Its all about the wand now

Mal: They must be crazy if they think I'm going to let them take part in this plan. "No you guys are not." I'm not going to let them get involved in this they could lose everything. "Mal yes we are!" Carlos told me. "No you can't you guys can absolutely lose everything! Not only that but if we get caught there is a chance of being sent to the Isle." Evie kept nodding at me. "No Mal we're helping no matter what!" They're really stubborn when they want to be. "Mal let me ask you something will it get me Jay back?" Why are we even talking about this! "Okay yes it can bu-" I didn't even get to finish when Carlos cut in. "I don't care Mal if it'll get me Jay back I don't care I will do it." They don't get it! Okay fine you guys help me get the wand and then evil takes over because that's what going to happen.
Carlos: Apparently Mal doesn't understand that I don't care. "Mal! Fine we don't get the wand but I need to a way to see Jay in person not in a Mirror." Mal groaned in frustration. "You guys don't understand Jay and I had to get that wand and let our parents get their revenge and I'm sorry guys but if I need to do that for my mother could be proud of me I will." Mal walked out the door and I was shocked.
The Isle
Jay: I was able to see the three people I miss the most from Auradon. I was laying on my bed just tuning out the world and that's just what I want to do nothing else. "Jay! Come here and pick all this mess up!" My fathers been making do so many things around the store I swear sometimes I hate him but that the only father figure I've ever had so in some type of way I love him I guess. "Can't you just clean it!" I instantly regretted what I said because he came in the room and hit me with the broom. "Now clean this place and the store!" I got up from where I was laying down to go clean this. I was hoping Mal would hurry up and get the wand. I went down to the store and cleaned it for a bit when a customer came in. "Oh hey Gil what do you want." Gil is son of Gastón. I wouldn't really call Gil evil more of stupid. "Oh nothing just came to see if you had any swords." Oh god Gil must've joined that bitch Uma and Harry's goon squad. "Yeah sure there over there and Gil if you dare as even steal one of those I will personally make sure to stick up your ass." He laughed nervously. He got his wand and left at least he payed for it. All I could think of is that Mal needs help on getting that wand and I need to be in Auradon! Everything became about the wand.
