Lights Out

Business was going good for Fatima and Zac their money almost tripled since they decided to go into business together. Zac was pretty much up under Fatima all the time he barely wanted to go home. 

Fatima watched as Zac slept peacefully in bed. She looked out the window starring at nothing it was pitch black outside. Even though it's dark and she couldn't see anything there could always be someone looking at her and she would never know it just like Lola was doing.

Since she was up she decided to make Zac some breakfast which is something that she never done. Fatima had been hard her whole life she actually liked the softer side of being able to do things for her man. The streets were a different thing she would never show her soft side that would be the day all hell would break loose.

She made some bacon, eggs, breakfast potatoes and some pancakes with some orange juice on the side 

Zac must have smelled the food because he came walking in the kitchen wiping his eyes 

Zac: This must be a dream cause I know the infamous T ain't in here cooking me breakfast 

Fatima smiled 

Fatima: I am gotta feed my man 

Zac: What did I just hear my man 

Fatima: Yes my man my man 

Wrapping his arms around Fatima 

Zac: Yes ladies and gentleman this lady is finally mine 

Fatima: Now don't go bragging 

Zac: Oh you know I'm about to brag and tell every fucking body so they know not to fuck with you 

Fatima: They know not to fuck with me whether I'm yours or not 

Zac: True, thanks for making me breakfast cause I am starving 

Fatima: You always starving have a seat I will make you breakfast 

Zac: And she serves 

Fatima: Stop it 

Zac: What's that Destiny Child's song 

Zac singing the words

Let me cater to you 

Cause baby this is your day 

Do anything for my man 

Baby you blow me away 

Zac: You get the rest 

Fatima: You're a mess 

Zac: For you I am 

Fatima made their plates then they sat and ate breakfast together. Today was the big day the Grand Opening for the grocery store. Fatima and Zac would be off to the side while Tim was in the spotlight. Even though Zac and Fatima cleaned up nicely they didn't want any attention put on them.

Tim goofy self was nervous the entire time they had to prep him on his speech and everything. Tim couldn't turn it down he was getting paid a generous amount to be the person behind the grocery store and run it. The people ain't gone think twice about a geeky white man putting a grocery store in the hood.

Fatima got dressed and put on her all black pants suit with just a peek of cleavage. Zac matched her fly with his all black suit as well. Fatima fixed Zac's tie and they headed out the door.

Stitch and Tip were the only ones attending the grand opening as well they would be out in the crowd with the other locals.

Stich and Tip were on the opposite side of Zac and Fatima observing the crowd.

Andrea had been calling Tip but he kept sending her to voicemail 

Andrea: What the fuck are you doing 

Drea got up and threw on some clothes and headed to the warehouse where she seen Stitch and Tip talking she decided to follow them and see what they were up to. 

She had got a text saying work was delayed this morning and they would check in later.

Drea decided to follow them and see where they were going she pulled up to what looked like a grand opening she watched from across the street 

Andrea: Why the hell would they be here it must all be connected 

Drea pulled out her phone and started taking pictures. When everything was done she was about to pull off but she seen Tip and Stitch talking to a well dressed man and woman 

Andrea: Now who are these fine looking people they look important and they look expensive as hell 

Drea took more pictures 

Tip: Nice turn out  this is fucking genius

Zac: All Fatima's idea 

Tip: I fucks with it, we about to make this money 

Fatima: Ya'll know what that means more money more problems.

Zac: Exactly that means we gotta stick together and be on high alert, niggas gone be coming left and right especially with this new product we got 

Fatima: If we need to clean house again then that's what we  need to do. Tip how's it going with this Drea bitch 

Tip: I bugged her phone so I will see what the hell she been up to 

Fatima: I want her gone asap 

Tip: I'll handle it 

Tip looked acrossed the street and thought he seen someone 

Drea ducked so fast 

Andrea: Shit I hope his ass didn't see me let me get my ass outta here before I get caught 

Drea sped off 

She called Ben 

Andrea: Hey I think I finally got something, I think I know who's the leader over the drug cartel I will send you the pictures later. We fucking did it 

Drea headed to the warehouse to get to work 

Tip listened to Drea's calls and after what he heard this bitch had to go. He knew it was her ass across the street 

Tip called Stitch 

Stitch: What's up you miss me already I just seen yo ass

Tip: Nigga shut up but on another note I just listened to this bitch call and she is indeed working with the fucking police someone named Ben 

Stitch: Ben Ben that was the rookie detective that was sitting outside my place. He came around asking questions about Lola and shit

Tip: Well after we handle this bitch we gone handle him next 

Stitch: What you got in mind 

Tip: We about to have a little fun and I think I am going to invite my buddy Skip along for the ride so he can have some fun as well since he wanted payback 

I'm gone make her think we going on another date 

Then surprise bitch you thought you could take us down 

Stitch: Let me know when and where I gotta go handle some business 

Tip: Alright I'll be in touch 

Tip reached out to skip and filled him in on the plan for tonight 

Stitch did some digging on this Dalia Garcia person to see what he could find out. She was just another T but she didn't have anything T. Stitch knew that he wasn't going to be able to get in and out without being caught. Once he touched down they would be waiting on him and that would only put Layla in danger.

As far as everyone knew it Layla was dead so he couldn't ask anybody for help because their loyalty lies with T. 

There was a knock at the door.

He was confused cause he wasn't expecting any visitors 

He checked the peep hole and seen it was T 

Thinking to himself fuck she must know Layla ain't dead she ain't never just popped up to my house. Stitch tucked his gun in his waist and opened the door 

Stitch: Hey this is new why you on this side of town 

Fatima: I was just making my rounds and I haven't stopped by in a while so I decided to stop by is that okay are you expecting anyone 

Stitch: It's coo and hell naw I ain't expecting anyone 

Fatima: Okay you doing alright 

Stitch: Yeah I'm good 

Fatima: You sure 

Stitch: Yup 

Fatima; Would you tell me if you wasn't and if something was wrong 

Stitch: Yeah Yeah I would  stuttering 

Stitch was lying straight through his teeth 

Fatima: Can I use your restroom 

Stitch: Sure you know where it's at 

Fatima walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind her 

Stitch looked out the window to see if Fatima had reinforcements waiting outside. His ass was so nervous he started straighten up his place 

Fatima looked in the mirror and reapplied her Mac matte red lipstick. She washed her hands and  threw away the paper towel when she noticed something on the floor. She leaned down and picked up the piece of box that looked like it belonged to a First response pregnancy test. She put it in her pocket 

She started calculating shit in her head 

Fatima: Alright I am about to head out. Tip said Drea will be dead by tonight 

Stitch: Yup I am going to meet up with him later 

Fatima: Okay let me know when it's done and be careful 

Stitch: Most definitely 

Stitch locked the door behind Fatima he let out a huge sigh his ass was scared.

Lights Out

Drea forgot all about sending the pictures to Ben and returning his call. As soon as Tip said he wanted to take her out on another date and that this time was gone be special her ass got excited. 

She hopped out the shower and blasted Meg Thee Stallion new song Hiss 

The song was so good she had to play it again 

Andrea: This song go hard as fuck 

She shaked her ass in front of the mirror 

Andrea: I'm gone give this nigga some tonight and he better not decline me again 

She put on her red body con dress with her stilettos 

I hope I don't look to hoe ish 

Looking at herself in the mirror 

Naw I look good as fuck 

Tip knocked on the door 

Daddy's here 

She opened the door 

Tip: Damn you look good ready for a great night 


Andrea: Thank you 

Tip opened the door and let her in the car 

Andrea: Where are we going 

Tip: It's a surprise just sit tight 

Andrea: Well what made you want to take me on another date 

Tip: The first one was just a test this is the real deal 

Andrea: So you gone give me some dick this time 

Tip: Maybe maybe not 

I gotta make a stop first to the warehouse you don't mind do you 

Andrea: Nope I'm just happy to be out and about 

Tip pulled up to an abandoned warehouse 

Tip: Come on I may need yo fine ass to sweet talk this nigga 

Andrea: I ain't no damn hooker 

Tip: Did I say you had to open your legs I just need your looks 

Andrea: Okay damn 

Drea got out of the car and pulled her dress down a little. They walked into the building it was dark . Stitch came out of nowhere 

Andrea: Why the hell you in the dark 

Stitch: Don't worry about it 

Andrea: What's your problem with me 

Stitch: You're a fucking rat 

Andrea: I don't have time for this shit I am going back to the car 

Tip: Stay yo ass right here 

Andrea: You ain't my fucking daddy 

Andrea started walking towards the door 

Tip pulled out his gun 

I said stay the fuck right here 

Drea turned around slowly 

Andrea: So you just gone shoot me what the fucking is going on 

Stitch: You, your the fucking problem 

Tip: You can drop the fucking the act we know that you been working for the police Ben to be exact 

Drea knew she was fucked now 

Thinking to herself how the fuck did they find out 

Andrea: So this fucking set up 

Stitch: Yup you thirsty bitch 

Tip: So what were you expecting to do 

Drea started stuttering 

This detective approached me about how he thought Lola was killed so I told him I could get on the inside and find out more information 

Tip: So you ready to risk your own fucking life to check on another muthafucka that was un loyal too. You bitches are all the same at this point 

Welp that sucks for you cause you ain't walking outta here 

Andrea: I have a kid

 Stitch: Don't look like you were thinking about your kid when you made this decision no grace given 

Tip: This not even the best part we got a special guest for you 

Come on out buddy 

Skip came skipping out 

Skip: Remember me bitch you ball biting bitch 

You thought I wasn't gone find yo ass 

Surprise surprise 

Drea couldn't move she was fucking screwed and she was about to die 

Andrea: Go ahead and get it over with 

Skip: Naw Bitch I want to take my time and you owe me a fucking blow job 

Tip: Nigga I don't want to see all that shit 

Skip: Then close ya fucking eyes but I ain't leaving until she gives me a blow job 

Stitch: Ya'll both fucked up I'll be outside just hurry up 

Skip: Drop down on your knees 

Drea got down on her knees and closed her eyes 

Skip pulled down his pants and whipped out his dick 

Skip: Open wide 

Before he could put it in 

Tip fired one shot into the back of Drea's head 

Skip: Nigga why did you do that do 

Tip: Because we didn't come here for no fucking blow job I thought you wanted to handle business. Looks like you just wanted to bust a nut now get the fuck outta here 

Skip pulled up his pants and stormed out of the warehouse 

Stitch called T and told her the job was done

Tip: Now we need to handle that fucking detective Ben 

Stitch: Agreed 

Tip: So it doesn't look like she sent those pictures or called him according to her last text he texted her asking to call him and send the pictures

Stitch: We just need to handle him as soon as possible 

Tip: He gone come looking 

Stitch: But to late muthafucka 

Lights Out 
