
Mal: I was taking a walk trying to figure this shit out. How would Jay and I steal this damn wand? This is harder than I thought not to mention that Jay seems to have his mind on that white haired boy Carlos he isn't helping. Don't get me wrong Carlos and Evie are cool but what can I say we have to get this done. I noticed the white hair boy leaving the school I was going to follow but it was pointless its a Friday and he's grown. I didn't noticed a certain someone sneaking up on me.

Evie: I noticed Mal walking ever since we had lunch for some reason I couldn't get her out of my head. I know I like her but its a simple crush so its okay.I decided to have some fun and scare her. I hope it works she is from the Isle so she shouldn't get scared. I walked behind her and screamed really loudly while she responded with a holy fuck."EVIE! DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN." I laughed at her expression. "Sorry Mal didn't mean to startled you... Ok that a lie but what you doing walking by yourself?" Iasked Mal. "Well I'm just thinking about thing my mother the Isle I kind of miss it I'm not going to lie." Mal responded honestly. "Oh wow you miss the Isle I thought everyone there was mean and bad." Mal looked and me and laughed like if I had said a joke.
Mal: I couldn't stop laughing Evie does know she talking to a villain right. "I'm sorry E but you do realize I'm a villain right?" I asked Evie with a weird look on my face. "Oh yeah but I don't judge a book by its cover." Evie responded and smiled at me I looked straight at her and I didn't realize what I was doing I move closer to her and quickly kiss her. Omg what have I done. I run off and left Evie there speechless.
