Saving Layla

Stitch and Tip headed to Draya's lab to see what assistance she needed.

Tip: This is real nice I need one of these for myself 

Stitch: And what the hell you gone whip up 

Tip: Something shit can you whip up something for me 

Draya: Of course but I don't know if your pockets are deep enough 

Tip: Damn you the second person that said some shit like that. Y'all make it seem like I am a chump ass nigga 

Draya: No disrespect but it takes a lot of time and money and patience but of course I will deliver every time as you can see

Tip: I fucks with that, is there anything you need from us 

Draya: If y'all could bring the boxes in from my van would be great. My staff will be here shortly 

Tip: Don't hesitate to hit me any time of day no matter what if you need anything 

Stitch waited until they got outside

Stitch: There go yo ass filtering again, every female you see you flirt with 

Tip: I wasn't trying to holler even though she did look sexy as fuck. Brains and beauty definitely my type 

Stitch: Every woman is your type 

Tip: You stay hating on me if that is the case why don't you hook me up with someone 

Stitch: Nigga I don't know anybody 

Tip: Then left me flirt in peace 

Zac's Place 

Zac: Look who is finally back 

Fatima: Sorry it took longer than I expected did you miss me 

Zac: Of course 

Fatima: You would be proud of me 

Me and Stitch had a little conversation on the way to the stash house. I told him I knew Layla was still alive. He pretty much said he tried to get the shit under control and that it isn't easy working under me and he has been as loyal as anyone else 

Zac: Do you agree with that 

Fatima: Yeah I know I can be a little tough at times but I am the leader I have to make sure my team is safe at the end of the day

Zac: I get it, it's not easy running shit but we can also make mistakes too I am glad you thought about it and he's not dead 

Fatima: So this is a fresh start but I did tell him don't keep shit else from me ever again. And  if Layla steps out of line I am going to shoot her my damn self pregnant or not.

Zac: I am with you on that you gave her a second chance now what she does with that is on her but I am proud of you baby I see you listening 

Fatima: I always listen just may not agree all the time 

I do have to go to Cuba 

Zac: What's in Cuba 

Fatima: Remember I told you about Dalia well she lives in Cuba and that is where Layla ran away to. Now she is wanting to use Layla to get to me 

So now I have to go to Cuba and show this bitch who she is fucking with 

Zac: Do you need me to go with you

Fatima: No this will be a quick trip plus we need someone here just in case shit goes left. Stitch is going to go I will fill you in on the plan just in case things don't go as planned

Zac: If it does I will be on the first jet to Cuba 

Fatima: Aww you gone come to my rescue 

Zac: Of course with no hesitation 

Fatima: Hopefully we won't have any problems but I want her to know I am coming so she won't be caught off guard cause she gone need all the planning 

Zac: Don't go easy on her 

Fatima: Definitely not going easy on her ass 

Zac: Now enough of enemy talk I want to chill and love on you 

Fatima: You speaking my language which one do you want to do first the chilling or the loving 

Zac: Let's do the loving first 

Zac walked up to Fatima and started undressing her 

Fatima: I don't want no lovey shit I got some built up frustration to release 

Zac: Say less 

Zac pinned Fatima up against the wall she tried to turn and face him but he turned her back around and gave it to her just how she asked 

Fatima stood there and took it instead of moans Fatima was screaming 

Zac: Were you able to relieve some frustration 

Fatima: You helped me relieve some of my stress now let me help you 

Fatima walked Zac over to the couch and rode him until his eyes rolled to the back of his head 

They showered and cuddled on the couch and watched BMF 


Dalia: I am getting impatient have my people made their way to New York yet 

Fabio: Not yet 

Dalia: Why not what the fuck are y'all waiting for I need y'all to follow up on what Layla gave us to see if her ass is lying or not 

Fabio: I will make sure we leave out tonight 

Dalia: Good what the hell am I paying y'all for to sit around and do nothing

Fabio: I mean we have been sitting on Layla for weeks and she ain't made a move yet 

Dalia: That's because she thinks she is smarter than me, I know she has made contact she just didn't use her phone so she has another way of reaching out so I am going to need you to find out can you do that. 

Or do I need to find someone else since dumber and dumber can't get it right 

Fabio: You don't have to be so fucking rude we've done every wild goose chase you asked us to. You are chasing someone that can put our lives in danger all because this fucking childhood ego you have 

Dalia: I am going to forget you even said that make your fucking way to New York before I just shoot your ass

Fabio just left before he said something else and snapped on Dalia 

Fabio talking to himself and this is another reason why yo ass ain't on top. Yo ass trying to hide in the fucking shadows scary ass bitch 

Hugo: Why do you let her get you so worked up 

Fabio: I really can't stand that bitch, I got something up my sleeve 

Hugo: Fill me in on the plan 

Fabio: Naw I want to think about it first then I'll fill you in 

Hugo: Bet 

Fabio: I'lll head to New York and you can keep an eye on Layla 

Hugo: Alright be careful out there 

New York 

Fabio touched down in New York he took in the fresh air and city lights 

Fabio knew that the information Layla gave Dalia was bullshit he was about to put his own plans into motion 

First he needed to find this T person, he asked around town and that only raised concerns for the loyal people that knew T.

Of course it did't take long for word to get back to T that someone was looking for her 

Fatima: Keep eyes on him send me your location and I will be there shortly 

Fabio stopped at a corner pizza parlor to get a slice of the best pizza in the city 

Fabio: 1 slice of pepperoni pizza and a coke

Fabio sat in the corner and enjoyed his pizza 

When T walked in the building she motioned for the owner to lock the doors. She had men at every exit just incase something went down  

Fabio ass wasn't even pay attention to his surroundings 

Fatima: Looks like you came in my city looking for me 

Fabio looked up and had pizza sauce all over his damn face he hurried up and wiped his face and stood to greet T like she was a lieutenant 

Fatima: Sit 

Word around town is that you have been asking around about me 

Fabio: Yes I got some information for you 

Fatima: Looks like you are far away from home 

Fabio: I am I was sent here to get some information 

Fatima: And what information might you be looking for 

Fabio: I am sure you know who my boss is Dalia 

Fatima: I am aware 

Fabio: Well she has one of your people and she is trying to get any information she can to take you down 

Fatima: I see and why would you come all the way here just to tell me that 

Fabio: I want to make a deal, I can let you know what Dalia moves are so that way you can be two steps ahead of her 

Fatima: You must not know me I am always two steps ahead of everyone . I knew it would be only a matter of time before she would send someone to come sniffing around

Are you not scared Dalia will kill you 

Fabio: Hell no she's not as cut throat as you 

Fatima: Glad you know 

So lets say I entertain this offer you have what's in it for you 

Fabio: I want to work with you I will return back to Cuba give Dalia false information on your whereabouts. I will keep you informed every step of the way as to what her plans are

Fatima: Do you know what will happen if you cross me 

Fabio: Yes you would have my head I know you are nothing like Dalia 

Fatima: I will test this out and if I get word that you went against me I won't hesitate to hang you I have people everywhere  

Fabio: You have my word I will not go against you

Fabio reached his hand out for an agreement 

Fatima: Prove yourself then we will see now get the fuck out of my city 

Fabio smiled and did as he was told got the fuck out of New York 

Zac waited in the car until Fatima finished he wasn't comfortable with her going alone. He had a clear view to shoot the mans head off without being close

Zac: How did it go 

Fatima: Looks like Dalia people came to me we gone see what he does he wants in do I trust him hell no but we shall see 

I got eyes on him and will continue to have eyes on him even when he touch down in Cuba 

He's going to report back to Dalia that everything Layla said was correct and once she send her people it's gone be a trap 

I will go meet with her connect in Cuba and use that as a front while Stitch gets Layla

Zac: But she's going to see y'all getting off the plane

Fatima: She only wants me so she will see me getting off the plane the doors will close so she will think I came alone

Once I pull off all eyes will be on me 

She won't even know by the time she figures out Stitch will have Layla

Zac: Are you sure you don't need someone else to go Tip  can go 

Fatima: Babe I will be fine I got some other tricks up my sleeve 

Zac: Okay I would hate to have to fuck some shit up 

Fatima: It's going to go fine this ain't my first rodeo 

Zac: I know it's not 

Next Morning

Dalia: You made it back fast 

Fabio: You said you wanted answers and I did just that I didn't need to stay long I seen it with my own eyes 

Dalia: Okay so is what Layla said true the locations

Fabio: Yup I even seen the drop off locations and everything 

Dalia: YES! it's only a matter of time 

Fabio: I did hear that she is coming to Cuba to meet with a connect for something 

Dalia: Why the hell is she coming here to meet with my connect 

Fabio: I don't know maybe she need a new one 

Dalia: Okay perfect maybe I can set her up what you think 

Fabio: I say go for it she won't even see it coming 

Dalia: Okay we're gone need all hands on deck because this bitch be escaping death every time 

Fabio: You better make sure you have all your ducks in a row you may only get one chance to get at her 

Dalia: Your right , good job I'll fill y'all in tomorrow 

Fabio: Alright I am about to head home I been traveling all night 

Dalia: Alright keep your phone on 

Fabio: Alright 

Fabio texted the burner phone she fell for it plan is a go 

Once Fabio left Hugo came from out the room 

Hugo: He sure did get back fast are you sure you can trust him

Dalia: just keep an eye on him don't fuck this up. If he did go against me he will pay 

Dalia and her team is about to be in for a rude surprise 

T is headed to Cuba 
