

Monet: And how the fuck we gone make our own version that shit can take forever 

Cash: My little Chem Bae said she been working in the lab with this chic and she think she is the one making this pill

Monet: And she fucking positive 

Cash: Not 100% but she gone try to find out. And if she is shit I say rob they ass and we start making our own product

Monet: That don't sound to bad but do we know who the fuck is behind  this new drug 

Cash: Naw who ever it is staying low key 

Monet: We need to find out who the fuck it is I don't want to start a war with the wrong muthatfucka 

Cash: Nigga how else we gone make a name for ourselves fuck that shit we taking every damn thing then they gone be coming to us 

Monet: Unless you want to end up like Dom and Kev we gotta play this shit smart. Have yo gurl find out all she can then we can make a move

Cash and I know how you get don't fucking move unless I give the order 

Cash: I got you nigga 

Cash pulled a pill out the bag and swallowed it 

Cash: You want one 

Monet: Nigga I don't want that shit 

Cash shrugged his shoulders more for me 

Monet: Yo ass gone get hooked on that shit

Cash: Man this shit make me feel like I am floating on a puffy cloud I don't mind being hooked 

Monet walked away shaking his head 

Cash was hot headed and did what the fucked he wanted and didn't take orders from no one expect Monet.  Monet thought things through verse jumping into shit that could cost them their life. 

Having something like Sweet under their belts would be a good boost for their crew but Monet also had to be smart about it this wasn't going to be easy.


Cruz sat in his fully furnished jail cell eating his lamb chops and asparagus with a glass of the best wine 

Cruz was doing life in prison but was still living like he was on the outside. Fatima was taking care of the outside while he was holding it down on the inside 

The drugs were being snuck in by the shady cops. Cruz had everybody on his payroll even the Warden. 

Warden was eating out the palm of Cruz hands the amount of dirt Cruz had on the warden could bury him and have him sitting in the same jail cell 

The Warden had a prostitution ring going on in the basement of the prison. The inmates with good behavior and heavy pockets got to get some alone time with the women. 

Cruz provided the drugs and the Warden provided the women 

Cruz decided to take a walk to the library and check out some new books 

As Cruz made his way to the library everyone cleared the way. Cruz men were a few steps behind him 

As Cruz made it to the library he was stopped by an unfamiliar guard that he never seen before 

Guard: Library is closed back to your cell 

Cruz: Not for me it ain't 

Guard: And what makes you so fucking special 

Cruz men was about to step to this cocky ass guard but Cruz stopped them 

Cruz: I can see that you are new maybe you should go talk to the Warden and move the fuck out my way 

The guard stood there with his chest poked out and arms crossed not moving 

Cruz bite down on his bottom lip getting pissed. he cracked his neck and gave the guard a jab to the throat.

The Guard grabbed his throat gasping for air dropping to his knees

Cruz: Stupid rent a cop muthafucka

Cruz man: Get that man an inhaler 

Mimicking the guard trying to catch his breath 

Cruz walked down the aisle looking for a specific book when he over heard 2 inmates talking about taking someone out tonight 

Person 1: It has to be tonight or she's not gone pay us 

Person 2: She the one that want this nigga touch and ain't giving us no time to plan shit 

Person 1: How much planning do we need to take out this old street nigga. He probably ain't even got it in him no more.

Person 2: He use to run New York 

Person 1: Key word use to that nigga is washed up are you in or not 

Person 2: Shit count me in.

Person 1: Bet, I'll get that new guard to help us 

Person 2: Then he gone want in on the cut I ain't fucking with that 

Person 1: He just want his dick sucked and he'll be fine 

Person 2: I knew his ass was sweet 

Person 1: You gotta do what you gotta do shit I ain't ashamed I am locked up for life I get pussy every now and then but I also got someone covering my back 

Person 2: Naw I'll help but I ain't sucking no dick 

Person 1: I didn't say you have to 

Cruz bumped into the shelf 

They hurried up to see if someone was listening in on them, Cruz was already out the library 

Cruz: Some shit is about to go down tonight 

Somebody coming for me, let me know what y'all hearing 

Cruz Man: I'm on it 

When Cruz got back to his cell and called Fatima

Phone ringing 

Fatima: Hey daddy everything okay 

Cruz: Yeah everything good just wanted to hear your voice and make sure you were good 

Fatima: Yeah I'm good 

Cruz: Okay I may be laying low for a couple days some shit about to shake up in here but I don't want you to worry 

Fatima: Do I need to get some extra bodies on the inside 

Cruz: No I got that covered just be careful and I will update you once it's over 

Fatima: Okay daddy be careful love you 

Cruz: Love you too babygirl 

They hung up the phone 

Even though Fatima knew her dad could handle his own that call worried her 

Zac seen the look on Fatima face change

Zac: Everything okay 

Fatima: Yeah I think so that was my dad he said some shit about to go down and told me not to worry 

Zac: Your dad is an old street nigga he got it

Fatima: I know but I still worry 

Zac: Do he know who coming for him 

Fatima: He didn't say 

Cruz put things in to motion he knew they were coming for him tonight 

He got a body from the prison morgue put it in his bed and pulled the covers up to his head 

And waited and just as he suspected the new rookie cop opened up his cell and let the two men in 

They started stabbing the dead body with a chiseled pic 

When they thought they were done they took a picture of the body 

They texted Dalia a picture and said RIP Cruz 

Man 1: That was easy money 

Man 2: Hell yeah we may be able to get some ass now that we got some money 

Man 1: Yes sir 

When they made it back to their cell it was like they seen a ghost 

Cruz was sitting and waiting for them 

Cruz: You little niggas look like you seen a ghost 

Looks like the mission failed, lets take a trip to the basement 

Cruz was about to get some answers even if he had to beat it out of them 

It was about to be a war who ever was coming for him was about to find out he is not to be played with 

If it's a war they want they will get it 
