
Corey had been doing hits for a long time he was very efficient and accurate. He didn't waste time he always got the job done quickly. So this job wasn't any different. Did he feel bad that he was killing a pregnant woman. Nope, long as the money was right, he took any job.

He sat in his car listening to the police scanner to see if the cops made it to the location in time. Nothing

He switched to another station where they were reporting a young woman and newborn child missing at the hospital.

Corey: Shit I know she isn't still alive

Corey hurried up and rushed to the hospital to see if he could finish the job.

He was sure that Dalia is aware that Layla is not dead.

Once he pulled up to the hospital there were  police and news media everywhere. He pulled off to the side and just observed. He had to come up with a game plan fast.


Fatima sat off to the side Zac could tell Fatima was tired and drained.

Zac: You had a long day you can go home I'll stay here if needed.

Fatima: I wanna be here if anything changes

Zac: Right now Layla ain't waking up no time soon and little man is doing extremely well. You couldn't stop the hit but they are still with us.

Fatima: I know, maybe I should go shut my eyes for a few

Zac: I can have Tip take you home

Fatima: No I am good to drive myself

Zac: You sure

Fatima: Yeah I'm good.

Zac: Alright

Giving Fatima a kiss

Fatima went to go check on Stitch before she left.

Zac: Aye Tip follow T home and make sure she get there safely

Tip: Alright and I need to do something with that nigga in my trunk. We were supposed to head to the warehouse before we got the call about Layla.

Zac: After you make sure T is home take his ass to the abandon building and leave him there we can handle him tomorrow.

Tip: Alright bet

Tip followed behind T and made sure she made it home safely once he knew she was cool he dropped Monet off.

Fatima checked her camera to make sure everything was good. She got an email alert that someone had looked into her background. Someone named Kelsey Price

Fatima: Who the fuck are you and what are you looking for

Fatima looked her up and came across her social media page. Once she started looking through the pictures she seen a face of someone that looked familiar.

Looks like Brooke got you doing her dirty work, guess I will pay her a visit.

Fatima closed the laptop and headed upstairs to take a much-needed shower. She literally hopped off the jet and headed to the hospital.

Fatima turned on the hot water and let it steam up the bathroom before she got in. She took down her ponytail and let her hair free which fell down her back.

She stepped in and let the hot water run down her body 

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath

She suddenly heard a noise she grabbed her gun and turned around so fast.

Zac: It's me don't shoot

Fatima: Fuck I was about to shoot yo ass. Thought you were staying with Stitch

Zac: The night nurses came and there was no need to stay

You got guns in the shower now

Fatima: I got guns everywhere

Zac stepped in to the shower

Fatima turned towards Zac and didn't say anything. She didn't need to he already knew she had a lot on her mind and no matter how much she wanted her mind to rest she couldn't. Zac could see the pain in her eyes he also could see that she was exhausted too.

He took the loofa and washed her body from head to toe

As soon as Zac kissed Fatima her body melted in his arms. He picked her up and led her to the bed he laid her down and poured oil all over her body and massaged it in. She bit down on his lip as he slipped his tongue in her mouth.

She moaned softly as Zac enter her slowly

As Zac was working it in and out Fatima played with her pussy looking directly into Zac's eyes.

That shit turned him on

He held her in his arms and stroked her long and hard until they both were satisfied.

Soon after Fatima had fell asleep.

While Fatima was sleep her phone keep going off Zac looked at the phone and it was a text from an unknow number that read

"You could have said bye before you left thanks for meeting me for dinner heart emoji"

Zac closed the phone but it went off again this time is was someone named Candace that popped up.

She kept calling back to back.

Zac ended up turning off the phone so that Fatima could get some sleep. What ever it is Fatima could handle it in the morning.


Candace  was about to lose her shit. T was not answering her phone and she needed to talk to her asap.

Candace:  What the fuck is she doing

Candace  face was plastered all over the TV screen for the kidnapping of a woman and a baby from the hospital.

Candace  didn't think that they would be that quick with posting a picture. Candace couldn't even go home she had to hide out at some motel.

Candace phone ringing

Candace  answering Hey T

Nicole: Girl this ain't no T and who the hell is T

Candace: Never mind what's up

Nicole: Girl why yo face all over the news did you kidnap those people

Candace: Girl no that person just looks like me

Nicole: Awe okay they got a reward up there

Candace: Oh okay well I gotta go

Nicole: Alright

Candace hung up the phone

Candace: FUCK

If she don't answer I am gone turn myself in and tell everything.

The Next Morning

Fatima woke up Zac was already dressed, reaching over to grab her phone. It was turned out  

Fatima: Did my phone die 

Zac: No I turned it off so you could get some sleep a girl named Candace kept calling back to back. And some texted thanks for dinner.

Zac stood looking out the window fixing his tie with his back turned towards Fatima

Fatima sitting up in the bed with the sheet covering her naked body 

Fatima: You don't have nothing to worry about it was dinner with an Ex 

Zac: Does he know that 

Turning around walking towards Fatima 

Fatima: Yeah I already told him I moved on 

Sitting next to Fatima giving her kisses 

Zac: Long as he know I would hate to have to hurt stripper boys feelings

Fatima looking at him like how did you know he was a stripper. Just like Fatima did her research on Brooke. Zac did his research on Doc.

Fatima just smiled 

Fatima: Let me call Candace and see what she want 

Fatima got up and walked to the bathroom 

Zac just stared at her and admired her 

Fatima called Candace but it went straight to voicemail 

She called from another number that she had for her and she answered

Fatima: Hey what's going on 

Candace: Damn T I been calling you all damn night

Fatima: First off calm down and remember who you're talking to 

Candace: My bad I'm a nervous wreck have you watched the news

Fatima: No 

Candace: You gotta fix this my ass is plastered all over the news for that shit at the hospital 

Fatima: Did you go in as disguise 

Candace: No I thought it was gone be a quick in and out 

Fatima: Well that's where you fucked up where are you now

Candace: I'm at the airport I gotta get out of here 

Fatima: Stay put I will be there in a few 

Candace: Okay hurry 

Fatima hung up the phone

Fatima: Fuck Fuck 

Zac: What's wrong 

Fatima: The person that grabbed Layla and the baby face is on the news she's trying to get a flight outta here

Zac: That's the wrong place for her to be going she should know that.

Fatima: I need to get to her before the police do

Zac: Do you think she will talk 

Fatima: Anyone that works with me knows if you talk you die simple as that. Take the hit and I will try to get you out 

Zac: I am going to go check on Stitch then handle this problem with Tip is has the leader of the Killas Crew at an abandoned spot.

Fatima: Okay let me know how that goes

Zac: Okay be careful 

Fatima: You do the same 

Giving him a kiss before he hoped in shower 

Fatima got to the airport and called Candace

Fatima: Hey I am here come out 

Candace hurried up to the front but when she approached the door two men in plain clothes grabbed her and put her into the police car 

Fatima hit the steering wheel as she seen Candace being placed in the back of the cop car she called Chuck

Chuck: Hey T 

Fatima: Hey a Candace Parker should be coming into the station she just got picked up.

Chuck: The girl that's been all over the news that's one of yours 

Fatima: Yes, make sure she doesn't talk. Tell her to use her job as an alibi the person has already been paid she should be out in no time.

Chuck: Got it, I'll keep you updated.


Corey had been listening to the police scanners all night when he finally got something. Someone had called in anonymous  tip that they had spotted the girl on the news at the airport.

Corey hurried up and rushed to the airport

As he was about to park he seen Candace being handcuffed. He looked in the direction of where Candace was looking and seen a Black Mercedes Benz G Wagon with tinted windows once Candace was put into the cop car the person in the G Wagon pulled off. Corey followed behind them.

Who ever this person was knew Candace.

As Fatima was driving she noticed someone had been following her for quite some time she put her foot on the gas and swerved in and out of lanes to try and lose them. 

Fatima: Who the fuck are you 

Fatima managed to get away after the car got stopped behind a semi truck. 

Corey: Fuck 

Least I got the license plate number 

Fatima wasn't to worried about the license plate number it belonged to some elderly name.


Zac made it to the spot where Layla was Stitch was still by her bedside 

Zac: Man you look like shit literally maybe you should step away for a minute 

Stitch: Naw I'm good 

Zac: You need to make sure you're taking care of yourself too. We got the best doctors and nurses here 24/7 nothing will happen to them. Plus T wouldn't want you up here looking like a zombie

Stitch: You're right I'll just go home clean up then try to get some rest 

Zac: You will be the first person we contact if Layla wakes up 

Stitch: Alright I'll be back in a couple of hours.

Zac sent T an update that everything is still the same and Stitch left to get himself together.

T texted Zac that she didn't make it to Candace in time and that the police got her so she was waiting around until she got released.

Fatima hung up the phone and looked at her messages Doc had sent her more messages she just closed out of it 

Police Station 

Candace sat in the interrogation room panicking she was hoping T didn't set up her. 

Chuck walked in the room and gave Candace a bottle of water 

Chuck: T said she's going to get you outta here don't say shit and you worked last night that's your alibi 

Candace: What 

Candace looking confused because she didn't know who this person was or if she could even trust them.

Chuck: Don't say shit sit tight we will have you outta here soon.

The other police officer came into the room while Chuck stood in the corner observing 

Officer: Candace so you know why you are here

Candace: No not really what is all this about

The officer slid a picture of Layla and the baby across the table 

Officer: Do you know this woman and her baby 

Candace: No am I supposed to 

Officer: You wheeled them out of the hospital yesterday 

Candace: I don't know what you're talking about. And unless I got a twin I couldn't have been in two places at the same time. I was at work 

Officer: So you're saying that this person is not you 

Showing the pictures of the sketch from the news

Candace: Nope but she cute though 

Officer: Chuck will you go check her alibi 

Chuck: Sure thing 

Candace sat there chewing on her gum 

Candace: Y'all lucky my flight got cancelled or y'all would be buying me another flight to Costa Rica

Chuck acted liked he was making sure Candace alibi checked out 

Chuck came back in the room 10 minutes later 

Chuck: Her alibi checks out she was working during the time of the kidnapping 

Candace: She told y'all 

Officer: You're lucky you're free to go 

Candace went to to collect her things then get signed out. 

Chuck texted T and told her Candace was let go 

Candace walked outside the police station and started walking to the front so she could catch an Uber 

She was buried in her phone not paying attention when some grabbed her from behind  and threw her in the trunk of their car. She didn't have time to fight back or nothing it all happened so fast. 

She was screaming at the top of her lungs but her screams wouldn't be heard. The music over powered her screams.

Before Chuck could go outside and tell Candace T was coming to get here he didn't see her anywhere in sight 

He texted T that she was gone.

T tried to call Candace but both numbers kept going to voicemail.

T had used Dalia phone she texted the hitman and told him that they needed to meet up asap as possible

Corey texted back 

I am working on cleaning up the mess now I will text back once it's done

T responded back we still need to meet I will be in New York in 2 days 

Corey knew he needed to hurry up and find Layla to finish the job

Corey: Okay let me know when you touch down 

Corey didn't know he was about to walk into his own death trap

T had enough time to make sure she had everything in order. She was going to hand deliver him over to Stitch 


Monet: This shit is inhumane you had me here all fucking day didn't leave no water, food nothing. 

Tip: Nigga this ain't no fucking four star hotel you lucky I didn't kill yo ass onsite 

Monet: Look you got the wrong person 

Tip: Naw you're with the Killa Crew, y'all been over stepping y'all fucking boundaries and y'all definitely kidnapped the wrong fucking woman 

Monet: Looks I had nothing to do with that shit I told Cash to stand down 

Tip: Well looks like he fucked it up for all y'all

Monet: Who's in charge let me speak to the man that we wearing them nice suits 

Zac walked in as Monet was asking to speak with the man in charge 

Monet: Yeah him 

Zac: Where have I seen you before 

Monet: My crew was trying to rob you and you ended up killing them 

Zac: Yeah you were the smart one that left 

Monet: See I had nothing to do with that shit or the kidnapping 

Zac: Well unfortunately it was your crew that caused all these problems and that's one thing we don't tolerate is disrespect 

Monet: I respect the street code I didn't touch y'all shit and I didn't come after y'all. The person that y'all looking for his dead now 

My crew is dismantled maybe I can come work with your crew

Tip: He don't take fucking strays 

Monet: I ain't no fucking stray I'm a good as solider 

Tip: Who's whole crew bounced 

Monet: You speaking so tough like you know me you were in my shoes once 

Tip: Just let me shot his ass and get it over with 

Zac: Enough y'all fighting like y'all know each other 

Tip: I just don't like niggas coming after our crew

Monet: I said what I said 

Zac: Let me holla at him for a second 

Tip walked to the corner

Zac: Say I let you on board who's to say you won't screw me over 

Monet: Because I'm a loyal nigga and my word is bond 

Zac: I actually see myself in you and I want to give you a shot what you do with it is on you. Just know my crew is not gone make it easy on you and if you do fuck up just know Tip right there gone take yo ass out.

Tip cocking his gun so Monet knew he wasn't fucking playing 

Monet: I promise you won't be disappointed

Zac: Tip take him under you wing show him the ropes

Monet: Better watch out I may do your job better than you my boy 

Tip: Nigga you wish 

Zac: Looks like you got some competition 


Fatima had been calling Candace but it kept going to voicemail. Before Fatima headed home she made a stop 

She walked into the boutique looked through the clothes that looked cheap and something she wouldn't get caught dead in

Woman: Can I help you 

Fatima turning around 

Fatima: No but it looks like you were looking for me 

Brooke rolled her eyes when she realized who was standing in front of her.

Brooke: Don't flatter yourself no one is checking for you 

Fatima: One thing I am not is dumb but you might want to find something safe to plat with because I am not the one 

Brooke: And that's suppose to scare me 

Fatima: I'm sure you did your research and seen the educated side of me but bitch please believe I am sparing you by having this little conversation. But if I have to have this conversation again there won't be anymore talking. 

Brooke Laughed 

Fatima walking towards the door 

Fatima: Oh and make sure you lose my man number we don't fuck with snitches 

cheap ass shit 

Fatima smiled as she walked out the door 

Brooke was left standing there looking stupid 

Fatima went home and hopped in the shower before Zac came 

Zac walked into the room and Fatima phone was going off , he looked at it and seen it was the same number as the night before

Zac answered the call

Doc sounded excited 

Doc: Finally you answered everything good 

Zac: Please stop calling we're good over here 

Doc was silent on the other end of the 

Zac: Fatima won't be calling you back 

Zac Hung up the phone

Candace couldn't see anything it was pitch black she was strapped to the chair with her hands and feet tied

She heard foot steps 

Candace: Hello I can hear you what do you want

Corey walked up and placed a chair directly in front of her and removed the blindfold

Corey: I want answers where is the girl and the baby 

Candace: Who the fuck are you 

Corey: The person that is going to decide if you will live or die if I don't get answers 

Candace: You don't know who you fucking with and I ain't telling you shit 

Corey: I see we gone do this the hard way 

Corey stabbed Candace one in the side 

For every unanswered question I will stab your ass 

Candace: Awe grabbing her side I don't know what you're talking about
