Come Clean

Dalia: This bitch thinks she's untouchable she don't know I am about to bring her whole empire down. I'm gone be the queen sitting on the fucking throne 

My daddy was on top while her daddy was a junkie working his way up the ladder. 

Dalia had to tell herself anything to make her think everything she was saying was valid but she was fed a bunch of lies. Her daddy was never at the top he always came second to Fatima's dad. Dalia was just following in her dad's footsteps. 

Dalia was playing second to Fatima. She really didn't have a legit reason for hating Fatima she just wanted her knocked down off her pedestal 

Then this little bitch Layla trying to play in my fucking face I know she knows more than she does. Dalia hadn't got any information out of Layla. Layla hadn't left the house in days. 

She gone have to come out of there some time or I am going to go in there and get her 

Fabio: What if she really doesn't know anything 

Dalia: She worked close with T I know she knows something. Has she made any contact with Stitch

Fabio: No she's literally has made no calls 

Dalia: Make sure you keep your eyes on her I don't trust that bitch 

Fabio: Will do 

Fabio left so he could go sit and do nothing but watch Layla

Hugo: Why the hell she got us watching and ain't shit happened in days

Fabio: I don't fucking now 

Fabio: Her ass is losing it behind this woman named T 

Hugo: So I dig some digging and that T lady is a bad bitch Dalia ain't got shit on her 

Fabio: Don't let Dalia hear you say that 

Hugo: Hell it's the fucking truth and she nice and thick just how I like them 

Fabio: She can't be all that 

Hugo pulled out a phone and showed Fabio 

Fabio: Damn I change my mind she bad I want her on my roster 

Hugo busted out laughing 

Hugo: She ain't even in yo caliber of women you mess with skinny bitches

Fabio: What's wrong with skinny bitches they make it clap too 

Hugo: You can keep the skinny bitches thick me please 

Layla seen when they pulled up they had been watching her place for days waiting on her to make a move. Stitch had not reached back out so she was just playing a waiting game 

Police Station

The Captain walked up to Chuck's desk, looks like Ben didn't make it through the night he had some complication after surgery and passed .

Chuck: Damn I thought he was going to pull through 

Captain: We knew it was touch and go. Looks like he was doing some unauthorized work do you know anything about that 

Chuck: No, I knew he was doing something he was always so secretive 

Captain: Can you clean out his desk and locker and let me know if you find anything 

Chuck: Sure thing Captain 

Chuck whispered under his breath another rookie bites the dust. His nosey ass should have stayed in his own lane 

Chuck started cleaning out Ben's desk 


Tip: Looks like Drea and Ben are no longer an issue

Stitch: Good I couldn't stand that bitch anyway 

Tip: You don't like nobody so what's new 

Stitch: That's not true I just know how to point em out 

Tip: I knew she was full of shit too 

Stitch: You a damn lie all you seen was ass and titties

Tip: Nigga I can't help I am a man 

Stitch: Keep on that's going to be your fucking down fall 

Tip: I hear you I got my shit under control do you got your shit together

Stitch: Hell yeah 

Tip: That ain't what I heard 

Stitch: What the fuck you talking about man 

Tip: Nigga I'm just playing with you, I wanted to see if you was gone slip up and say something 

Stitch: You fucking play to much 

In the back of Stitch head he was thinking he was talking about Layla. His ass was starting to get paranoid first T and now Tip.

Stitch: I gotta take this money to the stash spot do you want to roll me with 

Tip: Hell naw that's to far for me I'll pass 

Stitch: Alright bet I'll catch up with you later 

Stitch started loading the car up with the money when T walked in Zac not to far behind her.

Fatima: How is everything running 

Tip: Good the fucking money is rolling in and we don't have any problems besides the one we eliminated last night 

Fatima: That's what I like to fucking here. I do want ya'll to meet up later with Draya make sure she has everything she needs and make sure everything run smoothly.  We need a large supply to get distributed out to our customers then once they see how it takes over the streets I guarantee they are going to be coming back for more 

Zac: Word on the street is everyone has been asking where that new shit at 

Fatima: Tell them it's coming soon 

Stitch: I was headed to the stash house to drop off this cash we can meet up to go meet with Draya later

Tip: Alright bet

Fatima: I'll ride with you to the stash house 

Stitch: You sure 

Fatima: Yeah I have some free time on my hands 

Zac I'll catch up with you later 

Zac gave Fatima a kiss on the lips and she didn't fight it she just let it happen 

Stitch and Tip looked away like some kids

Tip: I fucking knew it 

Tip: T I ain't gone lie you the first person to make my guy smile I am happy 

Fatima smiled 

Fatima: Thanks 

Tip: I'll make sure he stays in line 

 Zac: Really I see a lot of y'all done switched sides since T came in the picture even my security 

Fatima: That's because everyone likes me 

Zac: I am a likable guy 

Fatima: Yeah but your not me 

Zac: I ain't even gone try to compete with that 

Fatima and Stitch walked out the warehouse he opened the door for T

At first they were driving in silence which was awkward 

Stitch: So how long have y'all been dating 

Fatima: Not to long we have been keeping it a secret 

Stitch: Ain't nothing wrong with that I understand why 

Are you happy

Fatima: I am you know I don't mix business with pleasure 

Stitch: I could kind of tell no offense I feel like a little bit of Zac is rubbing off on you which is not a completely bad thing 

Fatima: look I know I can be a little tough on you all but it's only because I have to look out for my team 

Stitch: I get it but we've been riding with you since day one and now it's just me you don't you look around and ever think maybe I didn't make the right decision 

Fatima: I think about that shit all the time but I can't take back what I have already done 

But I want you to know you can come to me with anything you know 

Stitch: Are you sure anything 

Fatima: Yeah anything 

Stitch sat there thinking if he really wanted to tell T that Layla was not dead 

He just took a deep breath 

Stitch: Well it's good to know I can come to you with anything 

Fatima thought Stitch was going to come out and tell her the truth about Layla still being alive 

Fatima: I know about Layla

I know that she was pregnant when you killed her 

Stitch didn't say anything 

Stitch: Does it even matter now 

Fatima: It does because if I know you I know that you wouldn't have skilled her if you knew she was pregnant 

Stitch pulled over to the side of the rode just in case T tried to shoot his ass while he was driving 

Stitch didn't reach for his gun or nothing 

Fatima: Am I mad that you didn't come to me in the beginning 


Stitch: T I tried to handle that shit by myself before getting you involved. I know how you operate and move 

I know you see this as a sign of no loyalty but I have been as loyal as they come 

I may have fucked up but I am still riding for you 

Fatima: So where is she at 

Stitch: She's in Cuba 

Fatima: Cuba of all places you know we got fucking enemies in Cuba 

Stitch: I fucking know that now 

Fatima: Why you say that 

Stitch: Some woman named Dalia is trying to have her work for her to get information on you 

Fatima: Sneaky bitch I see she still trying to get to me 

Stitch: I need to get Layla out of there fast she's in danger 

Fatima: Danger for sure if she does't give up the information Dalia is looking for 

Stitch: So is this a fresh start for us now that you know Layla is alive 

Fatima: Fresh start as long as you don't keep anything else from me ever again and if Layla steps out of line again I will be the first to put a fucking bullet in her head pregnant or not.

Stitch: I can respect that 

Stitch was finally able to take a deep breath which he hasn't been able to do since the day he helped Layla escape 

Stitch: Thank you T I know your not a person of second chances 

Fatima: Lets drop  this money off and figure out how we're going to get in and out of Cuba without Dalia knowing. But I really don't give a fuck if she knows I owe her a visit anyway 

Stitch didn't want to show it but his ass was smiling big on the inside. If only he would have told her what was happening in the beginning they wouldn't be having these issues.

They rolled up on Bones he was chilling on the porch with his guitar 

Stitch: Nigga I did not know you played the guitar 

Bones: Yeah I play a little bit of everything 

Stitch: That's what's up we just making out weekly drop off

Bones: Hell I am excited I get some visitors. Speaking of visitors T I was just about to call you, a woman stopped by looking for a realtor named Kelly she said his last location she tracked him to was here she left her card 

Fatima: I guess someone finally came looking for his nosey ass. Well he won't be resurfacing any time soon. I will see what she wants and how much she knows I hope she doesn't become a problem 

Let me know if she comes back 

Bones: For sure. Looks like we got some new neighbors at down the street hopefully they will stay to themselves 

Fatima: Let's hope they do, well we got some other shit to handle let me know if you need anything Bones and I mean anything 

Bones: Thanks boss lady 
