Date part 2

Evie: Jay and Carlos just left so I'm gonna get ready to go see Mal I hope she doesn't get mad because I'm just popping up there. Once I was ready I was ready to walk out the door. I grab my purse and was out the door.
Mal: I was debating if I should go to Evie room and at least say hi. I like how she makes me feel. She makes me think that the world is innocent the funny thing is that it's not. Evie and I already kissed twice and it's something that's not really bothering me. I decided to go to so I put on my purple jacket and headed out the door to my surprise she was already there.
Jay and Carlos date.
Carlos: Jay grab my hand pulled me along with him we were walking to some place. We were at the enchanted lake. That why he told me to were swimming trunks. I see he had a full picnic set up for us and I can't help but feel so good inside. "Well aren't you gonna sit?" Jay said sounding very innocent. "Yeah It's just wow. You really took the time to do this for a white hair nerd." I said once I say down still in awe. "Hey! I took the time to do this for a cute white haired nerd more specifically my white haired nerd." Jay told me my heart couldn't help but flutter.
Jay: Carlos turned a deep shade of red when I called him mine. I really keep falling for this cute petit little boy in front of me. I've been thinking long and hard about this so therefore I decided that if Mal and I are able to go through with this wand mission I will make sure my father does nothing to Carlos. I just hope that Carlos will still be interested in me because if not I will probably kill myself. "Oh really since when am I yours?" Carlos asked chuckling looking into my eyes. "Since you accepted to go on this date. You may not be my boyfriend yet but your mine Carlos. Key word is yet." I couldn't help but stare at him. "Lets ask each other questions. I need I want to get to know you better." Carlos said and oh god here we go was all I thought.
In Mal's room
Mal: "I'm happy you decided to come and hang out believe it or not I was gonna go see." I told Evie and she started smiling from cheek to cheek. "Oh really cool what do you want to do." Evie said with her head down and her hair almost covering her blush. "I don't know I have some snacks I stole we could watch a movie and just get to know each other better." Evie looked surprised I don't know why though. "Oh yeah cool yeah let's do that." Evie looked nervous. "Evie if you don't want to do any of those things we don't have to just because I'm a villain doesn't mean I'm going to force you into doing what I want." I told Evie sincerely I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable specially when I think I'm starting to like her even thought I shouldn't.
Evie: Mal is being super nice to me and it feels great I hope this night never ends I just want to lay down and watch a movie with her. "I'm serious Mal let's watch a movie." I had to convince Mal I didn't mean for her to think she made me uncomfortable. "What movies do you have?" I wondered because I have a DVD and I have a tons of movie. "I don't know really I haven't been able to check. I need a movie night with Jay one day but come sit next to me on the bed." Mal patted the free spot next to her and I instantly went took my shoes off my shoes off and sat next to her.
