One Step Closer

Stitch made it home and emptied his pockets and threw his shit on the table. He seen he still had one pill left. He looked at the pill debating if he wanted to try it. Thinking to himself shit one pill won't hurt. 

He was about to take it when his burner phone pinged 

He looked and seen Layla had sent him a text 

Hey I went to the doctor today and I am actually further along than I thought I am 9 weeks. The doctor also found drugs in my system.  She was going to report me but I told her I escaped an abusive relationship and I was forced to take drugs

Stitch shook his head as he read Layla's text he was about to call her but he decided not he would just text her

You think she brought it 

Layla texted back 

I believe she brought it I put on my acting skills and cried my ass off 

Stitch sent the laughing emoji 

Hopefully once the rest of the results are back I will be able to see if anything is wrong with he baby 

Stitch replied keep me updated 

Layla texted back Love You 

Stitch just looked at the phone he was about to respond he just decided not to

He got the pill out the bag and swallowed it 

He sat on the couch and closed his eyes the initial rush was a burning sensation followed by a sweet cooling feeling. Stitch didn't fuck with drugs but that shit made him feel good. He drifted off and started dreaming about the life him and Layla would have if they actually wasn't in this lifestyle. He seen a glimpse of his son he had a feeling that Layla was carrying his son 

Stitch was dreaming good until his alarm went off. He fell asleep on the couch in his clothes he looked at the clock and it was 11am. He had hella missed calls and text from T and Tip.

Calling Tip back 

Tip: Nigga where yo ass at I been calling you where the hell you at 

Stitch: My bad overslept I will be there in a little bit 

Tip: Alright right hurry up damn 

Stitch hung up and called T

Stitch: Hey T I seen I missed your call I woke up late 

Fatima: It's cool let me know when you get to the spot 

Stitch: Alright 

Stitch hung up and jumped in the shower 

He was out the door and headed to meet T and Zac.

T: Nice of you to join us 

Stitch: My bad long night 

Fatima: Business is about to be booming the Grand opening for the grocery store is this weekend. We will be running an operation out of the grocery store and using it as a front to clean the money. 

Also we have a new product Sweet that is about to hit the streets once we get our first batch 

Tip: What the hell is Sweet 

Zac shaking his head looking confused 

Fatima: Sweet is my baby that I have been working on for a year now. Stitch tested it out on the street last night and the streets liked it

Tip: Word 

Stitch: Yeah the streets fucking loved it. I ain't gone lie I took the last pill and it knocked my ass out  but it was the best feeling ever. 

Tip: Damn I want to try it shit 

Zac: You too happy to try some damn drugs

Tip: Hey I want to feel amazing too 

Fatima: You will get your chance. Now I hear the Drea chick may be a problem since she don't fuck with Stitch Tip she is now your problem.  Get close to her and figure who she is working with and what she want. Can't have this bitch trying to bring down our organization. Stitch you will man the post and collect the cash. If anyone is short or steps out of line you know what to do. 

Zac was just watching his woman give out orders that shit was sexy as hell. 

Zac: And what do I do ma'am

They all started laughing 

Fatima: You and me are laying low you watch my front and I got your back 

Zac: I can do that

Stitch: Make sure if any shit goes down and something happens to me you better protect her or I will come back to haunt yo ass fro the dead 

Zac: Damn from the dead 

Stitch: Yup and I mean that shit 

Zac looked and Fatima and she shrugged her shoulders 

Fatima: We need this shit to run smoothly we already got a lot of shit going on as it is. 

Andrea: Hey were you able to get anything on those names 

Ben: Not yet I gotta be careful something the systems alerts and send alerts in the system. Once I run the names you will be the first to know 

Andrea: Alright 

Tip: Aye Drea let me take you out to dinner

Andrea: What you want to take me on a date 

Tip: Yeah you cute and I want to get to know you outside of this place 

Andrea: I guess but I ain't no cheap bitch I don't do red lobster or applebees

Tip: Baby I'm a drug dealer not no broke nigga 

Andrea: I'm just saying and you ain't getting no pussy 

Tip: I can get pussy any time I want what's makes yours special 

Andrea: Cause I know my shit got powers 

Tip: That's what they all say 

Andrea: You'll see 

Tip: I'll be to pick you up around 8am, let me get ya number ma 

Andrea put her number in Tips phone then walked away 

Tip: This gone be easy ( rubbing his hands together)

Fatima:m Stitch I need you to come with me to make a run 

Stitch: Is this a run or we about to go fuck somebody up 

Fatima: Fuck some shit up 

Stitch: Good cause I ain't had no damn entertainment in a minute 

Fatima: Good me either it would be like the good ole days. We are going to pay Kane a visit he's trying to go behind my back and cut me out of a deal I made.

Stitch: His grimy ass 

We pulled up to Kane's spot his men were guarding post 

Man: Do you have an appointment with Kane

Fatima: I don't need no fucking appointment now move the fuck out of my way 

The men just stood there not moving 

Fatima: I really hope I don't have to repeat my fucking self 

Stitch put his hand on his gun 

The men moved out the way 

Kane: To what do I owe the pleasure sorry my men were just doing their job 

Fatima: Don't small talk me Kane you know exactly why I am here 

Kane: I'm sorry but I really don't enlighten me 

Fatima: Are you sure you want to play in my fucking face 

Stitch gave Kane a sharp chop to the throat, he grabbed his neck gasping for air 

Stitch: Next time I'm gone snap your fucking neck 

Kane: I wasn't trying to cut you out of the deal 

Fatima: So now you remember keep going 

Kane: I was trying to get a better percentage that's all 

Fatima: So you thought you get 80% from a deal I made was okay. You must have forgot what we agreed on. Once you paid me my money back then your percentage would go up and I am still emptied handed 

Stitch did Kane give you any money 

Stitch: Nope 

Fatima: And that's where we have a fucking problem 

Kane: You can take me out of the deal and I will still pay you back all your money 

Fatima: Oh that has already been done 

T nodded to Stitch Stitch took Kane's hand and placed it on his desk 

Fatima pulled out her gun and shot his hand

Kane: Awe fuck 

Fatima: Next time don't bite the hand that feeds you greedy nigga. I want my money by Saturday  and if I have to pay you another visit I'm gone kill yo ass 

Fatima walked out and hit the guard on the way out 

Fatima: Next time don't make me repeat myself bitch 

Date Night

Tip actually put on something other than all black he put on some nice slacks with a button down shirt.

Tip: See a nigga can dress up I ain't just no average street nigga 

Tip put on his cologne and headed to get Drea 

He pulled up to some old projects

Tip: This bitch acting all bougie when she live here. Bitches stay faking it 

Drea came out the door 

Tip opened the door for her 

Andrea: Oh you open doors 

Andrea: I had to come over my girls house to get ready can't have you knowing where I stay 

Tip: Sure whatever 

Tip ended top taking Drea to a nice restaurant 

Andrea: This is nice 

Tip: I know yo ass ain't use to shit like this. So tell me a little bit about yourself 

Andrea: What you want to know 

Tip: Why you in this line of work 

Andrea: I mean I use to do this back in the day and it's cool money I like it

Tip: You gotta be in this for more than just money 

Andrea: I really don't have a reason I'm just here. You asking all the questions why  are you not the man at the top 

Tip: Who says I ain't the man at the top 

Andrea: You don't give top man vibes I know you are reporting to someone who sits high 

Tip: Damn just say fuck me, but I don't report to no one 

Andrea: The lies who is the boss I would like to meet them 

Tip: There is no boss 

Drea kept going trying to get answers out of Tip 

Andrea: Excuse me I need to go to the girls room 

While Drea went to the bathroom Tip looked in her phone and put a tracking/wire chip in her phone and placed her phone back in her purse

Tip dropped Drea back off from where he picked her up from 

Andrea: You coming in 

Tip: Thought you didn't live here 

Andrea: I am house sitting 

Tip: In the damn projects, naw I'll past I'll see you tomorrow 

Andrea: Fine your loss 

She slammed the door Tip walked off smirking he knew that pussy wasn't hard to get 

Tip heard someone calling his name he looked around and seen a old friend 

Skip: Nigga what yo ass doing in the projects 

Tip: Just dropping off a lady 

Skip: What you dealing with a hood bitch 

Tip: I don't know about hood and I ain't dealing with no one 

Skip: That's what's up, Ya'll need some workers 

Tip: Not at the moment but I will keep you posted we just got some new people 

Skip: Alright for sure let me know, but I heard ya'll got this chick named Drea in ya'll crew now 

Tip: Yeah why you fucking her her 

Skip: Naw that little bitch came to my corner and sold some shit and didn't give me my cut 

Tip: Oh is that right when was this 

Skip: About a week ago 

Tip: Damn shawty left you dry 

Skip: That shit wasn't funny she bite my dick and everything I still got teeth marks 

Tip: Damn, so what you want payback 

Skip: Hell yeah 

Tip: I'll think about and let you know 

Skip: Bet, I'll even give you a cash reward for giving me her 

Tip was going to see what he found out about Drea before he decided to hand her off to Skip. After his date with her she was definitely looking for something and it was just selling drugs. Trust he was going to get down to the bottom of it.
