We're From The Isle

Oh yeah before I start I did get Audrey's name confused. I thought it was Aubrey but I realized it's Audrey sorry for that.
Mal: I walked up to Chad and this Audrey girl of course Jay was behind me and I could feel the anger oozing out of him. Chad looked at me and rolled his eyes at me. "What do you want purple and who the big guy behind you?" I hate when people call me purple my eyes were already turning green but now they must be neon green. "My NAME IS MAL. this Jay in case you two idiots didn't know I'm daughter of Maleficent and he's son of Jafar. That not why we're here though." I looked at Audrey face and I knew she must've been scared. "You're daughter of Maleficent the women who cursed my granny." Omg this is great. I started laughing. "Omg Jay look at who it is. It's sleeping beauty daughter. Anyways I came here to do this." I slapped Audrey on the face it's made fall to the ground and then I got on top of her and started throwing lefts and rights. For a princess she sure did have a power hit. Audrey was pulling my hair and punching the back of my head. I feel someone pull me off and I realize it's Chad in that moment I punched him square in the nose and threw him back. I turned around to continue beating the shit out of Audrey but she tackled me and now I was on the floor while she pulled my hair. Do princesses only pull hair? I was able to get her off me not gonna lie she did do a number on me but I wasn't done.
Jay: I wasn't going to beat this Chad guy up yet I wanted Mal to finish at first but then he went to pull Mal off and before I could do anything she punched him square on the nose and he bumped into me. "HEY WATCH IT IDIOT!" He screamed at me. I couldn't help to laugh "idiot well sorry but I'm not one that you! Cause you made the worse mistake ever messing with Carlos!" At that moment I launched myself at him and we with hit the lockers. I started punching his "charming" face. He kept trying to go under me but I was stronger. At one point I felt someone get the in the middle and I noticed it was Carlos so I stopped. I couldn't risk Carlos getting hurt but when Chad pushed him I went into overdrive. I got Chad but the neck and started punching his face, stomach and kicked him. Carlos got me off him and I calmed down because it was him. I could tell Mal was ready for round two because she had a bloody lip while Audrey had a black eye and a bloody lip. Chad well Chad is a different story. All of the sudden comes Ben running down the hall. "What the hell! Jay! You are kicked back to the Isle."
