The Return

Isle of the lost
Jay: I was in my dad's shop stocking up some clothe when the door opened and I couldn't believe who it was. "What do you want? Better question is what are you doing here?" They just looked at me in eyes. "I told you Jay I would get you back I know you aren't evil and prince Ben has decided to have you back in Auradon." I couldn't believe that fairy godmother was here in the Isle. Not gonna lie she has some balls to step into the villains turf. "Why would the one person who sent me here want me back in Auradon?" I crossed my arms and leaned back against the counter. "I don't know Jay but he wants to talk to you so come with me." I took a moment and thought about it and I decided I'll go just to see Carlos even if it's from far away I need to see him. I miss him so much. "Alright let me go get something upstairs and I'll come down." She nodded her head. "Oh and try not to get kidnapped please." I told her before I left. I quickly went upstairs and got Carlos jacket and got some quick clothe. I went downstairs to surprisingly see fairy god mother standing there not kidnapped good thing my father was out all day today. I left him a note that I found a way back to Auradon and that I'm going back. The ride to Auradon was silent. When I got there I saw a big sign that said welcome families. So It's family day I guess. I didn't get a chance to do anything before I got pulled into an office which of course happens to be Ben's. He showed up and said we had to talk. "Sit down Jay I'm going to tell you why I'm letting you back here. "I quickly took a sit. Well get on with it I want to see Carlos, Mal, and Evie." He looked at me and smiled. "Okay well your back here because your reinstated into Auradon prep. The only reason I sent you back to the Isle was because Chad was blackmailing me but he can't do it anymore. You're going to pop up when I tell you during family day. You will not see anyone until then." I was going to ask some more question but he ran out and left me there. In his office and I didn't know what to do I was bored. Some hours passed and I saw my Carlos walking with Mal and Evie. I hid behind a bush where no one can see me. Everything happened so quick at one point there all playing a game of croquet and the next I see Chad putting his hands on Mal. I didn't jump out of my spot because I know Mal can handle herself but when I saw him throw her and lunged at Carlos I lost it. " I'M BACKKKK" Which reminded of Maleficent I saw everyone freeze and stare at me. "Now Chad get the take your hands of my boyfriend or I'm going to rip them off!" I yelled it even sent shivers down my back I sounded so evil.
I started to step toward Chad and Carlos, Chad quickly got off him. "What are you doing here?" I heard Chad say bitterly. "I told you I made a decision you wouldn't like." Ben cut me off and answered Chad. Before I knew it I was holding  a certain white haired boy from falling since he jumped on to my arms legs wrapped around my waist and hands wrapped around my neck. I looked into his eyes and he looked at mine. "I love you Jay." Those words made my heart flutter. "I love you Carlos."  Carlos leaned in and I met him in the middle and I could finally taste those lips I missed so much. It was even better that he tasted like chocolate.
