Coronation Day Part 2

Evie: I met up with Jay and Carlos to head over where the coronation was taking place. "Hey Evie! So did you talk to Mal?" I haven't seen Mal since this morning when we went over the plan and to be honest I don't want to see her. I'm so over her playing games with me. "No why would I?" I ask Jay. "She didn't go to your place after I talked to her?" He looked incredibly confused. "No was she suppose to?" What would Mal want to talk to me about. "Yes she was suppose to tell that she... never mind I'll let her tell you herself." Jay just ran away because he knew I would keep bothering hip about it. It was now 9:40 and we had to be ready Mal and Ben are suppose to be here at 9:50 to come inside.

Mal: I decided to talk to Evie after the coronation because I was already running kind of late it was 8:30 and I had to meet Ben at 9:00 and my hair not even ready. I decided to use a spell because if not I would have to ask Evie and it would also take forever. After my spell and I put my dress on which took forever. It was now 9:00 and I headed out to meet Ben. "Hey Ben!" He flashed a smile which I just noticed he almost always smiling. "Hey Mal! You ready?" He asked if I was ready which left me thinking. Am I ready? In a couple hours evil will be taking over. "Yeah I am" I told him but I'm not sure if I truly am.

Jay: I didn't know what happen with Mal talking to Evie but I couldn't worry about that now Carlos, Evie, and I were sitting up in the second floor ready for Mal to snatch wand. I know that no matter what happens today I will protect Carlos and Evie. No villains will touch them especially Carlos. I saw Mal come in and look at us you could tell she was nervous we all were to be honest. I tried to give her a confident smile but I wasn't sure if it came out that way. About 10-20 minutes later Ben came in. Well it's all up to Mal now.

Carlos: "This isn't going to be easy" I whispered to Jay and Evie. "When Mal gets it you two stay up here I don't want anyone knowing you were apart of this." Evie and I looked unsure but Jay gave us an that's an order look so we agreed. Ben walked in ready to be crowned king. Ben was getting crowned and wand was out the case. Jay was waiting on Mal to snatch the wand. Before Mal could get the wand Jane got it. "CHILD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Fairy god mother screamed. "I'M GOING TO MAKE MYSELF BEAUTIFUL!" Jane screamed back Mal ran up behind her and grab the wand. "Let's get the show underway." Jay said before running down the stairs. "STAND BACK!" Mal yelled and soon Jay was by her side.

Mal: I took the wand from Jane and held it up in a defensive. "STAND BACK!" I yelled at Ben who tried to move forward to me. Jay was by my side "revenge time" was all he said. "Mal, Jay you two are not evil!" Yelled Ben from his position. "I told you so!" I head an annoying voice come from the crowd. "Audrey shut the fuck up!" Ben yelled at her. "Listen to your heart you guys." Ben kept saying. "How would you know we're not evil." Jay asked. "Because you care way to much about Carlos and Evie the both of you. I know Jay what I did to Carlos wasn't good but I'm happy he found someone who truly loves him. I could never give him that." I turned to Jay and he looked at me both of us knew what we were thinking. "I choose good Jay." I knew he chose good too that happen when he met Carlos. "Think about it stealing things and running your dad shop doesn't make you happy. Being with Carlos and taking him on dates makes you happy and then me I want to stay with Evie because she makes me happy." I looked right in Evie eyes when I said it and saw her smile.

Evie: Mal just said I make her happy. I had tears in my eyes. "What about our parents?" Jay asked. "They can't reach you here." Ben said well that went out the window when Maleficent popped up about 15 seconds after. "I'm back!!!!" Now the show is really underway. I saw Mal and Jay stand off against Maleficent. This wasn't going to end up good.
