True Love's Kiss

Alright before I start just a quick reminder that these are the second to final chapter of this book. Real quick let me tell you I've decided after I finished this story I will be doing a character ask. If you don't know what it is a character ask is when you send question to the character and they answer the question. It's basically a Q&A. Also you can ask the author questions too. Thanks for all the support love you all my darlings. ๐Ÿ’•

Evie: Mal, Carlos, Ben, and I stood there frozen and in shock was Jay really going to help his father destroy Auradon. I saw Carlos he was distraught. He ran out Mal and I ran after him and tried to figure where was he going. He ran into his dorm and locked the door. Mal and I stood in outside of the door and heard Carlos crying. "Let me go in there and try to talk to him." I told Mal she just nodded and said she going to her dorm to change and comeback. I nodded and knocked on Carlos door. "Hey, C' it's me. Open the door little bro." It took some convincing but eventually he opened the door. "Evie why? Why would he choose the man that beat him all of his life?" Carlos asked and dropped to him knees crying once I wrapped my arms around him. "I don't know C' but don't you dare and try to convince yourself that he doesn't love you because he does." He cried harder and I just sat there holding him.

Mal: I walked into my dorm to change out of this dress and put on some pants and shirt on. I quickly changed and got ready to leave. I passed by my desk and noticed something that wasn't there before I looked down and saw a piece of paper writing by Jay. "Hey M' I know you need to be pissed off at this moment because you found out that I chose evil but I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, Evie, and Carlos, even Ben. I had a feeling my father would be here and make me pick between Carlos and him. The only way to protect all of you guys is by picking evil. I knew it wouldn't have been easy leaving you guys so before I forget thanks for the potion. I love you all never forget the old Jay and please make sure Carlos ends up happy. -Jay" After reading the letter I ran out of my room.

Carlos: Evie had me wrapped around arms. I just don't get it why would he go with Jafar. I mean I gets he's his father but still. He gave him a horrible beating and he just joins him and now they're probably going to destroy Auradon. Mal soon ran in with a letter in her hand. "I know what happened to Jay!" Evie and I shot or heads up and asked what happened. She gave us the letter and we read it and it just broke my heart he thinks he didn't protect us what the hell is wrong with him. If anything he protected us more that anyone has ever. "Mal he mentions a potion. What potion did you give him?!" She looked completely lost at that part. "That's the thing I never gave him a potion. We just talked about a potion that can make you lose all your emotions but that's it. Yes it's a potion but I never made it for him. Where the hell could he have gotten the magic?!" I was sincerely wondering the same thing. "Wait! Doesn't Jafar has powers? He a power sorcere. Which mean he has some type of magic!" Mal and I nodded at Evie who was telling us this. "So what if he got powers from Jafar! He could've made the potion him self." Mal and I looked at each other and we knew that must've been the only option left. "Why wouldn't he have told us?!" I asked I thought we told each other everything. "Probably because that the only way he felt he could save us. Now I wonder how he drank with out us noticing." Mal sighed as she talked. "How did he take the potion if he was with Carlos the whole day and didn't take anything." Evie said she knew we were together all night and day. "The potion takes immediate affect so he must've taken it a bit before he said he's sorry." I was thinking and thinking when it finally snapped in my head. "Mal! I think I got it! He gave me a special chap stick and told me it's from the isle. I had some on when he kissed me what if that's it." Mal looked not convince. "But wouldn'tย  you be affected by it too?" Evie asked and I thought the same. "No you wouldn't because he probably used a protective spell on you. The good thing is we got luck on our side because the only way to get Jay back is with true love's kiss." Mal said and looked at me making me blush.

Jay: It's weird I spelled myself to not have emotions but I'm still worried about Carlos. Ugh I couldn't protect him and I feel weak my ribs are probably broken and I can't find a spell to fix it with. "Come on Jay! Who should we go after first?" My father asked looking all tingly. I don't know after. Don't you have score to settle with Aladdin?" He gave me an evil smirk and nodded. "Yes, son I very much do but I'm saving him for last I want to make him suffer." Well who would he go after I didn't get it then. We saw a few families were still there hiding from my father. Oh I got it! Let's go after her first my heart dropped when I realized who it was. Cruella De Vil

Alright this is it for this chapter and remember to message me questions for the character to answer and send some for the author too. The characters that are going to answer questions will be Carlos, Jay, Evie, Mal, Ben, Audrey, and Chad. But I might also answer question about myself if you have any.
