2nd Chances

Police swarmed the warehouse blocking every exit point. Luckily they left when they did or else they would have had to shoot their way out.

When the police entered there were dead bodies every where

Dalia sat outside the back door barely holding on to her life she could barely talk as she called out for help

Dalia: Help Help

Police: Looks like we have someone alive over here bring the medic

Dalia was holding onto her stomach where she got shot

Medic: She lost a lot of blood we need to get her to the hospital now or she may not make it

Police: Make sure we have police on guard no one is to enter her room without my permission. We need information as to what happened here seems like she is the only person that survived

Medic: Got it

They rushed Dalia away

New York

The crew made it back home in the early morning they all went their separate ways

Stitch and Layla pulled up to his place

Layla: I see not much has changed don't look like you been cleaning up the place she slid her finger across the table swiping up dust

Stitch: Shit I was busy

Layla: So when did T and Zac become a thing they got some chemistry 

Stitch: They been keeping it on the low he's actually been good for her they balance each other out. And if it wasn't for him yo ass wouldn't be sitting here 

Layla: For real damn he got that kind of affect on T she so damn cut throat 

Stitch: Don't get to twisted she still is depending on the fucking situation 

Layla: Well I will make sure I thank them both, I'll just wait until shit cools down

Stitch: You ain't been on no shit have you 

Layla: No I have been clean, I am ready to get back to work 

Stitch: What work you trying to do being pregnant 

Layla: I can go work at the grocery store something I can't sit in this fucking house all day I am going to lose my mind 

Can you try and talk to T and see if I can help with that 

Stitch: I can try but you need to take it slow and if you fuck this up again just know you dead and I want no parts I know you are carrying my child but T won't think twice about killing your ass if you step out of line again. She is not a person of 2nd chances so you better make the best of it 

Layla: I hear you 

Zac's Place

That was a long ass flight back to New York at least it felt like it was. All Fatima could think about was making sure Dalia was dead. She knew she at least hit her once, she sent a text to Fabio to report back to her if Dalia is still alive and where. 

Fatima stripped off her bloody clothes and got in the shower she let the water fall on her face and onto her body she zoned out and could only hear the sound of bullets flying across the warehouse 

She didn't even noticed Zac had stepped in the shower until his touch startled her 

Zac: Don't let her consume your mind in due time she will gets hers

Zac took the loofah and gently cleaned Fatima's back 

Zac was literally the calming that Fatima needed. Fatima was still seeing red once she get something on her mind it was hard for to let it go especially if the situation was not handled 

Zac turned Fatima around and placed his hand on her heart which was beating fast

Zac: Is she out your mind 

Fatima calmly said yes 

Zac could feel her heart beat beating at a normal pace 

She kissed him 

Zac picked her up and placed her up against the glass until her pussy was at eye level. He teased her slowly with his tongue as he slid it up and down her clitoris 

Fatima moaned with pleasure 

Zac made love to every part of Fatima he gave her exactly what she needed in that moment 

He watched as she slept in the bed naked 

He checked around and was able to get information on Dalia whereabouts 

Dalia was going to come to New York and this time she wasn't going to walk out of this alive this time 

Cuba Hospital

Dalia woke up disoriented she didn't know where she was she tried to get out of the bed when she realized she was handcuffed to the bedrails 

Dalia: What the fuck is going on 

The nurse came into the room 

Nurse: Ma'am you need to calm down before you bust your stitches open 

Dalia: Why am I cuffed to the bed like I am a criminal 

Nurse: Since you are finally awake I will send the police in here to talk to you 

Dalia waited until the nurse left out the room she hurried up and pulled the bobby pin from her head and picked the lock on the handcuffs 

She was able to break free she hurried up and grabbed her clothes and snuck out and went down the stairwell

The nurse came back to the room 

Nurse: Where did she go and where are the guards that were supposed to be guarding her 

Call 911 patient Dalia Garcia has escaped 

Dalia stood on the corner trying to hitchhike a ride with her thumb up. A lot of cars passed her up until one finally stopped 

Dalia: Can you please take me to this address I will pay you good 

Dalia made it back to her place safely she paid the driver as promised 

Dalia: Where the fuck is everybody at grabbing her stomach blood was seeping through her blouse 

Man: Dalia you are home we didn't know where you were 

Dalia: I was in the hospital I almost died that bitch tried to take me out. Doesn't look like anyone  came looking for me either 

Man: I was here keeping watch like you told me too 

Dalia: Get in touch with Fabio and Hugo and have them bring that bitch Layla here now 

Man: Oh Hugo is in jail he got arrested yesterday he had got into an altercation outside the girls house some man ran into his car 

Dalia: Well where the hell is Fabio I haven't seen him in 2 days 

Man: I can track him down and have him pick up the girl 

Dalia: Thank you bring me some tequila on the rocks please 

Man: Yes ma'am 

Calling Fabio

Man: Hey where are you at Dalia is looking for you get over here as soon as you can and bring the girl 

Fabio: Alright man 

Fabio hung up the phone he already knew Layla was in New York already Dalia ass thought T just came down here to meet with the connect and make a deal 

He stopped by Layla place just to buy time then headed to Dalia's home 

Dalia: Why the fuck are you empty handed where is Layla 

Fabio: She wasn't there according to her neighbors she left out with a man with a scar on his face 

Dalia screamed out FUCK!!! 

Dalia: That bitch got me she had me thinking she came in by herself the whole time her plan was to come here to save Layla. Then her whole fucking squad came in guns blazing 

Why the hell didn't I think of that 

Fabio: I told you to have all your ducks in a row T is clever 

Dalia: Do you think I want to hear I fucking told you so and where were you when all this shit happened 

Fabio: At home sleep you had Hugo guarding Layla and you didn't feel me in on none of the shit you had planned 

Dalia: Oh 

Fabio thinking to himself dumb bitch should have just died 

Dalia: Let me heal up then I am making a trip to New York 

Fabio: Do you need anything else if not I need to go make money since Rico pulled out he is no longer fucking with you 

Dalia: Shit I forgot all all about him I need to call him 

Dalia called Rico but it went straight to voicemail 

New York

Fatima rolled over in the bed with the sheets covering her naked body 

Zac: Good morning I turned your phone off to let you sleep in looked like you needed it 

Fatima: Thank you that flight back to back got me exhausted killing people ain't easy ducking and dodging bullets and bitches. Not to mention you had my legs up in the air.

Zac: I did 

Fatima: Hey I am not complaining 

Zac: Your phone has been going off all morning 

Fatima: Sorry duty calls 

Calling Rico back 

Fatima: Hey Rico sorry I missed your call 

Rico: You're fine I know you were recovering from yesterday I still can't believe that crazy bitch tried to take us out 

Fatima: She tried it but wasn't successful 

Rico: She's been blowing me up looks like she is out of the hospital and back home she got out before the police could question her 

Fatima: She going to be coming to New York soon and when she do I am going to have an empty grave waiting for her ass 

Rico: When that time comes make sure you give her hell

Fatima: That's the only way I know how to do it 

Rico: I was calling to tell you I wanted in on Sweet my people got rid of that shit this morning and they came begging for more 

I want in 

Fatima: I love to hear it lets talk numbers and I can run everything by my partner once you approve we can discuss first shipment 

Rico: Okay great I look forward to hearing back from you 

Fatima hung up the phone 

Zac: Discuss with your partner that wouldn't be me would it 

Fatima: Who else would it be 

Zac: Didn't I tell you how much damage we could do together this is just the beginning 

Fatima: I am down for the ride Bonnie and Clyde for life 

Zac: I love the sound of that 

Giving Fatima a kiss 

I am going to the grocery store today and check on Tim to see how he's doing would you like to join 

Fatima: No you can go I am going to go meet with Draya and check on how much product we have to send out first batches 

Zac: Okay please be on alert for all we know Dalia ass hopped on a plane 

Fatima: She still in Cuba healing from her gun shot wound she ain't coming yet 

Zac: Alright I will catch up with you later giving Fatima a kiss and heading out the door

Tip finally got him a little lady that he been keeping on the low he didn't want everybody in his business. He knew when they first met she was feeling him. He seen that her eyes scanned him over and how her pussy would tingle off his voice alone. She would always cross her and fold her hands over her sweet spot

She called him to come one night and they hit it off from there

Draya: You had me scared when you texted me and said you had to go to Cuba

Tip: We had to go handle some shit but you see ya mans came back in one piece

Draya: So what did y'all have to go  there for

Tip: I don't want to talk work with you I want to keep that shit separate. I don't want any harm to come to you behind the work I do

Draya: I can accept that

Tip: This shit could go left real quick and I don't want you used as leverage

They were getting dressed from just fucking in her back office

Draya: That definitely made up from you being away

Tip: Good to know I don't like owing anybody

They heard someone come into the office

Draya: Shit hurry up and get dressed

T called out for Draya

Tip: Shit is that T

Draya: Yeah it sounds like her

I will go out first don't come out yet she may not be here long

Draya buttoned up her shirt and fixed her hair

Draya: Hey T I thought that was you, you looking for an update

Fatima: Yes

Draya: We are ready to roll I can show you the stocked product

Fatima: Perfect just on time

Draya and T walked into the warehouse there were barrels and barrels full of Sweet filled to the brim

Draya: I will start working on making a stock pile because I know this shit is about to take off

Fatima: Do you have all that you need

Draya: Yes I am good to go

Fatima: Okay great let me know if you need anything

I will have Tip and Stitch picking up the product to get it shipped out

They headed back in the lab

Tip walked out of the office

Tip: Draya I have those boxed loaded in your office

T looked up

Tip: Oh hey T

Draya tried to give Tip a look

Fatima: Hey did you just get here

Tip: Yeah I was bringing in boxes

Fatima: Okay well I will you get back to work Tip I'll see you later

Tip: Sure thing

They waited until T left out

Draya: Why did you come out you think she suspected something

Tip: Naw

Draya: Don't nothing get by T but okay get out of here I'll see you later

Tip: Alright my genius bae

Giving Draya a kiss then he left out

Since T finished up at the Lab she was going to meet Zac at the store

Grocery Store

Zac pulled up to the store everything on the outside was looking good. Tim greeted him at the door

Zac: Don't make it obvious that you are meeting me I am a regular customer

Tim pushing up his glasses sorry

Tim headed to the back office then Zac followed behind him

Zac: How are things going

Tim: Business is booming and nobody suspects a thing this is awesome

Zac: Calm the fuck down why are you so hype

Bones: Now you see what I have to deal with his ass be on go all day like he on that shit damn energizer bunny

Tim: I am on no shit it's just when I get excited it's hard to calm me down my apologies

Bones: Other than that we are straight we just had a couple stings hanging around the place but they shouldn't be a problem any more

Zac: Okay don't let anyone be posted up I don't care who it is we don't need any extra attention we just a fucking grocery store and that's it

Bones: I got you boss

Fatima walked in the office

Zac: I thought you were stopping at the lab

Fatima: I did everything is good over there how about here

Zac: Good over here too

Fatima: Good

Keep up the good work Tim

Tim started blushing

Tim: Thank you ma'am

They both walked out of the store

Fatima: You see that black car across the street with the tented windows

Zac: Yeah

Fatima: I think they are casing the store I seen someone taking pictures when I pulled up

Zac: How do you want to handle it

Fatima: Lets wait it out see what the hell they are up to I got someone on their every move

Zac helped Fatima put the groceries in the back of her truck gave her a hug and went their separate ways

To the people they were just a couple purchasing groceries to the people that knew them they were dangerous and not to be played with 

Kev: Man you see them rich folks over there we should follow they ass and rob them you can tell they got money

Dom: You see that bling on his wrist I want something like that

Kev: Lets follow them

Kev and Dom sat across the street from the grocery store looking for their next victim to rob. Both young and dumb not thinking that their actions could end them up in a body bag

They would normally target the old folks but once they seen Zac and Fatima standing outside of the store they decided to step their game up

What they didn't know was they were about to walk into a trap 
