Cash Losing It

Layla finally see's Stitch pull in the driveway. 

Layla: Bout fucking time 

Layla didn't even let him get in the door good enough 

Layla: Damn I been blowing up your fucking phone did you not see my calls

Stitch looking at Layla crazy 

Stitch: Hello, good evening damn I ain't even get in the house good enough. I am not attached to my damn phone all day 

Layla: Well it was important 

Stitch: What's so fucking important 

Layla flashing the tracker she found on his jacket in his face 

Stitch: What the fuck you doing with a tracker

Layla: It was on your jacket

Pointing to the jacket hanging on the chair 

Stitch: Get the fuck outta here 

Layla: No lie so there was this car parked outside the house earlier so I played it off and walked to the corner store and two bitches were in there. I bet they were watching yo ass

Stitch: What they look like

Layla: Some fucking prostitutes some low budget ones at that 

Stitch: I bet it them same bitches we seen at the strip club the other day 

Layla: So you chilling in strips clubs when you suppose to be working 

Stitch: Don't start we just went for a drink and we were not in there long any way 

Layla: Make sure you let T know because I don't want no smoke and the tracker was on you not me 

Stitch: Chill out I am going to tell her and you just gone say fuck me 

Layla: Maybe a little I love you but I ain't fucking with T crazy ass. Don't tell her I said that but yeah 

Stitch: I'm about to call her now.

Phone Ringing

Stitch: Hey T didn't mean to call you late 

Fatima: You're alright what's up 

Stitch: Do you remember some call girls having a branded tattoo on they ass

Fatima: Yeah, I think so  those are Camilia Girls 

Stitch: Well looks like they are a little far from home. They are here in New York and it no coincidence I've bumped into them twice and one of them managed to slip a tracker on me 

Fatima: I see how did you find the tracker 

Layla listening in on the call pointing to herself 

Stitch: Layla found it and she seen the girls sitting outside our spot 

Fatima: I am assuming they were trying to get close to you to get on the inside and get close to me 

Let them follow you and we will corner them bitches guarantee they won't be returning home

Stitch: Alright I'll keep you posted 

Fatima: Thanks for letting me know 

Fatima hanging up the phone 

Zac: Who's coming for you now 

Fatima turned around and Zac was standing there butt ass naked. Fatima was just staring 

Zac snapping his fingers to snap Fatima out of being dick matized 

Fatima: My bad I can't focus it's just staring at me 

Zac had just got out of the shower

Fatima licking and biting her lips

Fatima: Looks like Carmen called in some reinforcements her friends sent some of her call girls down here to try and get some intel 

They gone need a whole fucking army to try and take me down. Now I'm going to have to show them how it's done

Zac: You gone show them 

Fatima: Yup, but how about you show me a couple things right now I may need a refresher 

Zac: I can refresh your mind 

Fatima: I want to be fucked no soft shit 

Zac: That must be T talking 

But I can get T together too 

Fatima smiled as she removed her clothes.

Cash and Monet 

Monet was still pissed after their spot burned down Cash could only be laying low at one place. Monet always looked at Cash as his little brother but Cash was always a problem.

Monet Pulled up to Kenya's spot 

He knocked on the door and it opened. As soon as he stepped foot in the house a smell greeted him. 

Holding his nose 

Monet: What the fuck is that fucking smelling 

Looking around the house he seen a sheet on the floor he looked under the sheet and seen Kenya's rotten body full of maggots. 

He covered the body back up and vomited 

Monet screaming 

Monet: Cash I know you are in here 

Monet went to the bedroom and Cash was knocked out on the bed with a wine bottle in his hand 

Monet kicked the bed 

Monet: Nigga wake your bitch ass up 

Cash still out of it waving Monet off

Monet pulled Cash out of the bed by his feet 

Hitting his head on the ground

Cash: What the fuck wrong with you nigga

Monet: Yo ass is losing it man

Cash: Like you care

Monet: Where the fuck is my money and my product

Cash: That shit is gone I smoked that shit away and brought a tombstone for my lady

Monet: I know you fucking lying

Monet started tearing up the place looking for his stuff. Cash just sat on the ground laughing hysterically

Cash singing She's dead She's dead

Monet looked in the stove and there was his money and product

He put the stuff in the duffel bag then headed towards the front door

Cash stood in front of the door

Cash: You not leaving up outta here nigga

Monet: Man if you don't move yo drunk incoherent ass out my way

Monet pushed Cash out the way and left

Monet made sure he called the police and reported a dead body as he was pulling off cop cars were surrounding the house.

Cash thought he was tweaking for a minute he finally snapped out of it when he looked out the window and seen cops

Cash: Bitch ass move

Cash grabbed his gun and ran out the back door

The cops busted in the front door

Cop: He ran around back, young black male with dreads wearing all black.

Cash didn't look back he didn't know where the fuck he was running to but he knew it needed to be far away from Kenya's place.

He ended up hiding in a dog house until the coast was clear


Tim had got to the grocery store earlier than normal. Normally Bones would meet him there but Tim couldn't wait. As he was opening the door someone pressed a gun to his head 

Cash: Don't you fucking move or I will blow your head off 

Tim turning red in the face 

Tim: Please don't hurt me I don't have anything I am just a tech nerd 

Cash: Do you think I give a fuck hurry up and open the fucking door before someone see's us 

Tim dropped the keys 

Tim: Sorry I got slippery fingers 

Cash: Open the fucking door with spit flying out of his mouth 

Tim opened the door then cash shoved him into the grocery store 

Cash: Now show me where you keep the money 

Tim: We don't keep money here they bring it in every morning. I just open the store 

Cash: Bullshit 

Cash hit him over the head with his gun 

Tim: Awww! I'm telling the truth 

Cash: Take me to the back I will look for it myself 

Tim took him to the back office where he threw shit everywhere looking for something 

Cash was doing bad he didn't have any Monet and now he had a warrant out for his arrest for Kenya's body. He had to get out of town quick before he ended up dead 

He had took so many of the Sweet pills he was sweating profusely 

Tim: Are you okay do you need some water 

Cash: Shut the fuck up 

Tim: Okay sorry was just trying to help 

Layla had got up early so she could head to the store so she could get off early to make it to her doctor's  appointment. She pulled into the parking lot and it was empty as hell. 

Layla: Tim ass already here 

Hopefully his ass don't talk my ear off 

Walking into the store

Layla: Tim why do you have the lights off still and you should lock the door until we open.

Layla was walking around looking for Tim 

Layla: Tim where the hell are you, you better not be trying to scare me you know I'm pregnant and I could pee on myself 

Cash heard someone else in the store 

Cash: Who else is here 

Tim: It's probably another employee 

Cash: Let's go 

Cash followed Tim out of the office when they ran into Layla 

Layla: What the fuck is going on 

Cash: A fucking robbery duh 

Layla: Well they don't keep shit here so good luck 

Cash: Give me your purse

Layla: I'm not giving you my purse 

Cash: Do you want to die 

Layla: Do you want to die 

Tim: Layla we are trying to stay alive here 

Cash snatched Layla purse from her and dumped everything out and taking the $100 she had in her wallet 

Cash: Bitch ain't got no money 

Layla: More than what yo broke ass had 

Cash: You got a smart ass mouth 

Cash pulled the trigger back 

Tim: You got what you need there's no need to kill us right Layla 

Layla: Right 

Layla started putting on a showing 

Layla: Please don't kill me I have a baby rubbing her stomach 

Cash: I don't give a fuck 

Layla had to think fast before he killed both of them. Looks like he was missing a couple of screws upstairs. He was sweating all over the place 

Layla grabbed her her stomach ands started screaming 

Awe I think something is wrong bending over grabbing her stomach 

Tim: Help her 

Cash: Nigga I ain't no doctor 

While Layla was bent over she grabbed the gun she managed to slip from her purse while Cash wasn't looking 

She shot one time sending Cash to the ground 

Tim grabbing his ear

Tim: You shot me and what are you doing with a gun 

Layla: Stop bitching I grazed your ear not the same 

Now hurry up and call the police and tell them there was a robbery and the intruder has been shot and killed

Tim: But he's not dead 

Layla: He will be 

Tim's eyes got big

Tim: Are you going to kill him 

Layla: Don't ask any questions you don't want the real answer to 

Tim went and called the police as he was told 

Layla stood her Cash and shot straight in the chest 2 rounds 

She threw a couple things off the shelves so it could look like there was a struggle 

She hit herself in the face and ripped her clothes 

Tim walked back in 

Tim: What the hell happened to you 

Layla: Just let me do all the talking 

The police and ambulance arrived and took their statements and wheeled Cash body away 

Tim was all red in the face in the police were asking questions. 

The cops finally left 

Zac and Fatima showed up to the store 

Fatima: Smart thinking Layla 

Layla smiling 

Layla: Thank you 

Fatima: I want the rest of that crew handled soon 

Tip: We are on it their last spot got burned down we will find them 

Zac: Find them fast and Tim why did you open up the store without Bones being here with you 

Tim stuttering 

Tim: I was all over the place this morning and I didn't think to call him I spaced it sorry 

Zac: We can't have any fuck ups like this again what if we would have had shit in here that would have been a major lost. And trust me what ever we lost would have came out of your pocket plus interest 

Tim gulped 

Tim: No more fuck ups 

Fatima: Did everything go okay with the cops 

Layla: Yup and they took pictures 

Layla showing her face

Layla: Pretty much self defense and the gun is clean so we are good 

Fatima: Alright Bones make sure we leave nothing behind every night I want the stuff taken back to the spot 

Bones: I got it T 

Fatima: Tim don't forget Bones is your muscle without him you shouldn't be making any moves 

Tim: Got it, no more fuck ups and Bones is my bodyguard 

Fatima: Zac I'll meet you at your place in a few 

Zac: Okay be careful 

Zac's Place

Zac's security on guard when a familiar face came walking in the lobby. Or so this person thought she would be remembered 

Lady: Hey Kane long time no see 

Kane: Do I know you 

Brooke: Your kidding me right Brooke Zac's ex 

Brooke did a 360 thinking that Kane would remember who she was 

Still didn't ring a bell 

Brooke: I'm here to see Zac I wanted to surprise him can you let me up 

Kane: I can't do that Miss lady 

Brooke: Why not he's going to be excited to see me 

Kane: I don't know about that I still can't let you up 

Brooke: Dang your killing the mood I'll just wait over here then 

Brooke sat with her back turned towards the door and waited 

Zac walked in about 10 minutes later 

Kane tried to warn him before he got closer 

Kane: Sir you have a visitor 

Zac: Who 

Brooke stood behind him 

Brooke: Hey you long time no see

Zac heard a familiar voice 

Zac turned around 

Zac: Brooke what are you doing here

Brooke: I wanted to surprise you 

Zac: Surprise me for what 

Brooke: I know I did some unforgivable shit but I know you and I know you are a forgiving person 

Zac: I have moved on and I could forgive but I ain't forgot so you can see yourself out 

Brooke: Zac you don't mean that 

Zac: Yea the fuck I do with my whole heart 

Zac didn't even look back at her he pushed the button to the elevator and waited for it to come down

Brooke walked slowly to the exit 

Fatima walked into he building with her head held high as her red bottoms clicked the marbled floors of the lobby. Brooke got a whiff of Fatima's perfume and instantly turned her head to see who had just walked past her 

She watched as Zac held the elevator open and greeted Fatima with a kiss 

Brooke instantly got mad and wanted to know who the fuck this woman was 

Before the elevator closed Fatima felt the look of death from the woman standing near the exit 

Brooke flicked Fatima off before the elevator closed 
