We're Helping!

Mal: I was in my room thinking about to how to steal that damn wand I couldn't take it anymore. I cried all day yesterday. In fact that was the first time I ever cried. I just couldn't help it I felt like I lost a part of me. I got up from my bed when there was a knock on the door. Evie and Carlos were standing at the door when I opened it. Evie looked fine she actually looked beautiful. I knew Jay leaving wouldn't affect her that much for the reason they never got that close but I can tell she misses him. Carlos now that's a different story. Carlos had bloodshot eyes, bags under his eyes, and looked tired. I noticed he was wearing Jay jacket and beanie. "Hey guys come in." I let them in and they both walked in. I told them to sit in my bed and Carlos just laid down. "C you need to get sleep. Don't worry Jay will be back soon." I can tell Carlos is broken inside and out. "Carlos listen to Mal here take a nap I'll be right here." Evie told him. "I just want to talk to him listen to his voice. I want to know he's alright." I look at Carlos and all I think is how this two crazy kids good and bad fell in love with each other. "Fine let me try to fine a spell and see what I can do." He quickly shot up and looked at me. "Really Mal please I'll do anything absolutely anything." I was debating on asking him about the wand but I guess I'll ask him later. I quickly found and spell and I quickly went over to my mirror. I said the spell a few times until Jay image popped up. "Omg Jay!" Evie and Carlos quickly came to my side and saw him. "Omg Mal, Carlos, Evie!" I noticed he face was black and blue and he had both his eyes black. "Jay what happened?" I asked even though I probably know the answer. "My father happened." I knew this was going to happen. "Jay how are you?" Carlos quickly asked. "I'm fine babe. Carlos you look tired have you gotten any sleep?" It's was amazing watching the two interact. "No I've been to worried about you." I could tell Jay was in pain about this whole thing. "Carlos get some sleep I'll be fine this isn't my first time in the Isle." Jay ordered Carlo)s. But what about you father? How could be possibly do this?" Jay looked down at his feet and I knew this isn't the first time this happens. "Carlos unfortunately this isn't first time it happens. Now please get some sleep now that you know I'm safe." Carlos nodded and I told him to lay on my bed. Carlos did as told and fell asleep to Jay voice. "Jay I have to let you go but I'll try to talk to you another day. Don't worry I'm almost ready to steal the wand" I whispered for Evie and Carlos couldn't hear. Soon after that Jay image was gone and I turned around to Evie and Carlos staring at me. "If you're stealing the wand we're helping." I stood frozen in my spot what the hell just happened.
