The good?

Carlos: I was walking down the hallway of school with my Best and stylish friend Evie. She has a great sense of style and is my sister well not actual sister but she one of the few people who actually likes me for me so I consider her as such. I'm gay I came out the closet not that long ago about a year ago and my mother didn't like it but she supported me. Eventually she started going on trips so I don't see her anymore. All of the sudden I hear someone calling my name and it's fairy god mother daughter Jane "CARLOS!!!" Evie and I stop what we're doing to pay attention to her she kind of annoying but she a good person. "Hey Jane what's going on?" I ask with a weird look on my face. She doesn't answer she just grabs my wrist and pulls me with her I instantly grab Evie and we're running down the hall like weirdos. "Jane what's going on?" I'm asking while she pulling me and I turned the locker and I couldn't believe what I saw. It was my boyfriend BEN the song of the king kissing some cheerleading bitch. I don't know what to do.
Evie: Carlos and I were walking and stopped at his locker when Jane came running like a maniac and pulling Carlos and he pulled me. I was kinda annoyed because I was wearing heels it wasn't fun running I them. We turn a corner when we see Ben, Carlos boyfriend kissing so dirty bitch. I see Carlos is about to cry so I instantly went to them and broke their little kissing party up. Ben face fell when he saw Carlos he tried to call Carlos but Carlos just smacked him and ran away. I ran after Carlos but not before smacking Ben in the face probably leaving a mark. Carlos was my brother I don't care what anyone says. I saw Carlos was hurt and I just wanted to comfort him I caught up to him in the parking lot where he told he was gonna go home and so I went with him. We go to get ice creams saw asked Jay if he was ok and but just shook his head and started to cry. My heart broke this was my little brother. I just hugged him and we went to his house were we just fell asleep.
Next day still at Auradon
Carlos: I woke up not wanting to go to school but I knew I had to because we had a test today. I started thinking about yesterday and I knew I didn't want to see that cheating bastard. I hopped in the shower and woke Evie up she kept asking me if I was ok but I just stayed quite. We went to Starbucks before school started and sat at one of the tables. I was actually kind of forgetting what happen but then HE walked in. My face fell and Evie saw behind me. I noticed his right cheek was purple serves him right. Yeah I'm hurt but I want to know what did I do so bad that he had to cheat on me instead of just telling me he didn't want to be with me. I just stared at my phone but I felt his eyes on me and I looked up and he was walking toward me oh no!
Evie: I saw Carlos face fall and I looked behind me and I saw Ben rocking a purple right cheek and I couldn't help but laugh. I could be somewhat of a bitch sometimes. Carlos looked down at his phone when I feel footsteps coming toward us I see Carlos look up and I knew Ben was right behind me. "Ba-" was all Ben got out his mouth because I got up and slapped him again and Carlos laughed. "Let's head out Evie I don't wanna be hear anymore" said Carlos and I happily complied we headed to school some what feeling a bit better.
