Better Luck Next Time

Dalia: I am finally about to take this bitch down 

Dalia had been trying to get all hands on deck to take T out the game. She didn't have much to work with considering she was messy and no one wanted to work with her.

No one wanted to follow someone who couldn't lead 

Hugo: So you never told me what the plan was when you got back from New York 

Fabio: Oh shit ain't no fucking plan no more I am going to ride it out with Dalia 

Hugo: Damn I thought you were about to come up with a plan to take her ass out 

Fabio: Naw she putting food on my table I ain't about to mess that shit up but I do know Dalia about to set some shit on fire once T touch down 

Hugo: Oh she coming to Cuba 

Fabio: Yeah she should be here by tomorrow 

Hugo: Aw shit let me go clean myself up 

Fabio: Nigga she don't want yo ass

Hugo: You never know you just jealous 

Fabio: Nigga jealous get the fuck outta here don't you got some work to do 

Hugo: Nothing but sit in front of Layla house and we both know she ain't going no where 

Fabio: Well go make yourself useful cause you up under me ain't working 

Hugo: You been acting funny but it's alright I'll give you your space 

Fabio: Good I'll let you know if I need something 

Dalia: Hello Hector a little birdie told me you still have a vendetta against T

Hector: Yeah you could say that why what's up 

Dalia: So she is supposed to be touching down in Cuba and I have a plan to take her out do you want in on this 

Hector: Hell fucking yeah just let me know when and where 

Dalia: I will send you the details shortly 

Touching Down in Cuba 

Stitch sat back thinking about them making it out of Cuba in one piece and getting Layla safely back to New York 

Fatima: What you got on your mind 

Stitch: Shit making it out in one fucking piece we don't know what we walking into 

Fatima: Fabio gave us the plans but of course I am not going to put my trust in him I have my own connections so we won't be walking into this shit blindly. 

Plus Dalia sloppy I am already two steps ahead of her without even trying 

Stitch: I hear you 

Fatima: This ain't nothing new we gone be in and out before you know it. Just stick to the plan your goal is to get Layla and meet back at the meetup location 

Stitch: I am not leaving you hanging we in this shit together plus you didn't even have to do none of this 

Fatima: I know but I said I was giving her another chance so we gone get Layla then head out. And plus I am not gone be alone I got other men ready to take a bullet for me if needed 

Stitch: It ain't gone take me no time to get Layla 

Fatima: Once you see me get off this jet make sure you wait at least 20 minutes then head out. I guarantee you once she see me leave all eyes will be on me. 

As soon as they touched down it was go time, Fatima had only planned to be in Cuba for a couple of hours then she was headed back home.

Just like clocked work Stitch watched as Fatima car drove off 

2 other cars followed right behind her 

T made sure she only had one guard being seen the entire time she wanted Dalia to think T was out numbered but what Dalia didn't anticipate was that T already had unmarked men in cars following her ever move

Dalia would only be expecting T and one guard that's where she always failed she stayed underestimating the queen and that's why her ass wasn't cut out for this shit 

Stitched hopped in the car left for him and headed to get Layla he made sure to call Sergio and let him know he was enroute to them.

Sergio was going to cause a distraction while Stitch went in and got Layla. Of course they could have went in guns blazing but they didn't want to put to much heat on them.

Sergio: I ready brother just let me know when you are 5 minutes away 

Stitch: Alright bet 

Back in New York

Zac: Hey Bones I need you to hold down the spot until I get back I need to make a quick trip and I will be back by the morning 

Bones: Say less I got you 

Zac: Tip me and you about to take a quick trip to Cuba 

Tip: Cuba what the fuck is in Cuba 

Zac: T and Stitch went to handle some business I don't have a good feeling so I need to get there 

Tip: Alright lets roll the fuck out then 

The jet was in the air in no time they should make it there in about 6 hours which was just enough time before T's meeting with the connect 

Ever since T left Zac had an uneasy feeling he just wanted to make sure they got out untouched 

Old friend 

First stop Fatima paid an old friend a visit 

Kita: What the hell do I owe this visit 

Fatima: I can't come to see an old friend 

Kita: Hell naw what the hell you about to get into 

Fatima: Just here to handle some business 

Kita: Let me guess Dalia 

Fatima: How you know 

Kita: That bitch still can't seem to stopping running her mouth. Everyone knows what's about to go down she even reached out to one of your enemies

Fatima: I got a lot of those who are we referring to 

Kita: Hector 

Fatima: Hilarious I thought his ass would never come out of hiding. She can bring whom ever I am ready 

Kita: Just be careful get in and out I don't want to see your face on the news you are already banned from the shit you pulled last time 

Fatima: I didn't start it I just finished it they brought that shit to my doorstep  remember 

Kita: I remember and it ended in a bloodbath 

Fatima: I can't make any promises but I'm out for blood when it comes to that bitch Dalia 

Kita: Well you know I am here if you need anything but I am sure you have everything handled 

Fatima: I will let you know if I need anything 

Stitch called Sergio and said it was go time 

Sergio put his foot on the gas and ran straight into the parked car that was sitting in front of Layla house 

Hugo: You fucking asshole I am about to kick your ass

Sergio got out the car stumbling like he was drunk and slurring his words 

Sergio: Sorry Sorry 

Layla heard a loud bang she grabbed her gun and looked out the window and seen it was just an accident 

Layla: What the fuck is going on 

Stitch hooped over the fence and snuck in the back 

He knocked on the back door 

Layla thought she heard someone knocking but kept looking out the window being nosey until the knocks got louder 

Layla headed to the back door  hand still on the trigger and looked out the window 

Stitch: Layla open up 

Layla swung open the door when she seen it was Stitch 

Layla hugged him tight when did you get here 

Stitch: We gotta go now get your purse and passport and leave the rest of the shit 

Layla hurried up and got her stuff then followed behind Stitch

By the time they snuck back out the police were in front of Layla's house 

They hopped in the car and sped off 

Layla: Where are we going to 

Stitch:I am taking you to the meet up spot then I am going to get T 

Layla: You didn't say T was here I am not going back with y'all to New York. Did you set me up you came all this way to Cuba just to hand me over to T. 

Stitch: First calm the fuck down if I wanted you dead I would have killed you back in New York. Or I could have let Dalia kill your ass 

I didn't set you up  T actually found out that you were alive and pregnant 

Layla: I give it to her ass she always find out everything 

Stitch: 'We talked and she is giving you a second chance so you should be grateful 

Layla: Sorry for accusing you 

Stitch: You good 

Stitch put in T's location and headed her way 

Layla sat back and thought is T really gone give her a second chance or just put a bullet in her head when she got back to New York 

Meet Up

As Fatima pulled into the parking lot to the warehouse she  mapped out all the exits and how may men she seen on guard 

Fatima: Were you able to canvas the place before we got here ( speaking into the earpiece she had in)

Guard: Yes everything is clear and I will update as soon as Dalia steps foot on the property 

Before Fatima got out of the car she made sure her clip was loaded 

Rico greeting T

Rico: It's always a pleasure to see you T 

Fatima: Same you're looking good 

Rico: I'll take it considering they trying to send me to the grave 

What brings you all the way to Cuba 

Fatima: I have some personal business to tend too but I also wanted to propose a business opportunity with my new product 

Rico: New product 

Fatima took the package out of her purse 

Fatima: It's called Sweet you can test it out. But I guarantee you this is the hottest thing on the streets right now 

Rico: I will definitely test it out then we can talk numbers 

Fatima extended her hands for a handshake 

Dalia came in clapping interrupting their meeting 

Dalia: Oh I wasn't invited  

Rico where is your loyalty 

Rico: This is business get out your feelings 

Dalia: I am disappointed I guess I got a two for one since y'all are in the same place at the same time 

Fatima hand was already on the trigger 

Dalia: I even brought a little friend to join in on the party 

Hector walked in with a huge smile on his face 

Hector: Smile you look like you seen a ghost 

Fatima: No ghost if I'm not mistaken you went into hiding not me but hey you gone need an army to take me down because I am not going down easy 

Dalia: Oh we got an army what do you have 

20 plus men came in the warehouse locked and loaded 

Fatima looked around and wasn't phased by Dalia's little army 

Dalia: You are clearly out numbered 

Fatima: Only you would think I would  be out numbered I have been two steps ahead of you the entire time but go off bitch 

Fatima was getting irritated with al the small talk 

If you ready shoot make sure your aim is good because if you miss you may not get another chance bitch 

Dalia and Hector both cocked their trigger back 

Before they could fire off any shots  T's crew shot into the warehouse taking out majority of Dalia's crew 

They all ran and took cover 

Bullets were flying left and right 

Fatima was emptying clip after clip straight kill shots. Fatima was determined to send Dalia to her grave 

Fatima: You got my cover 

Rico: Yeah right behind you 

As Fatima was aout to shoot her gun jammed and Rico was hit 

Hector came from behind the wall towards T 

Hector: What was all that shit you were talking 

Before Hector could pull the trigger 

Zac came busting through he door putting one bullet through Hector head

Tip and Stitch were right behind him taking out the rest of the men

Zac: Shot to kill nigga that's what the fuck she said 

Dalia tried to run but Fatima fired two shots hitting her 

The sirens grew closer and closer 

Zac: Fatima we gotta go 

Fatima: I need to make sure this bitch is dead 

When Fatima walked behind the table Dalia was gone she seen a blood trail leading to the back door 

Fatima: FUCK she's gone 

Zac: We gotta go she ain't getting to far do you see how much blood she lost but we gotta get the fuck outta here 

Fatima followed behind Zac 

They headed back to the strip to board the jet and head back to New York 

When Tip got on the jet he seen Layla 

Tip: Where the fuck you come from you been hiding out this whole fucking time I knew it bitch back from the dead 

Stitch: Watch that bitch word 

Tip: My bad you back from the dead with a baby bump that's crazy 

This all you Stitch pointing at Layla stomach 

Stitch: Yeah 

Tip: That's what's up I knew yo ass was hiding something 

Stitch smirked 

Fatima got on the jet pissed she headed to the back room and Zac followed behind her 

Layla didn't dare  make eye contact with Fatima even though she gave her a second chance she knew T was only seeing red right now 

Stitch: She didn't get to kill that bitch 

Tip: We don't know that you see how much blood she was leaking 

Fatima: I didn't expect to see you here 

Zac: It didn't feel right so we got here as soon as we could and I am glad I did ya'll were out numbered 

Fatima: We were handling it I am just mad I didn't make sure that bitch was dead 

Zac: Trust if she ain't dead she's going to come back for revenge but this time let her come to you 

And once she discovers Layla is gone she is definetly going to be pissed 

Zac wiped the blood off of Fatima's face and kissed her forehead 

Lets head home at least we got Layla back and everyone is still in one piece 

Fatima: I'll take that but I am gone get her ass just wait and see 
