Fighting Demons

Fatima was following behind Zac to the warehouse

Zac knew he needed to get down to the bottom of what happened. Not only was it messing up his new partnership but it was also making him look bad. Zac didn't like being made a fool of. A lot of people mistaken his kindness for weakness but he could be just as ruthless. He used that as the last resort. Now after these two incidents he wasn't giving any more grace.

Everyone assembled into the warehouse, some people were whispering trying to figure out why they were called out so late. 

Fatima's crew sat off to the side because they didn't have shit to do with what was about to take place.

Zac: I guess my message this morning fell on deaf ears. Because I asked everybody if they had a fucking problem with the direction we are about to go in. Everyone  said no but one muthafucka came forward. And thanks to my partner right there pointing to Fatima he's now sleeping in the grave he made for himself.

Fatima waved her gun in the air with a smirk on her face 

Zac: He tried to steal from the hand that feed him.

Not to mention someone else tried to rob us again tonight. Shot one of my loyal men and we had to leave some of the product behind.

So we about to play any many miny moe until I get answers or someone wants to come forward. 

Everyone looked around at each other

Zac: I know someone know something, Tip came up and whispered something in his ear

Zac looked at his phone and someone sent him the test messages of the plan to rob him 

If ya'll gone plan on robbing somebody make sure ya'll get rid of the evidence dummies. I have all that I need

Zac went on a shooting spree

Dummy # 1

Dummy # 2 

Dummy # 3

Now before we leave again is everybody in and ready to make some money?

Yeah we riding with you Zac and T

Everyone else said yes in unison 

Zac: Alright lets make some fucking money and get back to business

Fatima: Oh so you do have it in you, you just use it as the last resort

Zac: Yes you don't have to kill everybody 

Fatima: True but if you would have handled it earlier the first time you wouldn't be right here

Zac: Also True

Zac whispered in Fatima ear I know that turned you on I seen the look on your face your whole body language shifted. I can wait as long as you want I am a patient man 

Fatima didn't even say nothing because Zac was right. Zac stayed reading her

Zac fixed his tie and walked out.

Stitch: Everything good T

Fatima: Yeah we good I'm about to head out it's be a long day 

Stitch: Okay be careful 

Fatima: You too

Stitch and Layla headed back to his place. He hopped in the shower while Layla tried to find something to eat.

Layla felt like her nerves were all over the place she decided to do a line to help ease her mind. As soon has she snorted the line of coke she felt calm and relaxed 

Stitch walked out the bathroom 

Stitch: When did you start doing that shit 

Layla: Not to long ago, it just takes the edge off 

Stitch: Don't get hooked on that shit because it's hard to get off that shit. I ain't messing with no crackhead

Layla: I only take a small amount at a time and I ain't no crackhead. I just got a lot on my damn mind

Stitch: All it takes is a little amount. You been tripping since you killed your sister 

Layla: Yeah I feel like her ass coming back from the dead to haunt my ass. Every time I close my eyes I feel like her ass standing right next to me

Stitch: Well you did kill your twin don't ya'll got some type of connection whenever ya'll apart 

Layla: Some what 

Stitch: You may need to go talk with someone 

Layla: I ain't about to go sit on no shrinks couch to tell me something I already know. I know I am fucked up in the head but I'll be alright

Stitch: Okay but it's not as bad as you think, it helped me a lot and I'm a crazy nigga

Layla: Enough of the lecture can we just fuck, make me feel good inside 

Stitch: You first 

He dropped the towel exposing his hard on Layla dropped to her knees and started sucking 

Stitch: Awe that shit feels so good 

Stitch grabbed Laylas head and kept shoving it harder and harder on his dick 

Layla: Stop grabbing my fucking head likes it's a ball 

Stitch: Sorry that shit just feels so good 

Layla: Let me do it I don't need no fucking guide 

Stitch kept his arms folded while Layla went back to work. Stitch was in the daze until he felt Layle teeth bite his dick 

BITCH what the fuck you doing 

Layla: Sorry my lips get numb some time when I take that shit 

Stitch: You almost bit my damn dick off 

Layla: Sorry just let me finish 

Stitch: Fuck no you done pissed me off 

Layla: Then just fuck me then 

Stitch: No I ain't even in the mood anymore 

Layla: Damn I said I was sorry 

Stitch: Don't even worry about it go take a shower and hopefully that shit will wear off

Layla was pissed because she was horny she grabbed her shit and went into the bathroom 

Talking to herself damn he act like I meant to do that shit. Looking in the mirror she seen Lola 

Lola: You need to get your shit together with your crackhead ass 

Layla: Bitch I ain't no crackhead

Lola: Looks like it to me 

Layla: Well fuck you that's why you gone

Lola: That's what you think bitch you'll gets yours 

Layla started hitting her head to get Lola's voice out of her head

Stitch: Who you in there talking to 

Layla: Nobody I am listening to music 

Stitch: This bitch is losing it 

Since Stitch wasn't going to give her any dick she pleased herself in the shower. The water pressure was on point it hit the right spot while Layla played with her pussy 

When Layla got out the shower Stitch was already sleep

Layla: His old ass sleep already he know he could have gave me some dick. She was still mad she snatched most of the covers off of Stitch 

Ever since Layla killed her sister she hasn't had a nights rest. She tossed and turned all night. She knew once she closed her eyes the dreams would come 

She closed her eyes and finally went to sleep 

So you thought that you were going to take me out your own sister 

See I knew you were up to something that's why I told T you were stealing her shit 

Layla: Why the fuck would you do that now she's going to kill me

Lola: Hell that's the plan 

Layla: Fuck you crazy bitch leave me alone 

Lola: Bye bitch see you in hell 

Layla screamed you first and woke up sweating and heart beating fast 

Stitch: What the hell you wrong with you 

Layla: Nothing just having nightmares my sister fucking with me from the grave 

Stitch: I knew yo ass shouldn't have killed her it's gone fuck with you the rest if your life until you find peace 

Layla: I know shit I didn't think it would be messing with me like this

Stitch: What did you think it was going to be ya'll are twins it's like ya'll are connected even when ya'll are apart 

Layla: I know I'll be alright 

Stitch: I hope so especially since you are on that shit too 

Layla: I told you it was just a little here and there 

Stitch: I'm just saying I don't want you losing your shit and fucking up you know Fatima ain't gone stand for that shit

Layla yelled OKAY STITCH 

Stitch: Okay I'll leave you alone I am only saying something because I care 

Layla: I'm sorry I know you care I'm just as fucked up as my sister I just was denying it

Stitch: Like I said we all fucked up that's why I talked to someone it really helped me out

Layla: Okay maybe I will go see someone 

Stitch: Just try it and see if you like it

Layla: I will

Layla laid her head on Stitch chest she closed her eyes as one tear fell from her eye

Layla knew she was just like Lola one and the same, she also knew Lola wasn't going to let her live peacefully for what she did. So Layla needed to make peace with what she did and find a way to move on.

She was going to find someone to help her 

Fatima made it home and took a hot shower she looked at her cameras and made sure everything was straight

Fatima wasn't sleepy she was bored 

Zac hâd crossed her mind but she wasn't about to text him 

She just closed her eyes and pictured Zac making love to her. She pulled out her old faithful rose and went to work 

Of course it wasn't Zac but it will do for now 

Fatima pleased herself a couple times until she was satisfied 
