Coronation Day Part 1

Evie: I woke up nervous I knew after today everything would change. I would be viewed as a villain and there no going back after that. To be honest my mind is not on that I've been thinking a lot about Mal and I. I don't know what's going on at one moment I feel like she has feelings for me and the next I feel like she doesn't. Honestly I'm done and I'm just going to figure things out as life happens. I decide to get up from my bed and made my way to the shower it's 6:30 and at 7:00 I'm suppose to meet with the others to go over the plan.

Carlos: I woke up feeling trapped in a pair of muscular arms and really warm. Memories of last night flash back and I feel myself blush. I tried to get up but Jay had me trapped. Jay woke up about five minutes after only because I started to kiss his torso. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." Jay said in his extremely sexy morning voice. "Oh really why?" I answered with a cocky smile. "Cause if you keep going we won't ever get out this room." Jay said finally standing up giving me a view of his perfect ass. "Wow your butt's cute." I didn't realize I said it out loud. "Oh really? Well your's is too and you're going to be in pain babe." I nodded knowing it. "I'm going to take a shower before meeting with the girls. Wanna join?" I asked innocently. "Oh yeah we should save water let's go." Jay ran in the shower.

Mal: I went to bed thinking I was ready to get the wand and blow this popsicle stand but I woke up not sure. Beside the wand I have this whole issue with Evie. I know I have somewhat of feelings for her but she doesn't give me no clues of liking me. I decided to leave it at that and go with the flow but still. I got up and showered and noticed it's was 7:30 and no one was here yet. There was a knock on the door five minutes after and it was Evie. "Hey Mal." That's all she gives me I can't work with that. "Hey prin- Evie." It almost slipped out well she is a princess but at least mine. I don't care what my mother says. Evie gave me a weird look and it all just got awkward thankfully Jay and Carlos walked in and may I say both of them were rocking a pair of hickeys. "Alright let's go over the plan again." I said I couldn't help but stare at Evie. We went over the plan and everyone left to go change but I told Jay to hang back. Carlos went with Evie.

Jay: Mal asked me to hang back for a bit. I knew she needed to vent because well I know Mal and there a lot in her head I could tell. "Can ask you a question? Like a personal question." I nodded at Mal. "How did you figure out your feelings for Carlos?" I didn't really expect her to ask that question Mal is always so guarded. "Well I realized that no one makes me feel like he does. When I look at him I get lost in his eyes and when he talks I forget about everything and everyone around and only listen to him." Mal looked at me with a smile that kept growing. "Aww Jay you really do love him." All I could do was nod because I really do love him and I'm not letting no one hurt him I don't care what happens. "So Jay is that what love is?" I couldn't help but smile. "I guess Mal that's my definition of love I'm still new to this but yeah that's what love is." Mal nodded. I got up to leave cause it was almost 8:30 and coronation starts at 10:00. "Jay!" Mal called me before I could leave. "Yeah Mal?" I asked her. "If that's what love is then I think I love Evie." Mal finally said it out loud. "Mal I already knew it. Mal go get your girl." I told her before leaving Mal's room. "Nice hickeys by the way!" I heard Mal yell and started laughing.
